The 2009 Star Trek picked up its second guild award today (making it two for two so far). The Screen Actors Guild awarded Star Trek with the Best Stunt Ensemble Award. And in a ‘small world’, it was Scott Bakula who presented the award, who noted the coincidence.
Trek Stunt Team can take a hit and a win
Star Trek was up against Transformer: Revenge of the Fallen and Public Enemies for the Screen Actors Guild Award for Outstanding Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture. Star Trek’s stunt coordinator was Terry Jackson, who also acted as a stunt double in the film. Jackson also won the same award last year as part of The Dark Knight stunt ensemble.
"Star Trek" stunt ensemble win SAG award
Here is the full stunt team
Robert Alonzo …. assistant stunt coordinator
Robert Alonzo …. fight choreographer
Daniel Arrias …. stunts
Steve Blalock …. stunts
Joey Box …. stunt coordinator
Jon Braver …. stunt double: Faran Tahir
Ben Bray …. stunt performer
Mark Chadwick …. stunts
Ilram Choi …. stunt double: John Cho
Shauna Duggins …. stunts
Zack Duhame …. stunt double: Simon Pegg
Peter Epstein …. stunts
Peter Epstein …. utility stunts
Jeremy Fitzgerald …. stunts
Michael Gaines …. stunt double
Derek Graf …. stunts
Mike Gunther …. stunt double: Chris Pine
Terry Jackson …. stunt coordinator: second unit
Terry Jackson …. stunt double
Jace Jeanes …. stunt double
Craig Jensen …. stunts
Dennis Keiffer …. stunts
Lauren Mary Kim …. utility stunts (as Lauren Kim)
Henry Kingi Jr. …. stunt performer
Paul Lacovara …. stunt double: Eric Bana
Rob Mars …. stunts
Anthony Molinari …. stunt double: Greg Ellis
Heidi Moneymaker …. stunts
Dorenda Moore …. stunts
Mike Mukatis …. stunt double (as Michael Mukatis)
Kimberly Shannon Murphy …. utility stunts
Panuvat Anthony Nanakornpanom …. stunt performer
Lin Oeding …. stunt double: John Cho
Brian Oerly …. stunt double
Victor Paguia …. utility stunts
Chris Palermo …. stunts
Jim Palmer …. utility stunts
Eddie Perez …. stunt performer
Dan Plum …. stunts
Damon Poitier …. stunts
Paradox Pollack …. creature choreographer
Austin Priester …. stunts
Susan Purkhiser …. stunts
Jade Quon …. utility stunts
Dennis Scott …. stunts
Mike Snyder …. stunts
Chrissy Weathersby …. stunts
Chrissy Weathersby …. utility stunts
Webster Whinery Jr. …. stunt double
Peipei Yuan …. stunt double: Freda Foh Shen
Congrats to the Star Trek stunt team!
This commercial (#6) for Star Trek shows off some of the stunt work for the film
The SAG award for Star Trek was announced just moments ago during the Red Carpet Webcast (watch it at for the SAG Awards. The award was co-presented by SAG Awards committee member (and Star Trek Enterprise star) Scott Bakula, who joked "I had nothing to do that!"
Bakula and JoBeth Williams present the stunt ensemble award, during red carpet webcast (@SAGAwards Tweet Photo)
SAG President Ken Howard with with Williams and Bakula – pictured after they presented the award (WireImage)
The SAG Awards show airs at 8 pm (ET/PT).
Guild Awards Scorecard 2 for 2
So far Star Trek has been nominated by most of the guilds. Only two guilds have held their awards shows so far and Trek has won in both.
- CSA: Best Casting (Studio Feature Film) [WON]
- SAG: Best Stunt Ensemble [WON]
- PGA: Best Picture
- DGA: no nomination
- ADG: Best Production Design (Fantasy)
- WGA: Best Adapted Screenplay
- ASC: no nomination
- ACE: Best Edited Film (Drama)
- VES: Best Visual Effects & Best Matte Painting
- CAS: Best Motion Picture Sound Mixing
- MPSE Best Sound Editing (3 categories: Music, Dialog, Sound Effects)
- CDG: (Costumes) Announced 1/24
Next up is the PGA awards tomorrow, with the rest in February.
I was about to give up on the awards ceremonies after ST09 getting snubbed in some of the earlier awards programs.
Thanks for the update, I will hope for more awards to follow in the other guilds.
Well deserved!
Hey way to go to the stunt guys. They are the backbone of any action or scifi movie. So congradualtions to Trek for another win.
Pretty kool that none other then Scott Bakula was the presenter for the award. Maybe we can get Scott a small role in the next movie as either Admirel Archer or maybe a son or grandson of Capt Archer.
Think we should have ST / Quantum Leap x-over, Sam Beckett leaps into Spock and rights the wrongs of Engineering. And fixes the damned nacelles.
Congrats stunt guys n gals, top work :-)
Yesssssssssss Congratulations STAR TREK.
My god, they have an award for EVERYTHING…..
It is like a kids soccer league…
#7 “My god, they have an award for EVERYTHING…..”
Agreed, but I would also love to see an award for the Digital Colorist, the unsung fixer of many an uneven scene…
They should also get the award for best or worst lens flares.
Simon Pegg had a stunt doubble? Did Scotty have any stunts in this movie? Oh, wait…. falling from the water tube…
Congrats, guys! Take a bow… or a fall… or a 2X4 to the face… whatever you guys do to celebrate.
Nice. If “Star Trek” didn’t win, I would’ve been shocked considering its competiton was “Public Enemies” and “Transformers 2.”
Awesomeness! It’s nice to see ‘Trek has any kind of award under its belt.
On a very happy note, “Inglorious Basterds” won best ensemble cast in a feature film… And Zach Quinto held the trophy and gave the speech! Hurrah!
Regardless of what we might think of the movie itself and whether it deserves any awards, it is nice to see the Star Trek 2009 cast getting along. They are having a good time. It has been nearly a year and we haven’t heard any sniping over who’s the “star” yet. Or rumblings of anyone quitting over demands for more money. That’s certainly a change from the usual Star Trek dramatics.
@7. maoman – “My god, they have an award for EVERYTHING…..”
Films are a collaborative art form. Many creative individuals come together to produce what you see and hear. THEY ALL DESERVE TO BE RECOGNIZED FOR THEIR TALENTS & CONTRIBUTIONS.
Please get Scott Bakula as Admiral Archer in the next film, if only to get his beagle back!
Get Tom Hanks as President of Starfleet.
nothing wrong with the nacelles
Engineering? I’m with ya
They are recognized – They are called CREDITS.
Breaking down awards to this level is just self-congratulatory.
In the commercial (#6) is that a stunt double for Pine in the dorm room scene?
Lotta action in that clip.
@ 18. Maoman “They are recognized – They are called CREDITS. Breaking down awards to this level is just self-congratulatory.”
Yes. DUH! The guild and academy awards are “self-congratulatory” by definition. You’re brilliant.
how fitting Scott Bakula presented the award to Star Trek – that mus be faith…
@ Star Trek’s ‘Supreme Court’, please get Scott Bakula/Archer in the next Star Trek film somehow.
You can do it :)
Congrats to the crews. Let’s keep the awards coming.
You know what stunt I wanna see in the Star Trek sequel? Scott Bakula as a centenarian Admiral Archer laying some epic smack down on Scotty while screaming, “Where’s my goddamned dog?! Give me back Porthos!!!”
@13 That was Eli Roth, although he does look remarkably like Quinto.
A Scott Bakula cameo along the same lines as the DeForest Kelly appearance in “Encounter At Farpoint” could work quite spendidly I think.
Maybe Archer and Scotty walk down a corridor together. Archer forgives Scotty for losing his dog (he gets it back) and gives a bit of advice to Mr.Scott. Archer mentions some of Trip’s finest moments and how he didn’t hold back his opinions from his captain.
You seem to be missing the point….again. Awards are not the problem, breaking them into tiny sub-categories are.
If you have Spock’s brain, how about using it….
#26, why would deny the craftsmen working in their field an opportunity to celebrate their achievements? You seemed to be bothered by the fact that this is too many awards for your addled brain to process.
The reality is, the ONLY reason you know about them is because Anthony reports them here. Otherwise, they would go on unheralded in anonymous banquet halls, reported only in industry trades, and you would not have to be inconvenienced with the celebration of someone else’s much earned award for excellence in their field.
I don’t know what you do for a living, but most of these people work extremely hard to get to the level of being nominated (and by hard I mean staying at the top of their game for 16 hour days, 6-7 days a week for several months without a break of any kind, often on location and away from their families). And then they have to work even harder to earn the attention of their peers. It is through such efforts that the bar of excellence is continually raised in this business, in much the same way as in any business which recognizes the efforts of its employees, be it with bonuses and/or awards. And let me tell you the bonuses are far from plentiful for the working class in Hollywood.
Like a dinosaur you speak with a big mouth and a small brain. Stop and think the next time you decide to minimize the accomplishments of those whom you do not understand in a business you are not a part.
ok lets not get into namecalling
however, guilds giving awards is not something that is unique to the entertainment industry. And in the corporate world there are tons of awards handed out for “top annuity salesman in the southeast for q1” type of things, it is just that those dont get publicized and on TV because there arent nearly enough beautiful people at them
Archer should be a former President of the Federation. His offspring should be the Admiral they speak of and the ‘beagle’ should be a desendent of Porthos.
Once again you missed my point. So, I will state it again. Awards are not the problem. But dividing them into tiny sub-categories is. It is self-congratulatory to those who are included and exclusionary to the majority of the smaller players involved in the production who are not.
I believe that I made no comments about the quality of the work that stunt people do. I simply believe that the work needs to be viewed as a whole and not chopped into sub-categories based on various political affiliations within the industry.
As for being in the film industry, you are quite correct. I am not. I am in the Video Game Industry and sadly our working conditions are probably as bad if not worse than the film industry. Our development times average 24 months and our “crunch” times (6-7 day work days) can go on for months on end as we try and launch a product. And if your game wins an award, it ends up on a shelf in a publishers lobby or as a marketing sticker on the front of the box and neither does much for your bank account. So while I am not in the film industry, my industry is about as close a parallel as you might find.
But in the end, my opinion on the matter is mine and I am free to express it here. And you are free to disagree…
I am going to move on to the next thread….see you there!
Congrats to Star Trek! I liked the drill platform fighting scene!
ST09 stunt work was a poor tribute to TOS. If they truly wanted to honor trek, then you would be able to see the faces of stunt men and then a quick camara cut to the face of the actual actor, my favorite example is Kirk’s fight with Khan in “SpaceSeed”. Sigh…….
Folks — just a correction of sorts:
With all due respect to Terry Jackson, a brilliant stuntman and coordinator, Joey Box was the principal stunt coordinator on Star Trek. Mr. Box worked as assistant stunt coordinator for stunt legend Vic Armstrong on M:I-3 for JJ. When Mr. Armstrong was unavailable for Trek, Mr. Box was promoted to coordinator. Mr. Box is also working as stunt coordinator on JJ’s new television pilot Undercovers.
I know all this because I worked on both M:I-3 and Trek — just to clarify my source of information.
I just wanted to point all this out to give Mr. Box his deserved recognition.
This is an award well-deserved for Star Trek. I’m really not even sure where the stunt men replaced the actors (though I know it was happening!), and I loved the different stunt set pieces. Great stuff, Star Trek.
#30 – and you are missing the point completely. No one entity is sub-divinding the awards into subcategories. I really don’t see the objection. It’s not like it is some Hollywood conspiracy to milk awards season. Nobody is forcing you to watch them, to the extent they are even covered anywhere outside of Hollywood.
Films employ hundreds to thousands of very specialized people. Most of whom are simply workers who go where they are told and move what they are told. Their direction is overseen by a select few department heads. A win for the department head is a win for the staff hired by that person who ultimately followed their direction and helped them achieve the acknowledgment. And everyone involved gets to put it on their resume.
When a director or producer accepts an award for best film, they are lucky to even be able to name the department heads, much less even thank them all in their acceptance speech. As far as the viewing public is concerned the director, or producer are solely responsible for the film, along with the actors and perhaps the writers. Are you really suggesting that outside of the limelight of national television and media coverage, the other specialized departments are not entitled to some level of recognition which is just as prominent on screen as the others’?
Further, are you actually suggesting that the film that wins best picture contains the best of all crafts? If Star Trek won best picture, should everyone assume that it had the best costumes of any movie created in 2010 (despite the fact they were just updates of a 40 year old design)? The artisans who contribute to these films are just as deserving of recognition from their peers and colleagues within the industry, if only to get their next job. Why should a department head who did outstanding work be overlooked for acknowledgement simply because they did not happen to do it on the film that won best picture?
And while the Osacrs represent the creme de la creme for many of these technical awards which the average person does not see either, there is far more merit within the individual guilds whose members carry most of the burden of the day to day work and as such are in a position to evaluate the work differently than merely the limited pool of past Oscar winners, or nominees. There is real value to being acknowledged by the people in the guild, which unlike the elite Oscar groups are made up of those “smaller players” you are so concerned about, who in effect are voting for themselves despite not being so named. Or would you deny them the ability to disagree with the Academy’s vote as well as to honor those individual sub-groups who have no counterpart for recognition in the Oscars?
So really what is your point? Who are you really concerned about here that you would deny these people the chance to receive proper recognition and not simply settle for that dictated by the Oscars?
A desendent of Porthos.
Dogtanian naturally!
…and if Adm. Archer’s current beagle is and angrrrry one named Khan, then Star Trek II could be The Wrath of Khan
You know what i would like to see as much as new episodes of enterprise, Bakula return to doing maybe a tv movie of Quantum Leap where we find out if Sam really got home,lol.
Anyway Bakula is a stand up guy and takes the fact that enterprise was cancelled in a humorous light. If i was him i would be pissed to be replaced by JJ’s movie.
If you can not tell where the stunt people are in TV or Film then we have done our job well. We are Members of the Screen Actors Guild and are only asking to be recognized.
When I first joined SAG, Producers did not even have to list stunt people!