Today, Leonard Nimoy is 78. His thoughtfulness and dedication to his art is a big reason for the popularity of Spock. He has entertained Star Trek fans for more than 40 years, creating a cultural icon with a character we are all delighted to see again on the big screen this year. However, his career is more than Spock, starting nearly 60 years ago. TrekMovie sends its best wishes to Leonard on his birthday with this collection of some of his performances during his many decades as an entertainer.
Nimoy through the decades
1952: Kid Monk Baroni
1963: The Outer Limits: I, Robot
1965: The Man From Uncle (with William Shatner)
1970: "Put a Little Love in You Heart"
1973: The Flip Wilson Show
1973: Baffled
1982: Leonard Nimoy in "A Woman Called Golda"
1983: Leonard Nimoy’s Star Trek Memories
1984: The Bangles "Going Down To Liverpool" Music Video (also directed)
1991: Oldsmobile Commercial (with daughter)
1998: Brave New World
2006: Comedy Central "Shatner Roast"
And in 2009 he is back, as Spock in the new Star Trek. Here is the theatrical trailer with a little bit of Nimoy.
From all of us at, thank you, Mr. Nimoy, for all the great characters and caring so much about Star Trek and its legacy. Happy Birthday!
More Nimoy Tribute
Our friends have done something akin to our tribute to Shatner last year (77 Reasons Why William Shatner is Awesome), with their 78 Things We Love About Leonard Nimoy, check it out.
And if you missed it, see our Nimoy bday tribute from 2008: Leonard Nimoy in Black and White.
Happy Birthday Leonard!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Nimoy!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Nimoy!
YAY! Happy Birthday!
In my opinion, Nimoy still stands as one of the best, if not the best, actors in Star Trek. And, to me, I respect him all the more for coming to terms with Trek. It’s nice to see someone who not only embraced the franchise, but is willing to continue to help it grow and thrive. It’s only fitting that (most likely) the last TOS actor to be involved in a Star Trek production would be Nimoy…
All the very best, Mr. Nimoy and thank you!!
A very happy birthday to you sir!
im meeting him in june!!! cannot wait!!!
heres a tribute video about leonard!
warning may not be suitable for small kids!
happy birthday leonard!!!
Happy Birthday, Leonard Nimoy! :)
A classy, wonderful actor. Happy birthday!
Bonne fête, monsieur Nimoy!
Happy Birthday Mr. Nimoy!
Fantastic set of clips. The 1952 film noir fighter? wow!!
Happy Birthday to an icon
Happy… BirthdayLeonard. You are… a…. classyman! Continue to… Live Long… And… Prosper.
Gee, you look just like Zack Quinto in Kid Monk Baroni. Happy B.Day!
#5 – Very well stated. Mr. Nimoy has been an excellent person throughout his career, and Trek in all of its incarnations is better off having had him associated. (Even if he didn’t actually appear in some of those associations.)
I never did understand why he was in a Bangles video. Totally weird. Happy Bday Mr. Nimoy.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Nimoy. Here’s to many more to come.
Happy birthday Mr. Nimoy!! All the best!
… and yet still has the charisma he did in the 60s… 70s… 80s…
Happy B-Day to a Class Act!
Have an immensly logical birthday, Leonard.
Happy Birthday Mr Nimoy
An excellent actor and director and a great photographer.
No one can ever replace him as Spock.
A great man. Happy B-day, Leonard.
Have a great birthday, Mr. Nimoy!
Happy birthday, from a fellow Massachusetts-ite!
“In Search Of …” had a big impact on me as a kid, on top of Star Trek.
Happy Birthday, Mr. Nimoy!
He’ll always be my favorite Vulcan. Happy birthday, Mr. Nimoy!
#5, I agree completely, Nimoy really held TOS together in my opinion. Although, I’ve always been a big DeForest Kelley fan too.
I don’t know if anyone can ever replace these guys.
Last year at the Vegas Con when you read comments from the internet to the audience, and it included my post about hoping old Spock wasn’t going to be depicted with droopy ears like Yoda, I was, pardon the expression, “beaming”!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Nimoy!!
Happy Birthday, Mr. Nimoy!
Alles Gute zum Geburtstag!
What, no “Zombies of the Stratosphere”????
All kidding aside, Happy Birthday Mr. Nimoy.
i hate to be off topic, but why does nobody around here mentions that there are NEW POSTERS all over the web
Happy Birthday to a class act, and thank you for many wonderful years of great work.
Happy Birthday, Leonard! All the best!
Happy Birthday to my favourite Star Trek actor. Can’t wait to see his return to the big screen, and Spock.
There you are — from so many fans, the same good wishes — an d from this one, too:
Many happy returns!
Happy Birthday, Leonard!
You’ll always be Vulcan #1. :)
happy birthday!
I teach Brave New World in a college class and have for years been wanting to get my hands on a copy of Nimoy’s Brave New World movie. As far as I can tell, it was originally a TV movie and I’ve never been able to figure out how to get a copy of it. Does ANYONE know how I can get a copy of this movie?
A very very happy Birthday Mr. Nimoy!
A freilekhn geburtstog, Leonard!
I miss Werner Klemperer.
LIve LOnG and ProsPer… Mr. Nimoy… Can´t wait to see you on the big screen . Thank you for all these years of SPOCK.
This man has my utmost respect, gratitude, and love. He is one of the most honorable, caring, selfless, intelligent, and down to earth people in all the world let alone “Hollywood.”
Happy Birthday Leonard, best wished, peace, health and long life,
your dear man, live long and prosper.
There are Vulcans, and there is Spock. All the best, I can’t wait to see you again in May!
I’m glad we had to wait until #14 before we saw “Live long and prosper”. ; )
Happy Birthday Leonard!
You have always been a huge inspiration to my family and I, and we’re sure you will continue to be for some time to come. Many happy returns!
Live Long and Prosper Leonard.
Many happy returns of the day to you sir.
The happiest of birthdays and a wonderful year to come, Mr. Nimoy!
And it couldn’t hurt to be one of the stars of a summer blockbuster. Mazel Tov.