On Thursday the annual Jules Verne Film Festival kicks off in Los Angeles and Star Trek is very much a part of this year’s event. Presiding will be Captain Picard himself, Patrick Stewart, who is the festival’s “President of the Jury.” Malcolm McDowell, William Shatner and other Trek celebrities will also be showing up.
Details below
Hosting the opening night’s ceremonies will be the man who killed Captain Kirk, Malcolm McDowell. McDowell and Stewart will be joined by astronaut Buzz Aldrin honoring Tippi Hedren, Ted Turner, Jean-Michel Cousteau, and Tony Curtis for their philanthropic and environmental work. Sunday will be the big Trek day starting off with showings of 4 episodes of Star Trek Remastered: “And the Children Shall Lead,” “Tomorrow is Yesterday,” “Space Seed” and “Operation: Annihilate!” Each episode will be presented by special ‘Star Trek’ guests. On Sunday evening Stewart and McDowell will present William Shatner with Jules Verne Lifetime Achievement Award. Other Trek stars are also expected to show up on Sunday as well.
Other events during the festival will feature the new Alien vs. Predator movie, a screening of the director’s cut of Blade Runner and an event honoring the cast and crew of Heroes. Other celebrities attending the festival include Ray Bradbury, Ridley Scott, and Stan Lee.
Go to the Official Site for more details and ticket information. (STARTREK.com has a half price promotion for the event)
Here is a trailer for the event:
TrekMovie.com will be reporting from the event and bring you pictures and videos.
They’re gonna show ‘And the children shall lead’? bad choice
Oh no…you know what happened the last time our two captains got together… Shatner read the whole script this time?
Patrick Stewart will never escape his ties to Star Trek and Picard. He will be saying “Make it so” and Engage” every time someone has him as a host or announcer at their event.
Just when he thinks he’s out, we drag him back in!
And I agree, Joe. Couldn’t they have picked something better than “children shall lead”? Why not “Spock’s Brain” while they’re at it.
Brilliant move. Show one of the worst episodes when Harrison Ford and other Hollywood elite are there.
SMART MOVE!!! Why not throw “The Way to Eden” while you’re at it! LOL
Gees I wish I could be there,,,however Im out of transporter range being in New Zealand and all
Boy I’ll be hanging out for the reports from Trekmovie.com
Maybe William Shatner might say something about being in the next trek movie,,maybe,,,just,,, maybe,,,,
Landru !
Interesting…Shatner appearing with the guy that killed Kirk and the guy that buried him. Maybe a good time for an announcement????? And perfect timing too since Spock is getting ready for filming and the cat (or “Shat”) can’t be kept in the bag for much longer?
#7, your eternal optimism renews my faith in the human spirit. Please forgive the fact that I am laughing at you in the meantime.
Intrigued Harrison Ford will be there – he doesn’t usually bother. Ramping up for Indy 4 perhaps, plus Blade Runner Final Cut (which is wonderful by the way.)
I’m pretty sure these Celebs won’t be forced to sit through all these episodes!
And they won’t be announcing Shat is in 11. You’ll know nothing about that until the ‘surprise’ twist at the end of the movie. ;)
Watching the trailer video I’m left with a hint of optimism that the world is…slowly…moving in an evolved direction…..harmony and talent may find a place together yet………………:)
guys. I do not think Harrison Ford will be attending. At the bottom of the page for the 2007 festival is some info on 2006 where they honored George Lucas, Harrison Ford and others.
I heard that Harrison Ford was paid 100.000 to show up at the Scream Awards?
#8: Forgiven. And I am used to it, so it doesn’t bother me. :)
Love McDowell.
Ouch……I just watched Return Of The Archons on HD-DVD and the remastered episode was good and all, but for any of you Young Frankenstein fans out there…….you may appreciate this……..in every scene of The Archons where Spock is wearing the cape with hood UP….the image kept me flashing back to Marty Feldman as Igor wearing the same garb.
Needless to say, this didn’t help the drama of an episode I would, usually, otherwise enjoy! Funny how our exposure to other information over the years changes our perception of long held memories once we come back, some time later, to revisit them…….
“Love McDowell”
Are we to read anything into that remark other than you enjoyed his work in A Clockwork Orange, If, Oh Lucky Man and a host of other efforts???
C’mon, you can tell me…………………:)
I’ve been planning to attend this Sunday’s events for weeks! I will so be there. :-) Can’t miss Bill Shatner receiving his Lifetime Achievement Award.
You’d have to ask my psychiatrist. I can’t honestly answer :)
No, seriously, McDowell is one of our culture’s great, courageous actors.
#18 roberto Orci
Thanks for taking the time to answer my query……………:)
roberto is Shatner in the new movie or what? Please tell me he isn’t.
Hey Roberto, snatch up a Picard walk on, while Stewart is in town. Just have him improvise a scene from Macbeth and all will be right in the universe.
Mr. Orci,
Thanks for joining us here. Understood that commenting on Shatner now is just problematic. I was wondering if you might comment on a *separate* rumor that has made its way “out there” — Are you and Mr. Kurtzman at all interested in, or considering, writing the next Superman picture (in whatever form it may be)…?
– Patrick Stewart will never escape his ties to Star Trek and Picard. He will be saying “Make it so” and Engage” every time someone has him as a host or announcer at their event. –
What else could he possibly say? His trademark value amounts to nothing more than those two expressions.
#21 “roberto is Shatner in the new movie or what? Please tell me he isn’t. ”
Why oh why do some of you keep asking what you KNOW he can’t and won’t answer? He’s not going to address the Shatner issue, nope, no way. So no point in asking.
By the way, Roberto, can you post a link to any pics of the new Enterprise or the script and email me Quinto’s phone #? Thanks!
There was yet another “Boston Legal” nod to Trek last night as Denny’s being arrested in the courthouse men’s room. He pulls out his cell phone, holds it in the Trek communicator position, and begins shouting, “GET ME OUT OF HERE!” It even did the little communicator blipping when he first flipped open the phone. Pretty cool.
Peace. Live long and prosper.
The Vulcanista }:-|
26. The Vulcanista – December 5, 2007
“There was yet another “Boston Legal” nod to Trek last night as Denny’s being arrested in the courthouse men’s room. He pulls out his cell phone, holds it in the Trek communicator position, and begins shouting, “GET ME OUT OF HERE!” It even did the little communicator blipping when he first flipped open the phone. ”
You all just witnessed “the cameo”.
You mean, Kirk gets arrested for solicitation in the men’s room at Starfleet HQ? ;-)
wonder if Stewart is marrying in this LA trip with an Admiral Picard cameo in Trek XI (Nimoy scenes in 24th century)? Its not as if he would have to be paid squillion of $’s for a minute or so’s scene….(he did it before for the DS9 pilot)…plus as he recently stated his film career is pretty much over..maybe he’d like a brief return to trek…
Also if R Orci is in love with Malcolm McDowell (like P Stewart) then maybe the timebending Generations will somehow be referenced in Trek XI…
Meaning Shatner may yet return……
After all its not as if it would be announced if they wanna keep it under wraps…they’d just try to keep it quiet and tell Shats to keep shtum/deny it…until we see him on 25/12/08….
Bill Shats has been going on about not being in it for some time…me thinks the shatner doth protest too much….
So, we hear Orci loves McDowell
Wipe him off and give him a towel
Is his feeling on a personal note
Or is Soran in the script he wrote
Wanting to know could make a Klingon growl!
Iowagir,l thats two more expressions than Kirks got.
Kirk is an archetype, trademark, and citation himself.
Says you.
My brain teaser has already been acknowledged by popular culture.
Good for Shatner. Aside from his other work, when it comes to Trek, after more than 4 decades, he remains one of the few true faces of the franchise.
In short, he rocks!!
Smells like good Trek, bad Trek posturing in here.