A couple of days ago we had an update on the Star Trek ARG. Today there are more clues, but still no answers. We have a quick report below on today’s developments.
Clue: Viral site updated
Today the site (also http://www.2387-42.com) has been updated with a lot of chatter between various ‘PHPCHATUsers’. Here is what it says as of Friday at 11:30 AM (Pacific):
* PHPChatUser1: テスト中、テスト中。誰かいる?僕が時間より早いのはわかってるんだけど、誰か応答もらえた?
* ____PHPChatUser1 has disconnected____
* PHPChatUser2: Carrefour de la Rue de la Fédération et Rue de Presles
* ____PHPChatUser2 has disconnected____
* PHPChatUser3: Kloidn*&%$)#mns
* PHPChatUser3: *******?
* PHPChatUser3: ??????
* PHPChatUser3: *^*&!!!!!!!
* PHPChatUser4: Usa el teclado.
* PHPChatUser3: Was glaubst du, was ich hier mache? "Fe", bist du das?
* PHPChatUser4: Sí. ¿Quién más está?
* PHPChatUser3: Niemand. Es funktioniert nicht. Toller Plan.
* PHPChatUser4: Fue idea de Karnis.
* PHPChatUser3: "Fe’s" Idee. Und ja, er hat nicht nachgedacht.
* PHPChatUser1: もしもし?
* PHPChatUser4: Parece que es esto.
* PHPChatUser3: Bist du OK, Kleiner?
* PHPChatUser1: だと思う。あれ、うまく届かなかったんでしょ?僕、自分のちゃんとできたと思えなかったんだよね。君ら、だれも応答しなかったし。
* PHPChatUser4: No te preocupes. Creo que algo sí ha salido. Buen trabajo.
* PHPChatUser3: Lüg ihn nicht an. Er ist kein Idiot.
* PHPChatUser4: Cállate, Janus.
* PHPChatUser1: カーニスどこ?ここにいるはずじゃないの?
* PHPChatUser3: "Fe". Bin ich hier der Einzige, der unsere Decknamen benutzt?
* PHPChatUser4: El viene, se ve que el escribió este sitio por alguna razón.
* PHPChatUser3: Habe deinen speziellen Freund auch nicht gesehen. Wir verschwenden hier unsere Zeit.
* PHPChatUser5: Sorry, I’m late. There was a problem.
* PHPChatUser4: ¿Estás bien? ¿Donde estás ?
* PHPChatUser5: Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Glad to talk to everyone.
* PHPChatUser3: Du sprichst nicht mit jedem.
* PHPChatUser5: What?
* PHPChatUser1: 僕へまやらかしたみたい。暗号がよくわからなくて。ごめん。
* PHPChatUser5: No, no.
* PHPChatUser1: 多分もう一回トライできるよ。何が起こったのか見当はついてるし。
* PHPChatUser5: It’s ok. We’ll figure this out.
* PHPChatUser4: No creo que nada de lo que cambiemos vaya a ayudar. Deberíamos preguntar a alguien.
* PHPChatUser3: Wen denn genau?
* PHPChatUser4: No lo sé.
* PHPChatUser5: Didn’t “Ca” mention someone?
* PHPChatUser3: Er ist nicht hier.
* PHPChatUser5: He hasn’t checked in?
* PHPChatUser3: Was glaubst du, was ich meinte!?
* PHPChatUser4: Estoy seguro que el fue detenido.
* PHPChatUser1: ずっとこれをし続けていいのかな?僕、君達のだれか一人に会いにいったほうがいいんじゃ?
* PHPChatUser5: No. “Ca” was right, splitting up gives us our best shot.
* PHPChatUser1: それって僕らをつかまえるが難しくなるから?
* PHPChatUser5: We’ll worry about that when and if we have to.
* PHPChatUser4: Debemos esperar a “Ca” y él nos dirá cual es el siguiente paso.
* PHPChatUser3: Es könnte schon zu spät sein für den nächsten Schritt, vielleicht haben wir unsere einzige Chance schon vertan!! Du hast ja keine Ahnung was hier los ist!!!
* PHPChatUser5: Neither do you!!! Knock it off – I can get to you quickly. We don’t need you to lose control, again.
* PHPChatUser4: Nada de esto está ayudando.
* PHPChatUser3: Sklave.
* PHPChatUser1: 僕、彼を助けに行ったほうがいい?
* PHPChatUser3: Wirklich lustig!
* PHPChatUser5: He’ll be fine.
* PHPChatUser3: Ich verschwinde jetzt, wenn er nicht kommt. Nur so als Warnung für euch. Wir haben es versucht, es hat nicht funktioniert – ich habe meine Schuldigkeit getan.
* PHPChatUser4: ¿Y a dónde vas exactamente?
* PHPChatUser3: Laß das meine Sorge sein.
* PHPChatUser5: Just stay out of sight this time. I think we’ve been noticed, we didn’t clean up properly.
* PHPChatUser3: Nehme ich jetzt schon Befehle von dir entgegen? Nur weil du unten im Salz wusstest, was zu tun ist – als ich fast meinen Arm verloren habe.
* PHPChatUser5: Your problem in the salt is that you gave up too quickly. Maybe if you spent some time figuring out the right trajectory.
* PHPChatUser3: Das wird nichts helfen.
* PHPChatUser5: Just try. We’ll meet back here in 2.
* PHPChatUser3: Ja, ja. Ich bin weg.
* ____PHPChatUser3 has disconnected____
* PHPChatUser1: 誰か僕のこと見てるみたい-ちょっと待って。
* PHPChatUser5: You sure?
* PHPChatUser4: ¿Cómo eran?
* PHPChatUser1: ちがった。通り過ぎて行った。
* PHPChatUser4: Relájate, todos necesitamos relajarnos y pensar bien las cosas, y no actuar como animales asustados. Nadie nos mira está en tu mente.
* PHPChatUser5: I’m working on the magnetic interference. Can you look at the frequency stuff?
* PHPChatUser1: うん、もちろん。それくらいできるよ。ちょっとリサーチすればね。
* PHPChatUser5: Good, we need a little more time.
* PHPChatUser1: まだ時間、あると思う?
* PHPChatUser4: Lo tendrás
* PHPChatUser5: You know when to come back?
* PHPChatUser1: もし君が必要になったら、早めに連絡するよ。それでもいい?
* PHPChatUser5: OK, stay hidden and safe
* PHPChatUser1: がんばってみる。
* ____PHPChatUser1 has disconnected____
* PHPChatUser5: It was his very first run.
* PHPChatUser4: Deberías haberme dejado venir contigo.
* PHPChatUser5: I hate feeling like this. We have to get it right, and fast.
* PHPChatUser4: Trajabaré con la frecuencia tal vez sea eso.
* PHPChatUser4: ¿Aún estás ahí?
* PHPChatUser5: Yes, sorry. I’m here.
* PHPChatUser5: Thank you, Candir.
* PHPChatUser4: Cuídate dejamé saber si me necesitas.
* ____PHPChatUser4 has disconnected____
* ____PHPChatUser5 has disconnected____
A quick deduction by ‘CptnValdez’ comes up with
PHPChatUser1 : Japanese – “Yarakashita”
PHPChatUser2: French – “Ca”
PHPChatUser3: German – “Janus”
PHPChatUser4: Spanish – “Candir”
PHPChatUser5: English – UNKNOWN
There is probably more here to be deduced so keep on trying. Let us know if you find anything.
Clue 2: Is the email address dead end or more to it?
In the last update an email address was identified that might be related to the French clues in the above chat. Many have sent emails to this Malak0 at mklvnd@aol.fr and some get no reply, while others get replies back in French or English but there doesn’t seem to be any pattern. The original post called for a lost item, and the replies seem to be requesting you to accurately describe the item you lost.
Here are is an example
From: mklvnd@aol.fr [mailto:mklvnd@aol.fr]
Sent: Friday, April 17, 2009 8:20 AM
To: anthonyp@scifanatic.net
Subject: Re : rewardTell me what the item look like.
—–E-mail d’origine—–
De : Anthony
A : mklvnd@aol.fr
Envoyé le : Jeudi, 16 Avril 2009 21:17
Sujet : reward
I lost an itemWilling to give a reward
After replying it looks like a ‘PADD’ and a ‘PALM’ got a rely that he didn’t know what PADD is.
Malak(0) has made another comment at lepost.fr in French noting he has received several emails and saying saying that he will be posting pictures of the device later.
Right now there are two possibilities:
this is part of the ARG and you must send an email with a specific word or phrases to get the right reply clue (or we must await the pictures to figure it out)
This has nothing to do with the ARG and is either someone trying to inject himself into it or an innocent person caught up in all of this
More clues?
Keep looking for clues and email them in or post them in the comments (but if you really think you are on to something email to: tips at trekmovie dot com.
I think it’s a communicator rather than a PADD.
I got the reply that he had no new information on the item other than what he has posted online
Yarakashita is not a name.
“hema yarakashita” means “messed up”.
I sent him a picture of the communicator from:

And he answered:
This appareil is different- more big at least.
Any more ideas of device pictures we have and can send him?
I’ll repeat my recent statement from other thread regarding the order and nationalities of the chat users:
One thought on the premiere dates:
France: May 6
Germany: May 7
Spain: May 8
England: May 8
Now, Japan is on May 29th… but the User from Japan is number 1 in the chat. Roman numeral was 6… Is this telling Japanese fans that they will get the movie on the 6th (i.e., first)?
@4 maybe the Original Tricorder? it is definitely bigger and could match those measurements.
I figured it is a communicator because of the comments Malak has made. The dimensions are that of an open communicator and static would be if the person does not know how to use it.
Just a thought.
Send all the pictures you can find!! Let’s just keep sending any devices from any trek we can think of until we get somewhere!
How long has it taken most people to receive a reply from Malak?
9: I sent one yesterday early afternoon EDT, and got one back about 4 hours later…Late for Paris time.
I just sent a photo of the open communicator toy by Playmates, asking if it resembled that at all.
Sometimes, I’ve gotten a reply quickly, other times it’s taken a bit.
2 hours are up…
couple days
Can anybody translate?
They mention jamming… Could this be the static pages? They are jamming someone???
Yeah, a translation of the Chat would be nice… for those of us linguistically challenged…
Maybe there are bad guys here on Earth??? Hey didn’t J.J. say some ridiculous seeming comment a while back about a life size enterprise sort of thing???
I posted this at the end of the other thread but I’ll also add something too:
I think the chat group must be Nero and his crew. A Federation crew would not be so chaotic and without discipline.
For example: “PHPChatUser5 Neither do you!!! Knock it off – I can get to you quickly. We don’t need you to lose control, again.”
Another sign this was not a Federation crew is they were NOT using code names, were worried about being discovered, and were questioning who was in charge. They sound desperate and confused.
Also, I’ll come back to the line: “PHPChatUser5 Just try. We’ll meet back here in 2.”
2 what?
Hours? Days? Weeks?
ALSO: I think the “chat” was posted all at once, and not line by line as would be the case if it were really an on-line chat.
My reason for this is I looked at the site this morning and it was the same as it had been.
About 2 minutes later I refreshed the page before closing it and there it was… a full chat session that would have taken more than a couple of minutes to develop in real time…
I sent him an image of an old Zenith B&W tabletop TV.
What the hey, right?
Can’t make heads or tails of anything, so I put together some associations — hopefully someone else can figure this out.
PHPChatUser1: Japanese, Si, “Kid”, 15048
PHPChatUser2: French, Ca, 87465
PHPChatUser3: German, Al, Janus, 19886
PHPChatUser4: Spanish, Fe, Candir, 94371 (Karnis?)
PHPChatUser5: American, O, ?? , ??
And some speculation …
PHPChatUser1 – Sulu?
PHPChatUser5 – Kirk?
PHPChatUser3 is abrasive and aggressive — Klingon?
17 — Yeah, the life-size Enterprise has been at the back of my mind since he said that. I wonder if we’re about to find out what he was talking about.
@ 18
Nope, it appeared line by line, I saw it happen. Didn’t quite feel like a chat room, the pauses were a bit too evenly spaced but not a bad attempt!
What if….this is really a device from the future. Eh? Eh?
I bet you it is a new tricorder.
He said it was between a phone and a laptop, right?
The way I translated it was. I opened 3 tabs of the Google translated web page, translated into spanish, japanese, & german. You then switch between the tabs as you read each user’s post. They are not perfect translations but you can get the gist of what it says.
I think they must be meeting online again in 2 days, 2 hours have passed and theres nothing new. 2 days might make more sense as it would allow more participants in the game to take notice!
Sorry for the repost
PHPChatUser1 Test, test, test, test. That? Faster than the time I know I’ve, got response?
____PHPChatUser1 has disconnected____
PHPChatUser2 Carrefour de la Rue de la Fédération et Rue de Presles
____PHPChatUser2 has disconnected____
PHPChatUser3 Kloidn*&%$)#mns
PHPChatUser3 *******?
PHPChatUser3 ??????
PHPChatUser3 *^*&!!!!!!!
PHPChatUser4 Use the keyboard.
PHPChatUser3 What do you think what I do here? “Fe”, bist du das?
PHPChatUser4 Yes Who else is?
PHPChatUser3 Nobody. It does not work. Great plan.
PHPChatUser4 Idea was Karnis.
PHPChatUser3 “Fe’s” idea. And yes, he has not thought about.
PHPChatUser1 Hello?
PHPChatUser4 It appears this is.
PHPChatUser3 Are you OK, kid?
PHPChatUser1 I think. What, you did not reach it? Me, and I did not feel I had my right. And you did not respond to everyone.
PHPChatUser4 Do not worry. I think it has something left. Good job.
PHPChatUser3 Him not to lie. He is no idiot.
PHPChatUser4 Shut up, Janus.
PHPChatUser1 Where Kahnis? Should not you be here?
PHPChatUser3 “Fe”. Am I the only one who uses the pseudonym?
PHPChatUser4 The next is that wrote this site for some reason.
PHPChatUser3 Have your special friend not seen. We are wasting our time here.
PHPChatUser5 Sorry, I’m late. There was a problem.
PHPChatUser4 You okay? Where are you?
PHPChatUser5 Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Glad to talk to everyone.
PHPChatUser3 You speak not with everyone.
PHPChatUser5 What?
PHPChatUser1 I want to be YARAKASHITA. Encryption not know well. Sorry.
PHPChatUser5 No, no.
PHPChatUser1 Maybe I can try once more. Guess what happened to luck.
PHPChatUser5 It’s ok. We’ll figure this out.
PHPChatUser4 I do not think anything will help change that. We should ask someone.
PHPChatUser3 Wen because that?
PHPChatUser4 I do not know.
PHPChatUser5 Didn’t “Ca” mention someone?
PHPChatUser3 He is not here.
PHPChatUser5 He hasn’t checked in?
PHPChatUser3 What do you think what I said?
PHPChatUser4 I am sure that he was arrested.
PHPChatUser1 How can I keep it long? I’m better I went to see one of us? You?
PHPChatUser5 No. “Ca” was right, splitting up gives us our best shot.
PHPChatUser1 It would be difficult to catch us from it?
PHPChatUser5 We’ll worry about that when and if we have to.
PHPChatUser4 We should expect to “Ca” and he will tell us what the next step.
PHPChatUser3 It might already be too late for the next step, perhaps our only chance we have missed! You have no idea what is going on here!
PHPChatUser5 Neither do you!!! Knock it off – I can get to you quickly. We don’t need you to lose control, again.
PHPChatUser4 None of this is helping.
PHPChatUser3 Slave.
PHPChatUser1 I had better help him?
PHPChatUser3 Really funny!
PHPChatUser5 He’ll be fine.
PHPChatUser3 I now disappear if he does not come. Just as a warning for you. We have tried, it did not work – I have done my duty.
PHPChatUser4 And where are you exactly?
PHPChatUser3 Let this be my concern.
PHPChatUser5 Just stay out of sight this time. I think we’ve been noticed, we didn’t clean up properly.
PHPChatUser3 Do I now receive orders from you? Just because you’re at the bottom of the salt knew what to do – when I almost lost my arm.
PHPChatUser5 Your problem in the salt is that you gave up too quickly. Maybe if you spent some time figuring out the right trajectory.
PHPChatUser3 That will not help.
PHPChatUser5 Just try. We’ll meet back here in 2.
PHPChatUser3 Yes, yes. I’m gone.
____PHPChatUser3 has disconnected____
PHPChatUser1 I think you see that someone else – just wait.
PHPChatUser5 You sure?
PHPChatUser4 How were they?
PHPChatUser1 Different. I went past.
PHPChatUser4 Relax, we all need to relax and think good things and not act like frightened animals. Nobody looks at us in your mind.
PHPChatUser5 I’m working on the magnetic interference. Can you look at the frequency stuff?
PHPChatUser1 Oh, yeah. I can about it. If you research a little.
PHPChatUser5 Good, we need a little more time.
PHPChatUser1 Still, I think?
PHPChatUser4 We’ll
PHPChatUser5 You know when to come back?
PHPChatUser1 If you need to get, I will contact as soon as possible. OK?
PHPChatUser5 OK, stay hidden and safe
PHPChatUser1 Try hard.
____PHPChatUser1 has disconnected____
PHPChatUser5 It was his very first run.
PHPChatUser4 You should have stopped coming to you.
PHPChatUser5 I hate feeling like this. We have to get it right, and fast.
PHPChatUser4 Trajabaré as often it may be that.
PHPChatUser4 Are you still there?
PHPChatUser5 Yes, sorry. I’m here.
PHPChatUser5 Thank you, Candir.
PHPChatUser4 Take care let me know if you need me.
____PHPChatUser4 has disconnected____
____PHPChatUser5 has disconnected____
what about these lines
* PHPChatUser3: Kloidn*&%$)#mns
* PHPChatUser3: *******?
* PHPChatUser3: ??????
* PHPChatUser3: *^*&!!!!!!!
i doubt they are there for nothing
OK I sent the email address the message saying:
“This is only his box. The sheep you asked for is inside.” which someone else suggested, and I just got the reply:
“Really. He fell asleep” (Actually, He said Ah bon. Il s’est endormi)
Any suggestions?
I figured if there was timestraveling happening, it would be someone from the post-nemesis era, and usualy away teams do not carry padd, but they do carry tricorders, and the nemesis tricorder looks like a touchscreen palm.
RE: 22. WarpTube
“@ 18
Nope, it appeared line by line, I saw it happen. Didn’t quite feel like a chat room, the pauses were a bit too evenly spaced but not a bad attempt!”
My page did not update. (maybe because I use Firefox?) and the chat was not there until I refreshed the page… odd eh?
@30 Interesting… I don’t have a clue what “Good, he sleeps” has to do with anything here…
@32 Send them this picture! Maybe it’s the one he’s waiting for…
Open each of these URLs in separate tabs, in this order:
As you read each user’s post switch to the tab for that user’s language.
1: Japanese
3: German
4: Spanish
In regards to the lines
* PHPChatUser3: Kloidn*&%$)#mns
* PHPChatUser3: *******?
* PHPChatUser3: ??????
* PHPChatUser3: *^*&!!!!!!!
They must have been trying to type using something other than a keyboard becuase the next line says
*PHPChatUser4 Use the keyboard.
Maybe someone having issues with a touchscreen or trying to talk into a mouse? (ST4 referance)
I was looking at the message about when they meet back “in 2″. I started to think ..
2am GMT =
7pm Pacific
8pm Mountain
9pm Central
10pm Eastern
We will see how close I am.
@35 Why does the Spanish Version make the ‘Fe’ into “Faith”?
I understand the German and English, half of the Spanish and none of the Japanese. It would have been sooo much easier to understand the whole dialogue if they didn’t use so many different languages, but they want to make it hard. :-)
* PHPChatUser3: Nehme ich jetzt schon Befehle von dir entgegen? Nur weil du unten im Salz wusstest, was zu tun ist – als ich fast meinen Arm verloren habe.
* PHPChatUser5: Your problem in the salt is that you gave up too quickly. Maybe if you spent some time figuring out the right trajectory.
I find the salt/Salz reference strange. It sounds like it is the name of a place, but what place is called salt/Salz? Salt Lake City? Or do they mean it literally and they were stuck in a salt-mine or just a big pile of salt? Has anyone an idea?
also, what problem did O have? was he the one who malak0 saw running?
or that has nothing to do with this…
bob, if observer pops up somewhere…. :P
@34 It’s a reference to Saint Exupery’s classic: “Le Petit Prince” (The Little Prince).
See the bottom of this page for the line:
I don’t think Malak0 is related to the game … but if he is, maybe we should look more deeply into Little Prince references.
i hate to be a party breaker but
SALT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
@39 Maybe a reference to the salt Alien from TOS?
@40 I think “Ca” the French one was the guy running, hey’s obviously not there
@41 Ah Okay, actually never read it ;)
is it possible this game has ANYTHING to do with the old original VIRAL SITE:
you guys remember this one right…where you have to tune the images and wait for the fourth image to be revealed.
bottom line is we are not going to get anywhere without proper translation
The only connection between salt & Star Trek is the salt-eating creature from the 2nd TOS pilot, “The Man Trap.”
I found that chat confusing to read so I cleaned up the names with the info that’s been provided, and color coded each person. http://startrekkie.com/startrek_arg.html And here it is below with the names and country code as well. user1 – Yarakashita (jp) Test, test, test, test. That? Faster than the time I know I’ve, got response? ____user1 – Yarakashita (jp) has disconnected____ user2 Ca (fr) Carrefour de la Rue de la Fédération et Rue de Presles ____user2 Ca (fr) has disconnected____ user3 Janus (de) Kloidn*&%$)#mns user3 Janus (de) *******? user3 Janus (de) ?????? user3 Janus (de) *^*&!!!!!!! user4 Candir (es) Use the keyboard. user3 Janus (de) What do you think what I do here? “Fe”, bist du das? user4 Candir (es) Yes Who else is? user3 Janus (de) Nobody. It does not work. Great plan. user4 Candir (es) Idea was Karnis. user3 Janus (de) “Fe’s” idea. And yes, he has not thought about. user1 – Yarakashita (jp) Hello? user4 Candir (es) It appears this is. user3 Janus (de) Are you OK, kid? user1 – Yarakashita (jp) I think. What, you did not reach it? Me, and I did not feel I had my right. And you did not respond to everyone. user4 Candir (es) Do not worry. I think it has something left. Good job. user3 Janus (de) Him not to lie. He is no idiot. user4 Candir (es) Shut up, Janus. user1 – Yarakashita (jp) Where Kahnis? Should not you be here? user3 Janus (de) “Fe”. Am I the only one who uses the pseudonym? user4 Candir (es) The next is that wrote this site for some reason. user3 Janus (de) Have your special friend not seen. We are wasting our time here. user5 Unknown (us) Sorry, I’m late. There was a problem. user4 Candir (es) You okay? Where are you? user5 Unknown (us) Yeah, it doesn’t matter. Glad to talk to everyone. user3 Janus (de) You speak not with everyone. user5 Unknown (us) What? user1 – Yarakashita (jp) I want to be YARAKASHITA. Encryption not know well. Sorry. user5 Unknown (us) No, no. user1 – Yarakashita (jp) Maybe I can try once more. Guess what happened to luck. user5 Unknown (us) It’s ok. We’ll figure this out. user4 Candir (es) I do not think anything will help change that. We should ask someone. user3 Janus (de) Wen because that? user4 Candir (es) I do not know. user5 Unknown (us) Didn’t “Ca” mention someone? user3 Janus (de) He is not here. user5 Unknown (us) He hasn’t checked in? user3 Janus (de) What do you think what I said? user4 Candir (es) I am sure that he was arrested. user1 – Yarakashita (jp) How can I keep it long? I’m better I went to see one of us? You? user5 Unknown (us) No. “Ca” was right, splitting up gives us our best shot. user1 – Yarakashita (jp) It would be difficult to catch us from it? user5 Unknown (us) We’ll worry about that when and if we have to. user4 Candir (es) We should expect to “Ca” and he will tell us what the next step. user3 Janus (de) It might already be too late for the next step, perhaps our only chance we have missed! You have no idea what is going on here! user5 Unknown (us) Neither do you!!! Knock it off – I can get to you quickly. We don’t need you to lose control, again. user4 Candir (es) None of this is helping. user3 Janus (de) Slave. user1 – Yarakashita (jp) I had better help him? user3 Janus (de) Really funny! user5 Unknown (us) He’ll be fine. user3 Janus (de) I now disappear if he does not come. Just as a warning for you. We have tried, it did not work – I have done my duty. user4 Candir (es) And where are you exactly? user3 Janus (de) Let this be my concern. user5 Unknown (us) Just stay out of sight this time. I think we’ve been noticed, we didn’t clean up properly. user3 Janus (de) Do I now receive orders from you? Just because you’re at the bottom of the salt knew what to do – when I almost lost my arm. user5 Unknown (us) Your problem in the salt is that you gave up too quickly. Maybe if you spent some time figuring out the right trajectory. user3 Janus (de) That will not help. user5 Unknown (us) Just try. We’ll meet back here in 2. user3 Janus (de) Yes, yes. I’m gone. ____user3 Janus (de) has disconnected____ user1 – Yarakashita (jp) I think you see that someone else – just wait. user5 Unknown (us) You sure? user4 Candir (es) How were they? user1 – Yarakashita (jp) Different. I went past. user4 Candir (es) Relax, we all need to relax and think good things and… Read more »
The Little Prince comes from Asteroid B-612, discovered and designated by a Turkish astronomer.
“Ca” is also Candir, located somewhere in Turkey.
(just throwing things out there).
I just found another curious Star Trek mention of salt:
“Suck Salt”
Episode: TNG 207 – Unification, Part II
Long pencil-like tubes of an unspecified salt.
Amarie, the four-armed keyboardist in the Qualor II piano bar, keeps several in a silvery can and offers one to Riker, calling them a “nasty habit.”
[from startrek.com]
42. marvin
” i hate to be a party breaker but SALT ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
I followed the Wikipedia link and found this:
“In the native Japanese religion Shinto, salt is used for ritual purification of locations and people”
“Romans invoked their gods with offerings of salt and water.”
food for thought…