
TrekInk: Review of “Spock Reflections” & “Nero” Comic Collections

Two trade paperback collections illuminating the lives of characters from the feature film Star Trek (2009) arrived in comic shops recently ("Star Trek: Nero" and "Spock: Reflections"), giving readers an opportunity to revisit lessons learned about Vulcans, Romulans, humans, loyalty, logic and revenge. We have a summary review of both below

Exclusive First Look At April Star Trek Comics – Including New John Byrne Dr. McCoy Series

Tomorrow IDW releases their April Solicitations of comics, and they have given TrekMovie and exclusive preview of the three new Star Trek comics that are coming, including covers. This includes the announcement of a new John Byrne series "Leonard McCoy Frontier Doctor". Plus we now know that John Harriman is next up for the "Captain’s Log" series, and finally we have a preview of the third Star Trek movie adaptation comic.

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek Captain’s Log: Sulu

Sulu’s back, and he’s in charge of the USS Excelsior, complete with Lieutenant Rand at his side on communications. On his plate today? Only the matter of a minor rescue from a supernova, a Tholian schedule, and a fencing partner to defeat. In other words, just a day in the life of the starship captain named Hikaru Sulu. Read on for the review of the first issue of IDW’s newest Star Trek comic series, "Captain’s Log."

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Fool’s Gold #1

After a long hiatus, the promenade is full of people again and Quark’s bar is open, offering watered-down drinks for exorbitant prices, beautiful Dabo girls, and lively conversation with Morn. Feels good, doesn’t it? IDW Publishing brings DS9 back to comics this week with the first issue of a new mini-series, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine – Fool’s Gold. Spoilers ahead.

TMP@30: The Adaptations of Star Trek: The Motion Picture – The Comic Book

Star Trek The Motion Picture Anniversary week continues today with a look at the adaptations of the film. First TrekMovie’s Comics co-editor (and creator of Star Trek Comics Checklist) Mark Martinez gives us a special “TrekInk” historical overview and review of Marvels comic book adaptation (and coming up later we will take a look at the novel).

IDW February Star Trek Comic Covers & Details – Including Star Trek Movie Adaptation #1

IDW wraps up another month of Trek comic’s tomorrow (see our review from earlier), but the hits keep on coming. Today they have announced their solicitations for comics in February, and it includes a number of Star Trek titles, including the first issue of the Star Trek movie adaptation. See below for more details, plus cover images

IDW Launches New Star Trek Comics App For iPhone/iTouch + Star Trek Movie on iTunes

This week iTunes has some new Star Trek items. First off, the new Star Trek movie is available to download (in HD) and it even has a special bonus feature. Also IDW Comics has released a new Star Trek Comics application that lets you buy and read digital comics on your iPhone or iTouch .

TrekInk: Review of Star Trek: Romulans: Schism #3

Back on Romulus, the Praetor’s headed to the border, the question is… what kind of mess between the Klingons and Humans will he find? Will he let his desire for revenge get the better of himself? How can he be stopped with the new cloaking devices? Find out in our review of Star Trek: Romulans: Schism #3, the final chapter in John Byrne’s Romulan saga, which was released last week.