The third issue of Star Trek: Spock – Reflections arrives in comic shops today, Wednesday September 23rd. Scott Tipton and his brother David reveal Spock’s destination, more of his memories, and pause for reflection. Meanwhile, artists David Messina, Elena Casagrande, and Federica Manfredi treat us with their vision of original series characters. Find out more in our review below
Review: Spock – Reflections #3
Spock’s transport arrives at Deep Space Station E-5, the midpoint of his journey. Parting with his loquacious Saurian friend triggers a vivid memory of a past arrival on Vulcan and a brief visit with T’Pring, long after their koon-ut-kal-if-fee. Spock boards the ship which will take him to his final destination, the third planet of the Veridian system. As the last leg of his trip begins, another memory of Kirk and personal sacrifice surfaces. Finally, on Veridian III, Spock visits the resting place of his friend, recalls the personal message from Captain Picard, detailing the final moments of James Kirk, and takes a moment of silence.
You’ve gotta have heart
After finishing the last issue, I was concerned about where the story by Scott Tipton and David Tipton might be going. My concern was misplaced. These guys know Spock, period. They also seem to be well acquainted with T’Pring. Her comment about Stonn is priceless. Read the comic and you’ll agree. The Tiptons have been painting a detailed and moving portrait of Spock by revisiting his past. Now that our favorite Vulcan has arrived at his destination and can grieve for his friend, I’m anxious to learn what the brothers will tell us about Spock in the conclusion of Spock – Reflections.
The final act
Elena Casagrande inked this issue and Federica Manfredi did the finish work. Coloring was done by Ilaria Traversi. Layouts were orchestrated by their mentor, David Messina. Since this issue has been handled by many hands, it isn’t surprising to find some inconsistencies in a few panels. At one point, I thought Kirk had been replaced by manga Kirk and in another panel, Hulk Kirk, or maybe Kirk’s Vulcan twin, made an appearance. In other words, an environment-friendly issue, very green. But these trifles are completely overshadowed by the artists’ presentation of T’Pring and Spock’s solitary visit to Veridian III. Overall, very interesting art.
Spock – Reflections #3 has two covers. The regular cover by Messina features an aging but still distinguished Vulcan. The retailer incentive cover by David A. Williams features Spock and Kirk in profile. I wasn’t impressed with the first cover Williams did for this mini-series, but this cover, like the previous one, framed in shadows, is striking. Cover colors were handled by Ilaria Traversi and Moose Baumann respectively.
Cover: David Messina, Cover RI: David A. Williams
If you can’t find Spock – Reflections #3 on the shelf at your local comic ship, demand a copy, or follow one of these links to TFAW.
The trade paperback collecting this mini-series will be out in January and can be pre-ordered from Amazon with a mere (below).
Mark Martinez is an obsessive-compulsive Star Trek comics reader and collector. You can visit his website, the Star Trek Comics Checklist for more than you ever needed to know about Star Trek comics.
really like the David Williams cover.
Are they going to offer this on iTunes like they did the prequel comics?
That was so awesome, and a lot more affordable at 99 cents an issue.
I just did a new parody song about Spock to Ozzy’s “Crazy Train” it’s called “Spock’s Brain” :) Very fun.
Gasp! The authors took Spock to Veridian III?!?! I…NEED…TO…READ…THIS! NOW!
Meh! I am getting SICK of the whole “green’ deal. Cant they leave that out of the comics?
Anyways other than that, these comics look really good, I cant seem to find any of em where I am at though, so thats too bad :(
ive enoyed story so (issue 1 &2) look forward to this issue just a shame about the artwork for kirk( according to the review) i was looking forward to that part of the story
Ok.. perhaps I’m dumb.. or perhaps because I’m Italian :)! But I don’t get the “In other words, an environment-friendly issue, very green” joke…
Help please…?
Thank you!
I liked the way that the artists integrated the style of Vulcan from the new movie into the comic book. Those art-deco style buildings and ornaments are hard to miss.
I also liked the way the transitions from past to present were made, as well. I saw a few minor errors in consistency, but nothing that would be terribly alarming. It is clear that the artists and writers both know Our Vulcan quite well.
All in all, a truly reflective and elegant series. I look forward to the movie adaptation.
#7 The joke is on Kirk appearing almost Vulcanian green. As in “that green-blooded bastard” green. :)
Vulcans and Romulans are logically environmentalists, because they’re naturally “green”. ;)
Live Long and Recycle!
@7: I think he meant the colors have a green tint to them. You see it a bit in the first panel, but I don’t find it that much of a problem.
I enjoyed this issue and am really looking forward to the conclusion of the story! Will Spock try to bring back Kirk? Nah, too easy and obvious – besides, then Shatner could have been in the new movie! (How many votes for ‘retcon’ am I counting?)
I thought the TOS characters were extremely well done, especially in the close-up panels. Sometimes they looked different depending upon the angle/magnification, but they were always recognizable. Is it just me, or was there an attempt at blurring the distinction between Nimoy/Spock and Quinto/Spock, Shatner/Kirk and Pine/Kirk, and Kelley/McCoy and Urban/McCoy? Even in Uhura (who did not get a real close-up) one could see both Nichols as well as Saldana.
Mel Brooks version of Star Trek: “T’Pringtime for Hitler”
I am enjoying the Spock Reflections series. I just picked up #3. The art is very good and the characters are quite well done.
So, do we see the Enterprise-D saucer still sitting on Veridian III? Or did they blow up the remains to avoid Federation tech from falling into enemy hands?