AFI Feels Wrath of Khan

The American Film Institute has released their nominations for its “10 Top 10,” in which they will honor what they believe to be the ten greatest films of ten different film genres. Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan was among the fifty science fiction films nominated. The winners will be revealed when AFI’s 10 Top 10 TV special airs on CBS this June.

This is not the first time Star Trek has been nominated by the AFI. Star Trek II was up as one of America’s most heart-pounding movies in “AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Thrills”, and both James T. Kirk and Khan Noonien Sign were nominated for the organization’s “100 Years… 100 Heroes and Villains.” In addition, Jerry Goldsmith’s score for TMP was nominated for the organization’s “100 Years… 100 Film Scores.” In the end, however, none of these made it to the final “winners” list.

Nomination process
When nominating franchise films for the new list, AFI selected only one film from each franchise. Although Star Trek II is viewed by many to be the best of the Trek films, the AFI did not always choose the most successful or popular entry from a particular franchise. For example, AFI nominated Star Wars: Episode IV – A New Hope even though Episode V – The Empire Strikes Back is often regarded as the best in the franchise. In perhaps the AFI’s most peculiar decision, they nominated Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome (the one with Tina Turner) over the first two Mad Max films.

Khan’s chances?
Only 10 of the 50 sci-fi films nominated will make the final list, and Star Trek II has an uphill battle. Six of the films nominated – Star Wars, 2001: A Space Odyssey, E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, A Clockwork Orange, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, and Frankenstein – are already listed in AFI’s 100 Years… 100 Movies (a list of the 100 greatest American movies from the last 100+ years). These films are almost guaranteed to be on the final list, which leaves only four movies to choose from. I predict those movies will be The Day the Earth Stood Still, Planet of the Apes, Back to the Future, and Blade Runner.

About the AFI
The AFI is an independent non-profit organization whose membership consists of film and television industry professionals and film lovers. They promote the recognition and celebration of the art and history of film. In 1998, to mark the 100th anniversary of American film, the organization began the “AFI’s 100 Years…” series to honor and celebrate the best of American film and the most influential elements of those films. “AFI’s 10 Top 10” is the latest entry in this series.

Head over to for more information and to download the full list of nominations (along with the official ballot). You will need to register to download the lists, but it is free. However, only full AFI members (i.e. people who pay for membership) can vote.

If you need to refresh yourself on Khan…here you go:

Shatner, Nimoy and Kelley on Merv in 82

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Star Trek II The Wrath of Khan deserves the honor, plain and simple.


I love these old interviews. I didn’t see much of the promotional stuff for the Star Trek II film back then, other than Starlog magazine. All three of the principals look great!

The television division put this film together (from what I read in the past). I can’t help wonder what would have been if this was put together by the motion picture group with a big picture feel and if it were the first film.

A Clockwork Orange rules! although a bit out of place with the rest I think.

I also think that STII is not a real scifi film. its a revenge story!

TMP on the other hand IS a scifi film, the enterprise trying to figure out an alien lifeform. Best scifi mystery/detective film ever!

The nomination for STII is well deserved.

Thanks for the great video – marvellous, and absolutely priceless, to see the Big Three together.

And now we know for sure that it’s “The WROTH of Khan“. :)

ROK redeemed Star Trek so much so that we still feel the reverberations to this very day. He was such a strong character who played the part with such distinction to the point that he could have easily was bigger then many of the key players. Its hard to believe that he now has to spend the majority of time bound to a wheelchair. Just like Paramount is exploring the early years of Kirk in his academy days they could step back and see what made him who he became in a film that highlights his efforts.

TWOK deserves to be in the AFI top ten list here.

Not only is it one of the greatest Star Trek films, but one of the best sci fi films ever.

It has one of the best villains in cinema

it has to be acknowledged

Wow, just think that interview is as old as I am!

TWOK is a great film and a great sci-fi film. In amidst a fun nautical revenge tale, transposed into space, you have the fascinating idea of Project Genesis.

When you look at all other Treks, human ambition as never been greater. What we see in TWOK is humans who have reached the point where they can build solar systems. It’s a shame it all went ka-blooey in TSFS!

“When nominating franchise films for the new list, AFI selected only one film from each franchise.”

Did they say this somewhere? Just looking at the first list I see Toy Story and Toy Story 2, Shrek and Shrek 2, etc… Also I’m already gaging from reading the first list.

I guess it doesn’t really matter, the AFI isn’t worth the gold in Oscars’ ass crack.

What about Forbidden Planet, Anthony? How could Back to the Future rank ahead of it? And Forbidden Planet is such an obvious precursor to Star Trek. I’d pick Brain From Planet Arous before Back to the Future!! :)

Read the Sci-fi list; shit list–not that there aren’t plenty of good films on there. AFI being so predictable you can take films like Frankenstein and Clockwork off the table, they’ll go for more traditional sci-fi films. They’ll pick movies that don’t just have sci-fi elements in them (like Star Trek II or ET), but ones that actually explore sci-fi concepts. And then they’ll throw in Star Wars. Here’s how I expect them to vote;

2001 A Space Odyssey
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
Invasion of the Body Snatchers
Jurassic Park
Planet of the Apes
Star Wars
The Day the Earth Stood Still
The Matrix
War of the Worlds

Now you may be wondering why I didn’t include “20,000 Leagues Under the Sea,” well, that’s because it wasn’t even on the damned list. But don’t worry, “Cocoon” was there so don’t go thinking they overlooked anything. Blade Runner has been getting a lot of buzz since the big DVD release so I wouldn’t be surprised to see it turn up, it’s certainly more deserving than The Matrix. But they’re gonna pick Matrix…

And I agree with Jeffrey, sounds like someones a “Back to the Future” fan. :P

Gotta love those retro fashions! It’s clear the clothes weren’t out of the 70’s yet!

Did you catch the epaulets on the producer’s jacket? Or did the plaid tie confuse you?

And those terrible Shatner jokes…

Also, it’s great how Merv was obviously a fan.


Whilst I agree it is a revenge film, it is also most certainly Sci-FI.

It involves genetically enhanced humans,
alien parasites that induce mind control,
and a scientific device that creates life in dead planets.

All of which are key to the plot. If those things don’t make a Sci-Fi film I don’t what else could.

Wrath of Khan is overrated, although I guess compared to other Trek films it’s a classic.

TWOK is a great Star Trek movie, but hardly a great sci-fi film. Of the Trek movies, when it comes to actual sci-fi, I’d say either ST:TMP or ST IV:TVH would be better representatives. TMP addresses lots of hard science concepts and TVH exemplified what sci-fi does so well: using a futuristic adventure story as an allegory for 20th/21st Century issue (the extinction of the humpback).

As to the best sci-fi film, I’d vote for 2001: A Space Odyssey with Forbidden Planet coming in a respectable second.

The Wrath of Khan was so popular because it was simply a more adventurous film then ST:TMP. It brought back more action, battle sequences, over the top acting ( like the TV show),more color,and the interaction of the cast was that of the old series. I remember going to Wrath of Khan on opening night and was just so happy that the movie was not as slow or dumpy as TMP.
TMP was not a bad film, just boring. Of course after Spock died, I was pissed off thinking they were not making another Trek flick or even worse, a Trek flick without Spock.
Should this be in the AFI thing? Eh..there are so many fantastic Sci-Fi films out there that it’s a hard call.

#19. Good morning, Stanky-Lite! lol

Probably will not make the list but I sure love it, especially as the story played out over the trilogy.

Yeah, ST 2 should definitely not have ranked above ST:TMP. The Wrath of Khan seems to be one of those Trek films everyone looks to when they reference Trek because things blow up in it. Then we have Trek 4…which I must say, somehow broke the mold and didn’t blow anything up. As I’ve matured though, TMP has become my favorite Trek movie. It has some weaknesses, but over all…it really shows how sophisticated Trek can be.

you said:

“only four movies to choose from. I predict those movies will be The Day the Earth Stood Still, Planet of the Apes, Back to the Future, and Blade Runner.”

I certainly feel that 3 of those four (BTTF is the ringer) are better movies than TWOK.

Why does no one ever talk about ‘Silent Running’ with Bruce Dern anymore. That’s an AMAZING film!

New Horizon… I agree with some of your points here… I also feel TMP has grown a lot on me, as I’ve matured I have a higher appreciation for it, as in the trailers, it did “challenge my intellect”. On the whole, I think TMP and TWOK were the most ambitious films in the franchise… TMP for daring to be a pure sci-fi event in the face of fan expectations and in the face of the burgeoning empire of Star Wars-style blow-em-up space romps; in the end, it produced a daring, bold examination of the human condition, which was always what Star Trek was all about. TWOK was ambitious for daring to go back to original spirit of adventure as exemplified on the TV show, and for showing the larger than life characters we had come to admire as what they were, mere mortals (like us), thus giving it a richer context (and producing the ultimate, most daring move in the history of the Trek franchise, the death of Spock).

Although I waffle on my “top ranking” list, in general (with some wiggle room), here’s how I’d rank the whole series (best to ‘least’, which is something of a misnomer here, as I generally find all of the films to have some value to me):


The ones in the middle are hardest to categorize (TSFS, TVH and GEN) as I sometimes bump them on my list. NEM is almost always on the bottom, as I have found an appreciation for TFF with the passage of time (and from reading up on what Shat was actually WANTING to do with that film versus what he was able to get delivered; the DVD release shed a lot of light into that)

Star Trek is Science Fantasy. Warp engines, transporters, time travel, bumpy headed aliens. AFI panders to popular opinions.

I loved Wrath of Khan. I even skipped a birthday party once (that I helped plan) to see it again when it first came on HBO. I however find it difficult to believe it’ll win first place.


…that out of 100 SCORES, they couldn’t find a place for Goldsmith’s TMP soundtrack??? Just ridiculous.

i liked more IV and V …

I guess I have always considered Star Wars to be more “fantasy” than science fiction.

Although TMP is probably a better “science fiction” story, TWOK is my all-time favorite Trek film. I don’t know where it shall end up, but it is definitely at or near the top of my list…

TWOK is the superior nomination.

Having said that, this is exactly why I HATE these list shows. They’re just there to make you argue with your friends. How are you going to pick one like Khan and chuck out A Clockwork Orange, 2001, Planet of the Apes, and Blade Runner (and did Metropolis, Frankenstein, This Island Earth, The Andromeda Strain, or any other older classics make the list?) Yeah, I’ll even acknowledge Star Wars, but only IV, V, VI and III.

What AFI really needs is TWO lists: Good Sci-Fi and a compleat list of the Big Killer Snake movies that play on SciFi.

I think DeForest had a little nip o’ the Saurian Brandy in the green room when Shatner & Nimoy were on stage.

#23 Oh yes. TMP is my fav as well, especially since the Special Edition release.
TWOK came at the right time. A commercial popcorn movie that many saw as an antidote to TMP.
Now, TWOK can be looked at as “Master and Commander” in space.

Personally, I’ll take Blade Runner over all of them.
BTW, the HD Final Cut release is a MASTERPIECE!!! Probably the best restoration/HD release ever.
I’ve seen it in 70mm several times and this actually looks better.

Much and all as I am afan, gotta say given the other films (Blade Runner alone!!) I really don’t see it making the top ten!!

Cmdr one movie that I think should be on the list if it is not is Quatermass and the Pit aka Five Million Years to Earth. Written By Nigel Kneale this movie is wonderfully creepy almost lovecraftian.

Star Wars While an entertaining money making movie and ultimately franchise. does not have really great writing and that is an important measure for a film being on the list or at least it should be. If you look at Star Wars objectively its not even good scifi. and its not even considered science fiction by a good many science fiction people. It id break new ground on movie and speciall effects technoloy and it did prove that sci even pseudo scif could make money. I think if you had to make a choice between Wrath of Khan or Star wars there is a stronger case to be made for Wrath of Khan.

#23–It has grown on me as well. I think it had the best Sci-fi story, but TWOK flows so much better and is actually more entertaining.

TMP–best sci-fi storyline in Trek film series
TWOK–best sci-fi movie in Trek film series
TVH–best “message” movie in Trek film series

I am going to be extremely biased toward Trek, mainly because I am much more of a Star Trek fan than a general Sci-fi fan. Although I like some other sci-fi, I’ll leave it to those “general sci-fi fans” to debate the rest.


someone posted once that TWOK is about a group of Chippendales dancers led by an evil Mexican named Khan who decide to kill William Shatner… harrr…

My favorite film it be… and it don’t matter it if never make any lists at all

because it be a film you can watch again and again… you’ll stop the channel surfing if ya see it on tv… you’ll use the revenge is a dish best served cold line at the drop of the hat… you’ll tear up as Spock gets radioactively roasted…you live in fear of going top Fantasy Island… and you’ll always remember to raise your shields no matter how friendly an incommunicative ship looks…

action, naval battle, God and science, midlife crisis, and literature thrown in as well… ’twas the best of times…

God Bless ya, Mr. Montalbahn for a performance that still moves us today…

Now I should look and see if any Yul Brennere films were on tha list…

38 half the fun of Wrath of Khan is Ricardo Montalbons over the top villian. again more list worthy then Star Wars

Interesting that De Kelley mentioned going to New Zealand to promote TMP. :)


I stand partially corected:

“It involves genetically enhanced humans”

not important to the story at all. it was more about experience than intelligence, Spock pointed out.

“alien parasites that induce mind control”

you’re right about that, but it was more to show how evil Khan was really.

“and a scientific device that creates life in dead planets”

genesis was more a symbol to the story and Kirk’s age problem :P

still, even if these points make STII a scifi movie it will never surpass TMP as scifi story, although STII was alot more fun to watch.

#14 Come on! Back to the Future is one of my favorite movies!!! I even own a DeLorean!!! It deserves to be on the top 10 IMHO (As does TWOK).

And am I the only one here that actually enjoys The Final Frontier? I think it expresses the “triad” of Kirk, Spock and McCoy very well. The only beef I have with it is the lame-o villain :) I also think it’s pretty darned hillarious.

My # 1 favorite Trek movie has to be The Undiscovered Country… the rest I can’t really place an order on except Nemesis (being my least favorite)!

My top-ten from the 50 nominees (in alphabetical order):

2001 A Space Odyssey – beyond dispute. the peak achievement in SF film
Alien – believable science and tech. intense & superior sfx, acting, story.
Close Encounters of the Third Kind – inspiring, awesome sfx
Contact – probably the best-ever hard-science treatment of an epic theme
Forbidden Planet – the 1st intelligent space adventure. startrek owes more to this film than any other
Jurassic Park – a revolution in monster/dino films and sfx in general and still based on good science
Star Wars Episode IV – rejuvenated the scifi genre. all scifi fans owe it a debt of gratitude for this reason alone
The Day The Earth Stood Still – the 1st intelligent scifi film that focused on acting and story rather than sfx
The Matrix – a revoultionary and groundbreaking scifi concept
The Wrath of Khan – the best film in a series that represents a cultural phenomenon

I think the AFI will choose:

Back to the Future – a cool and exciting adventure, but not in the league of any of my choices
Blade Runner – this is an overlong, boring film that takes itself too seriously. however, it’s cool amongst intellectuals and this will be enuf to make the list
Close Encounters
E.T. – a fun adventure and a box office blockbuster. too light and silly to make my list.
Invasion of the Body Snatchers – an efficient little thriller but not in the league of my picks. however, like Bladerunner, it’s popular amongst the intellectuals who take themselves too seriously
Jurassic Park
Planet of the Apes – OK, but really just a souped-up TV show. Will make the AFI list because of the franchise/sequels it spawned
Star Wars IV
The Matrix

Star Wars is not a scifi movie! science has nothing to do with the general story. Thats why thy call it a Space Opera i believe.

but i do believe star wars made scifi popular again, for the wrong reasons though.

43 Back to the future a good film Forbidden plant far a better film therefore should rank ahead of of Back to the Future. Beside Forbidden Planet has has far better story pedigree then then Future, its loosely base on the Shakespeare’s play the Tempest.

45 Robin with a ll do respect space opera by definition falls under the heading of science fiction and Star war is more in the realm of fantasy . The problem with Star Wars is that it is poorly written sci fantasy but it does have entertainment value at least.

what about Jane Eyre? Mr. Rochester kept a woman whacked out on cordrazine upstairs… and he was clearly an earlier design of an android by Noonian Soong … even got a replacement eye at the end o’ the story… good sci-fi film with Orson Welles ta boot…



Based on your definition, very few so-called scifi films can be called science fiction. most, including star trek, are actually fantasy because the science in them is impossible. I, for one, am willing to lighten-up on the requirement for perfect science as long as the story is logical and they break only a few scientific no-no’s for the sake of the story.

Also, it isn’t necessary for science to be the central theme of the story for it to be called scifi. Where did you get that idea? As long as the story takes place within a setting of speculative future, alternate realities, or tech; then its scifi.

#47–fantastic entertainment value…but definitely (IMO) within the category of “fantasy”–not science fiction.