Those sneaky devils at JFX have a real scoop this time. They have managed to spy Zachary Quinto in full Spock makeup!
For more check out JFX Online and even more at IESB
Those sneaky devils at JFX have a real scoop this time. They have managed to spy Zachary Quinto in full Spock makeup!
For more check out JFX Online and even more at IESB
I’m first.
He looks great.
I’m 2nd
Don’t like it at all.
If any cast member can make it work, he can!
Yep, spectacular. I’m not sure I’m sold on some of the other casting, but Quinto looks terrific here. There’s no question: This is Spock.
Yeah Anthony!:) You got the story up online! I think he looks good- but Leonard looked better. Can’t wait until Leonard is on set in December. Now that is ehat I want to see!:)
Thanks Anthony and JFX. Keep em comin….
Nice work JJ!
Kigs (who is all smiles and can’t wait for Leonard Nimoy to come on set!:) )
ears to yaa ,,, Zachary Quinto
Very nice!!!!! I think this just made my day! And for tomorrow, I can get my casting call :)
I wonder what Stanky will say? I think I know.
Wow, those shots of Quinto are almost as hot as Kristen Bell’s getups on “Heroes” tonight!
But seriously, I’m stoked by those pics.
He definitely looks like Spock. I’m worried about his voice, though. Spock’s voice is almost more important than his ears. I’ve never watched Heroes, but from the few interviews I’ve seen with Quinto, he doesn’t have Nimoy’s pipes.
That’s where he needs to nail it.
Perhaps this was just a poor photo or maybe the sun was in his eyes or should I say ears but this picture didn’t compliment him or the character he’s portraying. Lets hope the next one is much better!
It looks like Quinto was in a church on the video while they were filming. Maybe it was a Vulcan ceremony.
ears, haircut, eyebrows, check. Yep, its all there. Looks good. Seeing it for the first time wasn’t the religious experience I expected it would be, but its still cool. Its the costumes I can’t wait to see.
You’ll be amazed on how much some actors can change their voices. Hopefully Quinto is one of these actors!
#13, according to the website the photo links to, it takes place in a court; spock’s on trial!!
Puts any worries about the sideburns to rest.
All is well.
I think he has the overall VULCAN look… but not SPOCK-y enough for my taste… and what the hell kind of costume is that?
#12) I heard that they had the inside of the church set up to look like a council chambers, so, who knows…
P.S. I still don’t like the way this movie has been going from the beginning… I keep up to date on the rumors, but I’m really not looking that forward to seeing this Abram-ized abomination of Star Trek… especially after hearing the “leaked” storyline…
Leonard only looked “better” because he was the first…there is nothing to compare him to … It is not as though there is a seperate template for Spock that Leonard lives up to…he he is the template.. no offense..but the logic is faulty :)
Good point on the voice…though I have a suspicion he will pull it off…. just a ..dare I say…”feeling”
“..Spocky enough”? do explain..
I agree, but I only maintain that Leonard looked hotter in the ears and without them too. But Zach is hott as well. I would ask him out in a second. :)
Yep. That is Spock. If you squint you can see Leonard Nimoy a little bit.
Now lets see Pine as Kirk and Urban as McCoy.
JFX running superslow…everybodies onto it! The few photo’s I got to see look good
He looks perfect. End of story.
Yeah and then the 3 together. that would be a good pic.
I see…I agree…to the point that my hetero ways allow…within THAT framework…there is something about Nimoy I have always enjoyed OUTSIDE of trek …he is a fine underrated actor and artist in his own right. he actually resembles some of my uncles and even grandfather to a degree..odd…regarding Zach…i have no opinion on his “hot” factor…but I hope to see an interesting nuanced performance turned in that is a springboard for other projects outside of Heroes
18 – If you are that negative about the movie, don’t bother posting on here . Yes you are entitled to your opinion – but come on, try to have some faith.
I think most people would agree having JJ Abrams helm the new Trek movie instead of Rick Berman and company was the best decision
Paramount made.
Our pointy-eared Prophet is returned to us this day, let us rejoice and feast on fruit bats and orangotans and anchovies and breakfast cereals!
Wow, very cool! The outfit he’s in looks very Romulan to me…
It is uncanny the resemblence…I mean..Nimoy has a distinct look, not at all a generic everyman or prettyboy look..something very unique…and to find someone who can so closely resemble him in general (look at the Con photos) as well as in makeup and apparently capture the spirit of the character he originated and portrayed (at least in the film makers eyes) is quite something….
Uhhhhh….looks like Spock to me!
Nice scoop. At the same time, I want some surprises on Dec. 25, 2008.
Re: Photos of Spock
Comment at the site sugests a Vulcan trial, but it could easily be an SF Academy extrance interview or the Vulcan driver’s licence verbal exam.
Perhaps Vulcan formal wear? Remember, the Romulans were originally Vulcan conservatives, and many Terran fundalmentalist group retain the clothing at the time they were founded.
The Quinto as Spock photos are great. Interesting though… the wardrobe he is wearing looks vERY Romulan with teh boots and the cut of the tunic. Also, the set he is on looks very Romulan as well… almost deco like they had in Next Gen. Anyone else have an impression like this?
Again, great to see the new Spock. He REALLY LOOKS THE PART
First – let’s not foget that he is an actor portraying a character, not a comedian doing an impression of Nimoy’s spock. Although it’s a bit complicated because Nimoy is in the movie too, playing an older Spock – so a very difficult acting challenge for Quinto.
Secondly, it’s amazing what a bowl cut and pointed ears will do – he looks Vulcan enough, but his face lacks that sculpted, narrow look that Nimoy made popular, but I think it’s working over all.
Wow! he does look a lot like Nimoy did in TOS! But it does feel a bit weird knowing that it isn’t Nimoy but someone who looks like him. A new age of Trek has truly begun!
That photo of Quinto is VERY close to the Photoshop done after ComicCon!
He looks like a younger Spock, definitely. I mean, have we ever really seen a younger version of a Vulcan before? Apart from the mess with Sybock showing Spock his birth… but Sybock’s not canon to me.
I imagine because of their extended lives, Vulcans retain what we call ‘baby fat’ for at least 20 years.
He looks terrific.
I’m satisfied!! Hair, ears… pointy sideburns. Not as Looong in the face, but he looks not unlike Nimoy in “The Cage”! And I must agree… I want to HEAR him!! Anxiety overtaking me…
Urban will be terrible. Period. But Quinto looks great!!!
A simple vulcan/romulan-esque poncho, and boots… looks like simple civilian garb, and I like it fine. Simple… conservative… Logical and in character! Now to see him in uniform!!
Supposedly there is a photo floating about with TNG era technicians, in uniform!!! I’m nervous about the costumes for Kirk and co. I don’t want a 60’s “nod”, I want the 60’s uniforms!!!
If it looks like a Spock and walks like a Spock, then it’s most likely a Spock.
Quinto looks great! The photos are…errr…fascinating. Can’t wait for actual hi res cast photos!
Amazing. Just amazing.
glad they didn’t do some weird headpiece like on all the other post-tos era vulcans… Nice straight shiny black hair. He looks giggly-good!
#41 — The question is, can it TALK like a Spock? Performance will be the key here.
He needs to lose thirty pounds, end of story. If you want a fat Spock go watch Star Trek V. The only film that EVER made Nimoy look fat.
Definitely Spock. It looks to me as they are being very respectful to TOS
I don’t want the 60’s uniforms. This isn’t the 60’s. This is the 21st century. I want something similar, but not exact.
Definitely think the photo is Spocky enough!
Very Spocky!
In fact, this is probably as Spocky as it gets!!!
I want the ’60s uniforms. The 23rd Century ’60s uniforms, not the 21st Century ’60s uniforms. If its supposed to be Star Trek, let it be Star Trek. Don’t push it away; pull it towards itself.
I agree with you #46. Something that reflects the original, but is up-to-date. I have the utmost respect for the original, but we do need to move forward!
#44. Re: Star Trek V: must have been all those marsh-mellons. Or he wore padding under his costumes to look consistent with the bulk of the fiberglass bodysuit used in the rocket-boots scenes.