December 2009

Star Trek #2 Film At Flixter + Strong Seller For Holiday Home Video

We have been doing a lot of reporting about how well Star Trek is doing during the award season with critics, guilds and members of various academies. But Star Trek is also one of those few films that is also playing well with the mainstream. This is evidenced by a new announcement which ranks Star Trek as the 2nd most popular film at Flixter. We have more Star Trek rankings and the latest home video data below.

MacFarlane Doesn’t Expect Paramount To Allow Family Guy Trek Parody – Includes Trek Refs In “Something, Something, Dark Side”

We have previously reported that Family Guy creator Seth MacFarlane would like to follow up his Star Wars parodies with taking on Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. However in a new interview it seems he isn’t holding out hope of Paramount cooperating, but that didn’t stop him from dropping in a few Trek refs into the new “Something Something, Something, Dark Side" parody of The Empire Strikes Back. 

FanMade: Watch ‘Star Trek Enterprise: The New Generation’ – Made With Action Figures

Star Trek Enterprise went off the air in 2005 after four seasons. The story of the crew of the NX01 has lived on in books, but in 2008 a German fan production made with action figures also picked up the story with "Star Trek: Enterprise – The New Generation – Der Zeitspiegel”. And now "Der Zeitspiegel" has been dubbed into English as "Crossroads". Watch it below

TrekMovie Readers Show Off Their Trek Christmas Gifts [UPDATED]

Christmas is a time of giving (and receiving) and this year lots of good Trekkie girls and boys did just that. According to our latest polls 60% of our readers received the gift of Trek this seasons, and 40% gave the gift of Trek. Over the last day some of the TrekMovie readers have been sending in pics of their Star Trek gifts. [UPDATE: Added more reader submitted photos and video]

Merry Trekmas

Today is Christmas a time to come together as a family. The team at want to thank all the visitors for coming here to our home on the web today and all year, and we wish you a very Merry Trekmas (and Christmas). Below we have collected some Christmas videos from each of the Star Trek TV families.

A Very Merry Science Friday + AGU Highlights

Last week was the annual American Geophysical Union Fall Conference in San Francisco, California: A place where new geoscience research is presented en masse to over 15,000 geoscientists. TrekMovie was there to catch all the action. So, this week we bring you an AGU edition of Science Friday with highlights from the conference. Of course, today is also Christmas, so Science Friday will also bring you a bit of sciency xmas cheer.

TrekIn09: Best Star Trek Merchandise of 2009

It seems appropriate for today’s entry in our look back at Star Trek in 2009, to focus on the year of Trek merchandise.  Because of the renewed interest in Star Trek and the promotion of the new feature film, 2009 was a banner year for Star Trek collectibles. It was difficult to choose, but we have made the calls and present the Best Trek Merchandise for 2009.

What Do Trekkies Want In The Star Trek Sequel? – TrekMovie Polling Gives A Clue

What do Trekkies want for Christmas? Well, a great sequel to this year’s Star Trek movie would be a good start. The follow up is 2 1/2 years away, but work on the script is likely start in earnest in January. Over the last few months TrekMovie has conducted a number of polls regarding the sequel, with some interesting results. See below to find out what the people are saying.

Fan Loses Suit Against CBS & Christie’s Over Auctioned Cmdr. Data Memorabilia [UPDATE]

Two years ago a Star Trek fan sued Christie’s auction house and CBS claiming that a visor that he purchased at auction was falsely attributed as one worn by Brent Spiner on Star Trek The Next Generation. Even though the fan said Spiner was a witness to the false claim by Christies, he lost his final appeal yesterday. Details below.

CelebWatch: Hemsworth & Portman dating? + Takei Panto + JJ & Spielberg + Pine Star of 2009 + more

It is time to catch up on some Star Trek celebrity news. We have rumors (and rumor control) on Captain Kirk’s daddy (Chris Hemsworth) dating Luke Skywalker’s mommy (Natalie Potrman). We also have all the latest with Chris Pine, including his dating rumor. Plus George Takei is the Emperor of China, JJ Abrams is hanging with Spielberg, Avery Brooks is back on stage, and more. 

Does Star Trek Stop Women from Becoming Scientists?

A new study published this month in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology suggests that Star Trek may be partly responsible for widening the gender gap in computer science careers. Their findings imply that nerdy stereotypes associated with Star Trek and computer science may dissuade women from joining that field. As a woman of science who was largely inspired by Star Trek, I have a few doubts about the study’s findings. Read on and find out why.