This week Titan will release the official Star Trek movie souvenir issue of Star Trek Magazine. It contains interviews with the cast of the movie and Titan has provided us with excerpts from Chris Pine, Karl Urban, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana, Simon Pegg, Leonard Nimoy and Anton Yelchin. See below for more info. UPDATE: Plus we have a first look at the Previews exclusive cover.
Excerpts from Star Trek Magazine #18 (the official movie souvenir issue)
Chris Pine explains how he brought his own take to the character of James T. Kirk.
I hope I brought everything that I could to the role. J.J.’s mandate to us all in the beginning was to re-imagine these characters, to think of these characters as our own, and by giving us that freedom in the beginning, I never felt an overbearing responsibility.
I certainly felt a responsibility to do justice to what Mr. Shatner did, but I never felt like I had to in some way impersonate the Kirk that he embodied. Really, at the end of the day, I think I would have been doing an injustice to the story, and to my fellow actors, if I was trying to figure out some genius way of impersonating William Shatner, because then it would become an impersonation, not an original incarnation. My version of the character people would have been taking apart to see how I was trying to achieve that perfect mimicry, whereas it shouldn’t be like that. It should be about the story, so I had to throw caution to the wind and say, “Screw it, here it is, here’s my version of it.”
I understand that it’s a lose-lose situation in many ways, because I know some people are going to want to see a younger version of Mr. Shatner. I am not that, because I am simply not William Shatner. I’m my own person.
Karl Urban is quite adamant about his feelings regarding the authenticity of the new Star Trek film. “There wasn’t anything in the film – not the sets, or the props or anything – that I felt was out of place,” he maintains. “To me, everybody had done an extraordinary job of recreating this world.”
It’s a world that Urban knows well. Even before he gained the role, he had been watching the box sets of the original 1960s series with his young son, instilling in him the same affection for the characters of Kirk, Spock and McCoy that he has had since he watched the show as a young boy himself.
“There’s a magic about it,” he says fondly. “You have to understand that Star Trek was always a cult of personality more than science fiction. The very core strength of Star Trek was that it was about characters: about their differences and how when confronted with a common issue or problem, they can work together and solve it to the benefit of everybody involved to the best of their ability. The longevity and the success of the franchise is really a testament to the strength of those friendships.”
It’s something that he sees as central to any iteration of Star Trek. “It has always been an entirely character-driven show, and I think in this new version, that is delivered in spades,” he explains. “That comes down to a bunch of reasons: Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman’s fantastic script, J.J. having the most spot-on vision and assembling the most talented and incredible cast. I feel so blessed to have worked with these guys.”
Anton Yelchin accepts that he’s playing a younger version of Pavel Chekov in the new Star Trek movie, but he queries whether it’s fair to describe him as brash. “Maybe there is some brashness, but only in the confidence he has to go run and save the day,” he agrees. “But that didn’t affect my thinking in how I was going to be affected by the original. I just really thought he was such a wonderful character, and it would be so sad to lose that. I worked hard to bring that humor, warmth and lightness to it, even in the way he walks.”
For the scene where Chekov is racing through the Enterprise corridors because he knows he can transport Kirk and Sulu back to the ship, Yelchin developed a special way of moving. “I loved running down the hallways,” he admits. “I was always very interested in the way that Chekov walked. It’s just a little more ‘up,’ a little bouncier – but not too much. It was interesting to bring that to the run. You never got to see Chekov run that much before so it was great to see a physical embodiment of that Chekov spirit.”
It’s fair to say that Leonard Nimoy never seriously expected to be donning Spock’s ears again – after all, his last appearance in the role was in a 1991 episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Intriguingly, the actor doesn’t necessarily see Spock as being on a direct line from the character he played in TNG’s “Unification.”
“My sense is that the last time we saw Spock, he was deep in the Romulan Empire on an ambassadorial mission. In this movie, there’s no direct connection to that, but I have a very strong feeling about the emotional line and that personal development of the character, which I’m most comfortable discussing.
“The most fascinating thing for me about working on this movie was not only to see all these young actors who are portraying the original Star Trek series characters, and watch them work extremely well, but also to work with them myself as Spock from another time plane. I see them, and have a wider view of who they are and where they’re going. I know more about them in a way than they know about themselves. There’s a kind of omniscience about the character.”
The most interesting change for Nimoy is that “I think I found a certain peace with the character. The character I play as Spock in this movie is a character who is at peace with himself, whereas the Spock that Zachary Quinto has to play is in a condition that is prior to what we saw in the original series, and not quite as evolved as he was in the original series. He’s in the process of finding himself. He’s putting together the building blocks of his character that will arrive at the character that I portrayed in the original series. During the course of this particular movie, he finds a peace as Spock, and grows into the Spock that I portrayed in the original series.”
Simon Pegg on Scotty being used as light relief amidst the high drama of the new Star Trek movie…
I think Scotty always was a lighter character in some respects. He was kind of quirky and a brilliant eccentric. The picture that always stuck in my head was of Scotty playing the bagpipes, which was hilarious. Scotty is a wit: he’s smart and tenacious, and [when we meet him] he’s also at his wits’ end because he’s being punished for trying to push technology forward.
The great thing is the character is very much himself. That’s who he is. He’s not cynical: I think he looks at his lot in a slightly humorous way. And he’s a Scot, and they’re notoriously gung-ho and humorous about stuff. He’s certainly not a comic figure, but his character does bring some light relief.
I’m doing Tintin at the moment, and Spielberg told me that J.J. had shown him Star Trek. He felt that the point that Scotty gets introduced is the right point for that mood to come in. There has been some extremely affecting stuff, and some major things have happened. It just enables you to move forward without being too morose.
I also love the irony for me, as an actor and as a fan of the show, to have Leonard deliver that line to tell me who I am because he knows me, and he shares a history with my character. I can’t describe the magnitude of that for me simultaneously as a fan and as an actor. I was watching Star Trek when I was seven or eight years old, and to then be interacting with the character – not even the actor, but the character… I’ve known Spock all my life, and to have him speak to me was quite a bizarre thing.
“The whole story for me was a joy to get into,” says Zachary Quinto of his experience playing the half-human half-Vulcan first officer of the U.S.S. Enterprise in the new Star Trek movie. “I like to look back on it as a lot of fun and excitement.”
If he has to single out one aspect over all others, Quinto unerringly talks about the originator of the role of Spock, Leonard Nimoy, with whom he spent a great deal of time in the months leading up to the shooting of the film. “Getting to know him is what will stick with me the longest,” Quinto says. “Leonard is an incredible guy, and I really am honored to be able to consider him a friend. I’ve really come to know him, and look forward to continuing our relationship after the movie settles.
“All the relationships and friendships that I forged in making this film would also classify,” he adds. “I feel like getting to work with J.J. and getting to know my fellow cast members are the things that will transcend the project itself.”
It mirrors the fact that for Quinto, the heart of the movie is the relationships forged between the characters. “The world in which the story takes place can at times seem secondary to what’s actually happening to these characters, how they’re dealing with it, and how they’re relating to one another through it,” he notes, but quickly adds, “That said, the story is still very much rooted in the world of Star Trek, and exceptionally so from an esthetic point of view.”
Zoe Saldana is certain that Star Trek fans are going to be impressed with Chris Pine’s performance in the new movie. “His approach to the character, the kind of Kirk that he and J.J. created, is so much fun,” says the actress who plays Uhura. “He’s so sexy, so entertaining, and at the same time such a leader. This Kirk is no different than the original one: definitely a flirt, and the cockiness is overbearing at times, but it makes him who he is. There is a lot of fun stuff!
“And there’s an intriguing sensitivity about him – Uhura’s a person who’s done everything by the book up to this point, then here comes this renegade who is just gifted. As a cadet, he doesn’t really do the work, he’s lazy as hell, but he was meant to do this. That is something that raises her attention and her awareness of his presence, and there is a lot of flirtation – but Kirk isn’t the character who’s drawn her attention.”
In one of the movie’s more surprising turns, it’s actually Spock to whom Uhura is drawn – but Saldana doesn’t think that the relationship should be such a surprise to the audience.
“When I was doing my research I was trying to see, based on all the facts about Uhura that we know, who she is as a person,” she adds, “and I was drawn to certain conclusions. I would think that she is a perfectionist – and that’s very similar to Spock. She’s not there to have fun. Ever since she was a little girl she felt she was meant to be on that Enterprise, and nothing was going to get in the way of that. That being said, these qualities about her gave me the sense that she would always be fascinated by men who were somewhat older than she was, men who were more mature and had more authority. Spock appears to have all these qualities when they all meet.
Read the full interviews and more in the special movie souvenir edition of Star Trek Magazine, on sale now.More info at Titan Star Trek USA site and Titan Star Trek UK Site.
Newsstand cover for Star Trek Official Movie Guide (STM #18)
Previews exclusive cover for Star Trek Official Movie Guide (STM #18)
You can find STM #18 on newsstands or pre-order it (discounted from $9.99 to $7.99). It comes with the standard cover (seen above, or in a previews exclusive, which has not been released yet).
More movie coverage in Star Trek Magazine #19
Coming in June Star Trek Magazine will have more movie coverage in their next issue. You can pre-order this issue from TFAW also (again discounted from $9.99 to $7.99, and it also comes with the standard cover and reviews exclusive).
STM #19 |
STM #19 |
$7.99 |
$7.99 |
Or just Subscribe to get all the upcoming issues of Star Trek Magazine.
I can’t wait to see the movie tonight. And I will get this magazine and read it all p.
Who composed the music from the 2nd theatrical trailer???????????
Amazing, believable characters. I was scared when I walked in the theater that i wouldn’t know these people. I walked out feeling like I just spent two hours with my best friends from high school. I can’t wait for more adventures with my old friends.
Saw the film in Melbourne on thursday
Fast pace from the start
I absolutely love the origin of the nickname “Bones”
Who woulda thought!
Great film!
2. Roc_Tracey–
Two Steps from Hell composed the music for the trailers that appeared before Quantum of Solace and Watchmen.
Nice picture of Karl Heinz Urban on that cover…
Saw it last night and loved it! Not that crazy about the industrial look of the lower decks and the “brewery”, though.
Did anyone hear Majel Roddenberry’s computer voice? The movie is so fast paced and busy that it wasn’t until the credits were rolling that I realized I hadn’t noticed it.
And where’s that tribble?
What a wild ride of a movie! It was good, a little sad in parts, but very good overall!
7 — I mostly heard the tribble, right when we met Scotty. If you look at the first desk behind him (not the second after the camera pans to follow him), you can just see a tribble in a slightly onion-shaped cage. Don’t blink, or you’ll miss it.
I must confess that I, too, missed Majel’s voice. I guess that’s for the second viewing tomorrow!
I am a little mixed on the industrial look myself. It gives the impression of a tremendously powerful, not-quite-finished engine… but it’s also somewhat at odds with what we’re used to seeing. I’d prefer a more TOS or TMP style engine room myself, but I have to admit that the industrial engineering in this movie had a real sense of energy and barely-leashed fury behind it. I wouldn’t want to be in there when things started exploding.
I would like to have seen Nero developed more but then that would have taken another movie to tell. The Countdown comics really helped me have a greater appreciation of the character, his ship and his motivation.
can anyone tell me the origin of the nickname “bones”?
in the german version we have another nickname for mccoy. and i think, they didn´t translate that part very well…
I like this ship… it’s exciting!!!
The tribble is in Scotty’s “shop” on Delta Vega, in a wee cage. I didn’t see it until the second time I saw the movie. I *heard* it before I saw it.
I guess it’s now time to subscribe to Star Trek Mag. I use to get Communicator which also was bi-monthly at start and ten bucks cheaper but $10 bucks is not that high of an inflated price since the Feds are inflating the cost of every thing by going from $1.7 Trillion in the red to $9 to $10 trillion so they can do every thing but hand you TP when your in the bathroom (but will it be one sheet or 20)
9 – I think it’s more akin to a modern military vessel than ToS or TNG. From the documentaries on warships I’ve seen (Carrier comes to mind), the engine rooms are almost completely exposed so the crew can get to the damaged part quickly. The further “up-deck” you get, the more that is concealed behind panels, walls, and in closets to compartmentalize things in the more populous part of the ship. I want that plasma conduit behind a bulkhead or nice thick wall if it’s running past my cabin and I want to have the emergency doors to slam down to close off a hull breach.
Also, I liked the “rack and stack” look of the hanger deck. Why waste space with doors for things that don’t need them? Butt the shuttle up against an airlock and have them ready to go immediately so you’re not having to deal with a pressure curtain to keep air in when everyone needs to leave NOW. Have a smaller maintenance bay for one or two shuttles and a denser storage hanger. Why waste time overhauling one in space unless you have to when there’s a nice and handy starbase with a BIG hanger nearby.
i really liked the new film i was one of the first to see the premire early 7th may, everyone clapped thier hands at the end. and im going to see it again.
#11 Yeh I reckon “Pill” for McCoy wouldn’t work very well for the explanation that they had for “Bones”
SPOILER….sort of
Let’s say all he had left were his bones! Bloody brilliant explanation
# 11
In the movie McCoy has just gotten divorced. When he hops in for Starfleet Academy he says to Kirk something along the lines of “My wife left with everything in the planet, the only thing I have is my bones”
AND the rest is history. Towards the end Kirk calls McCoy “Bones”
I saw this movie last night here at Dolphin Mall in Miami, it wasnt PACKED but it was full and I was totally amazed at how the crowd was my age (23).
Marketing did very well to attract a young audience. I really thought I was going to be the only young person there lol.
The special effects had me in awe… they really felt real! I felt like I was in an escape pod watching everything happen before my eyes!
Only thing that I was kinda hoping for was to see some Andorians or Tellarites, some familiar faces in addition to the new ones (WHICH BY THE WAY THE FELINE LOOKING NURSE WAS SOOOOO COOL LOL).
I also felt the scoring was great! Maybe its because Im young (but im also a music major) and it felt like the music had a little of a 60’s twist to it. Like the dramatic music in the original series… but then again maybe it was just me.
Well hope everyone enjoyed the movie! Keep an open mind… My friend went with me (She didnt know what star trek was before this movie) and she loved the movie! She kept asking me “why do the vulcans and romulans look alike?” and “I dont want Mr. Vulcans to die” (Speaking of Spock) LOL
11 – It comes from “sawbones”, an old term for a military surgeon (not necessarily a doctor). During battle they did a lot of amputations to save soldier’s lives, thus “sawbones.”
In beiden Fällen ging es um die Scheidung… seine Frau bekommt den ganzen Planeten, etc das ist eine bittere Pille.
Im Original bleiben ihm nur die Knochen im Leib ;))
And yes, I heard what McCoy said about his divorce, but that’s why ToS Kirk called him.
I also liked him calling out to Nurse Chapel to get a hypo.
danke thorsten :)
ich hatte den teil wohl irgendwie überhört und nicht wahrgenommen…
werd beim zweiten mal drauf achten.
thanks for the explanations.
I agree with you about the music… especially during the fight scenes, the way the composer arranged the brass section made it very reminiscent of the old 60’s TOS fight themes.
My only regret is there was no Kirk Fu. :)
I seen the Movie and ill say this. if you have incredably high expectations then they will be more then met. if you want action then you have it. If you want a wonderfull story. Then you will have it. If you just love a great movie then you will have it. Incredable.
Which cover do subscribers get? I like the Quinto/Nimoy cover best. Still waiting for the issue in the mail.
I highly recommend people subscribe to this magazine and help it be part of the resurgence of Star Trek. I also hope the magazine brings in some of the people who worked on the Star Trek Communicator, which was my favorite Star Trek Mag of all time. The new one is coming close though.
Is the magazine actually out now?
I just saw the movie this morning and I was thoroughly impressed. Not only was all that I was expecting , it was more. I highly recommend this movie to any and everyone who likes movies….and Star Trek.
The only things that bothered me was the fact that, even though engineering looks more like a brewery, you never really get a good look at the engine. It seemed to flash by with close ups of the characters in the scenes. I would’ve loved to really see how everything was laid out. The warp core to be specific.
There was one other thing that I thought was also peculiar in the opening scene. When Capt. Robau is riding the turbolift to the shuttle bay you see the lift coming down into the engineering hull of the Kelvin when, if I had to guess from the layout of the ship, the lift should have come up into that area. Not a complaint, just thought it was odd.
I wonder why they didn’t add the earlobe tips so his ears more closely resembled Nimoy’s? A nit yes, but Quinto himself mentioned they were going to do it early on. And I don’t know why it saddens me that Nimoy finally wore one of the bad vulcan bowl cut wigs to play Spock.
Did anyone posting here go to the IMAX showing last night in NYC at 65th street? I’m going to the 11pm showing tonight. Do I need to get in line sooner than an hour before to get a good seat. Thanks for your help.
I saw the movie last night and loved it…way to go J.J. and Cast!!!
I like the cover with McCoy. It’s good to finally three of them together on something in print after seeing the movie posters with Kirk, Spock and Uhura.
Why do people keep saying Nimoy’s last appearance as Spock was in the Next Generation? The Unification episodes aired in November of 1991 BEFORE Star Trek VI was released the following month!
The Guardian Newspaper – Major UK Broadsheet just gave Star Trek 5 stars out, of 5. Not bad going. Altho there was a typo describing Nero as Klingon
I’m seeing the film tonight and your description of the Engineering scenes makes me feel a bit better but “the brewery” look they decided to go for is still my only concern about this movie.
I would’ve preferred an Engineering set that integrated with the look of the other sets. They did such a fantastic job on the bridge…imagine that look down in Engineering with a big gleaming blue pulsing Warp Core that with CGI effects would blow your mind compared to the one from TMP. Now THAT was an Engine Room!
I saw it last night- it was like meeting an old friend again for the first time. What a rare and wonderful feeling. I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it.
Wasn’t the movie released between the two part episode of unification therefore marking the TNG episode as Nimoy’s last appearance before this movie? Don’t know if that’s true, but I do remember reading something about that which was funky.
I agree, it is good to see Kirk, Spock, and McCoy featured together. They really do need to ensure that their triangle is brought closer together in the future. I understand the need to market Uhura to bring in girls and am happy to see all the characters get time, but Kirk, Spock, and McCoy are the big three and their interaction and relationship is very important.
I liked the use of Uhura in the movie. I thought she reflected the type of officer that comes out of Starfleet Academy- brilliant, passionate and professional. And her relationship with Spock was really well-done- adding depth to both her character and Spock.
On another note, I especially liked the Kobiashi Maru scene. Pine completely nails his portrayal as Kirk there with a very shatner-esque performance. Loved it.
…check this out as well. Another review.
Did you pick up on the apple reference to “Star Trek II” in the Kobayashi Maru scene? I loved it!
Looks like Father and Son on that cover.
They look so much alike that it is scary.
I hate feeling empty when I come out of a movie. This was NOT the case with Star Trek. It was a fast thrill-ride with romance, comedy, suspence, drama, action, and a sense of scope rarely seen in movies today.
I got misty-eyed during the opening, then was overwhelmed with Giachinno’s music during the main title. Forget that this was a Star Trek film. It was a GREAT film. Period.
My favorite scene was the David Lean-like crane shot of people running out of the Academy – revealing the scope of the Golden Gate Bridge and 23rd century San Francisco.
I left any problems I might have with plot and science at the door. I wanted to be entertained; indeed, it surpassed my expectations. The packed IMAX theater resounded with laughter and applause, and I am very proud of Paramount’s and J.J.’s efforts.
I look forward to seeing Trek a few more times. I hope the general public will give it a chance. And to the Trek fans who hate the film, I should think you would be grateful that the chance for more films and T.V. series has increased greatly.
My one regret – I didn’t have anyone to take with me.
what time does the box office for last night get posted?
you hear Majel’s voice after Kirk’s shuttle lands on Delta Vega (planet or moon?)
According to Variety
Star Trek made 7 million so far~
Majel Barret-Roddenberry’s computer voice is heard a couple of times when young Spock is piloting Spock Prime’s ship ‘The Jellyfish’.
I don’t recall if they had her speak on either the Kelvin, Enterprise or elsewhere aside from that though.
I predict 54 mil for the w/e
Really liked the movie, I only have one simple complaint. It is too dang fast paced. They have one liners and witty dialogue, and while you’re laughing at the joke the scene suddenly changes and you’re somewhere else, the camera is continuously moving so you take a moment to reorient, then there’s some new bit of info or joke and you’re laughing/absorbing and then the scene shifts again.
Sure, I like this new style more than the slow plodding dull as dirt Insurrection or Nemesis, but couldn’t they have given us a moment to catch our breaths- something like First Contact’s pace would’ve been fine by me.
Other than that, what a fantastic movie. I have to watch it again because I feel it was too quick for me to catch everything, but it is worth seeing at least a few more times.
Nikki Finke reports Star Trek took in $7 million last night- and upped the weekend prediction to $75 million.
In my completely uninformed opinion, I predict “Star Trek” will break $75 million.