Remastered Mirror Mirror Re-Airs This Weekend [UPDATE: New ‘Mirror’ Desktops]

This weekend ‘Mirror Mirror’ is the last repeat for Star Trek Remastered winter hiatus. XBox 360 owners can download ‘Mirror Mirror’ in HD as XBox Live have recently added all the 2nd season of the Original Series (including the HD versions of the TOS-R episodes that have been produced so far). have now put up a total of 7 TOS-R wallpapers, however they haven’t put up one for ‘Mirror Mirror’.

UPDATE: since they didn’t make one…we thought we would make two. (Hopefully in the future we will offer higher res versions from the HD master) coverage: PREVIEW  |  VIDEO/SCREENSHOTS  |  REVIEW

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Please clarify on XBox HD. Do you mean that they now have total and full access to Star Trek remastered through the 2nd season? How is that possible? Obviously a lack of communication here….or my head is too thick.

The backgrounds are awesome, but it looks like they removed the one from “The Devil in the Dark” that you pointed us to sometime last week.

it’s too bad none of these are the “new” new Enterprise

its too bad none of these shots are hd. just sd blown up. terrible rez and grain.

The “I, Mudd” Wallpaper is misnamed — calling it “The Menagerie”. Unless it has been corrected check it out here –

#3: I too am waiting for that one. It will be my desktop wallpaper for a long time :)

Great Update! Thanks Anthony for the ‘Mirror, Mirror’ Desktop and satisfying not only #3 & #7 but all of us.

I still can’t find ’em on XBLive. I’ve only got a silver account if that means anything…

#9 exodus2310

If you are in Europe, I believe you will not be able to find them on Xbox Live, as it seems only USA is getting Star Trek Remastered content for now…I read this somewhere recently.

Thanks for the images. Has anyone noticed that the port and starboard running lights are reversed on the ISS Enterprise? Subtle, yet creepy.

Someone needs to run a mirroruniverse marathon with the TOS, ENT and DS9 episodes

Agreed. it would be fun to see them all run together to see just how well they fit together. Great idea, now we just need a network to own the rights to them all-lol