Last week we previewed the special ‘mystery’ issue of WIRED Magazine guest edited by Star Trek director JJ Abrams. The issue is now on all newsstands and WIRED has put some more content online, including a behind-the-scene video with Abrams, the entire 6-page "When Worlds Collide" comic written by Trek scribes Alex Kurtzman and Roberto Orci, plus some concept art by monster creator Neville Page.
JJ Abrams behind-the-scenes video + essay online
Here is a video showing that Abrams guest-editing is more than just putting his name on the issue.
In addition, WIRED has put up the entire JJ Abrams essay "On the Magic of Mystery". It is very much worth the read.
"When Worlds Collide" mini-comic online
The entire Star Trek "When Worlds Collide" comic written by Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman (with art by Paul Pope) is now online at [NOTE: although comic says ‘by Paul Pope & K/O’, TrekMovie has confirmed K/O = Kurtzman & Orci]
Click images to see full comic online at
Check out the lobster monster
We have seen clips of the ice planet monsters that Kirk has to face in the trailers for the Star Trek movie. These were designed by creature designer Neville Page, who also worked with Abrams on Cloverfield. Now online you can see Page’s concept art for ice planet monster and more.
Concept art for Page’s frozen planet monster from ‘Star Trek’
Get the issue now – guaranteed with subscription
There is more about Star Trek and lots of JJ Abarams inspired puzzles and mysteries in the new WIRED. The JJ Abrams issue of WIRED is on newsstands now. And if you subscribe to a year of wired for $10, you are guaranteed to get the JJ Abrams issue with your subscription.
JJ’s Mystery Box on the covered of his WIRED
Interesting to note the 2 enterprise designs in the comic.
Ahhh! first and second!
Nice background intro into the new movie, good art work, and captures the essence of Spock throughout all his years and different aspects to his character, conflict and history, a very logical approach
#1 & #2
And both are really poorly drawn.
At least the story is sort of nice.
That comic is so sweeeeeeeet! Love backstory!
And touched on Uhura – she loves her “music”.
Ooo. Khan is remembered.
the artwork is kinda creepy… and that’s supposed to be Kirk from TWOK? The storyline is intriguing. And they are changing history, so that all the adventures from TOS can be “retold” in this new paradigm.
This makes me understand the character of Spock in whole new way Fascinating!
Nice little piece of backstory. I like it, even if it could have been better drawn.
horrible art, okay story
When is this site going to do the grown-up thing and ban people who do that stupid “FIRST!” crap?
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised that Paul Pope’s Euro-manga art style isn’t for everyone, but I can’t help being disappointed in the tastes of others. Can’t just one Star Trek comic story be drawn in a way that isn’t bland boilerplate?
Don’t know what some folks are talking about – GREAT art by Paul Pope.
Really cool!
#12 I like the First. It a fun little tradition that we came up with.
Interesting little sidebar….that is some awful drawing, though.
I enjoyed seeing the TWOK enterprise and the JJprise used like that
I think the Cloverfield monster would freeze to death on Hoth. I mean, Delta Vega.
But I guess that guy can only draw one monster.
Is anyone else having problems reading the comic by clicking the images?
A nice new element in what we know so far…
I can’t get the link to work either.
We didn’t come up with it. Unless you mean”the entire pre-adolescent internet community” by us.
Cartoon is too small. Too much work to read. Frozen monster design looked like a lily.
That is all.
P.S. Paul Pope is a remarkable artist, I think it’s incredible that he did a Trek comic. I wish I could read it, but I fear the spoilers ;-)
I wouldn’t expect his depictions of the Enterprise to please- his strength is his energetic, organic style. He’s very loose, which as an artist who overthinks everything, I greatly admire.
The artwork is fantastic…it’s ART people, not cookie cutter, comic book, paint by numbers stuff that you find on the news stand. The lines are beautiful, emotional and evocative. You have to open your eyes and mind to see what is being expressed through the lines.
cool no need to buy the mag now!
” Hoth. I mean, Delta Vega.”
Star Trek had ice planets 10 years before Star Wars existed, you little wiener.
btw is the comic a seperate part of the WIRED mag that you can take out? or is it part of the actual mag?
Pope’s art is fantastic, you silly dumbheads.
Re: 26. ngl;sdb;ga:
I know- that was more an expression of my frustration at my beloved Trek being redone by a man who openly prefers Star Wars- they are very different franchises.
The one part of Star Wars that Trek could have sorely benefited from would be better design work- Lucas has people designing those aliens, ships, worlds, etc. years before the movies come out. I wish they put that kind of care into the re-design of the ships, props, costumes, aliens, etc. but they rushed this movie into production and it shows (though by all accounts everything else is very well done).
P.S. I am not a little wiener. I am a very big wiener.
yeah, you guys need to recognize the ability of Paul Pope, also anyone think clues to the ARG could be stuck throughout that issue?
I am working through it just trying to determine what is a puzzle and what isn’t, but I think the timing and JJ’s heavy involvement might be more than coincidence…
So that monster’s mouth is supposed to be an anus? That’s really gross!
Pope is a great artist and not too shabby a writer either. Check out Batman: Year 100, for example, which won a Eisner or two.
It’s a very distinct style and I admit it probably isn’t as suited to Star Trek as it is to the more urban, cyberpunk-style stories he usually does, but it’s a perfectly good short tale.
Interesting how Spock calls Khan the “Greatest Adversary”. I mean, Khan is my favorite too, and he does have the distinction of facing Kirk more than once (and you aren’t going to declare Mudd the greatest adversary), but I’m sort of surprised something like the Doomsday machine or the Gorn or that giant Space Amoeba thing from “Immunity Syndrome” weren’t used.
Anyone from the UK of a certain age will remember the Star Trek Annuals. Star Trek Annual 1976 — a story called Ice Journey! I am holding out for a movie of that! LOL!
Well, Spock did _die_ when they encountered Khan, so maybe he is biased?
The creature from “Trek” only very vaguely has any resemblance to the monster from “Cloverfield” – they really aren’t that similar.
I suppose that you also have an issue with the fact that John Williams, who composed the Theme to Star Wars also scored TMP (Which gave us a Star Trek theme that is *almost* as synonymous with the franchise as the Alexander Courage theme)?
J.J. had the balls to admit that he is a Star Wars fan? Big deal! Your “beloved Trek” is also enjoyed by people who are liking what they’re seeing from J.J. so far.
Nick Meyer wasn’t even a fan of Star Trek or Star Wars, and he gave us TWOK and TUC! What about ILM? ILM did the visual effects for more Trek than you can shake a stick at, so George Lucas had an impact on Trek from the Genesis Planet animation to the Borg Cube VS. the Starfleet armanda in First Contact.
“Rushed this movie into production”…at least Paramount is bringing Trek back with respectable production and marketing budgets.
I respect the fact that you love Trek. We all do. However, visiting this site and seeing people people trying to put lipstick on sour grapes time and time again is getting really old.
29. John Hazard – April 21, 2009
Re: 26. ngl;sdb;ga:
I know- that was more an expression of my frustration at my beloved Trek being redone by a man who openly prefers Star Wars- they are very different franchises.
The one part of Star Wars that Trek could have sorely benefited from would be better design work- Lucas has people designing those aliens, ships, worlds, etc. years before the movies come out. I wish they put that kind of care into the re-design of the ships, props, costumes, aliens, etc. but they rushed this movie into production and it shows (though by all accounts everything else is very well done).
P.S. I am not a little wiener. I am a very big wiener.
Pope’s art work is stylistically captivating. His work has much more “life” to it than IDW’s “Countdown”.
@ 29 and others
I really don’t understand what everyone’s beef with JJ is over the fact that he likes Star Wars more!? Get over it people!! Your beloved franchise is being handled by one of the best directors in the industry at the moment, irregardless as to whether he likes Star Wars more or not! If you had to wait around for a decent director to come along with a decent budget who also happened to be a Trek fan we would be waiting for a long time! I also feel that Trek could do with a fresh injection of ideas, be they from someone who likes Star Wars more or someone who likes Sex in the City more…grow up yea!
Also that looks nothing like the Cloverfield monster! Don’t critisise someone who obviously makes a living from creature design! They are quite different designs!
I think a considerable amount of design work has gone into the new Trek and I think it shows! There is a much more realistic feel to it and I think everyone on the design/production side has done a cracking job! Lets not complaining about something we haven’t see yet…yea?
I have no problem with people expressing concern about parts of the film, but complaining for complaining sake is pathetic and it is beginning to get teadious! By all means have a fair opinion, but a reasoned one….yea?
“36. Gary Seven of Nine – April 21, 2009
I suppose that you also have an issue with the fact that John Williams, who composed the Theme to Star Wars also scored TMP (Which gave us a Star Trek theme that is *almost* as synonymous with the franchise as the Alexander Courage theme)?”
Personally, I take issue in that it was actually JERRY GOLDSMITH who scored TMP and NOT John Williams. Do your research.
@ 26. ngl;sdb;ga – April 21, 2009
Star Trek had ice planets 10 years before Star Wars existed.
This is certainly true, but Delta Vega wasn’t an ice planet — at least not when it was featured in the 2nd pilot “WNMHGB.” If memory serves, it looked exactly like Talos IV, because the filmmakers were just re-using the set from the 1st pilot, “The Cage.”
If Abrams, et al. wanted an ice planet, why didn’t they use Psi 2000 instead? Is it possible they got the two confused?
Loved the comic. The artwork reminds me of Vampirella’s in the 70’s. However, the direct link with the movie is greatly appreciated.
Because Psi 2000 is dead? @40
Hmmm, the Artwork of the comic is kinda seventies-like but it captures the essence; I like it. And the story gives some nice insight on spock’s charakter. I hunger for mmmmooooorrrreee…
Nice little story with the comic, even if the art isnt that great. Even had an Enterprise reference or two in there, but that’s only fitting since if nothing else the series gave us great insight into Vulcan culture.
I assume that is Kirk’s pod being launched in the last two panels…..
“Well, Spock did _die_ when they encountered Khan, so maybe he is biased?”
Good point.
About Delta Vega:
Either A: It’s a multi-climated planet and Spock, Scotty, etc are in a icy region (something that does not happen close to enough in Science Fiction, mainly due to budget constraints, and the “Enhanced” version of WNMHGB has a huge storm formation near the north pole, probably blocking our view of the icy region). Or B) Delta Vega is actually the star, and this is a different planet in that system than the WNMHGB planet.
Oh, and both Star Trek and Star Wars are fine franchises with their pros and cons, and I don’t really care about what one Abrams likes better. And both have admitted roots in “Forbidden Planet”.
Now had he said he thought “The Adventures of Pluto Nash” or “Battlefield Earth” were his favorite, then I’d be worried.
Can anyone tell me if it matters to read the new comic before or after Countdown?
After, I’m guessing.
To those defending Pope’s artwork: go for it. But stop telling us we should appreciate it or that we need to open our eyes and minds. Art, like beauty, is in the eye of the beholder–and clearly, many of our eyes are less than impressed with Pope’s work in this comic. His old Spock and TWOK Spock/Kirk are HORRIBLE. Almost everything else is fine, even fun, but the Spock on Delta Vega and in the TWOK scene is a complete joke.
36. Gary Seven of Nine – April 21, 2009
I suppose that you also have an issue with the fact that John Williams, who composed the Theme to Star Wars also scored TMP (Which gave us a Star Trek theme that is *almost* as synonymous with the franchise as the Alexander Courage theme)?
I see that you’ve already been corrected by New Horizon, but I have to repeat it. Please don’t correct others with INCORRECT information. Even if, as a fan, you don’t already know that Goldsmith wrote the TMP score, a little Wikipedia never hurts before correcting others… :)
i agree that pope’s art have more “life” as you say, but lets not imply that the IDW countdown art was bad. countdown’s coloring is very good and the faces look very expressive…imo