Stardate 02.14.2008 is approaching rapidly, do you want to show that special Star Trek fan how much you care this Valentine’s Day? In this week’s ‘The Collective’ we look at the many presents for your Star Trek paramours now available in retail or online stores.
Jewelry is a Trek girl’s (and guy’s) best friend
Star Trek has produced nearly 1000 items of jewelry over the years, starting with the IDIC pendant offered by Gene Roddenberry’s own company, Lincoln Enterprises in 1969. The tradition continues at where the family sells about 25 items of jewelry, the most romantic being the George and Gracie earnings. While most of the jewelry available are for female fans, the Bradford Exchange Collector’s Watch is a gift for him. Featuring quartz technology, the watch is also water resistant if you are planning to swim during your honeymoon on the Opal Sea of Betazoid. The watch is available from for $120.
Hers and his gifts for Stardate 2.14.08
The online Las Vegas Star Trek Experience store sells tee shirts for both men and women for those who wish to wear their love of Star Trek. The women’s shirts are especially good gifts for Valentine’s Day with their cute versions of Star Trek characters and witty text.
The ladies love the Ferengi?
Strange New Sweets
What is Valentine’s Day without candy? Star Trek has historically had many candy treats, from Star Trek First Contact chocolate to Gold Pressed Latinum from Star Trek The Experience. Unfortunately this year, the best you could hope for is Star Trek insignia lollipop or some mints from STTE.
We are above a caption with any double entendre for these
A card to talk for you, but maybe not this year’s
Hallmark’s Star Trek sound cards are usually a great present for birthdays or holiday greetings. The cards which were introduced in 2006 feature either a character talking or the triumphant Trek music. Yet, the 2008 Hallmark Valentine’s Day card is a bit offensive and ribald. The cover says “Stardate 2.14 Its Valentine’s Day,” which is fine….but the interior message “Let’s make a very special Captain’s Log entry” seems a bit over the top. It is amazing this greeting card was approved by either CBS Paramount or Hallmark.
If you’d prefer to write your own sentiments, then try the Star Trek stationary or journals. There is the “Enterprise” journal for keeping that special diary of personal thoughts. The forty sheets of fold and mail stationary allows for you to write to your love and then fold the letter into its own envelope. Or, there is the Chronicle Star Trek postcards which are $10 for thirty designs. Utilize Chapter 11 “Love” from Jill Sherwin’s Quotable Star Trek to write the perfect phrase to your favorite person. Star Trek cards and stationary is available at Chronicle Books and other retailers.
Here is a video showing the cards and stationary…
NOTE: we know the video has clicking sounds…deal with it.
Whether you celebrate Valentine’s Day or the Bajoran Gratitude Festival, remember that Star Trek is about respecting each other, which is the best form of love. Plus, Star Trek is about buying lots of stuff for those we love…and Happy Valentine’s Day from John and Mary Jo Tenuto
Coming Up Next Week
For the next “The Collective” we will look at some of the obscure Trek items available today.
That watch _is_ kinda groovy …
Please send a sample watch to
Po Box 1701
New Zealand
Yeh,, its pretty sweet
Oh, my… That’s as geek as one gets :D However I find the Ferengi t-shirt hilarious ;)
They’re also offering a Gracie necklace on the Roddenberry site…
My fiancee would love the George and Gracie earings. Aside from Star Trek IV being her favorite trek movie, she loves whales and dolphins. Already got her something though… I know whatever she got me came from the Star Trek store though. (It said so on the return address :-))
Arrrr… I celebrate your American Valentine’s Day the way your famous Al Capone did… get me a phaser!
arrr… just a joke… no need ta worrie… I’ll use a chocolate phaser… harrr!
And for those who prefer to do a little tomcatting this Valentine’s Day, you may wind up with a Kirkian grin on your face:
I like the tee shirt, though looking through the store I think I prefer the “Assimilate This” shirt. Oh, how come the guys get more shirts?
The Ferengi shirt is kind of cute.
I love the Ferengi shirt. xD
I want that Ferengi shirt!!!!!
Only be about a dozen posts here…. now if this was an article about a box o’ Star Trek chocolates with no Shatner in them… well, then we’d be up to 212 posts by now…
Is romance dead in space?…
And why is the plastic lady modeling the shirt “realistic” ta say tha least… tantlizing fur a lonley sailor…
I like that Starfleet Academy shirt.
I agree with #8. The wimmins need more shirts!
Peace. Live long and prosper.
The Vulcanista }:-|
What’s that clicking noise? the site is reminding us to buy gold?…where did this come from i wonder?
I hate gold, I prefer silver jewelery. I make my own anyway.
I have loads of classic trek jewelery from many, many years ago. Loads idic’s and other stuff which includes a very cool hologram watch with the classic trek Enterprise on it.
Could you explain what you mean by the question?
I love this segment! Awesome!
The Roddenberry site also has dress patterns for all kinds of unis, including the TOS female duty uniform.
The jewelry’s really pretty too. Looks like Majel may have done some of the designs herself too. Some of the Starfleet insignias are really quite nice w/o being obvious.
Peace. Live long and prosper.
The Vulcanista }:-|
I still want that “I heart trekkies” tee…
I have everything from the Star Trek Enterprises catalog from 1969. They changed the name to Lincoln Enterprises sometime after this. The collection Includes the little $5.00 gold-plated Starship Enterprise. A very rare item, my girlfriend won’t be wearing it….unless….
In regard to the Card With Sound from Hallmark, I’m not sure I’d go along with deeming it “offensive,” “ribald” or “over the top.” I think it’s fair to assume that Captain Kirk might add something to his shipboard journal following a memorable date with Yeoman Rand.
But come on, maybe you’re reading just a little too much into the sentiment?
I’m only commenting because I wrote the card in question. ;)
“I’m with Illogical >”
Nice. :D
Happy Valentine’s everyone!!!
I love I’m with illogical.
I wish the had it in women’s sizes…might just buy a small men’s anyway…
Thanks for the reply.
As these kinds of issues are always an issue of opinion, we can’t disagree with your comment.
Our opinion, though is that Kirk’s comment was too obvious for the kind of quality that Hallmark cards usually feature.
Plus, even Captain Kirk respected himself and women enough not to utilize such an obvious line. He’s better than that, poetic often, with women. The line isn’t funny or romantic in our evaluation, which you would think most Valentine’s Day cards would be, or at least considering those from Hallmark featuring Star Trek.
Sorry for our opinion being so negative of the line. We have bought the other Star Trek cards and are always happy to see more until this one. The only reason we bought it was for the article.
We appreciate your comments.
And, John, I do appreciate your opinion and your support of the Star Trek card line as a whole.
I also appreciate the publicity you brought to the card and to Hallmark. As a fan, I think Hallmark is doing a lot of fun things with the license. Just wait until you see the Star Trek line of Keepsake Ornaments we have planned this year — and beyond. My hope is that more Star Trek fans will keep an eye on what we’re doing because support for our products is what keeps them coming out.
I like the card. In the past few years, Hallmark has definitely ‘updated’ their cards for what life is like *now* – they’re definitely more risque and to the point.
(And Kirk so would have used the line if the censors had let him. It’s not like the original series was that respectful of women – brain or body-wise!)