Mattel’s Star Trek Sceneit? game was first revealed at the New York Toy Fair in February, but at Comic Con 2008 we get the first good look at the game. Mattel was showing off new packaging, the board and a clip from the game. TrekMovie has those plus more details below. Plus Mattel has announced a new contest for fans to suggest trivia questions for the final game.
SceneIt To include questions from new Star Trek movie
Mattel’s new Star Trek Sceneit? DVD trivia games comes out in early Spring 2009. It will cover the entire Star Trek franchise with trivia questions and video clips. You can play using either just trivia cards or also use the DVD trivia questions. It will also include some trivia questions from the new Star Trek feature film, but no video clips, as the game will be released before the movie. The game can be configured in two ways for either a shorter or longer game with the three-section board folding to create just one section. There are four playing pieces depicting the TOS Enterprise, the TNG Enterprise D, the USS Voyager and the USS Defiant from DS9. The game will cost around $22 and will be available at Wal-Mart, Target, ToysRUs and other retailers.
Mattel’s Star Trek SceneIt? trivia game
(click to enlarge)
VIDEO Clip of SceneIt? DVD + Tour of the game
SceneIt? Star Trek website and contest
Was also handing out cards promoting their new ‘Final Frontier Challenge’ contest which is will take place on the web at a new site, The cards also showed sample trivia questions on the back with a scratch out answer. The site is up now on the web and contest goes live in a month and will allow fans to suggest trivia questions for the game. If you get your question in the game you win a prize and there will be other chances for prizes. TrekMovie will have more details on the contest in a later update.
Cards being handed out at Mattel booth
(click to enlarge)
I know what my wife is getting me for Christmas! First?
hey is the answer to the that question “The Man Trap”, oh i want this game now :P
Question #2 Harcourt Fenton Mudd?
now i just need to find some more people to play it with lol
I like the Scene It’s, but my problem is they are way too easy.
I would blow away TOS and TNG questions, but be stumped on the rest… lol
#1 Deep_Space_913 — Whatever your wife is getting you for Christmas, it isn’t this game. It doesn’t come out ’til early spring 2009. You should read the article before commenting. :-D
Good lord those are some lame ass questions. My mom has seen enough Trek just hanging out with my dad and me to get most of these. Who exactly is this game aimed at- the nerds like me will deem it too easy, the avg joe blow on the street doesn’t give a shit enough about Trek to pay 20 bucks for it. So who’s gonna buy it?
#8 — Ditto.
yea well its easy , but still if you have 4 mates who know their stuff, the challenge is to see who wins, as screwing up on one questions could cost you .
I’d ace all TOS questions but would know very little about the other series.
one. those are lame questions.
two. here’s a party game for hardcore trekists: go to , hit ‘random page’ and then ask the sucker to describe what the title refers to.
I second your lame question observations, Tatters!
Also, the box art leaves a lot to be desired. Hate the Picard uniform pic they chose, and the Enterprise is the crappy first attempt 1701 CBS-D put out and never went back to erase.
I don’t think we’ve gotten near enough sample of the questions to decide if they’re all going to be “easy” like that. No doubt they’ll have some harder ones too.
This will be the perfect game for my father and I! Can’t believe all the awesome Trek related stuff that’s coming. :o)
#8 and #9… I do believe #1 made no reference as to which Christmas his wife would be getting him this game for… could be next year’s! ;-)
4 players? What if I don’t have enough nerd friends? grrr.
Actually, it looks cool, but I’d have to be careful who I got to play it with.
Our family has been playing Scene Its for quite some time; we always have found them to be very enjoyable and a lot of good fun. The original games were more in line with general movies and TV, so that basically anyone playing would be able to contribute something. Of course you would have to wonder about who the target audience is that they are trying to reach. They have put out specialized ones in the recent past (James Bond and Harry Potter come to mind), and my guess here is that they have had some kind of success with those editions to warrent making a Star Trek version as well (very firmly established fan base, new movie tie-in, etc.).
As to me personally, as much as I would love to have one, good luck trying to find anyone to play with me (not in my family, anyway…)!
If it was a TOS exclusive scene-it, I’d buy it. As it stands, I don’t really care to sift through hundreds of 24th century questions to get to an occassional question regarding Kirk and company. I’ll have to pass on th is one.
13 – the Darmok jacket. Love it. Great episode.
A lot to be desired … lame … hate … crappy. Sorry you’re having a bad day. I for one look forward to what’s inside the box, not what’s on it.
TidalWave, watch more Star Trek TNG man. That’s a classic shot!
As for the questions, I’ll wait until I see the rest. I actually had to think on the Mudd one. I finally got the answer without having to look it up or watch the episode. The “Fenton” part threw me off.
As for the CBS-D Enterprise stuck on the cover. Lame, Crappy, cheap, fake, plastic,……..sounds right to me! :)
Anyone else get the sense that woman had no real idea what she was promoting? I think an awkward moment would have ensued if she’d been asked to name those ships on the board…