Trek XI:
- Comic-Con have just released a preliminary list of panels and Star Trek XI is on it. had reported before that Paramount planned to attend for Trek and we have re-confirmed that there will be a panel, but they have not yet worked out the details.
- DS9 showrunner Ira Behr told he thought Abrams plans for a return to TOS was ‘the safe thing’ but expressed concerns about ‘going backwards to the future’
- Heroes actor Zachary Quinto again expressed a desire to play Spock
Trek in the world:
- Tony Bilbrook and Angela Mason are proof that Trekkies can find love, getting hitched in a Star Trek themed ceremony, complete with a Vulcan priest.
- The town of Vulcan, Alberta in Canada is really milking its name for all it’s worth. They are launching a new virtual reality attraction to bring in the Trekkies
- At a technology forum, Bill Gates and Steve Jobs joked about working on Star Trek tecnhology including the holodeck and transporter
Trek science:
- Scientists at the University of Vienna have taken the first steps towards actual transporters by ‘teleporting’ some photons using a technology called ‘quantum entanglement‘
- A new technology center for US spy agencies has been formed and is looking at a number of new technologies, including a sort of cloaking device to bend radar.
Where are they now:
- William Shatner appears in the new reality show "Fast Cars and Superstars" premiering this Thursday (8pm June 7 on ABC), but it isn’t certain he is in the first episode. ShatnerVision has a clip of him promoting the show.
- Patrick Stewart is set to star in a film version of The Merchant Of Venice, set in the Las Vegas…baby – Nemesis scribe John Logan is writing the script. Stewart received a good review for his recent performance of the Tempest with the the RSC
- Stewart will also be doing the narration for Earth, a documentary film spinoff of the BBC Planet Earth series.
- It appears that Trek XI director JJ Abrams is a patron of the arts. Last week he hosted a gallary opening for artist Tim Biskup in Culver City.
- Abrams also seems to a supporter of Democratic politics, he is listed amongst the many guests at a Hollywood fund raiser for Hillary Clinton. Earlier this year Abrams attended a fund raiser for Barak Obama
- Voyager’s Ethan Phillips appeared on the strange ‘The Commuter Show’ and about his commuting experiences and upcoming projects
- Alexander Siddig was at the Cannes film fest recently to promote his upcoming film Un Homme Perdu, a video interview of him is at Sid City
- Fred Steiner, composer for 25 Star Trek episodes and one TNG episode, received an honorary doctorate of music from his alma mater.
In Memoriam:
Nick Ramus (STIV: Efrosian Helmsman)
Link of the week
some guy has superimposed The Enterprise-D over various maps and cityscapes so you can see just how big it is. Here it is over the Pentagon
YouTube Clip of the week
a funny moment at last weeks Star Wars Celebration IV
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oh no, starwars, you cant blame jar jar on us.
For those interested the new Babylon 5 trailer is up at the official website. As well as some images of the new CGI. Looks pretty beautiful and I for one can’t wait to see it
And a Happy belated Birthday to Rene Auberjonois- June 1st!
Well done Fred Steiner. I hope some of your composed cues end up in the new Movie.
Also ‘this week in Trek’:
The average review rating of TOSR on iTunes has begun to
decline, because of the growing number of complaints
about the lack of any new episodes since mid-March.
(The latest 20+ comments posted for TOSR on iTunes
are all talking about the delay.)
Now that a few additional Season 1 remastered eps
have aired on TV, there is some reason to complain.
People who paid $57 for season pass in March
are still waiting for new eps.
In fact, the iTunes description of TOSR originally promised
new episodes “every week”. That false promise or mistake
was quickly removed; but the damage was done, as people
had already begun buying those $57 season passes …
Granted, it’s only been two and a half months. ;-p
And only just a few additional Season 1 eps have
aired on TV since March. … Understood, but …
Question is, when can we expect to see those eps on iTunes?
Maybe later in June? Or sometime in July? August perhaps?
September?? :-p
Nobody knows, cuz nobody’s sayin’.
Nice to see a little more news this week, Way to go Fred Steiner!
And what is with the tiny graphics? I can barely read the text! I hope this isn’t a permanent change (definately for the worst!)
Until Next Time,