Last week we reported that TJ Hooker, William Shatner’s cop show from the 80s, was being made into a feature film, as an ‘action comedy’. Now the producer of “TJ Hooker: The Movie” says he wants to get the original cast into the movie, including Shatner, but no deal is in place yet.
Hooker is back?
News that Shatner was being considered came from the NY Post who talked to producer Ryan Heppe, who says he wants the whole original cast, which would also include Heather Locklear, James Darren, Richard Herd and Adrian Zmed. Heppe stated:
We absolutely want to try and get the original cast in the movie. It’s all about finding the right story motivations to include their characters so we’re not just stopping the movie to drop by Adrian Zmed’s house, you know?
Of course ‘wanting’ and ‘casting’ are two whole different things. They have to find the right story, and they have to find something William Shatner would do. With regards to the Star Trek film, the producers famously said they ‘wanted’ Shatner and Bill famously said he would not do a cameo. So Heppe and the other filmmakers of "TJ Hooker: The Movie" may need to come up with something substantial. Our last story noted that a key character of the film would be TJ Hooker’s father, so that could be a possibility.
While they are at it, why not bring back Leonard Nimoy as well? Leonard guest starred on the episode "Vengeance is Mine". Here are clips of that episode, turned into a ‘minisode"
“This video is not available in your country die to copyright restrictions”
Horrible show.
The Shat LIVES!!!!!
Are we to be spared nothing? Is there no project lowly enough that it will not be blown up on the Big Screen — which itself has been reduced to a launching platform for DVDs, video games, and Happy Meals. What next, The Love Boat Prequel Trilogy?
Bob, if you don’t like it, don’t watch. No one is forcing you.
Or are they???
Mr Ed the movie please
How about a Barbary Coast remake???
Hollywood has run out of Ideas. Good example is the fact that almost all “New” movies are just old ideas, or Sequels.
I want Chris Pine as TJ Hooker.
Ah, surely one of Leonard Nimoy’s greatest lines ever….
That lines comes at 3:25… and he punches Shatner!
lolol. oh man… tj hooker was such a hilariously korny show ! I LOVE IT ! But for god sakes hollywood…. ENOUGH REMAKES ALREADY !!!
Shatner will probably price himself too high as he did for ENT, and as he would have for Trek09.
I think a Mr. Ed movie could be fun . . .
“This video is not available in your country die to copyright restrictions”
“I think a Mr. Ed movie could be fun . . .”
Especially with all the advances in Horse SFX technology.
Hooker had that hot chick…… Adrian Zmed!!.
Wow that episode could have been one of the Death Wish movies with Charles Bronson…wasn’t his name Paul as well?…
It is kind of fun seeing them play together as other characters…
Wouldn’t it burn Shat’s a@@ if they put Nimoy in Hooker and not him?
A Team yes….
how bout Welcome Back Kotter The Movie…John Travolta’s been making crap lately..he’d probably do it!
TJ jumping off of the roof is great!
I don’t understand some of the negative comments here. If you don’t like TJ Hooker and/or don’t like Shatner…then don’t watch the movie! It’s pretty simple.
Anyway, I personally loved TJ Hooker and I’m excited for this movie. I hope they get the whole cast back and really give us a great and fun flick.
LMAO. What a horrible show but definetely worth the laugh
Without question, the best show ever produced for TV.
They need to resolve the badly-written offscreen death of Leonard Nimoy’s character and bring him back. Otherwise, REAL T.J. Hooker fans will not go see this movie. You can’t have a T.J. Hooker movie without Nimoy!
If it’s going to be a flat-out farce/comedy, then the Shat should be able to handle THAT!
Of course, as someone else mentioned above, the Shat will probably price himself out of the running with outrageous salary demands!
12–it never got to a point where money was the issue with Enterprise. And it was a good thing that Shatner didn’t do that role, because their ideas were stupid.
TJ Hooker was a vastly underrated show. It was a good show, not a great one. Had a nice run. But the show was what it was because Shatner made it good.
If they did a serious take on it, on the level of the show, it could work. Not saying humorless, but not a comedy. You don’t want Jack Black in the title role or Wil Ferrell butchering another great show.
Chris Pine would be hysterical but it would never happen. Shatner should be the original TJ Hooker, father of the title character. And yes, Hooker did have a son named Tommy, so it would work. They’ll never do that.
#13/15 … That crap has already been made!
I must say that Paul (Leonard Nimoy) was very emotional in his interaction with TJ regarding the planted gun. I think this behavior was not logical.
And by the way, Shatner did not say anything about not doing a cameo until well after the producers DIDN’T CAST him. Please don’t make it sound like Abrams actually tried to get Shatner in the movie and Shatner wanted more than he was offered, because that is just not what happened. Abrams wanted Shatner so badly he didn’t write anything in the script or talk to him directly aside from an initial meeting that didn’t get to plot points.
The movie had better be set in the 80s or else it would not be fitting with established canon and I will refuse to see the movie!
Reruns of TJ used to play when I was in High School. I’d get home to catch the last few minutes. I’ll never forget the episode where Heather Locklear was bound and gagged in some warehouse and a cobra was slithering its way towards her. Hooker, with his gun drawn, was frantically searching the warehouse looking for her, time was of the essence. Just as the cobra reaches Locklear, and gets into a striking pose, Kirk… er, Hooker kicks down the door and BLASTS the vile snake! Ahh, Shatner, you are the man whether you’re wearing a captain’s uniform or a cop’s.
i think they should establish an alternate timeline. Then they wouldn’t be bound to the events of the series. Then the zealous fanbase (“Hookers”???) wouldn’t get upset if something violated canon.
Zmed Prime (can’t remember character’s name) travels back in time and tells yound Zmed to get a better hair cut and lay off the Solid Gold crap…
Awesome I hope William will end up getting to be in it!
To all the ones talking crap about the Shat and about T.J Hooker… GET A LIFE.
Well, I’m sooooooo glad it’s going to be a comedy.
I’d love to see Denny Crane The Movie
Well eventually someday Hollywood is gonna run outta stuff to remake and then they’ll once again have to start thinking of original movies to make. I just hope I’m still alive when that day arrives.
With Chris Pine as Denny
serious hair stuff going on back then….
Hey, there was no Heather Locklear in that Minisode, what a ripoff!
The minisode is a good idea, they should make more TV shows and movies like that. Someone should do the Star Wars prequels like this, you could fit all three movies into 10 minutes and not miss anything important.
Smart people, unlike some others…
@1 & 14:
PS 14 you’re an imposter!!!
I hope they get The Shat, Heather and Zmed. it would be fun. And I loved that ep with Nimoy.
#26/Mitch — Amen brother. (JJ himself clarified that they never offered him that cameo that was written cause JJ didn’t feel it worked. Wanting him in it is not the same as making an actual offer.)
Hopefully Shatner still has the ’80s toupee. I believe it was called the the Shatner Turbo 2000.
T.J. Hooker was actually a pretty awesome show.
@1 & 14:
PS 14 you’re an imposter!!!
Could this be a transporter malfuction?
Argh – malfunction. The joke is lost if the spelling is wrong – Argh
they should cast Chris pine as the young Hookster!
make it funny.
turn it into a play of Last Action Hero.
Old Tj is a retired cop feeling fat, bald, and worthless. because he was some kind of legend they made a show about his life.
somehow, while watching the show… art and life get intertwined and the young tv Hooker enters old real Hookers world and the game is on.
have Nimoy as “Paul”, on the loose and angry about being sentenced to the prison facility of ceti alpha 5 or something.
would be a hoot.
they could have all the old actors be themselves as they interact with the Hookers!
the moral can be about coming to grip with age, youth and self worth.. or some stuff like that.
any other way and this movie will be a turd of all turds
“turd of all turds”
Did somebody mention The Final Frontier??
“IIIIII’mmm T J Hooker!!”
“IIIIII’mmm T J Hooker!!”
“they could have all the old actors be themselves as they interact with the Hookers!”
Shatner: “What do I get for a hundred bucks?”
Hooker #1: “For you, Bill, I’ll do it for free. all of it…”
Hooker #2: “And, what? I get Zmed? I’ll take the $100. And Heather.”
Adrian Zmed: “Sounds like a deal. You paying, Bill?”
Heather Locklear: “I’ve got $500”
Hookers 3 (winks at hooker #4): “Let’s go, Honey. Leave these old farts to Bessie and Melvin.”
Shatner and Zmed (together): “Melvin?”
The End
I want an ‘Incubus’ remake, in Esperanto!
I’m boycotting this movie because the producer said that he wanted to make this film future fans of T.J. Hooker and not for current “Hookers.” Long-time Hookers should boycott this show immediately!
That minisode was pretty cool.
Is it just me or did Bill pronounce “garage” the same way he pronounced “sabotage”?