This summer brings yet another opportunity to buy a piece of Star Trek history. The Heritage Auction Gallery is holding an auction next week which includes a number of Star Trek movie costumes, including Admiral Kirk’s jacket from Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. More details below.
press release
William Shatner’s Starfleet Wrath of Khan jacket to be boldly auctioned in Beverly Hills
Iconic costume could bring $20,000+ at Heritage Auctions Beverly Hills, July 17; Spock undershirt, screen-used props also on offer in Star Trek trove
BEVERLY HILLS—A Starfleet officer’s jacket and undershirt worn by William Shatner as Admiral James T. Kirk in the second Star Trek movie, The Wrath of Khan, will be sold at Heritage Auction Galleries Beverly Hills (9478 West Olympic Boulevard) as part of a trove of Star Trek-related material in the company’s July 17 Signature® Music & Entertainment Memorabilia Auction. It is estimated at $20,000+.
“Of all the Star Trek movies, The Wrath of Khan is easily still the most popular,” said Doug Norwine, Director of Music & Entertainment Auctions at Heritage, “and here you have the very officer’s jacket that the franchise’s most popular character wore in that same film. There can’t be many better pieces in the realm of Star Trek collecting than this one.”
The pieces were actually worn in multiple Star Trek movies and featured in several spin-offs of the popular series subsequent to its initial usage by Shatner, but there can be no doubt that the most exciting sighting of this particular piece is from Khan. Taken for its whole journey, this jacket and undershirt has indeed seen a great many corners of the Star Trek galaxy.
The Starfleet uniform jacket worn by Shatner as Admiral James Tiberius Kirk was later modified and worn by Leon Russom in Star Trek VI. The jacket’s tag is Western Costume Company, with Shatner’s name clearly typed into it, and Russom’s name handwritten on with black felt tip.
“This costume, so different from the previous design features in the series, was an attempt to change the look and feel of the franchise to match a more nautical atmosphere,” said Norwine. “The resulting navel designs would be used in all Star Trek films until Star Trek: First Contact in 1996.”
Heritage’s July 17 auction also features a Star Trek film series costume duty uniform undershirt worn by Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock. The sleeveless shirt sports a Paramount Studio tag labeled, “Spock/Nimoy,” and is believed to have been worn in Star Trek films II through VI.
“The Star Trek-themed lots in this sale cover the board,” Norwine said. “We have costumes and props used in the original television series, the movie series, Star Trek: Enterprise, and even Star Trek: Voyager.”
These other Star Trek highlights include:
- DeForest Kelley’s Duty Uniform Undershirt with Stunt Pants from the Star Trek film series: Estimate: $3,000+.
- DeForest Kelly Star Trek original TV series duty uniform trousers: Estimate: $8,000+
- Screen-used Klingon Costume for the Star Trek television franchise: Estimate: $2,000+.
Some of the other Star Trek items at HA auction
Heritage Auctions, founded by Steve Ivy and Jim Halperin, is the world’s third largest auction house, with annual sales more than $600 million, and 500,000+ registered online bidder members. For more information about Heritage Auctions, and to join and gain access to a complete record of prices realized, along with full-color, enlargeable photos of each lot, please visit
I loved that uniform. Formal but comfortable. Allowed one to look relaxed in a cultured (future-utopia way, like the lovely beige tones of TNG) but ‘business-like’. Wish replicas were as widely sold as the episodic-series uniforms.
Nice to see it fitting the mannequin so well.
I wonder if Kirks uniform that had Scotty’s nephew’s blood on it is still around…
Still one of my fav uniforms on Trek.
I hate that uniform. A useless flap hanging open revealing a large white area that looks like some sort of bib. And everyone in red? No thanks… I’ll take the TOS or TNG uniforms anyday.
If I remember correctly, that blood spot kept moving around on Kirk’s jacket in different scenes.
What qualifies pants as stunt pants- ftw.
It would be a nice addition to the collection, but a bit out of my league for price.
Would love the jacket ….
“Navel designs”?? I thought that was more TOS’s specialty, courtesy of William Theiss’s creativity and Roddenberry’s libido. Heh.
Admiral Kirks Jacket, if I could only win the lottery this Saturday !!
I envy whoever gets the winning bid, but I hope that it dosn’t get hidden away in a private collection.
btw the did Mr Nimoy really wear the same undershirt for from II to VI?
In Star Trek II Spocks white collar is a lot higher and thiner than his collar in STV & STVI where it is smaller and fatter?
maybe washing , maybe tailoring, maybe aging lol .
TBH I thought that the costume department simply replaced the uniforms for each movie.
Good luck to the winner of this fantastic artifact of movie history :)
The flap can be closed, you know. Besides, the simple act of opening and closing the flap gave the actors something interesting to do with their hands, something actors are always wanting to do. Just ask the TNG era actors who were begging for pockets. :)
That’s my favorite uniform of the whole series!!!!!!!!!! Where do I sign up to receive a replica?
6 – I dunno. But they’ve gotta be used as a pick-up line somehow. ; )
The “flap” isn’t just a flap, it’s how you open the jacket. It’s not useless, it’s vital for opening and closing the jacket. You can see Kirk and Saavik putting on the jackets after beaming up from the Genesis cave.
Plenty of jackets, military and otherwise, have had similar designs throughout history.
maybe its to let cool air into the jacket, perhaps it’s a hanky?….SPOCK!!!!
“I have never faced death, Not like this…”
My favourite of the Trek uniforms. Effortlessly smart, yet also casual. The open flap was the futuristic equivalent of an unbuttoned collar! It was a very different approach to the uniforms but it just worked so perfectly. Maybe if we get a second trilogy of neo-Trek, set after the TOS era, we’ll get to see a variation on these uniforms!
they shoulda had a drawing of a space lobster on the bib portion of the outfit heheh
My favorite uniform of all the series and Trek movies…
Does the jacket include the girdle Shatner had to wear underneath?
#19 LOL!
I liked the TMP uniforms better…
That makes you essentially the only person I’ve ever heard that from…
I agree. TMP pajamas + belly warmers = epic fail
TMP uniforms were the best, I agree.
You can’t sell that gem. It should be in a museum.
I like the TMP uniforms to a certain extent. Kirk’s sleeveless admiral’s unifrom was okay. Very casual. Kind of a 70s Love Boat/Fantasy Island kind of vibe to it. And the tan tunics Kirk, Spock and McCoy wore at the end were decent. Slightly more on the militaristic, Afrika Corp side.
I just wish the costume department had done something different with those big belt buckle/fanny pack things. Also, maybe if they’d made the uniforms with two tones like in the TNG era they wouldn’t have looked so much like PJs.
Sorry, that’s UNIFORM, not uniFROM. Damn typos…
Next Gen uniforms sucked
The final greyish ones not so bad
The Star Trek II uniforms were classic, nautically themed military uniforms. They did end up getting overused but they were great and next to the original series-New movie uniforms,They were the best
Agree. The admiral’s uniform was definitely the only costume I actually *liked*; if they had done similar things with the others (including giving them more collars) I think they would have been better.
The problem is a disconnect between practicality and aesthetics; I agree to a certain extent with Wise and Fletcher that in the future more practical, casual clothes would be used, but as an audience we don’t like seeing people in tshirts and pj’s running around the cosmos…
The best Trek unforms were the TOS outfits and the first season TNG costumes – and, of course, the Abrams movie uniforms. The others are merely…interesting, at most.
The only TNG era uniforms I disliked were the Voyager/ST:Generations uniforms. There was just something about the color being on the shoulders I couldn’t stand. Thank God they changed them for First Contact. Too bad for Janeway and company, though, being so far, far away from Garak’s shop…
My favorite uniform in the Star Trek universe (besides Kirk’s shown above) is the casual jacket Picard wore in the later seasons of TNG, the one with the black leather-ish shoulders, and sleeves and the lower parts ensconced in red velvet. George Costanza would definitely approve. ;)
Anyone else really bothered by the fact that the DS9/GEN/VOY uniforms and the FC uniforms after the first movie all had different fronts? I mean, the V-slit in the front went down past the shoulder line on some, but barely reached the edge on other actors. Some had a really narrow one, some (like Chakotay) had a way bigger slit. And then Bashir with the FC-style uniforms had permanent little flaps to the edges. It never made sense that the uniforms would be inconsistent in this regard.
-Never noticed that about the different fronts. I’ll have to look for it.
-Maybe Bashir’s “flaps” were flaws in his Changeling impostor. ;)
Well the thing I noticed is that the ‘Kirk’ jacket shown here has TWO lines of gold running down the front whereas in TWOK there was only one. Im not convinced this is Shatner’s jacket but rather another costume being passed off as Shatner’s. There were higher ranking admiral’s shown in the Movies that had two rows of gold but Kirk wasnt one of them.
It just does not look authentic.
Like the guy on ebay selling box sets of Christ fingers, Only 20 left.
@33 The Jacket was apparently modified for use by Leon Russom in Star Trek VI
Maybe the Shat couldn’t fit into it anymore, so they decided to reuse it for somebody else?
Leon Russom’s character was a higher ranked admiral, probably added a second braid for that reason.
The movie uniforms were also my favorite. 18 years ago you could buy the patterns to make one and buy all of the rank insignia, ect. It cost a total of 400.00 back then to get everything and pay the person to do it. I must admit, I looked better than I thought I would in it.