Back in the spring Leonard Nimoy announced that 2010 would be his last year for doing conventions, but earlier in December it was announced he was doing at least one in San Francisco in 2011. Now comes word that he will also be doing an event in Long Beach, the big Star Trek con in Las Vegas, Phoenix Comic Con, possibly Dragon*Con and more. Details below.
Nimoy adds Vegas, LB & Phoenix to 2011 appearances + more possibles
In March of this year Leonard Nimoy said that he expected this to be his last year doing convention appearances, saying "It’s exciting, but I think I’ve done enough of it. I’m looking forward to concentrating on my personal life.” But it now appears he has a bit more to do in 2011. It was already announced that he will be appearing at the official Star Trek convention in San Francisco on March 12.
Nimoy has now also been confirmed to be appearing at the big official Star Trek convention in Las Vegas which runs August 11 – 14 at the Rio Hotel. Mr. Nimoy will appear on Saturday the 13th. William Shatner is also booked and will be appearing on Sunday, with many more guests already lined up and more to come.
Mr. Nimoy has also rescheduled his "Evening with Leonard Nimoy" at the Carpenter Arts Center in Long Beach California. The event was originally scheduled for October but had to be postponed due to Mr. Nimoy’s last-minute surgery. The event is now scheduled for April 30th. Tickets costs $58 and are available online.
And via his Twitter, Mr. Nimoy also announced more appearances, including Phoenix Comic Con (Saturday, May 28) and an unnamed event in Dallas in May. He also tweeted he is "working on it" regarding attending Dragon*Con in Atlanta, Labor Day weekend as well as a Mass MOCA Photography show next summer.
It is great to have more of the original Spock at these events in 2011. Keep up with the latest announcements by following him at @therealnimoy.
Nimoy at August Creation Star Trek Con in Vegas – will be doing more cons in 2011 (Photo: Brian Wilkins)
First! Will be great to see Mr Nimoy.
Seems cons have BECOME an element of his personal life.
To have people cheer for you everywhere- why not?
Hope Mr. Nimoy comes to DragonCon again!
Mr. Nimoy will be appearing at Dragon*Con he is on the list with Shater, and Kate Mulgrew.
Sorry i meant with Shatner lol
Nimoy can do as many or as few appearances as he chooses and will always find a cheering crowd. Perhaps he decided moderation is better than termination.
Please come home Mr. Nimoy- for Boston’s Creation Entertainment Convention. It’s been a city waiting on the edge of forever since we’ve had one held in Boston. Please…
So excited for this, I was going to go to the creation con in Chicago in October, but I was broke :(
*starts saving up money*
YES! Come to Boston! It’ll get more attention at the Trek con there next year!
It would be a real pity if he ever stops making con appearances.
ill be in vegas to see him again thatll make 10 times for me and everytime is fascinating!!!
Isn’t he suposed to be back on “FRINGE” again this season in an upcoming episode? Hope so. William Bell character is so intriguing, lots of secrets to discover and unravel yet!
We are very excited that Mr. Nimoy is attending Phoenix Comicon. We have a large Star Trek fan base and he is one of our most requested guests. Our show is Memorial Day weekend. Our membership and hotel prices are very affordable. Hope to see some of you there! “LLAP”
I’m glad that Mr. Nimoy has “retired” more times than Brett Favre…Now get him and Mr. Shatner in the sequel…Please!
I am so glad he is coming to Dallas in May. Thank you Mr. Nimoy:)
Phoenix Comicon!
Gonna try to make Dallas this time.
He’s a class act; meeting him in 2009 was one of the few times I’d been genuinely ‘star struck’; the other two were Buzz Aldrin and Ray Bradbury.
Best part is, he was such a gentleman too!
Whatever he does, I for one, wish him all the best.
Maybe I can make the Long Beach con, too…
One more person asks for Shatner to be in the sequel and I’m gonna puke!
It’s a very rotting, dead, smelly horse…
P.S. What happened to the sequel to the crappy Free Enterprise?
why are my posts being deleted? Is it because I was using my phone?
He is coming to Dragon Con yeaaaaaa! The shat needs company! Hopefully another autgraph picture with Nimoy me @ grandkids to match with the Shat’s! WAHOOO!
YES…i had a feelin he’d try to do DragonCon with Mr Shatner again this year!! That means Nashville, my old hometown, AND Atlanta my new ht both in one year. Can my heart stand tha strain!!
“Take us out…”
“Make it so…”
#22 what can I say except..ENJOY! As a a retiree myself its easy to become bored and restless. Next you can stagnate feel useless. So I can understand Nimoy keeping a finger or 2 in the pie @ trek loop. Its difficult to resist the “call of the wild” otherwise you can loose your sense of self worth. Sticking close to that you held dear evan part time keeps our dignity alive.
Might have to go see him in Vegas!
It’s the LBC for me.
The unnamed event in Dallas is the Dallas Comic Con…..
Went last year and going again this year!
And Shatner???????