April 2008

Captain April’s April’s Fool’s Day Article [UPDATED]

“Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.” – Scotty, Friday’s Child Practical jokes are a serious concern for the crew of the Enterprise in the animated episode “The Practical Joker.” Luckily, practical jokes involving Star Trek on the internet are much less worrisome. Here are the Star Trek April Fool’s Day virtual pranks for April 1, 2008.

Shatner Live Chat Now April 4th + Recent Shatner Q&A

The twice postponed Live chat with William Shatner has now been set for this Friday. Bill (and his daughter) will be taking fan questions at LiveVideo.com April 4th at 5PM (Pacific). Instructions on participating below. Plus we have some recent ‘ShatnerVisions’ videoblogs about Boston Legal season 5, his new autobio and Shat discussing some of his favorite things.