It appears that another classic TV show starring William Shatner is headed for a big screen reboot, this time it is TJ Hooker…and no that is not a joke. Today Variety reported that the classic 80s cop show is being remade as an action comedy. No word yet on if any of the original show stars will return, but there is a potential part for Shatner.
TJ Hooker: The Motion Picture
The original TJ Hooker TV show ran for five seasons starting in 1982. Shatner starred as veteran police sergeant T.J. Hooker, and the cast also included Adrian Zmed, Heather Locklear and Richard Herd. The new feature film will be an ‘action comedy’, which is the same thing that was done with 2004 film Starsky & Hutch, which was an action comedy based on the 70s cop show. That film featured cameos from the original show stars, but no word yet on if Shatner, Zmed, Lockear or Herd will be in this new film. Variety reports the new TJ Hooker film film (being written by the writing team behind the Tremors movies) will focus on TJ Hooker and his father, so Shat seems a natural for that part (the dad). More details at Variety.
Hood Jumping!
One thing that they must do, is jump on hoods. On TJ Hooker, Shatner was constantly jumping on cars, planes, buses, pretty much anything that moved. In fact he parodied this in a 1986 SNL skit and in the 2002 action cop comedy Showtime, starring Robert DeNiro and Eddie Murphy. Here is a scene where Shat shows his hood jumping skills.
The Shat needs to be in at least 1 reboot movie!
I believe that they offered the role to Leonard Nimoy first.
I must say that I never watched TJ Hooker. I did not realize it was on for FIVE seasons; that’s two more that TOS. I suppose William Shatner should be better known for playing TJ Hooker than JT Kirk.
It’s not the length of the series, it’s the quality of the content in said series
T.J. Hooker wasn’t in seven movies.
Let’s hope he never is.
Oh god….
Not that i watched it much but really….
I think Chris Pine would be awesome as TJ. ;-)
T.J. Hooker the movie starring Chris Pine as T.J. Shat would S#@t
“Action comedy movie” take on an old cop show. I think this was done with “Dragnet” and that didn’t turn out so well.
If they do it in the vein of “Lethal Weapon”‘s form of action comedy, this could work. Just have Heather Locklear reprise Stacy Sheridan, with Nicole Eggert reprising TJ’s daughter Chrissie Hooker as her partner… and that’ll work.
Will everyone be upset if they change the design of his patrol car ?
#10: Hell yes. And if there’s no Shat we’ll boycott! And Heather Locklear needs a cameo too …
But honestly … can anyone ever REALLY replace Adrian Zmed? I mean he’s the best there ever was at … at …
Can anyone ever REALLY replace him? I ask you.
Sounds like a good idea. Yeah, if Chris Pine played T.J. to Shat as his father, that would be a hoot. A hoot with a capital “H.” That’s what that would be!
I think the season 3 TJ Hooker opening was better, since it included Heather dancing:
Man… a TJ Hooker movie? Sorry but april fools day was 3 months ago.
That’s seriously wrong…
Shat prime!
Kirk died in a movie
Khan Died in a movie
TJ Hooker LIVES!
so there is no reason that the Shat can’t be in this.
just PLEASE none of the usual suspects like the collection of useless pricks that are Ben Stiller, Owen Wilson or Jack Black.
keep them the hell away from it.
I like the idea of a lethal weapon style “comedy” though.
The Shat should be in it.
and in the scenario TJ should go and see Star Trek 2009 with an old fling of him :)
It won’t happen, but I kinda like the idea of Chris Pine as TJ, especially given his father’s ‘TV cop’ background.
no one else can be TJ other than Shatner, just like no one else can be Kirk other than Shatner.
Other people can play them well but we prefer the originals. Pine was excellent as a different Kirk but I still prefer Shatner as Kirk.
Here’s hoping Shatner appears in this one.
Though there has been prior speculation, Hollywood is now officially out of ideas. But I *can’t wait* until the “Scarecrow and Mrs. KIng” remake.
Well, obviously Shatner can only be in TJ Hooker if it’s integral to the story.. <>
Doesn’t Zmed look like Hayden Christiansen? Or rather vice versa.
No need to write Shatner into the story. Just book-end the film with song and dance numbers by The Shat. note: In this scenario he still bitches about not being in the movie.
I can see Stiller being the new Hooker…(comedy…..right age….huge trekkie/shat fan….did Starsky and Hutch)…looks like he’ll have to dust off the starsky fro once again
if mean who else they gonna call on for an action comedy with star trek undertones other than stiller? Tim Allen?
Shatner will undoubtedly play Hookers father or the police chief
Don’t forget about James Darren! He was a regular on Hooker for several seasons playing Heather Locklear’s partner well before he was Vic Fontaine on DS9.
Two words…Hood Riding!
Oh wait Will Ferrel gotta be in with a shot too…prob more likely be him as Stiller already Starsky 2.0 – be a bit much being Hooker too. plus Ferrel gotta be looking for that elusive big hit
who for Heather Locklears role? – Paris Hilton? Lindsey Lohan? Megan Fox? (blonde)
Adrian Zmeds role – Brandon Routh? (if theres no new superman film in the works)
Richard Herd role – David Soul (yeah why not…)
Hookers pops – Shatner of course…
and dont forget a Nimoy cameo somewhere too (he did in the tv show)
They should start remaking TV shows that weren’t picked up, or lasted 1 season at the most. The more obscure the better.
* Can anyone say ‘Salvage 1’ with Andy Grifith?
* I saw Joanna Cassidy in “6ft Under” recently, and we all remember her in Blade Runner, how about “240-Robert”? Think she can still fly that chopper?
Or we can mix nostalgia with the current reality crap they feed us and do “Battle of the Network Stars: The Movie”?
How creative Hollywood has become.
Great news! I love TJ Hooker….
gotta love Shatner dissing De Niro in Showtime ‘this guy is the worst actor i have ever seen’
also the tasting cocaine scene…..Shatner – ‘see?…hooker knows it cocaine..’…De Niro – ‘yeah what happens if its cyanide Bill?’
bad movie but the shatner scenes are comedy gold
@ 28 Banalstar Galactica lasted one season. Picking that up turned out pretty successful.
James Darren was also a regular, but one of many TREK connections that TJ Hooker had…. TJH really was a quintessential 80s TV show (i.e., bad, awful, horrible)…
Is there really anything original coming out of Hollywood these days? What next? Laverne & Shirley: the Next Generation? Happier Days?
I hope the comedy style would be like lethal weapon but i bet it wont be anything like that-no it will be another stupid comedy slanted remake that isnt funny-Get Smart has been the only remake that has worked and its because it was a comedy originally–i never watched it too much when on tv-the title sounded too close to bj hooker to me haha-why they had hooker as the name of a cop i will never know hah-all that aside shatner does comedy great-if he is in it in any capacity it can only help the remake-go shat!
*shakes head in disbelief”
“The new feature film will be an ‘action comedy’, which is the same thing that was done with 2004 film Starsky & Hutch, which was an action comedy based on the 70s cop show.”
S & H was one of those movies I rented and yanked out of my DVD player approximately 20 minutes into it. Absolutely horrible movie. And if TJ Hooker is to be done the same way, I guarantee it won’t make my NetFlix queue…even if Mr. Shatner is in it.
If you think that’s bad they will do a Asteroid movie base on the game 1979
from Atari.
And i think the next one should be Pong !!!!!
lol, gosh sakes ! Hollywood is really running out of ideas. All they do is reboot stuff ! Why doesn’t hollywood as a whole REBOOT !
Watching that trailer I couldn’t help but think what a let down after being a starship captain.
The Shat is the man, but a T.J. Hooker reboot? All we need now is a “Leave It To Beaver” reboot…
Like the old fan saying goes:
“Old Starship Captains never fade away, they just become Hookers”
38–There already HAS been a Leave It To Beaver reboot. Check the imdb. 1997 movie.
It’s amazing that this is happening. If they’re smart, and they aren’t, they would make this not so much a reboot, but a continuation. That way you can use the original cast. However, since clearly Shatner’s character wouldn’t be an active cop anymore, the TJ Hooker in the movie should be the original’s son, who did exist on the TV show, and happened to be named after him. It’s perfect. It would be like the Shaft remake with Samuel Jackson. Shatner’s part would be small but significant, and his son could be a chip off the old block.
And if they really wanted to do a stunt casting, cast Chris Pine as the lead.
Pine could easily play an action/comedy star, and there could be a Lethal Weapon style movie on his resume. I doubt Pine would do it because he wouldn’t want to be considered to be Shatner’s shadow, but it would work.
I think Shatner was hilarious in that movie Showtime – those scenes have me rolling.
Eventually Hollywood is gonna run out of things to reboot and have to come up with an original idea. Still, this is fun to imagine. Shatner as Hooker’s dad. Yeah!
Well, I guess it was inevitable . Never liked the show but it was very successful .
shatner mustve had a lot on his plate in the 80s…filming the Trek ‘Genesis’ movies inbetween Hooker….
the 80s mustve been shatners biggest most succesful decade
Hooker Prime uses red matter to travel back and rescue young Officer Stacy Sheridan, now played by Miley Cyrus.
Yikes! Of all the bones to pick in Hollywood…
Bill, I hope YOU choose to steer clear of this one.
It all depends on how it’s done. TJ Hooker was one of the most underrated cop shows of all time. Shatner was really good in that role. If they do what they did to Starsky and Hutch, and cast comedians in the title roles, it will suck.
If they go the serious route with some humor like a Lethal Weapon, they could have a big hit.
TV shows turned into movies usually stink, especially when they switch genres and make it a parody. But if The Shat is in it, it can’t be all bad.
How about a “Fantasy Island” reboot with Javier Bardem?
Theres already been a TJ Hooker movie (within a movie) directed by McG…..Was it the opening to Charlies Angels 1 or 2 that had the TJ Hooker movie intro? (although with no Shatner..WTF was that all about?!)