First Details on Star Trek Movie Burger King Promotion

In 1979, the very first Happy Meal of a feature film ever was released. The film? Star Trek: The Motion Picture. 30 years later, it is Burger King that brings Trek back to restaurants with the promotions for the new Star Trek film. TrekMovie has some early details about the promotion in this preliminary report.


Star Trek and the King
Beginning on May 4th, fans thirsty for either a drink or more ST09 collectibles could visit their local Burger King which will be decked out with Star Trek posters and banners celebrating the new film (BK stores have already been issued a promotional poster). 

BK promo poster

With the help of Adam, a store manager and other sources, TrekMovie has put together a preliminary outline of what you can expect to see for Star Trek and Burger King in May.

Collector’s Glasses
One of the promotions from Burger King will be four collector’s glasses. The glasses feature Captain Kirk, Spock, Uhura, and Nero with an image of the Enterprise or other characters inside a delta shield behind them. While details are still being confirmed, it is likely these are available with adult meal deals if Burger King follows their traditional marketing strategies.

Star Trek glasses coming to Burger King (from promo poster)

What is most interesting is that Burger King has chosen to offer this updated retro-kind of item for an updated retro-kind of movie which seems a perfect fit. Promotional drinking glasses used to be a mainstay of movie items. Many fans remember getting Star Wars glasses at restaurants such as Burger Chef during the 1970s. In 1976 and 1978, Dr. Pepper offered glasses based on the original television show. Star Trek III had four glasses from Taco Bell. While the trend during the 1980s and 1990s was to feature promotional plastic drinking cups (such as what was done for Star Trek IV and Generations), Burger King has made a very nice choice here with the glasses styled like the retro-design.

1984 Taco Bell Star Trek III glasses promo commercial

Details are still not available yet, but there will be Star Trek toys included in Burger King kid’s meals during about four weeks of a promotion that start May 4th. These toys are included with a kid’s meal purchase. Currently, Burger King is promoting Sponge Bob Square Pants, yet the website does include a teaser that "Star Trek" toys are next.

Notice on BK toy site

Trek-ified food
TrekMovie has also learned that Burger King will likely Trek-ify one of the kid’s meal with a Star Trek shaped food (apparently there will be ‘Chicken Tenders’ shaped like a Star Trek delta shield logo). It is possible there will be other Trek-themed meals.

Kid’s Club Magazine
When in the store, be sure to look for a kid’s club free magazine that is available at most counters. These are usually tied to the current promotion and TrekMovie sources tell us that the May issue will feature Star Trek images and games.

TV Commercial
TrekMovie has previously reported that Burger King filmed a commercial on the bridge of the U.S.S. Enterprise. These commercials will start during the week of the promotion in restaurants. To give you an idea of what it might be like, here is a BK commercial for last year’s Indiana Jones movie.

2008 Burger King Indiana Jones commercial

Other possibilities
While details are still uncertain, if Burger King follows previous promotional strategies, it is possible that everything from fry containers to placemats will also feature Star Trek at some restaurants. It is also very possible that there will be a Burger King Star Trek website.

All hail the King
While this isn’t always true, McDonald’s tends to have Happy Meals from "G" or Disney films and Burger King tends to skew a bit older with their promotions. Yet, this often means Burger King gets the promotions for some of the biggest blockbusters. Burger King had the promotions for Revenge of the Sith, Superman Returns, Transformers, and Indiana Jones 4. What is nice is that Burger King is including in the Star Trek promotion items that appeal to a variety of fans. It looks like the new Star Trek movie will have the best fast-food tie-in since that first one, back in 1979.

1979 McDonald’s Star Trek: TMP Happy Meal commercial

Look for more articles about Star Trek at Burger King in the coming weeks.


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Cool glasses – First?

The Burger King creeps me out.

Oh man, can I admit I have 2 of those Taco Bell glasses?

Th glasses look pretty sweet actually!

Can’t wait to get the glasses. Its 1979 all over again.

dang…I wish I could stomach BK’s food.

I hope the BK-toys will include the Kelvin and/or other ships from the movie!

will the BK promo thing be in UK too??


The Star Wars collector in me just kicked into hyperdrive. I’ll collect these along with the full sets of SW/ESB/Jedi glasses.

Nice. I always get the weirdest looks from the foreign kids when I get to the counter and ask for one of each toy.
“You no want no food?”
“No – just one of each of the toys.”
“No food?”
“Again – No, just one of each of the toys.”
“No food?”

Surprisingly, I have had that conversation several times in my life. Basically, my collecting philosophy is simple – If a kid can destroy it the first time they use it ie fast food promo toys, pencil crayons, coloring books etc, then that’s what I collect from movies etc. I have tons of stuff, in pristine condition that most people threw away when it got wrecked 20 years ago.

Might open my own store, or at least table at a Con one day.

This looks like a lot of fun — TrekGlasses! :)

And, toy starships with a kids meal? What more could a growing boy need?

lately BK movie tie-in toys have been more complex than usual. I mean, they are like small action set pieces or little working diorama type things.

I’d much prefer a simple stylized figure or statue of characters and vessels.

Kids today need their toys to “do” something. Gimme a solid sculpt figure!

So much for my diet…

13- same here, I just freaking lost 15lbs this month, bustin my ass every morning on a treadmill and doing weights every night. Now this.

While I remain convinced that the Burger “King” is a known sex offender and a pedophile, I will thus relent and eat at Burger King to collect my series of Star Trek glasses. I’ll have to get a couple of sets though. I had the set of Taco Bell glasses, but I think I only have one left, the lame Klingon one. I think all the others broke.

Yes! Those glasses will look great next to my TSFS glasses and my TOS plastic mugs

“I remain convinced that the Burger “King” is a known sex offender and a pedophile, I will thus relent and eat at Burger King ”

ah…the the sacrifices and compromises we must make!

I used to have one of the Taco Bell glasses from ST:III. Got broken in a move several years ago. It had a picture of the E entering the atmosphere. Hard to believe it was so long ago.

Anyone else see the “See the Future” promo on ESPN’s Sportscenter? And don’t tell me geeks don’t watch sports. Or that sports fans don’t watch Trek.

The tip is in AP.

I hope the glasses will be made of glass.

Most people don’t know that the Burger King is a younger version of the Federation President from Star Trek IV.

Nice way to tie this all into the continuity!

#19 i sent in an ESPN related tip months ago. was blasting me with TREK banner ads.


lol #22 (myself) i just noticed the search term in the yahoo top right on my screen cap!

“american idol bikini”

I still have a complete set of the Taco Bell glasses from ST3. Stored them in a special sized box made for keeping glasses safe. It has 4 compartments and keeps them totally safe in each move. YAY!

19, 22:

yeah, i just saw a MLB / Trek promotion on ESPN called ‘future week’ no new footage, mostly stuff from trailer 2 from quantum of solace

I’m getting a kick out of promotions when I least expect them. I’m watching syndicated reruns of Family Guy at 11:30 p.m., and that esurance Star Trek ad runs multiple times an hour.

This is awesome: STAR TREK you can eat:

‘Chicken Tenders’ shaped like a Star Trek delta shield logo.

I want a triple whopper with the federation logo on the meat!

21. Locke for President – April 10, 2009
“Most people don’t know that the Burger King is a younger version of the Federation President from Star Trek IV.

Nice way to tie this all into the continuity!”


Whoppers were the thing that ended my five year run of being a vegetarian after college.


Burger King franchisees in the northeast are dismal in terms of honoring the current promotions. At the height of last year’s Iron Man-and-then-Hulk promotions, my kids got Indiana Jones IV stuff with their meals. This was in NYC, so I would expect the same this summer.

Wendy’s is worse.

I’ve got all the promo glasses from over the years, and darn proud of it!

The food tie-in?? Tribble Tenders!

great, so even in the future they’ll be chompin’ down on artery clogging, greasy junk food?

do they have a veggie burger for vulcans?

maybe the transporter cleans out the circulatory system every time you use it…

that would be handy!

I like the elder Spock themed glas..but alas, no BK within miles of where I live anyway. They closed down the KFC, Taco Bell, Jack in the BOx near me to make way for a many year task of building light rail station here in Seattle up on Broadway.

bob you are the man but tbh t shoud have been big macs haha here in scotland all burgers are like a quater of the size they are in the states

I worked as a crew person then Mgr For Mcd’s from 1977until 1986 and remember the STAR TEK MEAL very well.
acually it was the very first ” happy meal” of any kind not to be branded with the traditional ” happy meal” theme.
it was the first license of any kind, movie, toy or otherwise.

i have the original translights( the menu board displays) of kirk and spock facing toward the meal and the ” prizes” inside.
the prizes, had nothing to do with the movie or star trek at all and were sort of silly.

sorry about the double post but im hopeing bob will anser a question of mines. im really stoked about the new film and it comes out on my nineteenth birthday, but are there any premiers in scotland, or is it only the london one? have you ever been to glasgow? you should haha give me a shout and ill show you all the great geek hang outs:)

#29 Mr. Orci,
I swear, it’s the same dude. Burger King goes bald, his hair grows white, and he takes up a career in politics:

Burger King (before he was Federation President):

Federation President (after too many Whoppers):

(Sorry if those links are too long to work correctly, I tried at least.)

I can also make a case that Harry Mudd from Classic Trek is Mayor McCheese gone rogue.

#29 I recommend the Mini-Me version of it, that there Whopper Junior. Much better for the waistline….

Of course now, perhaps we need some Trek-ified versions of the old Burger King jingle… I”ll offer up the

“Canon Whopper Song” (to the Have It Your Way Theme)
Oh the phasers! Blue nacell-essss?
Holy canon, don’t upset us!
All we ask is that you let us have it OUR way…

I just want to know…. what is the Burger King in the Mirror Universe? Perhaps a cross dressing leather (think Intendant Kira) Burger Queen??

With regards to todays poll, are you kidding me, there is no way in hell I am not going to see the Star Trek movie opening day in IMAX, there is no other way to see it! The first time Star Trek is in IMAX and some of you are going to pass this up? Are you nuts?

Wow. “Burger Chef” is a name I haven’t heard in eons! Anyone else remember the “Super Chef” and the “Big Chef”?

Mr. Orci if you were on a deserted island, which would you want staying there with you?

A. Spock Prime

B. Bea Arthur

C. A box of honey comb cereal

D. A bottle of shave shampoo

star trek now has 8.4 rating on IMDB, and 100 on rotten (granted, with only 4 reviews counted).

of interest is breakdown of votes, with 10% giving it 1, most if not all coming from disgruntled trekkies. schade

i will have them all…

@39 Sadly, there is no IMAX in range… the next one is up to 10 hours away per train… either Nürnberg or Amsterdam (I never can handle dutch subtitles I’ll die from laughing when watching Trek with Dutch subtitles)

I wonder if the TMP McDonald’s commercial counted as a canonical example of spoken Klingonese in the subsequent construction of a formal language.

Re: #35

Do you remember a flying saucer shaped Happy Meal that came out in tandem w/ TMP tie-ins, or shortly therafter?

They were made of plastic, (red,blue,green, & yellow).You took the lid off, & ate your lunch out of a plastic dish.

I remember my mom, & my buddies’ mom ordering “Star Trek Meals” for us, & the dumbass clerk serving us these multi-colored saucers. Even at 6yrs old I was pissed! LOL

I can’t for the life of me remember what they were called. Do you recall?

I remember my parents rented a beach house for a weekend when I was a kid and in the cabinet they had one of those Star Trek III glasses. I wanted to steal it soooo bad! Fortunately for them, I was a sweet Catholic boy at the time. But today I’d snatch it in a second–thanks to Nietzsche.

Anyways, this time around I think I’ll get one of my own. The Spock one is obviously the one to get since it has the likeness of the original Spock on it as well. Pretty cool!

Well. LKooks like Ill be eating a lot at Burger King. hey. It’s another reason Why i can go there now. Lol.Looks to be a big hit on the promotuon side of things.

OMG, I still have Star Trek Meal boxes and a display somewhere.
I remember it all smacking of desperate marketing on the part of Paramount, because the movie was so NOT kid-friendly.