Are you ready for another award show? Voting is now open to determine the nominees for the 2010 MTV Movie Awards, and the 2009 Star Trek movie is being considered in six categories including Best Movie. More details below including links on where you can vote for Star Trek.
Vote for Star Trek
Voting is now open to determine the final nominees for the 2010 MTV Movie Awards. The 2009 Star Trek movie is being considered in 6 categories, with some having multiple options for Star Trek.
Star Trek is being considered in the following categories and you can click the links to vote.
- Best Movie
Best Kiss (Spock & Uhura)
Best Fight (2 Trek options: Kirk & Sulu vs Romulans or Kirk vs. Nero)
Best Ass-Kicking Star (2 Trek options: Chris Pine or Zoe Saldana)
Best Breakout Male Star (2 Trek options: Chris Pine or Zachary Quinto)
Best Villain (Eric Bana – Nero)
Zoe Saldana is also up for Best Female Performance for Avatar.
Voting will run through 6 p.m. ET on Friday, April 9. After the nominees are announced, voting for a winner in each category will start May 11 and run through June 5. But voting for Best Movie will stay open throughout the awards show itself.
The 2010 MTV Movie Awards are being held Sunday June 6th, aired live on MTV at 9 PM Eastern.
Here is the promo video for voting:
Star Trek at 2009 MTV Movie Awards
Last year’s MTV movie awards were held just a few weeks after Star Trek had become a big hit and even though the film didn’t qualify for awards, Star Trek was all over the show. There was a Star Trek gag as part of the show opening and a Star Trek gag about ‘Starf Leet Clown Clown College.’ (See TrekMovie report). A number of Star Trek celebrities were also on hand, including Chris Pine presenting an award and JJ Abrams appearing (on keyboards) in the hilarious music video "Cool Guys Don’t Look at Explosions." (below). You can watch the whole show at
Chris Pine presenting at the 2009 MTV Movie Awards
As reported on Sunday, Zach attended the MTV Movie Awards. While there Zach got himself onto the MTV 360 photo stage. Go to to play the animation showing a freeze frame of Quinto from every angle.
Zachary Quinto on the 2009 MTV Movie Awards Fashion 360
(Click to see animation)
JJ Abrams appearing in "Cool Guys Don’t Look At Explosions" music video
Star Trek was all over the MTV awards last year? Could that have had anything to do with the fact that Viacom owns both Paramount and MTV?
Besides, there aren’t enough Star Trek fans on the planet to make it win a single MTV award. All one has to do is look at last years winners:
Twilight & High School Musical 3 swept the awards.
Not sayin’ it won’t happen, just that it’s not bloody likely.
I think it’s great that Star Trek is being nominated for 6 awards…although I’m not too optimistic on what movie’s gonna win (I.E Twilight Saga: New Moon) But you know what, I’m not gonna give up, I’m gonna vote every time I go on to the MTV Movie Awards site. I really hope Star Trek would win this year instead of the certain “vampire” movie, but I’m not holding my breath. So let’s do our best and vote every day…or every time you go on the site. (you have to register, though.)
Well, nominating “Star Trek” for anything at the MTV Awards is moot. We already know most of the awards are going to be “won” by “The Twilight Saga: New Moon”. Oh well! Some recognition is better than none I suppose.
I don’t think the MTV Movie Awards have that much credibility anyways…
#1: “Star Trek was all over the MTV awards last year? Could that have had anything to do with the fact that Viacom owns both Paramount and MTV?”
Oh, I’m crushin’ hard :)
I used to like the MTV Movie Awards until it became the MTV Twilight Awards… sigh… If only 12 year old girls couldn’t vote!
•Best Fight
no Kirk v Spock?
that was the one that first came to my mind
Can I ask why the media make this out to be the only good Star Trek?
I like good Star Trek.But I think he’s too young.
#8- because the media has NO CLUE as to what made The Original so great and THE ABSOLUTE BEST TREK EVER.
Because they can’t handle GREAT Star Trek.
I place all my Trek-related votes! MTV Awards are kinda pointless and cheesy…but will keep buzz going for the movie..and create sustained interest in the sequel.
@10: You know it James! (although I do like me some TNG)
Heh, Andy Samberg, Will Ferrell and J.J. Abrams … an “explosive” mixture…
#7 “Kirk vs. Spock” wasn’t really a fight….it was more of Spock beating the crap out of Kirk. But it was still cool, don’t get me wrong, just saying.
#12, “but will keep buzz going for the movie..and create sustained interest in the sequel.”
Assuming Paramount is able to plant Star Trek cast all over the awards again to remind all their young viewers what they overlooked.
As for sustained interest in the sequel … let’s see, awards for 2009 are over in June 2010, Star Trek wins nothing to renew interest. Star Trek’s last chance to be in the limelight for over 2 solid years. WIth two Summer’s crammed full of franchise favorites, Star Trek will not even be a glimmer in a non-Trek fan’s eye for the next two years.
I suspect the announcement that the next Star Trek will be in 3D will garner some interest for a while though.
I’ll vote, but I’ll doubt Trek has a chance to win.
Who watches MTV anymore, anyway, and what is the percentage of those watching it who grew up with TOS (when it first aired)? I stopped watching MTV when it stopped playing music videos. There are differing demographics for MTV, but it attracts a primarily 12-25 year old audience, supposedly the “big spenders.” These are the people advertisers have their sights on. I don’t know how many people from 12 to 25 would consider themselves Trekkies, but Star Trek is a niche thing, anyway, isn’t it?
is it working now?
#15 – as opposed to Nero beating the crap out of Kirk.
although the Nero fight did have the great lines ‘I know your face…’ & ‘James T Kirk was a great man…’ evoking the shat
in a way, that was the shatner cameo (along with the Spock Prime line “A trick i learned…from an old friend…” )
Mia Wasikowska should win best female breakthrough for Alice in Wonderland.
She’s one of the only normal nominees in her category (along with Carey Mulligan). I mean why is Isobel Lucas nominated for a role that was only about 10 minutes long?
#20 Kirk seemed to get the crap beat out of him quite a lot in that movie, didn’t he? Also in the bar….
16. Red
“…Star Trek will not even be a glimmer in a non-Trek fan’s eye for the next two years….”
Isn’t that how it was before Trek09 was released?
Eric Bana won’t win Best Villain as long as Christoph Waltz is still in the running.
LEONARDO NIMOY: Well, my young, young friends here at NTV…
LEONARDO NIMOY: It is “N”TV as long as “N”imoy is on the screen. Anyway… the award for best movie that young people went to so they can share popcorn, make googely-eyes at each other and, perhaps, just perhaps, cop a feel… well that awkward… I mean “award” goes to… (pause as he reads it)… Goddammit. It should be Star Trek! But it’s not! It’s that New Moon movie! Well- I’ll show you an Old Moon! (drops pants, points butt to cameras)
PRODUCER: Best award show ever! Wait… oh, God! The wrinkles! The wrinkles! Looks like some bad Spam winking at us… all that jelly…
WILLIAM SHATNER: Spock- your butt is mine and not for all the world to see!
LEONARDO NIMOY: Bill, I’m really getting sick of all the K/S sex fiction out there. It’s one thing to dream it up from some nerd’s perversity but it is quite another thing to actually act upon it.
WILLIAM SHATNER: Well, time to make a GILF tape- a Grandpa-ILF tape!
LEONARDO NIMOY: Fascinating. Quite right… with the popularity of MILFS, older women who men download on their computers, well, why can’t we explore the GILF? Come to me, Bill…
SULU: I knew it all along.
MILEY CYRUS: (in audience, having an aneurysm, vomiting) Oooooooo… I’m blind! That’s not the best of both worlds….
LOCUTUS OF BORG: Are you 18 yet? I have a nano probe that’s not so nano.
PRODUCER: Stop the feed! Shut it down! Oh, God… the FCC is going to kill us! Wait is that old, fat dude in a hairwig just going to kiss his… (vomits)
LEONARDO NIMOY: Star Trek has always been a pioneer in social exploration.
WILLIAM SHATNER: Is that why I’m kissing your rear?
LEONARDO NIMOY: I need my Celebrex if I am going to move towards you.
WILLIAM SHATNER: Let’s… JUST… takeanap.
BND: Awwwwwwwwwwwwk! I knew I shoulda’ V-Chipped MTV! Awwwwwwwk!
Oh, I kidz cuz I loves….
And we love you BND. xD
I hope that Miley gets assimilated.
Wait — no. That would ruin the Borg forever.
I hope she just gets blown up. (: (Not really, you guys.. geez.. I’m not that mean. xD)
Well, here’s hoping that Star Trek does well, even if it is just MTV. If New Moon wins, I will seriously lose all faith in MTV (RTV? There’s no music here anymore) because that movie was almost worse than Transformers. =/
#23, and your point?
Didn’t win an Oscar, so let’s vote for an MTV award….you gotta be kidding…
Maybe we can send both Miley Cyrus and her dad Billy Ray into a parallel universe where they can torture the Klingons and Cardassians with their music?
It could be payback for their enslavement of humanity!
#16, 23
I believe there will still be “glimmers” in non-fans’ eyes. I’m still seeing lens flares myself. :-)
Yea the media does have NO CLUE.
TOS is fantastc, I do love all Trek.
But I do admit that I do feel Trek has lost a part of its identity by having Abrams make it appeal to the mainstream more so than the fans.
But while Abrams missed the deeper meanings that Trek deals with, even though he captured the sense of fun.
I guess the truth is this one is more for the non fans than the Trekkies.
Why is everyone mad that Abrams made Star Trek likeable, plus he revived it from almost certain death, people should be thanking him.
At first the audience zone was everyone.
Then in TNG (I don’t know cuz I wasn’t around until much later) but I assume the fans started dropping all the way until Nemesis (I *was* around for that but still pretty little?) where kids didn’t even know who Spock was (me for one until I saw TOS then ST09).
Now there’s a big audience and for the first time since Star Wars was made Star Trek has some spotlight.
It’s not the 1940s anymore!!!!
or 60s but I heard concepts were first starting in the 40s
“…#23, and your point?”
Trek wasn’t a glimmer in the eye of non-fans (and even some fans) prior to Trek09’s release. If it isn’t a glimmer in their eye for the next two years, it will be once the sequel nears release. It’s all in the marketing and promotion, advance reviews, followed by word of mouth. That’s show-biz. You already know this stuff, right?
31. ryan
I have no doubt there are a lot more people who were not Trek fans and — if you mentioned Star Trek to them– they would say, “Yeh, that was a great movie. I never watched Star Trek before that.” I think it’s clear, JJ & Co. presented a Star Trek that was clearly needed, in order to make it interesting to more than just the hard-core Trekkie/Trekker.
In fact, I am somewhat envious of the non-fan who may have never seen any Star Trek prior to “Star Trek.” Those people got to see the movie without any preconceptions about what Star Trek should be, or used to be. They got to see it without a Trekkie-filter in front of their eyes.
The MTV movie awards is about as mainstream as one can get as far as award shows goes.
How Trek does will tell if it has gone totally mainstream or not.
Avatar will win, as it’s gone mainstream and is more in the general public’s face right now then Trek is currently.
I bet the majority of the people in the audience will be like, didn’t that come out like AGES ago ?
Hate to burst ones bubble but why is MTV still producing these movie award shows? They pretty muched dumped MTV Music as well as VH1. They should also get rid of the VMA’s as well since they don’t show them anymore.
I have a firend who had never seen it before, and all she had ever seen was ST09…yeah, she loved it, and she now calls herself a Trekkie……BUT she is about the stuppidest person on earth about Satr Trek, [she called Spock a “falcon”, I corrected her, VULCAN], and after seeing all the new actors new faces, she can’t enjoy the old ones because she says the actors are “too old”
I would rather NOT look like an idiot, how about you?
How can she call herself a Trekkie if all she has ever seen is the new movie?
If she can not look at TOS or any other of the shows and movies then she cannot call herself a Trekkie.
So the question is qute simple. Has JJ Abrams made new fans of Star Trek? or Has he just made fans of his one movie?
I do hate the mainstream, I really do.
See siskel and ebert thread fit discussion of deeper meaning fir those who missed it.
Cawley? You the same Cawley we put in the movie no shitting on us?
Thank you for saying media recognizes this as best Trek ever. Very kind.
Agree that mainstream
media deserves hate. But not about movies. Have you written your congressman or mainstream media even once about their lies about the real world or do you just complain here about movies?
40. Jane
Of course, no one wants to be considered an idiot. When you say your friend is an idiot about Star Trek, I wonder if you’re being a bit harsh. Your friend may be uninformed, but that does not necessarily equate with being an idiot.
My girlfriend — who is my age, 52 — was vaguely familiar with Star Trek, in general, when she came with me to see the movie. She loved the movie, and has since watched most of the original cast movies, and she’s watched some TOS episodes. It took her a while to warm up to seeing Shatner and Nimoy, etc., but she’s come to appreciate whatever that THING is about Star Trek that makes it enjoyable. She may not consider herself a Trekkie, but she has more appreciation for it now than she ever did. I think this is one of the great things about Trek09, and how it managed to bring a lot of new faces into the theaters.
I’m sure you don’t expect everyone you know to be a Trek-fan, or as Trek-informed as you may be, nor do I expect it. There has to be room for everyone, in spite of the fact the planet is getting smaller all the time, don’t ya think?
Mainstream audience tastes are different than mine.
I was commenting on the fact that I wish my Trek got this recognition that the new movie gets.
I was just stating that I wished the Trek I grew up with got this attention, I just don’t want people to forget the Trek’s that came before.
And is it a crime if we prefer TOS over the new movie? I was commneting on the media in general not the movie.
I was commenting that they seem to forget the 40 plus history of Trek before this one movie.
Does that make sense.
God its the same with new Doctor Who. The new run gets more attention than the classic and I love to view both classic and new Doctor Who as one show.
With Star Trek I do view the new movie as a separate entity from the other 5 shows. But thats because it was set in an alternate universe that is parallel to what came before.
I love Star Trek and I just hate the idea that the other shows will fade.
And people don’t hate me because I think First Contact is a better movie.
Remember I did go in expecting to hate what was done to my fav show with this movie, but I ended up enjoying the film.
Several years ago, I wrote to my Governor, Congressmen and Senators (in RI), regarding my dissatisfaction and frustration with the way things were going in the state. I got a form e-mail from one of the Senators and never heard back from any of the others. I was truly touched by their lack of response… Even a picture of them flippin’ me off would’ve been something…
#36, yeah that’ what I thought you meant. That wasn’t my point at all. If you go back and actually read what was written, you’ll see I was clearly responding to Michael’s assertion that the MTV awards were going to help keep the buzz going. But what’s Paramount going to do for the next two years? Once the MTV Awards are over, and they will be forgotten like the next morning, there’s not much free publicity to keep Star Trek fresh in the minds of general mainstream audiences.
I never once suggested anything to the contrary about the first movie.
But thanks for bringing up that point. Please do elaborate on what kind of sense it makes for Paramount to let 3 years pass from the hottest their franchise has been in 45 years, allowing all of its heat to dissipate and forcing them to spend as much as they did for the last movie to get it back into the general public’s consciousness? Probably even more money, because the media is not likely to be as complicit in as widely reporting it, since a sequel is no where near as interesting as the great re-birth of Star Trek, nor did it do enough business to generate blockbuster “frenzy” reporting like Harry Potter and Transformers. In fact, considering how poorly it did internationally, it’s going to cost Paramount even more to get a bigger presence in foreign markets, assuming they care. Their on-record laissez-faire attitude toward international markets is not encouraging. Yes the CD & Blu-ray sales are going to help, but honestly, after three years, who’s going to remember, except the fans, without another expensive marketing blitz? Not the way to treat a valuable franchise. And frankly, the movie business is broke thanks to major financer’s lack of interest in financing in films due to the recession. That’s why they’re about to open film financing up to the general public. Plus, Star Trek got a lion’s share of Paramount’s advertising money for the year, they bet the farm on it. Few other films got the push Star Trek did last year. And GI Joe suffered because of it. Will Star Trek be Paramount’s top priority the Summer of 2012? No guarantees there.
Then again, JJ is a marketing whiz-kid. So assuming he still cares, and that’s debatable, he may find a way to make Star Trek the hottest worldwide mystery going for the next two years, or he may let it slide like everything else he’s ever been involved with.