Another day and another accolade for a member of the new Star Trek team. This Friday Star Trek co-writer Roberto Orci is being honored by the Imagen Foundation at their 23rd annual awards honoring contributions of Latinos to the entertainment industry. Bob spoke to Variety about the honor, details below.
Bob honored with Lear award
On Friday at the Beverly Hilton, Bob Orci is being bestowed with the esteemed Imagen Lear award, named for Imagen’s cofounder and veteran writer Norman Lear. More details at This is actually not the Mexico City-born writer’s first time for recognition amongst the Latino community. In 2007, The Hollywood Reporter listed Bob as 35th on their Latino Power 50 list.
However, as we all know him here, Bob remains humble and seemingly a bit embarrassed to be honored without his writing partner Alex Kurtzman, telling Variety that it "does feel a little bizarre" to be going solo for a writing accolade. With Star Trek and Transformers, this has been a big year for the writing team, but Orci tells Variety that the pair are "trying to keep things as much the same as possible," and are even studying past successful partnerships hoping to stave off the tension that often comes with success. Bob does have some advice for aspiring writers, saying:
No. 1, read everything you can," he says. "No. 2, write all the time, and finish what you start. And No. 3, never become a snob about the kind of work you’re getting. A gig is a gig.
Sounds great Bob and a big congrats! Now get back to the grindstone and start writing that Star Trek sequel! (I kid, I kid).
go bob go
Woo-hoo! Congrats, Bob. Hey, Alex is an honorary Latino in my book anyway.
Congratulations!!! You deserve it. Chris
Go bob live up the dream man
Anyone notice that Roberto Orci in that picture looks like Nicholas Brendan from Buffy the Vampire Slayer?
Congrats Bob. We all appreciate the contribution you and Alex have made to Star Trek, and we enjoy and appreciate your desire to interface with all of us on behalf of the team, or yourself.
Now take the damn award, and get back to work! ;-)
From being a big doubter of these guys (Bob and Alex) I’ve truly been converted. I’m certain that Trek is in safe hands, and I wish Bob (I can call you Bob?!) every congratulations on this Award.
Well done Bob!
#5 funny you should say that, I’ve always thought he bore a striking resemblance to Xander Harris too!
Smile, Boborci, smile!
Congrats Bob!
Funny, how his advise fo wanna-be writers reminds me of an essentially same advise I’ve read on J.K Rowling’s site (except No.3). Read a lot and write a lot, and in time you’ll get better, or something like that. This must be a working formula:)
Congratulations, Bob-o.
I have to say that as a writer myself, you are absolutely right about your advice. Moreso than I’ve ever seen. It is the “finish what you start” that is essential to the “write a lot” part of things. Reading everything you can is absolutely number 1.
I hope your advice and your dignified example bring in even more diversity to the entertainment world. Great stuff. Good luck for the future!
Congrats mr orci sir–awesome that you get another much deserved award–and that we can vicariously enjoy your fame and talent, for the many wannabee fan writers its great to see one of our own has the talent,drive and ambition to work his way to the top o the heap! Thanx also to his writing partner Alex and JJ for their many contributions as well-and thanks again to roberto for caring & communicating with us here on Anthonys awesome website-thanks to Anthony again as well!
Very Nice. Gratz Bob. :)
Congratulations Bob!
Now, waiting for the inevitable negative comments… ;)
Congratulations Mr.Orci, well deserved.Your willingness to touch base with fans in this forum and to take on board what they are saying is both wonderful and I have no doubt appreciated very highly by all of us.May your gigs be many and your success written in the stars.
The moment I saw this I chanted ‘Go Bob, go Bob, go Bob!’
The best part is that Mr. Orci will actually be here to read all this! =D
Congratulations, Mr. Orci!
Congratulations Mr O !
And THANK YOU (and your friends, of course) for bringing Star Trek back to life! Can’t wait to see what’s next! Write long and prosper!
Kudos, young Master Orci.
Congrats to our great friend boborci!
I croot “REB’!!”, O Roberto Orci!!
R: Read all the time
E: Everything you start, ||: finish :||
B: Be humble and always a gentleperson.
Congratulations, well deserved!
You have done well Grasshopper. Congratulations, and thanks to you (and Alex) for your great work.
Well done and well deserved!
Congrats Bob!
Well done, Mr. Orci. Now about Transformers 2…
; )
mazeltov, b’orci. well done. over the top.
so is kurtzman, like, chopped liver or something?
#28, Kurtzman is not a Latino.
Bob, congratulations and good advice for any career choice. reading and learning, practicing your talent constantly, and remaining humble as a person is more attractive for any future employer is true for anyone. The most successful people in the world usually set goals and take a step to attain them everyday. Rarely does someone “fall into” something lucrative. If you career goals and matched to your personality, drive, passion and dreams, you will be successful.
If you feel bad about Alex not getting recognition, just give him the physical award for his mantle. That would be cool and hilarious at the same time. Then have a brewski together.
of all the souls boborci yours is the most ….. deserving
congrats for getting rewarded for playing in probably the coolest sandbox in S/F
Denny Cranium
boborci getting this award is DEFINITELY canon! :-)
(As it will be when Alex is inevitably honored for his talents, too!)
Congrats Bob Orci!
Now, when they have a Caucasian writer of the year award then we can say we have true equality in this country.
Nice one Bob. You and Alex did us proud with Trek.
I have this image of the two of you at a shared desk, facing each other, laptops open, leaning back in your chairs with feet up on the desk, and the awards you richly deserve sitting on the desk, drinking brews with a contented look on your faces.
Congratulations Mr. Orci !!
Saludos desde Mexico.
#28 What on you on about?
Bob, I honestly didnt know that you were born in Mexico. I always thought you were Italian. but anyways, congrats sir.
Bob Orci,
Continue to keep your head on your shoulders, learn from both your great success and your failures, and listen to your fans. You will go far and be a great one (you already are).
and please, write us a DS9 movie, direct to dvd for all I care!! lol
#37 pock speared wrote: “#28 What on you on about?”
In #28 you wrote: “so is kurtzman, like, chopped liver or something?”
I assumed you were commenting on why Kurtzman wasn’t nominated for this award. Since this award honors contributions of Latinos to the entertainment industry, Kurtzman is not eligible. If I misunderstood your comment I apologize. I just realized I assumed you were replying to me, since you reference your own comment (my response was #29), so again, more apologies if I got it wrong.
good for him…now……he and Alex did okay with the first Transformers (like the movie, got it on DVD), LIKED STAR TREK (getting it on DVD) , and Transformers 2 was aight….HOW THE HELL THEY MESSED UP ON THAT ONE?
“Now, when they have a Caucasian writer of the year award then we can say we have true equality in this country.”
Good gods. You’re actually serious?
It just goes to show you that slowly the world is growing into one united planet.
Roberto Orci seems to be a real American and of no difference that you or me in persona. A 150 years ago their would have been big changes being from another country. But today he is no different than your next door neighbor. His talent though have made him liked or loved by millions. I can not see his future but I’m sure it will be with much honors.
My best wishes to you Bob, and may your authoring pen never run out of ink, or shall I say subspace powered ink.
“Bob remains humble and seemingly a bit embarrassed to be honored without his writing partner Alex Kurtzman, telling Variety that it ‘does feel a little bizarre’ to be going solo for a writing accolade. With Star Trek and Transformers, this has been a big year for the writing team, but Orci tells Variety that the pair are ‘trying to keep things as much the same as possible,’ and are even studying past successful partnerships hoping to stave off the tension that often comes with success.”
Bob, this might help:
Come to an agreement with Alex that for any individual award either of you receives for work that you accomplished together, go to a professional and have the award sawn in half, and you guys flip a coin for the bigger piece.
Because if Ving Rhames can give his Oscar to Jack Lemmon, why can’t you guys saw your awards in half? ; )
Congratulations, compadre.
There always has to be at least one wingnut among the commenters on these articles.
38: “Bob, I honestly didnt know that you were born in Mexico. I always thought you were Italian. but anyways, congrats sir.”
Ha! I grew up in a family of Sicilians. He does look Italian.
Bob is actually from Alpha Centauri. But a public Centaurian writing award would blow his cover. Obviously.
#45 why cut them in half, with 3D replication becoming easy these days just clone the award and put both names on the plaque. And with both names on them it makes it harder for divorce lawyers to take them away.
49: “And with both names on them it makes it harder for divorce lawyers to take them away.”
Whoah there, Spockish. Are you suggesting Bob and Alex are secretly married?