Leonard Nimoy wants to set the record straight. TrekWeb reports that actor who reprises his role as Spock in the new Star Trek movie sent in a message to that site ‘regarding some of the negative feelings expressed by some fans about the new movie’ at TrekWeb.
A wonderful film:
Nimoy’s brief statement reads in part:
There are some directors who can manage a grand scale and some who can deliver great personal character elements. Not many can do both. JJ Abrams is one of the few. He has given us a wonderful film.
See TrekWeb for the full statement.
The Nimoy has Spoken
Mr. Nimoy’s endorsement of this new film and the film makers is not insignificant. It is worth noting that Mr. Nimoy came out of retirement to do the new film, even though he refused to partake in Star Trek Generations over a decade ago. In our first interview with the actor conducted when his involvement was first announced at Comic Con 2007, Nimoy addressed the issues of canon head on saying:
I think these writers and J.J. have taken great pains to see to that they honor the Star Trek history and the Star Trek canon. I don’t think there is going to be any problem with that at all…this is not an issue. I have seen quibbles on the Internet with people very nicely concerned. Saying “who else can play Kirk and Spock…it is not possible.” Well it is possible. Don’t worry. Once people see this film and see how good it is all those quibbles will go away. Are they respectful? Are they trampling on history? Will the canon be intact? None of that stuff is going to happen.
And last summer, after he had completed his work on the film, he was even more enthusiastic, telling TrekMovie:
I was concerned stepping into a character that I have been out of for eighteen years. I was concerned as an experience, what I might find as a handle. What I might find as an entry point into the character. I really believe those concerns went away when I got on the set and started working with JJ Abrams and my fellow actors. That has always been the touch point — how is it working with the director and my fellow actors, and the script of course. If we are given opportunities and set up in such a way — the set, the directors, the cameras and so forth — that the actors and establish and successfully their relationships with each other, find their dramatic and comic moments in the scene, then everything falls away and I think that was certainly the case with this movie. I had a wonderful time and I felt totally secure in the hands of the director and the script and I worked with some terrific actors. These are very very good people. I really came way extremely pleased. I think the audience is going to find these actors really quite wonderful and they are going to be extremely well liked. I think the audience is going to take them into their hearts.
See Spock(s)
If you haven’t seen it yet, AICN released an exclusive version of the Star Trek Trailer, complete with Leonard Nimoy as Spock.
Click to see the new Trek trailer in HD, Quadruple Spockfied
More Nimoy – The Nimoy Logs
Read the ‘Nimoy Logs’, brief blogs from Leonard Nimoy written before, during and after the production of the new Star Trek movie.
Its great to hear Mr. Nimoy giving his full support! Very important.
Nuff said
He is a class act
Well…..that boiled down to a lot of nothing being said IF you ask me.
Nimoy’s personal endorsement says a lot for the new movie.
I love being second.
and i love Nimoy.
His appearance in the new trailer has been a selling point with a few folks that I know. Perhaps they should be exposing his involvement more with the non-trek public.
I believe public Spock awareness is being underestimated.
Nimoy has spoken. People should just go see the film and then make up their minds afterwards. Lets not judge it before we’ve seen it in its entirety. I not fair on those involved who have worked hard to bring us fans, and film fans in general, a great film and will fit within canon and be fun and exciting.
Encouraging….. maybe he can even explain the barcode scanners.
Oh well. We’ll see.
He should know.
….Frakes calls Insurrection a “wonderful film” too.
(Actually, in that case, I agree- and I know I’m not alone.)
if its good enough for mr nimoy its good enough for me.
looking forward to it immensley
If Mr Nimoy, who is Star Trek for me, endorses this film, supports canon and all the rest… well enough is said for me. I rest in peace (and impatience) until May…
Thank you Mr Nimoy, thank you JJ
“About two months ago my wife,Susan, and I saw a near finished version of the new Star Trek movie. Some special effects and new score were not yet in place. Susan can be a very honest and tough critic. When it was clear that the story was wrapping up she turned to me and whispered, ‘ I don’t want this movie to end !!’ ”
That is ‘exactly’ how I want to feel in the theater this coming May…just like Susan Nimoy did.
It is a shame that Nimoy should even feel compelled to make this statement. His participation is sufficient validation for the project.
No, no one WAS asking you, but at the end of the day I think we can all give the benefit of the doubt to the man who has been with the franchise longer than any of us.
it looks like that Spock looks just like his father Sarek with his hair gray and white. Is it a copy of Sarek?
I still think there will be one or two cannonites who will feel they know more about Spock, than Leonard Nimoy.
I wonder if there will be an argument with themselves leading to the inevitable evil robot meltdown, ala Classic Trek
Spock says it is right.
But Spock is wrong.
Spock can never be wrong.
But the Spock is wrong.
The Spock is right.
The Spock is wrong.
Cannot compute… cannot compute….
In any case, still totally juiced to see this movie. (2x on opening day!)
#8—-“….Frakes calls Insurrection a ‘wonderful film’ too.”
With all due respect to Jonathan Frakes, he’s no Leonard Nimoy!
“….Frakes calls Insurrection a “wonderful film” too.
(Actually, in that case, I agree- and I know I’m not alone.)”
Frakes also directed and was a star in the film…what did you expect him to say?
I won’t be convinced until I see it. At the end of the day, Nimoy is just another actor talking about a movie he’s in, not a god or a canon-master. With all due respect, he may not know what he’s talking about…
It is, of course, too much to hope for that this statement will finally, at long last, hush up the canonbawling. But for a brief, fleeting moment there, I did allow myself to dream…
Well… here’s hoping!
But yeah, lets be fair: see it first before writing it off.
#9—“…Mr Nimoy, who is Star Trek for me…”
For me too… at least the character that he, along with Roddenberry, Coon, Fontana, etc., helped bring to life for us so many years ago.
Spock is the one character that really stirs my ’emotions’, and as Admiral Kirk said, “Of all the souls I have encountered in my travels, his was most…human.”
#11—“…at the end of the day I think we can all give the benefit of the doubt to the man who has been with the franchise longer than any of us.”
Longer than ‘anyone’, since he is the only one remaining of those who actually made “The Cage” back in 1964. I don’t think there is anyone left who was part of Star Trek that early one, and certainly no one who is ‘still’ involved in working to bring it to the fans.
Leonard Nimoy’s endorsement remains the most encouraging part of the build-up so far I think. From what I have read, he was right on the money in shepherding the franchise through the mid-1980s film era after Roddenberry was moved aside by the studio and before Next Gen introduced Rick Berman as its new overseer. So his opinion I think carries huge weight.
I think he will have focused really on the characters and the plot, and whether these rang true to what Star Trek stands for. So that is a great comfort. Of course I suspect he will have been less concerned with things like nacelle design, the bridge layout and where the 1701 was built, etc. That kind of stuff I guess a lot of people feel is less crucial. I pretty much agree, but am a little sad that it could have sailed closer to canon in these little details without detracting from plot. But a movie that gets the soul right and the room’s colour-scheme wrong is infinitely better than the reverse.
17: ..who cares about the minutia of canon if the story & acting & directing SUCKS. You might say First Contact was canon for example, as a movie it failed. Give me a better movie over 100$% canon ANYDAY
If Leonard Nimoy had been given the creative reins (director/writer) of the Next Generation films we would have had better Next Gen films. Period. The man exudes talent, is very smart, and has good taste. I mean had sense (and taste) enough to know that Generations had problems and if those problems could not be address he wasn’t interested in being a part of it.
So there you go. All you basement momma’s boys trekfans, let it go. The new film will be fine.
Can’t wait for May 2009. Live long and prosper Mr. Nimoy.
Hey I liked insurrection. Along with all the other movies. I look at it like I’m reading a book. As long as it’s cool and has a good story, I’m down wid it.
Enjoyment of this film, indeed enjoyment of all things in life, comes down to what your expectations are. If your expectation is that this film is supposed to cater to every personal fanon notion you have ever had about Star Trek’s pre-history, you are doomed to be disappointed. Indeed, it is already very clear to those who have have this wish/expectation that this is not the case, so they are already upset before even having seen it. If, on the other hand, you expect to see an original movie with an inspired yet respectful re-imagination of Star Trek and how things came to be, as assured by the original cast member with the most respect, knowledge, and experience about what Star Trek is, then I believe you will have a rewarding experience.
Re: # 10, 14
Hello Mr. Nimoy.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in the making of this film, & for your ringing endorsement. It means alot. We love you!
There ya go… Cannon is going to be respected AND all of the descrepensais (spelling) will be explained, probably by Nero altering the timeline…
I can live with the crappy looking Enterprise if that’s the story.
If I have the same reaction as Susan Nimoy to the movie, I’ll be very happy.
I am willing to put stock in Mr. Spoc… Mr. Nimoy’s opinion until I can see for myself. More than anyone on this planet he (along with the Shat) IS Star Trek…
Not that i endorse such language but the first comment on the article on TrekWeb is priceless.
I have my doubts, but Leonard Nimoy knows Star Trek, and if he thinks there’s something there, then there is.
The new Enterprise isn’t crappy looking and I would still be excited for this movie even if Nimoy thought it was a disgrace to canon.
Be happy we’re getting any Trek at all people! If this movie fails, it’s done.
Don’t let the propoganda fool you – Nimoy is just as bent as everyone else about the whole Enterprise being built on land and in Iowa while Uhura serves Budweisers in her bra to cadet Kirk.
I suspect the omission of Gary Mitchell and Number One alone have made him distance himself from this project significantly.
Obviously, he has no scenes on the bridge of the new enterprise and was told that the ship and all the sets would be the ones from 1966.
I anticipate that he will open up about all of these issues when he appears on Shatner’s Raw Nerve sometime this Shatcember™. The first scene is of Nimoy walking out of the bathroom as Shatner waits to use it, and Nimoy says, “DO NOT GO IN THERE” ala Ace Ventura. “in there”, the lavatory, of course being a metaphor for this new trek movie. dot com. dot org.
Hey AP – any decision on “FanMade™ by hitch1969© exclusively here at trekmovies.gov”? Not to press or anything. Was just wondering.
#17—“With all due respect, he may not know what he’s talking about…”
Compared to whom, a poster on the internet that hasn’t seen a frame of the film beyond a two-minute trailer?
“At the end of the day, Nimoy is just another actor talking about a movie he’s in, not a god or a canon-master.”
Nor does he need to be…Since the possibility of alternate timelines being created by interference with the past is in itself ‘canon’, the writers have already handed JJ Abrams a very large canon loophole anyway.
And exactly what is a canon-master? Would that be one of the reported half dozen or so ‘canonistas’ that Abrams himself hired just to make certain that a tricorder was carries on the proper side of any member of the crew that beams down to the surface of a planet?
Orci (huge Trek fan and one of the writers), Kurtzman (another huge Trek fan and writer), Lindelof (yet another Trek fan and producer), and Nimoy (44 year Trek star and reprising original actor) have all asserted that anything seemingly contradictory will be explained canonically.
With that in mind, what exactly is the source of your doubt—-that they might all have conspired to lie to you?
Until they give me reason to believe otherwise, I’ll take them all at their word that they honestly intend for this film to be every bit as legitimately ‘canon’ as anything in previous filmed Trek. I think that they have all put a great deal of effort into this, and I choose to be appreciative of that.
I haven’t been this excited about a Star Trek production since standing in line to see TWOK in 1982.
Nimoy’s enthusiastic endorsment for this film has single-handidly done more to boost my confidence about this film than anything anyone else involved with the project has said or done. Not that the rest of the cast and crew has not inspired confidence in me, but Nimoy has such a history with the franchise that his endorsement carries much more weight.
Think of his directing of III and IV, and his refusal to become involved with the shoddy project that was Generations.
Live long and prosper, Mr. Nimony.
The master has spoken.
That’s enough for me.
15. For Those About to Spock, We Salute You
Lol, hahaha! Best nic I have seen for a long time! AC/DC and Trek, what an excellent combination, well done :-)
it’s hard to believe that Mr. Nimoy hasn’t done the character for the last 18 years…it seems like just yesterday that I was watching him as a guest on TNG. It will be good to see him again.
It is encouraging to hear this. My hope is that the story wont be as silly as it sounds.
According to IMDb: Peter Duryea, Laurel Goodwin, and Malachi Throne are all still alive, although not active in TREK.
And let’s not forget our Number One: Majel!
22. MkailaJ – December 4, 2008
17: ..who cares about the minutia of canon if the story & acting & directing SUCKS. You might say First Contact was canon for example, as a movie it failed. Give me a better movie over 100$% canon ANYDAY
Um, First Contact was a failure. It grossed over $100 mil at the box office second to ST:IV. It is widely regarded as fan’s favorite trek movie or a close second. So I guess yeah, it was a total failure. I’m sure JJ Abrams would sign up for his Star Trek to do what First Contact did. But hey, if the new movie rakes in $20 mil like nemesis did but is a good movie that follows cannon, but no one sees it I guess that makes it a success by your reasoning
‘I haven’t been this excited about a Star Trek production since standing in line to see TWOK in 1982.’
Seems like yesterday I was waiting in line to see TMP… it never gets tired.
22. MkailaJ – December 4, 2008
17: ..who cares about the minutia of canon if the story & acting & directing SUCKS. You might say First Contact was canon for example, as a movie it failed. Give me a better movie over 100$% canon ANYDAY
Um, First Contact was not a failure. It grossed over $100 mil at the box office second to ST:IV. It is widely regarded as fan’s favorite trek movie or a close second. So I guess yeah, it was a total failure. I’m sure JJ Abrams would sign up for his Star Trek to do what First Contact did. But hey, if the new movie rakes in $20 mil like nemesis did but is a good movie that follows cannon, but no one sees it I guess that makes it a success by your reasoning
As for Nimoy’s endorsement, I do believe it’s heart-felt but ultimately, no actor, director, writer, producer or any other production member sets out to make a bad film. They pour their hearts and souls into it. (But even the film’s Nimoy was involved with contained some canon boo-boos.)
And technically it becomes “canon” simply by virtue of being a Trek movie so it’s an easy out. And it’s “canon now” because of Nero is also an easy out to me — the whole time travel resetting timeline. Oh, before you all jump me for being “negative” and not waiting for the film….I totally expected changes since it’s a reboot, reinvisioning, whatever. My concern just stems from the actual choices made in these changes (from what we have learned from the 20 minute preview), not that they changed it per se.
Ultimately, I do look forward to seeing Nimoy as Spock, one last time.
You’re not alone. Insurrection is good, though not quite as good as some of the other Trek films.
Spock has spoken. Naysayers, please kindly be quiet, at least until you’ve seen the freakin’ movie….
Closettrekker must be an attorney. He/ (she?) masterfully dismantles others’ argument.
I repect Nimoy, however JJ has to still prove himself. With everyone coming out to support JJ, it seems the people behind the new Star Trek film are doing everything in their power to push back the tidal wave of fans angered by JJ’s recent negative comments about not making the movie for the fans.
What a mensch.
JJ has to prove himself?
Yeah, it’s a shame Paramount chose such a rookie. He could probably direct a blockbuster in his sleep. Clearly he didn’t with this movie. In fact he has put his career on the line, and has openly stated how challenging a project it was. He is quite talented as Nimoy himself acknowledged, and also deserves a benefit of the doubt.
We should consider ourselves fortunate that Paramount, JJ and Nimoy himself are willing to take a chance on reviving the franchise for everyone.
I love Nimoy and he definitely knows more about XI than anyone of us. But that doesn’t mean that I stop having an opinion myself (which might be verified or not in May 09).
I won’t start liking the “new” E just because Shatner says he does like her, either. :)