We still don’t know if JJ Abrams will direct Star Trek XI, but we do know that he directed an episode of The Office. When TrekMovie.com interviewed Abrams last year he mentioned how much he loved the hit NBC comedy, so much so that he squeezed in directing one in between the million other projects he has going. It will be interesting if we see Dwight make a reference to Lost again. The JJ Abrams created show has come up on The Office and Dwight even has a blog posting about what would happen if the Battlestar Galactica crash landed on the Lost island (best line ‘first of all, they would have lasers’). In other Lost news, after seeing a big dip in ratings Lost has started to climb back up but is still off from its highs of the past. Regarding Trek XI, still cannot confirm if Abrams has made any decision yet regarding directing. Abrams good taste and ability to direct comedy is perhaps a clue that we may see some of that TOS trademark humor in Star Trek XI. Abrams’ The Office episode "Cocktails" airs tonight on NBC at 8:30. More info and a preview at TV.com.
If JJ can grasp true situational comedy (without cliched gags and jokes) then he should be able to find something to say on screen for XI. I like this show, and I liked this episode very much. XI needs to be action-driven because it needs to get a big audience in the house. BUT, there’s room for small moments, like those seen tonight. Here’s to hoping…
The man needs to decide what happens next. If he’s to direct… fine. Let’s get to it. We have been hearing the greenlight should come in February…. only a few shopping days left.
Please pray that Spock’s dialogue doen’t include references such as “Captain… the ‘mindless entertainment’ Doctor McCoy is refering to on Trolluss 2 is very similar to 21st century television series on your Earth, such as ‘Lost’ or ‘The Office’.
“Ah yes.. the Giants…”
Hopefully if Abrams directs it won’t be revealed that Kirk’s parents aren’t beet farmers.
[correction to post 4]
Hopefully if Abrams directs it won’t be revealed that Kirk’s parents are beet farmers.
Sorry, Bob… I don’t get it.
i love beets… sometimes i open a can and chow down!
6: Dwight is a beet farmer.
This ridiculous delay about Abrams and ST: XI is making me worry. I mean if the script was incredible wouldn’t JJ beg to be the director and wouldn’t Paramount rush to production? There has to something going on behind the scenes here. I’ve heard rumors that another script is being looked at.
Watched the Office Episode last night. He really embellished the fake documentary, shaky, hand-held camera movements.
im starting to think jj’s best bud grunberg would make a great scotty if he gets in shape….luckily with each passing sequel he can add the pounds back on lol
i noticed that too. Also loved the moment when Dwight said do a random party goer ‘do you watch Battlestar Galactica? No? Then you are an idiot!’
once it was decided to move trek xi to the end of 2008 the rush was no longer on. another para movie indiana jones was only greenlit in January and goes into production in June and that film will come out half a year before trek xi. There is no ‘other script’ the film is just going through the usual development stuff.
They said about 2 weeks ago that we would hear an announcement very soon about JJ directing. So where is that announcement? I agree that once the green light is flashed the project can steam roll ahead…but something sketchy is going on.
Also, I have a source inside Paramount that told me a nonJJ script is being circulated. You might want to check your sources on that.
Please calm down, people! From the lowest budget to the biggest, the birthing process of a movie always torturous. It is remarkable that anything EVER gets produced.
I love this site, but I know to not hold my breath for each stage of production. One day the film will appear and all the waiting will be just a dull memory.
The one certainty is that Trek will never die. Sleep tight with that thought, campers.
if anyone has any sources and stories they want me to cover then email me but as far as I have heard no other script is being consdiered and the orci kurtzman abrams script is being worked on now in the budgetting phase.
there are a number of fanboys who have been claiming they have scripts…but they do not have anything that will ever possibly be considered or even read.
trek xi is dong just fine…winter 2008 is a long long way away, the dont need to start shooting until this fall or even later
and para never said they would make an announcement…both this site and variety reported that decisions were being made. They may have been made…para are under no obligation to issue a release every time they pass a milestone during development
oh and by the way….if anyone is thinking that ‘Manny C’ is Manny Coto…he is not.
I will however be interviewing the real Manny Coto next week
Look forward to the M C interview. As for the delays with XI now the new Indi film is in preduction I’d say Paramount sees no reason to rush XI into preduction.
Ask the real Manny Coto about his 24 experiences so far.
Just started watching ‘Enterprise’ seriously what are Orci and Kurtzman supposed to bring to ‘Star Trek’ that Manny Coto (even though he came on later) failed to bring?
Are Orci and Kurtzman better screenwriters than Coto or even Berman and Braga? They have worked on crappy shows and movies themselves