Hemsworth Wraps Production on Star Trek

Chris Hemsworth has wrapped up his production work playing George Kirk on the new Star Trek. Kirk’s new dad is now back in his home country of Australia where he attended the AFIs eariler this week (and where Star Trek co-star Eric Bana picked up a couple of awards). Hemsworth tells news.com.au that he had to pinch himself the whole time he was in Hollywood. But the star of the soap Home and Away isn’t letting it go to his head, saying “I don’t know what to say. I got lucky, I guess – right place, right time.”

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Looks like things are moving along well if he is already done filming.

Hope to see some photos soon!!!!!

Um, it might help if we knew…….who the hell is Chris Hemsworth and WHAT has he ever done before??? :)

i hope they realise they only have another 54 weeks to get this thing done!

“I don’t know what to say. I got lucky, I guess – right place, right time.”

…right face.

And, you can thank your parents for that.

Who’s Chris Hemsworth? He’s Kirk’s father, that who he is :))

#5. Is damn right!

Let’s see: Hemsworth finished before Mr. Nimoy starts, so we now know elder Spock does not have any scenes with Papa Kirk, but young Spock possibly does since Quinto has been there. All we have to do is find out who else finished filming and who is starting on Tuesday, then we can start piecing this together by process of elimination.

Anthony, who else finished filming already?
Boy, you are coming out with new stories left and right…..do you ever sleep?

Were Ben Cross and Winona Ryder filming at all during his time? They may – and probably should not – have had scenes with Hemsworth.

Anyone else trying to come up with a ‘Who’s your daddy joke’ for this one?

Isn’t he…kind of young to play young Kirk’s father??

10 – My guess is we’ve got at least three time periods we’re dealing with – let’s call them Baby Trek, Young Trek, and Old Trek.

We’ll see George Kirk when the movie is in Baby Trek – when Jim Kirk is either not born yet, an infant, or a child.

Most of the story will take place during Young Trek – with the new cast of Pine, Quinto, etc.

Nimoy’s Spock is from the Old Trek time period, which takes place after the TNG films.

#7: “Let’s see: Hemsworth finished before Mr. Nimoy starts, so we now know elder Spock does not have any scenes with Papa Kirk, but young Spock possibly does since Quinto has been there. All we have to do is find out who else finished filming and who is starting on Tuesday, then we can start piecing this together by process of elimination.”

Not necessarily, given the way films are made, or can be made. It isn’t unusual for characters in the same scene to not be together when the scene is filmed; for example, in TWOK William Shatner and Ricardo Montalban were supposedly never on the set at the same time and in fact for their one face-to-face scene, the one that took place on the bridge of the Enterprise after Reliant’s initial attack, they filmed their respective bits about four months apart. Shatner’s father passed away while “The Devil in the Dark” was being filmed; he had to leave for a few days, but the production continued, with a double (seen from the back only) filling in for Shatner where necessary but mostly with Leonard Nimoy saying his dialogue to Kirk and reacting to what Kirk says and then Shatner filmed the missing parts and it was all spliced together.

I’m not saying this is very likely, whether in this film or any other, but it’s certainly possible.

He must have had a huge part.

(Quit giggling, Harry)

Aussie Aussie Aussie!
(couldn’t resist)

He has a small part
And, no, I won’t start
He plays Kirk’s pappy
Let’s hope it’s not sappy
But still show a little heart! :)

I saw recent pictures of him in some event and his hair was a dark brown.. not blonde and he lost weight. Go to gettyimage and type “chris Hemsworth”

OK now, as opposed to Bana this guy IS a crappy actor obviously just picked for his looks, the only thing he’s really ever done is the 2nd rate Aussie soap Home & Away . Hmmmm what can compare it to too give u an idea…Lets say a cheap version of The O.C. does that help?

Prior to Superman, all Christopher Reeve had done was a soap opera called “Love of Life”. So, don’t judge a man’s acting ability by the fact he was on a soap.

hmmm, bob april has got to be seen in this picture on some level… if george kirk is in it, and chris pike, too it would be a pretty glaring absence to leave the 1701’s first skipper out.

From that pic, he looks like he could be the father of Shatner’s Kirk, as well as Chris Pine’s!

Dr. House delivers the young Kirk, slaps his ass and the baby drops kicks him in the chin

#19- Hey, I like the animated series, but the fact is, Robert April is not a canon character. If you remember, Roddenberry wanted TAS all but forgotten. I know some of the series has been referenced in the TNG spinoffs, but as far as I know (and I could be wrong), the character of April has never been confirmed in any series or film as the first captain of the Enterprise NCC-1701, so Pike it is.