Urban Signed For McCoy – New ‘Star Trek’ Crew Complete

JJ Abrams has his new crew for his vision of Star Trek. According to StarTrek.com and The Hollywood Reporter Karl Urban has signed a deal to play Dr. Leonard McCoy. TrekMovie.com first reported that the 35 year-old Kiwi actor was up for an unnamed part two weeks ago, and last week we reported Urban was ‘in talks’ for McCoy but they were working out details related to his busy schedule. Urban was the last recast member of the Original Series crew to sign on, although there are still other roles (such as Pike) to be cast. For a complete current cast list, check out our Star Trek (2008) CAST page. For more on Urban see the original story and follow-up story.

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im happy with these choices. cant wait to see the enterprise!

Was just about to mention this – just saw it on StarTrek.com.

We’ll see how he works out, we’ll see. It’s really a shame that De isn’t here to help him out.

I’m very satisfied.

I say
Lets not judge Karl on his previous Hollywood roles

just like we don’t judge DeForrest Kelly on his roles before Star trek.

Let’s see what Karl can do.

Urban is a great talent, good news to get him on board for this. He has range, though most people only know him from LOTR. Check out “The Price of Milk.” Warp speed ahead!

I totally agree! The more I think of it, the more it makes sense. We can’t judge better than those who have seen him in autitions :-)

Way to go Karl! :-)

I’m 100% behind everything that has come out so far and the choices for casting. I’m very excited to see our “old friends” again on the big screen and thankful to the talented team who are bringing them back from the void for us.

In many ways. i think this rates up there with a few other major turning points in Trek history…
The jump to the big-screen with TMP
The new take with TNG
and ST:2008

They each changed everything and I think this is the next chapter. Very exciting.

Don’t know much about him, but I’m waaaay excited about this movie.

He’d better be good though. Since I was 6 years old there’s always been a special place in my heart for McCoy.

Good Luck Mr. Urban. Don’t screw it up.


I’m dying to see these guys in costume…. :)

Ditto, I really want to see some leaked mole footage of these guys in costumes.

I’ve not seen him in action. Be fun to see a photoshop of him as McCoy — All ive seen so far of him are candid pics.

Can someone put up a photoshop of him as McCoy?

Sweetness, now all we need is Pike, the Federation Captain, Kirk’s parents and away we go. Let the guessing begin on who those folks will be.

#10 – yep, that would be great.

And also–how about a photoshop cast pic? Ok, I’m sorry. Sometimes I expect too much. :D

I wouldn’t be surprised to hear some casting info for Rand and Chapel soon, too.

Gary Sinese was so obviously right for the role…what gives? And he plays young.

Alec Baldwin for Pike!


It’s also on startrek.com!!!
Congratulations Mr. Urban! Great choice, I think he’ll be a great Bones.

looks like a good cast .cant wait to see the film.

A few more females would better balance the cast alright, their parts don’t have to be that big. Yes well balanced parts.

McCoy is definitely my favorite TOS character. I haven’t seen him act before (At least, I can’t recall doing so) but I’m sure JJ will have picked the right guy.

So now McCoy is more muscular and built than Kirk? I just dont see it…..

… They picked Karl over me??? Well, so much for having a Canadian on the cast. ;p

Kiwi is fine. :)

I have been skeptical with some previous choices, but i really think urban is a great casting choice and is a top notch actor. his casting has revived my faith.

welcome aboard! and god speed.

Actors put on muscles for their movies

and can loose it.

We do not know what Karl Urban looks like now.

Those pics of him with muscles are old.


Now I hope it works.

I’m cool with everyone except this one. I can see it now, Kirk seeking out the elder McCoy’s advice….with shirts off, biceps bulging, sweat breaking out all over there bodies as they work out, buddy buddy, in the ship’s gym….

If there is anything remotely resembling that type of character interaction, the movie damn well better take place in an alternate timeline. That’s the only way I’ll buy into it.

Wonder if they’re determined to keep McCoy as a Southerner. Both Southern and Aussie came from Irish. Wouldn’t have to change the name if they left the accent.
What the hell. I don’t really want a total immitation of TOS. Just a new slant on an old classic.
Lookin’ good so far.

#26 jonboc read #23

Which audition line did he use,either:

A) Why you green blooded, inhuman….


B) Are you out of your Vulcan mind?

I never thought of Karl Urban as a young McCoy, but now that he’s signed up, I actually can’t wait to see what he can bring to the table.

Welcome to Star Trek Karl!

Let’s hope he’s the REAL McCoy!!!

(hey, somebody had to say it)

Could be cool. I can’t wait to see the first footage, spy pics, etc. when this thing gets rolling!

29 – I think the magic line was “Yes, JJ.”

Somebody photoshop Urban into McCoy’s costume! I think he’d look cute…^^

Finally, the major parts are cast.

VulcanBabe: TJ put up a photo in the last thread-



Yup similar eye shape and face shape.

Just trim the eyebrows, shave the beard, and put blue contact lenses
and he is all set.

I don’t see it.

He doesn’t capture Bones at all to me. That must have been one heck of an audition.


Build is a huge part of it.
He’s probably bigger than Quinto and Pine combined.

He’s an actor

an actors job is to make you believe they are someone else.

I maybe wrong but rignt now.. don’t want to judge Karl ,Pegg, Pine or the rest of the cast

until I see the movie with my own 2 eyes.

I can’t see it either. His eyes look too far apart. But we’ll see.

Oh, ICK!!

Terrible casting… I agree with everybody else… but, ICK!!!

Alright… I’ll wait until I can hear him, and see him in action, but I just do NOT see this as a good pick.

He’s huge… He has no air of country doctor… alright. I’m done for now. I’ll wait and see…. ick.

Maybe he’ll pull a Christian Bale chameleon act and wear his body down to 120 pounds. But if Bones is bigger than Kirk, its going to seem a tad queer.

I’m glad Quinto is taller than Karl

Quinto: 6’2 or 6’3

Nimoy: 6′ 0″:
DeForest Kelley: 5′ 10″
Shatner:5′ 9″

Good choice! Yet another coup by JJ and Co.

Just don’t ruin the design of the Enterprise…that’s all I ask.

Be sure it has a connecting dorsal and doesn’t look squatty. And not to many plates on the hull…that looks tacky and ungraceful.

Other than that, give us a kickass story (obviously the most important thing!)!

I like it. Urban is a great actor. He was awesome in Lord of the Rings.

Enter Trepidation.

I was just watching the interviews on the DVD extras of Transformonuts and I really hope they don’t throw certain things to the wind like they did in that movie. Hearing TPTB behind that movie rationalize why certain creative decisions were made scares the sh*t out of me when it comes to the reboot/sequel/prequel of this franchise.

Now, I’m only one dude with a keyboard – out of, probably, 25 folks on here with keyboards. And although I’m certain we are not a representative sample of all the people who might see this movie, we are nevertheless here, frequently posting about this near and dear subject matter called Star Trek. Now, I’m not trying to tell the producers, writers or directors how to do their job. I would not presume to debate say someone like Nimoy on what Star Trek is. I can only express my feelings about this project. Be that venting, whining or whatever else it may be coined.

So far, half the casting seems spot on and half seems off. Hence, I write this in this particular thread because this dude seems wrong for Bones. His face sort of reminds me of Kelly, but he looks like he could wrestle an alligator and win in some clips. I don’t know where they are going with the project, but hope to heck it has some semblance to the heart of TOS.

If the reported plot points are correct, and this movie involves a convoluted Braga-esque story, I sure hope they can execute it with sufficient skill to avoid it being a huge cluster [ ]. Who knows, Fate might ultimately vindicate Braga by having this new endeavor (which makes his sci-fi concepts sound conservative by comparison) fail to launch as its progenitor did in 1969.

But what do I know.


Cool photos. Thanks! I think he is gonna be great.

Dammit, Jim… I need a shave.

Urban is an odd choice. A complete 180 from DeForest Kelly. The character’s traits must have been changed somewhat.
He’s gotta say that line, though.
“He’s dead, Jim.”

Mr Abrams must have something sick up his sleeve which will either be absolutely genius or go down in flamimg chunks of infamy. This definitely won’t be DeForest’s McCoy. Urban may look like a Xena reject, but think about the potential chemistry of this entire ensemble and you will have a glimpse of what the overall casting choices are trying to achieve.
Kelley’s Bones used to rip on Nimoy’s Spock and that was classic, but now we can have the hilarious Pegg’s Scotty bagging on both Urban and Quinto. Pine and Quinto had better brush up on their comic timing! With these new personas, this may be a Star Trek where everybody gets to shine. I hope The new Sulu, Chekhov and Uhura hang just as tough as the Big Three, with the new hipster Scotty equally at home with either trio. The people making this movie know they have to avoid dead serious or risk veering dangerously close to unintentionally funny.