Hasbro Star Trek Line Unveiled At Toy Fair – Possibly Revealing Some Into Darkness Clues

Yesterday we reported the outline of Hasbro’s plans for Star Trek this spring, and today the company revealed their line at the Toy Fair in New York. The line covers toys for both Star Trek in general as well as speicific toys for the upcoming Star Trek Into Darkness movie. And some of the toys may provide some clues about the Into Darkness movie. More details, images and analysis below. 




KRE-O Building Sets:

For about a year, fans have known that Hasbro would produce a Star Trek version of their popular KRE-O line, and today’s announcement shows a diverse line of KRE-O products from the new film, and a promise of future items from previous versions of Star Trek. The Star Trek line revealed at ToyFair (and shown at the official Star Trek site), appropriately, is breaking new toy technology ground with the inclusion of LIGHTTECH technology, meaning that the building sets will have cool lighting effects that add to the fun and realism of the sets. All products are available starting April 29th, and have retail prices from $7.99 to $69.99 depending on the size of the set.

The first set is the U.S.S. Enterprise Building Set (432 pieces) which includes an 18” Enterprise with bridge playset and 5 KREON miniature figures: James Kirk, Spock, Leonard McCoy, and two villains. The set includes light up nacelles and photon torpedoes.

The Enterprise can battle Klingon Bird of Prey in the second building set (236 pieces) which includes James Kirk, Nyota Uhura, and two Klingons KREONs.

Once you defeat the Klingons, you can complete Spock’s Volcano Mission Building Set (141 pieces) using the included Spock (in volcano suit) and Hikaru Sulu KREONs. Also included a shuttle with a zip string for KREON figures and Nibiru volcano bricks.

Other, smaller sets include the Transporter Trouble Building Set (65 pieces) which features a cool lighting effect and a lever that turns a KREON figure so it looks like the character is beaming. Included are Montgomery Scott and a Klingon KREON. The Space Dive Building Set (36 pieces) has KREONs of James Kirk (with LIGHTTECH technology it appears!) and a villain, and an airlock to build.

KRE-O Micro Build Ships:

Small ships made of about 30 to 40 pieces, the Micro Build Ships include a LIGHTTECH stand and features the Enterprise, the Kelvin and Jellyfish Ship from ST2009, and a Klingon Battlecruiser.

KREON Booster Figure Packs:

Adding to the fun are Figure Packs, about $3 each. Each pack holds one of six different KREON figures and accessories, although which one is a surprise. The six characters are Nero from Star Trek 2009, a Gorn, Grasia (which appears to be the same race as Alnschloss K’Bentayr from ST2009), Lieutenant Sprong (possibly a new character from STID?), Keenser (YES!), and another Klingon. According to Startrek.com, future KREON figure packs will be available this autumn, including characters like a Borg Drone and General Chang from Star Trek VI: The Undiscovered Country.

At a panel today Hasbro said future waves of Kreon figure pack will include Prime Universe Khan, Borg, Spock, Worf, Andorian, Salt Vampire, and Locutus.

Also announced was the Toys R Us exclusive Star Trek Fighter Pods. Fighter Pods have a huge following among Star Wars fans, and this is a welcomed surprise. For those unfamiliar with Fighter Pods, they are plastic pods with launchers, usually a ship, that contain miniature figures that are used to battle each other.

ANALYSIS: Clues to Into Darkness in Hasbro Toys?

Occasionally, toy lines can be scanned carefully for clues to a movie. In the descriptions from the official Star Trek site there are three different figures called "villains" (two of which are called "Specialist" on the Enterprise Building Set packaging). If we presume that the "Villian" KREON included with the Space Dive Building Set is a Harrison toy, which seems likely with the black hair and big gun seen in the trailer being used by Harrison, then it is interesting that he is wearing the same costume as the two KREONS also called "villains" in the USS Enterprise Building Set.

"Villain" KREON (likely to be John Harrison)

If we are to assume that the "villains" are not just an invention of Hasbro, then it follows that Harrison is not acting alone and is possibly part of an organized group. We know from on the record interviews and reports that Harrison is a member of Starfleet and we know that there is a threat within Starfleet.  This leads to a bit more speculation (not based on any inside info). If true, then are these KREON designs alternate or Starfleet costumes? Do they belong to a special agency in Starfleet, ala Section 31 from Deep Space Nine and Enterprise? Or, are they the costumes of a terrorist group that Harrison forms? Or, are they not Starfleet costumes at all, and like Khan in “Space Seed” and Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan, are these augment figures dressed in a kind of elite costume of Khan’s followers? Notably the Harrison KREON and "Specialists" don’t have a Starfleet insignia and their ‘shirts’ dont have the delta pattern either.

Two more "villain" KREON "Specialists" with Enterprise pack


QUESTION: Is that all there is?

While there is a lot to see here from Hasbro, I am concerned there is no mention of role playing toys or regular action figures/playsets/vehicles based on the new movie. I am thrilled about the KRE-Os and Fighter Pods, and they are a welcomed addition to our collection. However, by now, we should have learned about more traditional and standard toys. TrekMovie has already reported that Playmates is not returning for Star Trek Into Darkness and Hasbro’s announcements at ToyFair went into great detail on their upcmong plans for figures and toys for other franchises including Star Wars and G.I. Joe.

Some of the 2009 Star Trek figures from Playmates

I am also concerned about the lack of information about promotional tie-ins (beyond Esurance). Is there no restaurant promotion this time, with toys and glasses? Is there no grocery store tie in? How about trading cards?

2009 Kellogg’s "Star Trek" Eggos

It is possible these items and promotions are forthcoming and they just have not been announced yet. However, now is the time when we should have known about these historically. If there are no traditional action figures, it is sad news for Star Trek collectors, and more importantly, for kids whose play helps keep the action going after the film has ended and who become lifelong fans sometimes through playing with the toys. If there are no restaurant or grocery store promotions, then this mean less advertising for the film because everyone goes to the grocery store and would have noted the Kellogg’s products available for the last film. Retail and grocery advertising is one of the important standards for big Hollywood films.

2009 Burger King glasses

I am hopeful that my concerns are unfounded and that the news is just slow this time around. After all, who would have guessed yesterday there would be Star Trek Fighter Pods! As Spock says, there are always possibilities…

Hasbro images via StarTrek.com and ToyArk.com.

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yeah, the Kre-Os are pretty cool for kids, but I too hope there is more from a collector standpoint.

“Also it is possible that the Hasbro line has given us the first glimpse of Peter Weller’s character. There is a KREON figure with a unique outfit (see below) which almost looks like a suit. At one point Weller’s character was described as a “CEO.” It could also be for Admiral Pike or possibly another character. ”

Look at the hair, guys. Sure that’s not Kirk in civilian garb?

I really hope there will be figures too, but that hope is dwindling. I dreamed that Hasbro would get the Star Trek license for ages to for it what they have done for Star Wars but sadly it looks like all of the wind in Star Treks sails has been stolen by Star Wars!

1.Yep , you made it .
The toys are cute not sure what they tell us though.

John, the figure you point out as possibly Peter Weller’s character or Admiral Pike is the same as the Kirk figure seen in the Klingon fighter set it looks like…

The character being mistaken for the Peter Weller character is the Kirk figure from the Bird of Prey set in the picture above.

The Weller conjecture was a last minute addition to the article but upon further analysis it does seem to be a Kirk in civilian clothes variant. So i removed that bit. However John’s analysis of the two additional “Villains” is something interesting to ponder I believe.

Hmm. Maybe they plan to explain the whole “bumps/no bumps” klingon issue. A klingon/human sleeper cell?


Though is it just me or does the second picture look a lot like a Star Wars B-Wing?

So, what the hell man? I thought hasbro was going to make a whole bunch of figures and ships and roleplay toys. Did a mere star wars announcement come in and usurp hasbros interest just like that? This is one of the reasons why I hate star wars, it comes in and sucks everything around it dry like some big black evil sponge then laughs at everyone.

It’s not Hasbro’s fault the 2009 Star Trek toy line did not sell well. If I were Hasbro, I wouldn’t want to sink capital into making a new line of toys that probably wouldn’t sell any better. From a business standpoint, it makes sense that this is all we are getting.

However, as a Star Trek fan, I would love to get a full line of vehicles and action figures, but it just may not be realisitic this time around. I bet we will see more tie in stuff like the Burger King glasses, Eggo waffles, and cereal, etc, though.

maybe diamond select will do figures for the new movie

@10 I didnt make that connection at all. Its not like star wars has the market cornered on ship design. So yeah I think its just you.

From the initial Hasbro press release a year ago:

“Among its additional new play experiences, Hasbro will also offer robust line of roleplay toys for kids and fans to act out the intergalactic saga as well as select new figures.”

The lines above come right after the description of the KREO playsets, ships and figures. Maybe they’ve changed their mind about non-KREO stuff, or maybe there’s more coming that’s not ready for toy fair?

@11 The 2009 Trek line of stuff didn’t sell well. A reduction in products being sold is pretty likely.

It also has nothing to do with Star Wars being announced. A movie coming out in 2 or 3 years isn’t going to suddenly stop a company from producing something they could capitalize on now. Only a Pakled would blame a Star Wars announcement on less stuff being sold now. :-) (Please don’t take that to be mean or nasty, I just couldn’t resist mentioning Star Wars and the Pakleds in the same sentence.)

Out of curiosity, do people really buy these kinds of toys any more? I would think it’s primarily a collector’s market these days.

Iam always seeing tons of star wars figures in my area just sitting around for months not selling so I dont think they sell particularly well either. They just dont like star trek enough to give it a chance like they are constantly doing with star wars.

Let’s face it: When it comes to “Star Trek” action figures, ships and props, fans prefer the Prime Universe merchandise anyway.

And most kids today don’t really play with toys anymore. If they did, I suspect most would prefer action figures based on Shatner and Nimoy as opposed to Pine and Quinto.

There is just something about seeing action figures based on the likenesses of Shatner and Nimoy that you can’t get with either Pine and Quinto.

As well as the last Trek movie has done to revitalize the franchise and bring in new fans, TOS is still the core, and what most people (including kids) recognize. It is timeless. The J.J films will be remembered as modern-day classics, but not quite up their with TOS.

As cool looking as the nuEnterprise is, it just doesn’t translate to the toy world as the TOS (or even the refit version) does.

Most kids, and adults, associate the name Enterprise with the TOS ship.

Because it was a truly groundbreaking design. It’s unique, retro-futuristic, simple, imaginative, and absolute classic. Can’t beat it.

They associate Kirk and Spock with Shatner and Nimoy. Always have, and always will, no matter how great Pine and Quinto are.

I’ve been scouring the net looking for word of a new figure line. I really hope Hasbro addresses this one way or another, even if it’s just to announce they are not producing figures.

With the movie coming out in may, it doesn’t seem likely to continuing hoping for them, unless they’ve been a closely guarded secret. I can’t think of any reason why they would be, but there you go.

This is both sad and funny, that we’re being told so little about the film we must resort to gleaning clues from toys.

I’m pretty sure to reveal most of their planned line of figures & vehicles would give too many spoilers, so they’re timing the merchandising to coincide with press releases on the content of the film.

I know Hasbro wouldn’t miss an opportunity to do more detailed figures.

Well, if they showed us any action figures from the new movie, it might reveal who the villains are.

The Supreme Court have gone to great lengths to not reveal much in regards to who Benedict Cumberbatch and Peter Weller are playing.

These KRE-O figures are small caracatchers of the characters, and we don’t know what the packaging looks like.

So if there are any action figures, they weren’t going to be revealed at this time anyway.

“Prime Universe Khan.” Seriously, nobody else picked up on this? I wish I could find a way to blame this on Benedict Abrams or Stuart Baird.


Good point. But I think the article was referring to a bunch of characters, not just Khan, whose name simply happened to be mentioned before the others, who are from the Prime Universe.

20. How is it sad?

This always happens.

Are we starting this whole ‘give us the plot’ refrain again?

25. Jack – I think you take my comment too seriously. I’m not planning any kind of refrain. I don’t do that. When I say “sad” I don’t mean it in any demeaning way, and I’m not making a judgment or being critical. But TO ME there is an element of people scraping for crumbs here, because so little is being told to us about the film.

Just like I said. No deeper meaning, no hidden agenda.

24. I thought that as well, but (aside from Spock) none of those characters HAVE JJverse counterparts. So there can only be prime versions. And no other prime characters (Chang for example) have such a designation. You’d never see “prime universe Trelane” anywhere, at least until there was a canon JJverse Trelane.

And just for clarification purposes, I don’t think Harrison is Khan. But I DO think Khan is in the movie.

Interesting how section 31 comes up. How do you make that connection? Sometimes I wonder if trekmovie actually knows all the details and spoilers and just uses these announcements to throw in some facts hidden behind guesses. Very sneaky and smart.
But I doubt it’s section 31, that would be way to awesomely nerdy to throw in DS9 into the mix.

Interesting info!


Great article John,as always. But Krap-O is still that….crap. Was hoping,like others here,for figs and ships,and was even told that at Comic Con last year! Was I lied to? Did they change their mind? Who knows. I’m just happy I’m not spending money on Hascrap stuff this year. That’s what I give them in return for lying to me,lol! And yes,I WILL have words with them at Comic Con come July,if only to ask WTF!?! Have fun!

I’m not really surprised that Playmates didin’t return for Into Darkness! The initial lines released for Star Trek 2009 had all the promise of potential, but the execution was sloppy, leading to consumer disappointment and lots of stock left on the shelves well past the DVD release date. The 2 tier 3 3/4 figure release where some countires had bridge set pack ins with a figure and, particularly here in Australia, just the figure without pack-ins, caused a lot of disappointment with the kids bearing in mind the packaging wasn’t altered to delete the build-a-bridge-set tie in.The promise of an eventual fully furnished bridge set and a second series of what looked to be great figures were therefore seen as being uneconomical to produce given the lacklustre sales, leaving the plastic bridge sheet very empty. They dropped the ball – full stop. Perhaps the other comments are right, collectors prefer the pre ST2009 universe for their collectables, but I know a lot of kids loved the new movie. Maybe in time, this line will get some love from a serious producer!

the bk glasses were high quality…and the bk toys cute….i will also be disappointed if there are so few tie ins…i even liked the jjprise plates and starfleet wrist usb sticks with screensaver etc…sigh

I also am looking for something collector quality. The best one from the 2009 ST was the QMX Model that came with the Blu Ray Set on Amazon.

I worked at a toy store for the past seven ears. When Star Trek 09 was released, there was initially a lot of interest in the toys…but they looked like crap. We sold the Enterprise herself pretty quickly, but the playsets and smaller figures sat and sat. In fact now that we are talking of the sequel, the store *still* has some of the 09 Trek product collecting dust.

BUT I think that has to do with quality. I was really excited to have Trek product again. But then people picked up the boxes and looked at them and said…ugh.

The toy market is a tough one to predict for companies ahead of time. Typically if a new movie does well, the toy line does well. Dark Knight Rises did gangbusters, as did the toys. Green Lantern didnt do so hot, and those toys are collecting dust on the shelves still. If a movie does well at the box office and creates a lot of good buzz, the toy line WILL do well…provided the toys aren’t junk. If the movie is amazing, like Trek 09, and you cant tell the Kirk or Pike figures from each other, its still horrid sales for the toys.

I too am dying to see Hasbro give Trek its proper due in the 3 3/4 inch scale at least…but I’m not holding my breath.

It should be added something like these Kre-os MIGHT be used a feeler for whether there is interest in expanded merchandise offered. Case in point the BATTLESHIP movie. That was a big action-type flick with sci-fi involved. No guaranteed return, even with built in name recognition as its starting point. Hasbro limited itself to the Kre-os to say if the market would call for anything else. And the Kre-os went NOWHERE…just like the film. If the Kre-os moved, and the movie was successful, there would likely be a 4ft section of Battleship toys in stores. The cost of production and the economy still reeling are going to keep toy companies from investing heavily unless they have guaranteed gold, a la the new Star Wars.

I’ve build nicer starships in my youth with Lego medieval sets. I just hope todays children are not that stupid to buy this bulky kreo fakes.

Not nerdy I’d say, but yes, ‘Section 31’ is so very much DS9.
Thus no chance in h*ll they’ll go there…
JJ doesn’t even dare to mention the Sisko!
(Just another reason why we desperately need a DS9 motion picture ;-)

Ha. Okay.


I don’t know…they mentioned Archer and his beagle in the last movie…which has been confirmed to be THAT Archer from Enterprise! Thanks for the replies!

White Enterprise incoming!

In before MJ’s criticisms….

Anthony, of course Harrison is not acting alone. In the first trailer we can see a scene in which while he is fighting some klingon, there is a firing far behind them.

this is exciting

I don’t think KRE-O is all that’s going to be as far as STID merchandise. They just don’t want to release any info or pictures of it because it will spoil the movie or reveal critical information…

Makes sense to me. Maybe in March or April we’ll see more.

I never thought the 2009 Hasbro toys were that great….the action figures did not impress me nor did the bridge set which was poorly executed…..I can remember picking up the Enterprise box and finding it odd that it weighed so little…figured the Enterprise was made with some fairly thin plastic so put it back….At least when you picked up one of the Playmates boxes it had a bit of meat to it….plus the cost on the action figures was too high…at least until they made it to the clearance bin….I did like the 12″ ones and got those….(but mostly on clearance)

Personally, I think those small action figures are a waste of time. I’d rather see something on the scale of the Playmates ST:TNG line — a small set in that scale and the larger action figures with cloth uniforms/costumes.

I never liked figures of the scale of the Star Wars line of action figures. They are just too small and hard to make look good.

If it were up to me, here’s what we’d have in the way of STID merchandising:

1. Two lines of figures (see above)
2. Electronic Ships
3. One playset
4. A Lego or Kre-O line
5. Fast food cups (free plastic and glasses for purchase)
6. Fast food tie-in
7. Grocery store tie-in (Cereal, Waffles, ?)
8. Comic book adaptation
9. 2014 Calendar
10. Trading Cards
11. Movie soundtrack CD
12. Halloween costume line for kids and adults

13. Hallmark ornament.

Doubt there will be any role play or action figures/ships/play sets this time round. Playmates toys did not perform well and with the nature of the toy business changing I doubt we’ll see any in the near future from Hasbro.

Trek toys do not do well at mass market retail. And despite a movie’s success, as soon as any movie is over whether it be Avengers or Star Trek or Batman the toys get discounted and are put in bargain bins.

With KRE-O however there is potential for longevity as construction toys are a staple of big box retailers and the plastic block brand and mini-figure, LEGO or otherwise is growing in popularity with most major summer blockbusters having more construction toy sets than traditional toys.

That being said It would be cool to see Hasbro do a role play Bat’Leth and Klingon Helmet!

Loving the look of these sets so far! Can’t wait for April/May

I hope some place does the glasses again. I missed out last time. I’d also love some super-detailed collectible figures like the 1/6th ones Hot Toys are putting out for The Avengers – those are realistic almost to the point of being creepy; they’re amazing. A mini Karl Urban for my bookshelf, please!

Still wondering about those QMx cartoon maquettes, too, but I imagine those have gone the way of the dodo by this point…

Disappointing. Its sad, not to mention somewhat bewildering, that paramount isn’t more active in nurturing the new Trek during the off season to keep fans engaged between movies. No novels. No models. No games. Canceled toy lines. Finally we have comics…but the show up at the last minute…mainly to lead us into the next movie. The movie was an amazing success, it’s a damn shame the studio doesnt know how, or simply had no interest in cashing in on that while fueling the momentum of the first film.

It was alot of fun seeing Trek everywhere again in ’09. I sincerely hope there are more tie-ins waiting in the wings…but I’m beginning to wonder.

Isn’t it obvious that Harrison is (Section 31’s) Harris’ son?