As we have been doing all week, TrekMovie continues to bring you the first looks and details on the new Star Trek items being debuted at San Diego Comic Con. Today we have a look at three Star Trek 2011 Hallmark Keepsake Christmas ornaments. Check them out below
Hallmark’s Christmas For 2011
Hallmark continues their tradition of making Star Trek Christmas decorations with three new Trek-themed Keepsake Ornaments for 2011. Just like this year, there is a "Legends" character, a scene w/ sound clip, and a ship with lights. The three offerings are:
Mr. Spock (second in the "Legends" series).
"Mirror, Mirror” scene with dialog clip.
Romulan Bird of Prey with lights.
The three 2011 Star Trek Keepsake Ornaments will be available in July 2011 (prices are TBA). All three can be seen at the Hallmark Booth (#2913).
Hallmark 2010
And if you haven’t done so already, you can now pick up Hallmark’s three 2010 Star Trek Keepsake Ornaments at your local Hallmark Gold Crown Store.
Very cool… I always get the Hallmark ornaments, but this year I’ll be living in Seoul, South Korea. I wonder how easily I’ll be able to purchase them…
Growl. I like the Bird of Prey, but, dang it, I want an Excelsior/Enterprise-B and an Enterprise-C to have ALL the Enterprises orbiting my Christmas tree! :)
New Enterprise!!!
The bird of prey is white????
I concure with No.2’s comment. I hope to see the Enterprise C soon. And lets look at just using the light string plug in, or a A/C plug in. You can buy these transformers at Michales for the village homes that have 4 or 5 D/C plugs from one A/C transformer.
I have the Enterprise-JJ, and will get the rest as the summer goes along. The Amok Time one with the iconic fight music… awesome!
Hallmark– here’s an idea for a tree topper. Spacedock over Earth from ST-III. make it lit, plug-in, and about 8″ tall.
I only really am a big fan of the Federation ships, so next year I probably wont buy the bird of prey… but I picked up the Enterprise Last weekend, Love it…
I wish it went with all my Prime ships though that used to plug directly into the mini lights then it would always have some lights on like the Enterprise E, Runabout, Galileo Shuttle Enterprise D, etc. etc.
oh well, a benefit of not needing christmas lights is that the ship can be out all the time (like I do with my NX-01) – just wish there was a stand for that occasion.
The Enterprise -A ornamnet is by far the most superior ship ornament they’ve made thus far… i’m in agreeance that i wish the excelsior and the enterprise -B/C would make an appearance..
and what’s up with the kick/spock figures, they dont have any likeness to shatner or nimoy, i’m assuming that’s a licensing issue?
2011 will be the first year that none of the Trek ornaments really excite me, but I guess I will still end up wanting the Bird of Prey for my Yuletide armada. :-)
Agree with #9 (Mike)
This year they offer the new Enterprise, so I was assuming that next year they would offer the USS Kelvin. But nope. They choose a ship from the OS.
As others have pointed out there are many other ships they could offer.
The Mirror, Mirror ornament is just dull. There are so many other more exciting “scenes” they could have used. But we get a mind-meld scene.
I read this on another board and I think it’s a good idea.
Each year offer an open bridge ornament based on iconic ships from each series/movie with sound effects/dialogue.
Such as:
Enterprises Original thru E
NX-01 Enterprise
2009 Enterprise
Klingon Bird of Prey from Star Trek IV
Boy, the original Kirk (in Captain’s chair) and Spock (at science console) were much more accurate than these two. Glad I picked them up and I wish they’d continued the crew in that style after McCoy (in Transporter).
Yeah, I’ll chime in and agree that I’m not too impressed. The ships are always great but do we need more character ornaments, really?
The Kelvin would have been a no brainer and I’d rather have multiple ships than the characters. The ‘scene’ collection is great, but the mind meld is not very dynamic, esp since it happens up against a dull flat (wall)
Finally! A classic Romulan BOP! Awesome.
The rest? Feh.
Gimme a Gorn and a classic D7.
Scott B. out.
So…everyone’s just DONE with 24th Cent. Trek merchandise?
#14 —
23rd’s where it’s at.
WTH? The Romulan nacelles are blue????????????????? Major mistake. How could they have goofed this so bad? Otherwise cool!
Those uniform patches look a bit out of scale (too large), esp. on the Spock ‘legends’ piece.
Hey, picky fanboys… who cares if they are not 100% true scale replicas with original paint and read white and blue nacelles and the windows are 1/1000 of a hair off. THEY ARE CHRISTMAS TREE ORNAMENTS!!! Get a life!
Love the Romulan B.o.P ornament! Can’t wait! But is it from the original aired version or the remastered version?? :-P
I’m with you #14
I want more TNG and DS9 ornaments. The last 3 years have just been TOS. Worse yet is their repeating characters they already made. Two Spocks and Kirks but not one Scotty?
And don’t get me started on DS9. Only two character ornaments from previous years(Sisko and Worf), less than any other Trek show.
I give up. I’m not collecting these until some variety returns to the line. Farewell Hallmark!
The ornaments are surely a pleasure to have and to hold.
There are no Romulan Birds of Prey; there are Romulan Warbirds. There are no Klingon Warbirds; There are Klingon Birds of Prey. How difficult is it to keep this straight? Over and over this occurs. It like all the idiots who call Khan, Kahn. Two completely different names and different origins of the names. Is there intelligent life on planet Earth? Beginning to wonder.
@22 I think you better go back and watch Balance of Terror again. The term Bird of Prey is used.
I think most of us would pony up the cash for a set of starship ornaments.
@22 In TOS the Romulan Ships were called Bird of Prey and @4 they were essentially white (or off-white).
Nothing says Christmas like a forced mind-meld or a fight to the death!
Hallmark is sticking to 23rd century characters and ships because that is what the majority of fans want. So I wouldn’t expect anything from TNG or the other spinoffs anytime soon. They’ll just keep putting out TOS keepsakes until people have had enough.
Why is it that overbearing know-it-alls are so frequently shown up? I’m asking because you probably have more experience than most. : )
Erff… those character ornaments don’t look too good. The Rommie “ship” might be a decent addition.
I have an artist friend who is also a ship fan and she has a great vaulted ceiling in her house where she put’s up a 19 foot tree. She has wired the various Hallmark ships (about a dozen or so?) and displays them flying around the tree and room lit up and either fighting each other or rescuing one another. I have an 18 foot ceiling but alas only go with a 10 foot tree. Might have to get the Rommie ship and do the whole “Balance of Tree-error” thing.
Indeed, in the episode BALANCE OF TERROR. The navigator, Lt Stiles makes a remark that the ship are painted like a giant bird of prey. So thus they can be referred to as BoPs or Warbirds. And I seem to recall some commentary by Mike & Denise Okuda that in ST III, the “bad guys” were to be Romulans and the script called the ship a “Bird of Prey”. But they were changed to Klingons at one point so the name of the ship stayed as BoP even though it refers to Romulan ships.
Chalk it up to that period of time when the Romulans and Klingons shared information as in ENTERPRISE INCEDENT. I refer to the TOS episode and not the Star Trek Slot machine game which is highly addictive.
Your friend is able to have a 19 foot tall tree in her house? And your ceilings are 18 feet high? You folks live inside castles or something?
I really enjoy how someone like you who thinks they are always right tries to correct other people but end up needing to be corrected themselves. You need to rewatch some of the classics, my friend. :-)
These are OK. Not great, but not bad.
ENT= Romulan Bird-Of-Prey
= Klingon Bird-Of-Prey
TOS= Romulan Bird-Of Prey
= Klingon Battle Cruiser
TNG, DS9,VOY, first ten movies
= Romulan Warbird, Klingon Bird-Of-Prey, Klingon Battle Cruiser,
Reman Warbird
“Star Trek”= Klingon Warbird (otherwise known as Battle Cruiser)
Hope this helps.
Oh, and “Enterprise” also featured the Klingon “Raptor”, which means ‘bird-of-prey’.
And, in “Broken Bow,” one of the Vulcans refers to “Klingon Warbirds.”
Brannon Braga called that one an error, but ironically, Bob Orci made it canon by throwing that term into “Star Trek” during the Kobayashi Maru sequence.
Nope. We both built our homes. As opposed to having the upstairs and downstairs separated by the shared ceiling/floor, we decided to take part of it out. Hers looks like an atrium sort of thing (hexogonal 12 foot hole from the ground level floor to the second floor ceiling) and my great room is open from floor to ceiling with a loft that goes around about 2/3 of the interior. Living out west and owning my own ranch style house for so long, I decided that I was done with my 7 foot ceilings so I built my place. I love it but get back to me when it comes time to wash the windows or repaint the walls. Oish!
BTW, my friend is also a big Firefly fan and last year had this really cool pewter Serenity flying around with the Trek ships. Fit right in. Now she is going to get that super high end Serenity ship that’s being made. Don’t think it will be circling the tree, though.
Nice. By the way, do have any of the Diamond Select/Art Asylum figures and ships?
I know that we shouldn’t forget about Trek’s roots but… I agree with many of you, Give TOS a rest… Market the TOS 2.0 crew now, they’re in another movie coming out in a couple years, and Most of us grew up with TNG, DS9 & Voyager so why are we ignoring them?
I just wish the Klingons and Romulans would make up their minds and settle on some proper names for their ships. I suggest they be the Klingon Thunderbird and Romulan El Dorado.
There. No confusion. Just a couple of classy names for a couple of classy spacefaring species on the go.
The Klingons and the Romulans have hated each other for centuries. Its possible that one side “stole” ideas and designs from the other just to humiliate them. That could apply to spacecraft names as well as the designs and technologies. Part of an arms race between two rival powers.
Whoo hoo, more ships. I’m gonna need a bigger tree!!
I have the AA/DST original E, The TMP E, The D, and the E E. And TWOK Khan all-burned-up figure. They gave that one to me for free for buying so much of their stuff. I have many multiples of all their Trek Tek stuff, too.
I would have far preferred the USS Kelvin for 2011. The Romulan Bird of Prey never excited me.
Long ago in the before time, when the canon was TOS and a couple of movies, the Klingons had Battlecruisers and the Romulans had Birds of Prey (and the occasional Lend-Lease Klingon Battlecruiser). Then, when making Star Trek III: The Search for Spock, first the film’s bad guys changed from Romulan to Klingon and then the part of the movie where we found out that Kruge had stolen a Romulan ship was left on the cutting room floor, and so the 1st Klingon Bird of Prey was born. After that, the Bird of Prey name was considered to be associated with the Klingons, so in order to avoid confusion the TNG producers started calling Romulan ships Warbirds.
I like the fact that they no longer have wires attached. That way I can play with them after Christmas is over, heh heh.
Nice to have these come out every Christmas. Always loved the Rommies’ ship. Clean lines, yet menacing like a manta.
The BOP looks nice, but they need to a) fix the nacelle color and b) get the feathers off the top. They should only be painted on the bottom.
I wish they plugged into the trees still though. I miss the days when I’d plug it in and the whole tree would start making noise at once.
The “Legends” figures look terrible. They really need to get a better sculptor.
Oh, and viva la 23rd century.
Except the producers went with Klingon Birds Of Prey during “Enterprise”.
I have an ornament from every year they made them.
But this year I’m going to pass on the “New Movie Enterprise” Since I didn’t like the movie, or the new design, I won’t be getting that one.
I look forward to the Romulan Warship with the Bird of Prey emblazoned on it though!
Nice… I’ve always had a soft spot for the classic Romulan BoP! Looking forward to that one.
Picked up the JJprise a couple of weeks back… and it was broken in the box! First time that’s ever happened in all the years I’ve been collecting the ship ornaments. I’m guessing it had something to do with them switching from the plastic insert to just wrapping them in tissue paper this year? Fortunately, they take the ornament out of the box to show you when you buy it, so I didn’t pay for it, take it home, and find out there. Luckily, they had another one available that was in one piece.