Saturday the Star Trek: The Experience warehouse sale took place in Las Vegas Nevada. According to Propworx, it was a big success with huge crowds and everything being sold. There are some nice videos from the event available to view, check them out below.
Videos from Star Trek: The Experience Warehouse Sale
First up the Las Vegas Journal has a report from the event that is worth checking out. Plus they have a nice video which includes a good overview from Propworx CEO Alex Peters and brief interviews from some of the attendees (including Mythbuster’s Adam Savage).
There are also some fan videos. First up one from YouTuber TheBlue Oracle
And finally a two-parter from ThoughtDragon
After watching the videos, this stuff doesn’t seem “special” anymore. It just feels like a bunch of poorly treated junk. It’s sad.
I so want some of this stuff. I’ve heard rumors about another auction at the Vegas con…..
There is no way they couldn’t have used some of this stuff at the new Experience… make me think the new one will never happen… How can it downtown? Neonopolis is a ghost town.. even if the experience opened there, it couldn’t survive.. this sucks.. a 70 million dollar attraction sold off in a dingy warehouse.. good job Hilton/Cedarfair..
Taken out of context (away from the glitz of the Hilton exhibit), I have to say I agree with #1; it’s just a bunch of junk.
It’s only special when used with love and care for all to see; not rotting away in a fan boy’s basement (or a dingy warehouse).
What a shame; I’ve been to the Experience twice (even stayed at the Hilton in 2003). It was so fun and memorable, but buying a piece of it now just makes one feel like a vulture; picking the flesh off of a poor unlucky creature’s corpse. ) :}
Oh, such downers on here today! I would love to own a piece of ST:TE, which holds a very special place in my heart. I wouldn’t consider it rotting away in my home, but rather paying homage to something that is so important to Trek fans.
I met some of my best friends at ST:TE, and it makes me happy to think about it, even though it is gone.
Thanks for posting the videos. Sad to watch, but we can always hope the next Experience will happen and be bigger and better. sigh.
Does any one know how much the refit Big E went for?
Yow; seeing Voyager in bits is slightly disconcerting, since I know about some of the work that Penwal Industries put into it. Ah, well. I still have smaller models around the house to enjoy, and the 5′ filming model has gone to a good home.
My mom stopped by there, picked up an excellent wall panel with the famous engineering Okuda label it is fairly good sized, most of them, had been pryed off the walls with cro bars most of the stuff had been disassembled messily. My mom also picked up an lcars glass piece from one of the shuttles, rather long, and a headrest from the Klingon ride My mom happened to be up there on vacation! But, you know the thing is that alot of this stuff was junk and they wanted top dollar! Who would buy those big ships, as of 1 Voyager, 1701, and what was left of the D was there (the saucer by the way was destroyed, I snuck into the experience 3 months after closure and it was hanging there shrouded in darkness. And the rest of the experience was gutted, there was just the superstructure left in Dec 08. Alot of this stuff should have been free or for just a few bucks it was in such bad shape and badly run sale, with little notice
I think the models should have been treated better and put on display either at the Smithsonian or the Star Trek Exhibition. Everything else can and should be auctioned off. I just think that since the model ships were so big, it would have made more sense to put them in a space big enough rather than cutting them into pieces.
As for the new Experience, I think they should have the TOS bridge, the bar from Deep Space K-7, the TNG bridge, the NX-01 bridge, a replica of Zefram Cochrane’s Phoenix, Quark’s Bar, the Kobayashi Maru simulation from “Star Trek”.
But I get the feeling the new Experience will be built on the cheap, yet end up costing customers a lot more to attend.
#8 Rick,
In the TNG book, “The Continuing Mission”, there are pictures of the Enterprise-D and Voyager models under construction. A lot of effort went into those and it just breaks my heart to see those models in such bad shape. Makes me appreciate and love my Art Asylum Enterprise-D, E, TOS Mirror and Refit even more. :-)
By the way, did you ever get any “souvenirs” when you were working on the various shows and movies?
Wow at :53 on the1st video :)
It was a weird mixture of nostalgia that melted into sadness to see the stuff there. I worked there for two fantastic years, and every last thing there had sentimental value to me, no matter how damaged it was. I snatched up a conduit from Copernicus Station, a table from retail, and a like-new uniform jumpsuit. Meeting Adam Savage was fun too.
What does this mean for the new Experience? Well, I guess it means we won’t see much of the Borg, and the bridge of the Enterprise D will never be put back together (this breaks my heart). But as long as CBS takes their time and respects the fans, the new Experience will be worthwhile. Of course Neonopolis is a ghost town; that’s why the developers have paid so much to get STTE– to attract tourists.
So wait to see what comes. The old attraction was amazing, but it could have used some major updating. And if you’re worried about the new place closing down too soon, just make sure you’re first in line!
Jesus that first video with music is basically the most depressing star trek thing i have even seen, I mean its one step away from scotty playing the bagpipes over the wrecked hulls of the ship.
As one of the many star trek fans who never even got to go to STE when it was open i really feel like i missed out , and now i know i can never go , it really hurts more . (basically it was the only reason i could ever see myself going to vegas )
Hearing about all the great memories of fans who got to experence it.
The place must have been really something in its day , most fans say it was still a great even near the time is shut up shop and was more gurby and so on.
Hopefully we will see the likes of it some day again (and this time i will make sure to go).
Star trek is biggest franchise ever , and deserved to be done right , and the only place i can see that done is in some large theme park , somewhere with alot of land that can have a something like a star trek suttle rollercoaster and other rides with a resturant/bar….etc etc maybe even a star trek themed hotel. Just my opinion anyway.
I think these items are going to be totally different to people that have gone to the experience and have a tie to them. I’ve never been so to me the only thing I feel is sadness that they’ve been treated so badly. I can see the point, though, in selling them off, rather than just trashing them. Better these items than the things that were truly a part of Trek history that got sold off to private parties.
The shaky zoom in and zoom out with the digital zoom puts JJ Abram’s Cloverfield to shame
Wow it looks like a Trek Convention almost…A few familar fan and employee faces too….i read the Klingon Ship went for 1000 but it had a price tag of 2000 on it..hmmmm
Heres the thing IF the NEW Trek Experience is not going to be set in TNG era then WTF—-After all—if its all TOS AND JJ it isnt going to have the sense of history this place did….in fact since none of this happened yet if they went the tos route it invalidates almost everything here…That is the only reason I can think of why CBS didnt want to try to reuse any of this….it woulda been cheaper to refurbish the models for instance and repair em than start from scratch…Makes me think they are not very serious for making a new Experience certainly not very soon anyway…..
I thought the History of the Future Museum was perfect as was the time station story..they cant do any of that with a tos or JJverse set Experience…
Lastly yeh by itself most of this is just junk…Living Breathing Artists like Rich Sternbach/Mike Okuda etc.. brought life to the place along with the great employees who made it all come alive for us….Heres hoping a new experience will have as much or more LIVE interaction with great employees who care like this one had…..
Did Anthony git his exit sign he wanted? did April get her costumes? Vernon?? Wish I coulda been there to grab something….even a pair of 3d glasses oh well…..Watch E bay over the next week see what shows up haha
Hope Vernon gives us more background on it too
$2000 for the BOP!!! That’s a great price. Wish I would have known about the auction 1 day sooner. Then it would have been possible to do a marathon road trip to get there in time.
If only I could have gone. I wonder what they will have at the Las Vegas Star Trek Convention this August??
Yes Craig-i remember those models cost hundreds of thousands to mske? Anyone remember their behind the scenes tour? Even if they were only 50,000 2000 is very cheap-I wonder who got the quarks sign? i woulda luved to have one of the original bar stools from ds9–whoever got the replicator if that still worked it would be awesome-
I wonder when they will re-open STTE at Necropollis,
In every video shown i see only fat people. It’s that true that in US are only extra fat people and only ugly womens?
It is sad to see the stuff in such poorly-handled condition, it’s like “WE COULD CARE LESS ABOUT IT, IT’S JUST JUNK, JUST PUT IT OUT THERE FOR THE FANS AND SOMEBODY WILL BUY IT ANYWAY”, that really pisses me off.
@ John Gill
I think your letting those pictures over-exagerate the idea that items have been mis-treated. Their simply huge pieces that they lay down in the warehouse. If the ship was entirely intact together, wouldn’t you think its been handled with proper care ? So many people on the trekmovie boards have been complaining about the condition…
“its sooo uselesssss !!!!” -khan (Space Speed)
#22: don’t be so superficial…
I think the thing that strikes me as odd is that people have such emotional attachment to these objects that aren’t, in reality, even connected to the show. They are props that were made for an amusement park ride, essentially – not for production of the movies or tv series. Did fans weep when they threw away the movie-era “Bridge Set” that was used at one of the Paramount theme parks? (Can’t remember which one…)
Anything that was really connected to one of the shows or movies that was at The Experience, was taken by CBS/Paramount. The rest is just so much smoke and mirrors – trappings of a Vegas attraction.
If you loved these objects because you loved ST:TE, then that’s one thing and to want one merely because it’s cool, i totally get. But to think that they should be cared for, stored or even put in the Smithsonian because of their tangential connection to the franchise is a bit overkill, in my (very humble) opinion.
It’s Very sad to see the models broken and damaged, and wasn’t taken care of. :O(
#25 Don’t use such bigs words, I don’ts thinks Popeye, I means Marius #22 speaks such goods English in his countries. I guess their all really “hot” though, hey Marius, where you from? Maybe thats where the real Experience is.
#26 – Ditto.
BUT, knowing how Trek fans will pay for anything you’d think that more care would have been taken in dismantling ST:TE to maximize the value of these ‘artifacts’.
I get the impression that this sale was really more of an afterthought.
@22 Oh yeah? Check out the hot chick at :53 in the first video!
I mean the first YouTube video!
Everyone has such positive memories of the Experience. I wanted to go ever since I was a kid. I finally had my “experience” in 2008, and it was very lame. Everything was outdated looking, and the rides were only so, so. Don’t get me wrong, the part where you beamed aboard the Enterprise, and got to be on the bridge was amazing. However, this last experience was wrecked by being pushed off the set after 60 seconds. booourns!
#28 But at least i speak two languages..not only english. I just made a statement about the movies shown from the states. Most of the people are fat and damn ugly, paled looking people. And i am from France.
#33 – It figures.
33. So every single person in France is super hot?
#33 We may be fat and ugly, but we’ve never surrendered in a world war…
And super rude to Americans also? I hope not! But I am fat n old n I like trek so sue me I guess–Some are in wheelchairs too shall we belittle them too?
I am buyin’ me as many mini-skirt uniforms as I cans! Me dream ta’ go ups ta’ tha’ top o’ tha’ Eiffel Tower wearin’ ’em and allow tha’ breeze ta’ make me lower self sneeze…
Izzat wrong?
Maybe I’ll just buy me a Bjorg outfit and settle in Sweden.
Say, is Archer’s jumpsuit up fur’ sale? Wuz’ Archer even part o’ tha’ Experience? “Golly, folks, I overcharged you for your drinks. Here… you can spank me. That’s what Admiral Forrester does when I’ve been a bad captain.”
And dunna’ be makin’ fun o’ Popeye…
A-gagagagaga Arrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr…
I must be the luckiest guy in the world. Every time i visit the site i’, the 999999th visitor and i win something.
A thought for caring for these priceless artifacts. I hope those involved making Fan Films took advantage of this chance to buy and use these pieces of trek history in making their fan films. A great way to honor and give these items a home. Using them in plots! Props! A thought!
How depressing.
The new Experience isn’t happening. This proves it.
As many others here have stated: It’s pretty depressing to watch, but knowing us Star Trek fans, these will definitely find good homes and get the proper care they deserve. Wish I could’ve been there…..
Man, if I had all the money in the world, what I would spend just to get the TMP Enterprise. :P
Also being a huge MythBusters fan, I got very excited when they showed Adam Savage. Haha.
It’s a good thing that all French aren’t as amazingly superficial and obtuse as you are. Having been to France I got to meet a lot of really great, respectful people who enjoyed exchanging thoughts and ideas about life in America and were willing to point out the bad as well as the good about their country. It’s real easy to point out the stuff in the U.S. that doesn’t work. We Americans do it all the time.
Are you willing to criticize the problems in France?
Anyway, I am sad as well about the closing of the Experience. I loved the place and I would have loved to get a backlit display or uni or something. I know it’s not from the TV shows or movies but it’s still special.
Marius, take a look:
I don’t think it’s just an American issue bud. Seems to me that it’s a global issue. Granted this was published in 2006, but it’s a safe bet that the problem hasn’t just gone away. Notice the aritcle states that the national average was 42% or nearly half.
Oh, and I’ve been there. I can say with absolute certainty that there are indeed ugly French people. But the architecture was first rate.
No nation is perfect we all have our points of pride. We all have our banes of embaressmnt! Ex. France had its rioing we are stuck w/ teabaggers. Other countries are the same we are made of the human race. So we f all fix what’s wrong and be proud of what we all have going for us and move in the right direction. Hold up our heads Fat or Skinney
Who cares, everyone’s fat. Quit pointing fingers at each other and live and let live
warning for trolling
comments to
everyone else, dont fall for the bait
For those who spent a lot of time at STTE when ever they were in Las Vegas, then these props & fixtures mean a great deal. My friends in Vegas got us two bar stools and I like believe, or I will always choose to believe, that these are the same ones I sat on many times for many hours watching ST Movies and TV shows while Matt or Darren or Shannon or Jeff , etc made us the finest of ST drinks.
It is the idea that you have some thing that once was part of STTE. Some thing that you can now claim is yours and you now have pride of ownership. Picard expressed it best in First Contract when he is touching the PHOENIX and explains it to Data.
Does this sale mean the demise of a future STTE?? Hardly, it only means that these tired, old worn out, slightly used items will not be placed in the next version. It would be very hard, if not impossible to use these items that were custom made into a space at Neonopolis. It might cost more to refurb these fixtures then does to create new. If this is the case, all new and custom build items will have to made again to fit in Neonopolis, sadly this includes those fine starship models. We just have to wait and see what they have in store for us.
Well said lt bailey-congrats on grttin the chairs u lucky peoples you–i saw in one of the videos teo toilets-mens n ladies room st quarks? Hey we remember using those! haha–not quite the fortune telling urinals in spacequest tho-may the luck be with u!
Yeah, too bad those huge models are in such poor shape. Although I’m sure some Star Trek fan paid WAAYYY too much for them. Wished I’d visited The Experience before Vegas killed it.