Spork! A NSFW K/S Audio Edit

Since the 60s, fan fiction has been a big part of Star Trek fan culture. A popular subset of fanfic is ‘slash’ fiction, or romantic stories pairing two characters. Now a creative fan has taken this to a new level with an audio edit of the Star Trek 2009 audio book narrated by Zachary Quinto, which now tells a wholly different story. If you are into that kind of thing, you can listen below. NOTE this is not for everyone and is not safe for work.


Spork! An Erotic Love Story

WARNING: Adult material


Spork! is the work of Needs More Drum Machine on Live Journal, where you can read a full transcript if you like.

[h/t to io9]

K/S Classic parody – Brokeback Trek

We have come this far, why not some more. Back when all those Brokeback Mountain parodies were all the rage in 2007, YouTuber Zebonka came up with this one with the original Kirk and Spock. Again, adult themes (thanks for the link Daniel).


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I don’t see any humour in that….

What is the purpose of this ?



Its funny satire? Kirk/Spock romance jokes have been around since before the internet.

I’ve never understood all these fan productions/literature (that have been around since the beginning of Trek) about Kirk and Spock being lovers….Just kinda weird, but thats just my opinion. And no, I’m not a biggot. I just never understood the humor of it or appeal.

haha this is hilarious!! Someone should do this with one of the shatner books!

This is what you cover now? Slash fiction?

This is the best one ever. The editing is brilliant…


I’m so impressed by how well-done this is. The amount of work that had to have gone into sifting through an 8-hour audio book in order to construct this fairly elaborately-told gay erotic narrative is astounding. I just wish I could think of someone to show this to!

BTW, are the two videos posted above supposed to be exactly the same??

Talk about boldly going!!!! HILARIOUS!!!!!

I don’t support or write the stuff, but whenever I’m in a sick state of mind and need a laugh… I’ll find something like this and just laaaaaaaauuugh…


Anthony, you really ought to link to the Closer (Nine Inch Nails) video on YouTube. It has gotten over 1,000,000 hits and is the ultimate in editing and audio/video production.

By the way, the above was awesome – thanks for covering it!

That’s fantastic. Probably one of the funniest audio edits I’ve ever heard. And such a slash pairing is never too absurd, being a fan and author of it.

That little edit sure did supply a good belly laugh from me, excellent job!

feel violated

Both of them were really funny – you really have to acknowledge the amount of work that went into it. The one thing I don’t quite get, however: are we (or the target audience for that sort of fiction) supposed to take that first one serious?

*rolleyes* Some people just don’t have a sense of humor. This is awesome!! LOL!!!

Very funny, yet maybe not appropriate for here. I know I know. We were warned but that’s just like rolling out the red carpet to the less mature audiences. Oh, never mind. We’re already here!

I do prefer Brokeback Trek. It’s more about the bromance than the graphic sex. I don’t mind two men deeply loving each other in that way but I don’t want t hear about the details.

13. Denise de Arman – December 21, 2009

Anthony, you really ought to link to the Closer (Nine Inch Nails) video on YouTube.

Yeah, I just watched that. Very well done indeed!

That is some wild sound splicing. LOL

That was an impressive audio edit! And a great laugh!
As for K/S slash, you non-slashers can give us a break. A lot of the subtext in the show was intentional. You can’t blame us for picking up on it and running with it! I think its the most romantic show on TV ever.

Not sure about this I just saw a site called Archer/Reed of the same format. I’m trying to be opened an enlighened. But I find myself in Beverly Crusher’s shoes when her trill lover the ambassader became a woman after the symbiant’s fatal host accident. I’m accepting of friends and family. But not so close as myself or my closes souls Kirk/Spock sinc 1966. I have to think about this.

Okay, the audio book edit made me throw up in my mouth a little bit, but that Broke Trek parody was genius!

So, isn’t this piracy if you’re re-purposing copyrighting Paramount material? Way to feed the beast, Trekmovie

You should watch “The Ship’s Closet” on youtube. It explores the Kirk/Spock relationship in some depth – and is hilarious as well. There’s even a part about how Roddenberry based them on Greek warrior/lovers.

thanks for covering this stuff Anthony- slow news day or not there is a whole sideshow of fandom that have been around just as long as the more respectable “Trekkers” that never get any attention.

They are cleaver & funny & interesting, but politics always keep them in the closet.
the only ones that irk me are the supernatural slash fiction because… well need i go on, but Kirk/Spock bring it on- lol .

A five year mission is a long, long time.

Inter-species relations never looked so good- lol

lol awww come on …this is funny stuff

Um…I’ll pass. I hate this kind of stuff. Might as well just kick me in the stomach. That’s just as fun as watching this trash.

Um…Anthony DID post a memo which stated that those easily offended should not watch, so if you feel you were just punched in the stomach, you have no one but yourself to blame…

Kirk/Spock never did float my boat, old or new-school.

Now, Kirk/McCoy in the new movie, that’s a whole other story…

wow this is embarrassing to listen too. lol

To anybody who feels ‘violated’ – allow me a quick moment to get out the world’s smallest violin (no one told you-you had to listen to it).

And it’s just a couple of fans having fun. I think a lot of the humor is in how flowery the descriptions and sentences are in this audio!fic. Well… that, and it’s in Zachary Quinto’s voice. xD LOL

Wow… it’s like the Chat section of the site is being narrated by Quinto.

I’m sure I had posted a comment. Must have been deleted. As mine usually are.

Shat & Nimoy I guess I can put up with because it was pretty funny.

But please don’t drag Pine & Quinto into the mess!

Don’t worry you made it this time roykirk! But I still have to think about this

36: TOG:

“Be careful what you wish for. You may get it.”

Slashfic has always been pathetic and the Kirk/Spock stuff the most boring and clichéd of the lot!

It just is not funny.


What’s all the commotion about?

This pales in comparison to some of our stuff…

Beach#42- Too true. As a matter of fact, AJ just wrote a new one yesterday about Kirk and Spock having phone sex. Everyone here should check out the Chat section of the site for more hilarious fictional literature.

Who ever wrote this needs about 72 hours in the Agoniser Booth and the Agoniser booth needs to be at full power. That was just plain stupid.

This is SOOO wrong…. Funny, but wrong….. :-)

I regret clicking on this article. lol. But I’ve always hated the erotic fan fiction, seems disrespectful of Trek to me, at least the more extreme and trashy stuff. *rolls eyes*


Are you finding it as easy to distinguish the narrow from the open? Watch yourself. It’s raining phobohomia all over this thread…

OK, the “torrent of tightly contained tornadic plasma” is too much. :)

Holy cow, my video!!

Thanks TrekMovie!

At the library where I run teen programs, most of the teen fans are really into K/S. Of course, a large percentage of Trek fans have always been LGBT. Looking at an old photo of the local Trek fan club 9 out of 15 members have now come out as LGBT.