ShatWatch: Raw Nerve Renewed & Bill talks Takei Appearance + Gonzo Ballet Premiere Date + more

February begins with good news for William Shatner (although TrekMovie sees all Shatner news as good news). First Bill’s Bio Channel chat show has been renewed for more episodes (and we have video of Shatner talking about Takei coming to the show). Plus the Gonzo Ballet has a film festival premiere date, the 2009 Horse Show has set a date, and we have a classic Shat vid from 1967 to round out this new ShatWatch.

Raw Nerve Renewed – Takei being ‘vetted’ (like a horse?)
Because of good ratings and reviews, William Shatner’s talk show "Shatner’s Raw Nerve" has been renewed by the Biography Channel for another 13 episodes, making for a complete season, according to the Official William Shatner Fan Club. And in a brand new Shatner Project video, Bill talks about Takei on Raw Nerve (all the while giving a few digs along the way)…these two guys really need to ‘bury the hatchet’.

Lately Raw Nerve has been offering good interviews with celebrities, and the occasional new tidbit of information about William Shatner himself (for example, in his interview with Fran Drescher, Shatner revealed a never-before-discussed frightening near attack against him). There are a good deal of reruns shown on Bio and some episodes are online at

Schedule for February (all times at 10PM Eastern, unless noted)

  • February 3: Scott Baio (preview)
  • February 10: Drew Carey
  • February 11 (11PM): Rerun of Leonard Nimoy Interview
  • February 17: Wayne Brady
  • February 24: Exclusive Hour Version of Jenna Jameson Interview

Gonzo Ballet Doc To Premiere At Nashville Film Fest in April
The producers of William Shatner’s Gonzo Ballet just informed TrekMovie that the documentary will premiere for the first time at the Nashville International Film Festival, which kicks off April 16. The date for the showing has not been set yet. The documentary was made by Big Screen Entertainment (who are developing Shatner’s "Shiva Club" movie). The official website describes the doc:

William Shatner’s Gonzo Ballet chronicles the quest to create a new ballet based upon Mr. Shatner’s critically acclaimed album, "Has Been." Mr. Shatner co-wrote the album which was produced by Ben Folds of Ben Folds Five. Mr. Shatner and Ben Folds perform on the album along with such diverse artists as Henry Rollins, Joe Jackson, Aimee Mann and country superstar, Brad Paisley

And here is a clip from the documentary, featuring Shatner’s pal Henry Rollins.

Shatner’s Hollywood Charity Horse Show set for April 25

Now in its 19th year led by Shatner, the Hollywood Charity Horse Show is an annual event that mixes the entertainment of equestrian programs with helping children. Expert horse riders and musical artists entertain during the day long event. The money from the event goes to charities such as Ahead With Horses and Camp Max Strauss which helps handicapped children. The website explains why Shatner got involved:

It was back in the late 1980s that Shatner first watched an exhibition by children who were so severely handicapped that some of them could not hold their head up, yet there they were going through intricate exercises on the back of a horse. The program was sponsored by Ahead With Horses, a therapeutic riding group for handicapped children. When the exhibition was over, Shatner sat, deeply affected by what he had seen. "You can’t watch these kids without knowing you have to help, somehow." And so, in March of 1990 came the birth of the first Hollywood Charity Horse Show. Soon, other charities in need of help were added, small, grass root charities doing big time jobs.

This year, the event is April 25th. There will be an Arena Show which features horse riding entertainment (tickets are $20) and for those with an "Arena Show & Western Dinner Party Ticket" ($250 each), there is the evening dinner and entertainment that features the famous Shatner auction (sometimes including Star Trek memorabilia or items signed by Star Trek actors such as Leonard Nimoy or Patrick Stewart) and musical entertainment from Willie Nelson. All contributions are tax deductible. More info at

And if you’d like to donate but not attend the event, there is a Paypal link at the website. Also, available from last year’s show at the Official William Shatner Store are Dorfman Pacific seagrass Western hats signed by Leonard Nimoy, Kate Mulgrew, Avery Brooks, and Patrick Stewart. The hats vary in price from $80 to $100 and a large portion of the proceeds benefit the HCHS charities.

Shatner + Stooges = awesome

The Internet was invented for one reason, and one reason alone: to stream videos showing the diverse (and often unusual) talents of William Shatner. Below is an archetypal example of all that is good about vintage Shat. In 1967, Shatner appeared on an Indianapolis local television show "The Three Stooges Show" to help promote Star Trek. He’s young, he’s hip, he’s playing Captain Kirk during the week, and he is, and forever shall be, William Shatner.

Thanks to rubypearl of the William Shatner Fan Club for the Google video clip

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Surely you should be including Shatners appearance on the UK chat Show Johnathan Ross from last Friday?

I love Shatner these days! He really was just having fun, he didn’t look like he had a mean thought in his mind just now.

All of those jabs at Takei were in good fun, and the Shat’s wicked semi-grin shows it. He knew what he was doing; he’s needling an old coworker. Maybe there’s time for them to become friends, or at least not enemies.

Especially since Shatner pronounced Takei’s name righ! That’s one of the things that really pissed off Takei, so maybe he’ll give Shat a chance. (There’s the motto we should start: “All we are saying is give Shat a chance.”)

BTW, I love this article–the writing is great! “The Internet was invented for one reason, and one reason alone: to stream videos showing the diverse (and often unusual) talents of William Shatner.”

Thanks! Now I have a topic to use for my Master’s thesis! :) hehehehe…hmm… My graduate advisor IS a huge Trekkie….

All these years, George should have just said, “Takei – rhymes with gay.”

1. um…the following article has been on the front page for four days…

I have to say, the “I’m George Takei, dammit!” at the very end of the Shatner Project video had me laughing out loud. As did the list of potential guests on Raw Nerve.

Get ready for the PR stunts still to come to promote the new movie. Shatner Is definitly in this movie. Much more Shatner vs Takei fireworks to come.

That was spectacular….

When Shatner said “Someone of less celebrity” I did a spit take onto my computer. Having these two egomaniacs interview each other is the definition of must see tv.

I don’t care what anyone says. The new Star Trek film would be better w/ Shatner in it.

Oh man, even when Shatner is trying to be nice, he’s an ass.

I agree Shatner doesn’t really care about Takei, he’s not bitter and angry and hurt like Takei is. Takei has lost all my respect towards him, he’s honestly nothing but a slimy, attention whore…

Every damn time he’s on TV, he takes a personal insult towards Shatner, he’s seriously got NOTHING better to do than bad mouth Shatner. How sad a person must you be when the very few times you’re on TV, you have to lash out at a person who’s really not even in his social spectrum.

Let’s be honest, when Takei was on TV in the UK, saying that Shatner isn’t an actor? Oh I’m sorry, but has he forgotten that Shatner was an actor LONG before he ever became Kirk? What does Takei have to show for?

How pathetic… I used to like Takei, I mean he was alright, now, with his pathetic jabs, he simply has dug his own grave, he’s just useless. He’s an old fart with a serious complex.

And it’s time Shatner plays the same tune towards this old idiot. Let’s see what he will say now. After all, he’s got nothing better to do than moan about a grudge he’s had since he first fell in love with William Shatner knowing he’s the one man he’ll never have.

Well, George… I hope you think this was worth it… cause you’ve just lost most people’s respect towards you… you’re pretty much over and done with… bitter old fool.

Thanks for the Lisabeth fix…I’ll say again — she’s HOT!!!!

*splashed cold water on self*

Anyway, now that I’ve had my cold shower — I think it would be cool for Takei to be on Raw Nerve. Maybe then these two can finally bury the hatchet and end this silly battle that’s been going on between them lo these many years!

I could go the rest of my life without ever hearing the names Takei and Shatner in the same sentence….

If Takei appears on Raw Nerve…am I the only one hoping that it breaks down to a fistfight between Kirk and Sulu (with Shatner beating the sh*t out of him)? So what if Shatner says that Takei is “less of a celebrity” than he is – it’s true!

That last video was pretty cool – it’s the closest thing I’ll ever get to a new appearence of Captain Kirk (the REAL one). :(

Shatner rules!!

I think that comment about celebrity might have hurt any chances of Takei going on the show.

I like the Shat (for he IS “tha man”)…but that was kind of tacky…and not nice.

OH , YOU great warm-hearted BEAR , BILL !!!!!
Give GEORGE – a KISS – HE would like THAT !!!!

I know I shouldn’t enjoy their “feud”, but I love it!!!

love it when they go on Howard Stern and they take jabs at each other!



you are so right

when Shatner is interviewing George, he should should have the camera just focused on himself the whole time.

I would love it!

Hahaha!! JJ Abrams is also on Bill’s list! :-)

Takei as a guest will be awesome. Should finally lay this “feud” to rest.

now where is the hour long version of the Nimoy episode?!

#20 … I guess Jenna just lasts longer than Nimoy! ;-)

I love when they get the science right. Hot air does give a balloon lift, after all.


Gentle vetting – can’t wait! :)

– I don’t care what anyone says. The new Star Trek film would be better w/ Shatner in it. –

You are so right. Did I *ever* mention that Nimoy and Shatner together as Spock and Kirk for the last time would be the *only* reason to make me go and see XI? Ah, maybe once or twice…;)

23.well ,in a few months we will hear about test screenings for Star Trek .
But if Bill is in it ,
they might hold back any scenes with him until the release date .
Similar to what they did with Nick Fury in Iron Man.

That is a cool clip of Shatner on the The Three Stooges Show! I hadn’t seen that one before.

That’s actually the first time Shatner’s actually been semi mean spirited to Takei.

Personally I think the feud is kind of fun and is setting its self up brilliantly for a really fun episode.

“I know George likes to be gentled.”

I wonder if Shatner’s playing it up to pique interest.

Shatner’s not an actor George? Did you get classical training with a Royal Shakespearian Company? The Shat Did (and so did the Stew)! Have you won any Emmy’s for excellence in ACTING? The Shat won two from his peers!

Sorry George. You’re just a bitter person who clearly doesn’t know SHAT!

Anyone know if we’re gonna get to see Raw Nerve in the UK.
Bill was on top form on Ross’ show, we don’t get enough of him here Dammit Jim!

Shatner with the Stooges in Indianapolis, promoting the move to the Friday timeslot, reminded me of how I watched “Barbary Coast” in the 70s, pretending that Kirk in disguise as Jeff Cable would finally take his communicator and call the ship ;))

#23 Iowagirl

It would have been incredible. I still can’t believe that it did not happen

23 – Should we take it, then, that you’re a Shatner fan? ; D Hi Iowagirl!!

Where the heck was the third Stooge? They better not be implying it was Shatman! ; )

Forget George — I want to see Shatner mix it up with Obama! :-)

Seriously, I hope George and Bill do the chat show together. Despite Bill’s dig at George for being a lesser celebrity, I think it’ll garner bigger ratings for Raw Nerve than say, Valerie Bertinelli did (Luv ya Val!).

Loved the old kiddie show clip. Fun stuff.

Scott B. out.

William Shatner is 1,000,000 shades of awesome.

“It would have been incredible. I still can’t believe that it did not happen.”

Me, either. Such a missed opportunity.

As for Takei, I suspect that he won’t be as vocal when actually facing Bill. Remember when Shat was doing the research on his book. Takei never said a word, it was NIchelle that told him that they didn’t like him. But ultimately, I wish they’d put the “feud” to rest.

I’ll admit, I did laugh at Elizabeth’s ‘Don’t tease, George is a nice man’. It does seem like it’s in good fun, although I am getting tired of these two carrying this on. If it’s an Andy Kauffman-style faux-feud, okay, enough, joke’s worn thin.


I don’t know, he sure wasn’t shy at Shatner’s roast!

I think they’re actually good friends who just like to rib each other. They’re fooling us all.

I think Bill and George should do a comedy act. Or maybe a new production of “The Odd Couple.” It’d be awesome.

#37–Yes, he was rather obnoxious but that’s still in front of a crowd and not directly to Bill. I think one on one and on Bill’s show…..not so brave. But it will be an interesting interview.

I think JJ Abrams should man up and accept Bill’s invitation. :-)


Sorry, but the fierce contempt I saw at the Roast tells me he probably won’t mind telling him what he thinks in person. I could be wrong, of course.

Hmm…Yeah shat’s kind of an ass. Not gonna’ lie.


It really was a missed oppurtunity. I realize that JJ and crew had to move on. However as a lover of TOS the fact that i could not make it work would really have BOTHERED me.

Is the Shat trying his best to piss George off or what? Entertaining though!

That’s the way I like it – let’s hope you’re right. :)

– I still can’t believe that it did not happen –

Me neither – I tend to be somewhat…noncompliant about their reasoning.

Hi Brett, how on earth did you hit on that?? ;)

Hail the Shat, the once and future Kirk!

I’m DYING to see that! :D

I’m curious — does the Shat have shares in

Good for him on the show being renewed. I thought the one with Nimoy was very personal and thought-provoking.

Shatner rocks.

Wait a minute…Shat’s interview with Jenna Jameson gets a “special hour-long” version broadcast, but Mr. Nimoy’s episode doesn’t…? What kind of crazy reality is this…

Extended Nimoy episode, please!!

#49 ” Wait a minute…Shat’s interview with Jenna Jameson gets a “special hour-long” version broadcast, but Mr. Nimoy’s episode doesn’t…? What kind of crazy reality is this…”

An hour isn’t even enough with Jenna…