This weekend William Shatner will receive a Canadian lifetime achievement honor, but Star Trek’s original Kirk isn’t done yet. Shatner has just revealed that the new Kirk (Chris Pine) will be part of his Captains documentary and released a new video talking about a poignant moment with Leonard Nimoy on the set of the original Star Trek. All that plus a a $#*! My Dad Says update and photos from Bill’s at this week’s celebrity Shakespeare event.
Chris Pine confirmed for "Captains" doc + Shatner looking for input
One of the more exciting projects on William Shatner’s plate is the Captains documentary which features Bill sitting down with the various Star Trek captains for an in depth chat. Shatner had already confirmed the doc, which he directed, will include all the other TV captains (Scott Bakula, Kate Mulgrew, Avery Brooks, and Sir Patrick Stewart), but today he confirmed it will also include the new movie captain Kirk, Chris Pine. Shatner’s tweet stated…
TrekMovie recently reported that Bill is putting the final touches on the documentary and it will be aired this summer (on a yet to be announced network in the US). To help him finish it, Bill is looking to the fans for input. Next week via Twitter Bill will be asking fans to send in their thoughts on specific favorite scenes with each Captain. Keep an eye on @WilliamShatner on Twitter for more details.
If you missed it, here is the historic first meeting of the two Kirks, two years ago in late April 2009.
Bill talks about Leonard Nimoy consoling after father’s death
William Shatner’s father died during his time on the original Star Trek. During his recent "Kirk, Crane and Beyond" tour down under Bill took Twitter questions, one of which had him talking about how Leonard Nimoy was there for him on the set of Star Trek when he got the news. Here is the video.
$#*! My Dad Says not dead yet
Next week CBS will announce their 2011/2012 schedule, and most industry watchers have been assuming that Shatner’s sitcom $#*! My Dad Says is not going to get a second season. The show’s ratings declined during the first season and CBS has notoriously high standards for ratings. However an update from Deadline suggests that CBS is considering giving $#*! My Dad Says a second season, but possibly retooling the show by removing Jonathan Sadowski, who plays the son Henry to Shatner’s Ed.
$#*! My Dad Says may be back with Shatner, but not Sadowski
Photos: Bill at Monday Shakespeare event
In our last ShatWatch, TrekMovie reported that on Monday of this week Bill joined a host of celebrities for a reading of Shakespeare’s "The Merry Wives of Windsor." Here are some photos from the event.
William Shatner arrives to the 21st Annual Simply Shakespeare Fundraiser at Royce Hall, UCLA on May 9, 2011 in Westwood, California.
William Shatner with Eugene Levy and Martin Short to the 21st Annual Simply Shakespeare Fundraiser at Royce Hall, UCLA on May 9, 2011 in Westwood, California.
Would be pretty cool if they are all on unicorns when being interviewed.
GREAT!!!….. THANKS Mr. Shatner!!! … :-) :-)
Fav scenes with each Capt.
Kirk Prime. Edith Keeler.
Jean Luck Picard. Locutus of Borg.
Capt Sisko. Death of his Wife Jennifer.
Capt Janeway. The Borg.
Capt Archer. The Xnidi.
Pine Kirk. Mind Meld with Spock Prime.
The Shat is so busy. It is amazing how much energy he has being 80.
Ok… is an interview with Chris Pine, or he will just be mentioned in the documentary? … Shat chat with CP? … LOL
:-) :-)
What about “KIRK meets KIRK” … an awkward moment, I think … a little bit!…LOL
:-) :-)
The interviewer looks so much bored. He’s not even looking at Bill
Why is it when I saw the words “Nimoy tender moment”, I automatically assumed that Leonard Nimoy had died?
I’m guessing the recent spat of “Who” deaths has left me a bit uneasy about certain wording.
I’m looking forward to watching the “Captains” Doc. Here’s hoping its a damnsight better then the last one.
Agreed 3. The Edith Keeler scene is tops. And you other moments are great suggestions as well.
But TOS Shat / Kirk shines in:
Pleading with Decker not to input the code to V’Ger manually
Spock’s Death (of course) – from the point of Bones Comm message that says “better. hurry.”
Kirk watching the Enterprise burn up asking Bones “What Have I Done”
and also his talk with Sarek on Vulcan “the cost would have been my soul”
And finally I enjoy the Trek V Sybok moment where Kirk says
“I want my pain. I need my pain”
Another Great Kirk scene is after they got back from the Portal Kirk says.
Let’s get the Hell out of here. The only cuss word ever spoken in Tos Trek.
A Great Picard Scene is when he fought his brother after the Borg had assimilated him. A Very touching moment.
My thoughts on favorite scenes with each of the TV CAPTAINS:
TOS: Kirk and Judith Keeler — without doubt
TNG: Picard as Locutus
DS9: Sisko as the Sci-Fi writer
VOY: Janeway and Q in her quarters
ENT: Archer with Selik
I assume that Shatner means that he will interview Chris Pine, along with all the other actors. I guess for Shatner, it could be difficult coming to terms with another person playing a character he made so iconic and I can understand his attachment to this (make believe) character. I mean Kirk is a wonderful character! I am sure that Chris Pine is aware of this. It does not help that people, even on this board, repeat that Shatner is Kirk, the true Captain Kirk, etc, even though Shatner has not played the character for almost 17 years now. The reality is that neither Shatner nor Pine are James T Kirk, however the person playing the fictional character of the young James Kirk is now Chris Pine.
I suspect the Shatner/Pine chat could be the most interesting and daunting, for both, especially if either of them let their egos get the upper hand. Unfortunately, Shatner has been known to allow his ego to take over at times, so we shall see. I sense that both men are actually nice people – gentlemen and that should not be forgotten by either of them.
On Wednesday night, TV2, 8.00pm, I got to see the first episode of $%^&& My Dad Says. It was hilarious. William Shatner looked and sounded wonderful. Very impressed so far. Tuning in next week, same Shat channel, same Shat time…
Shatner, c’mon man, get a REAL cowboy hat. The one you’ve got there looks like it’s made of Pringles.
Lol, yes: Chris is thinking: Oh god, how in the world am I going to live up to this guy–I’m doomed!
But hey, I loved Pine’s Kirk!
#5,your both so right!! But I love William Shatner and I love Chris Pine! So,we’ll see what happends in the doc.!! :)
#10.TOS: Kirk and Judith Keeler — without doubt
Don’t know about Judith. But her name was Edith.
LCDR T’Pau Your Agoniser. Your Agoniser Please.
I can not wait to watch that documentary! As trek goes it will be an EPPIC interview.
Martin Short looks like death warmed over, but Eugene Levy looks great.
That Shat is not looking well here — his complexion is all red, and it looks like he is putting on weight again.
That Shat is looking very well. Fit and tan for a man of 80 years.
Gee, it took MJ 19 posts to get his typical jab of Mr. Shatner. Obviously MJ is slowing down with age.
Ah, Shatner & Nimoy – 50 years of history and still sharing wonderful memories and moments with us. Can’t beat that! :)
“Obviously MJ is slowing down with age.”
LOL. Busted!!!
On Shat’s sitcom possible return, dropping the awful actor who plays his son would improve the series immeasurably. It took him half the season to drop his eyebrows off of his forehead, the perpetually surprised look and total lack of acting skill just killed every scene he was in. maybe a title change is in order, too as he is the son who writes, or twits, “Shit my Dad Says”
I had my work pc speakersc cranked, and the video audio up all the way and barely coudl hear anything.
DVR is going to be busy the night “The Captains” airs.
Shatner looks great for 80 years old. Anyone who says different is just a spiteful idiot.
…yeah, Eugene Levy looks great! Those awful American Pie sequels must be treating him well.
#14, #15 – …. and it’s great that we love The Shat and CP! … we can! LOL
:-) :-)
And KIRK meets everybody … the best when, KIRK meets JJABRAMS! … and boborci was there, too … LOL
“Pop Goes Star Trek”
:-) :-)
I cannot wait to see his Captains Documentry…even if it just to see the footage he shot at last years Vegas CON.
Best ARCHER scene? Maybe “Damage”, where he confides in Phlox that he’s about to cross a line. The scene where he makes his mind up to commit piracy, stealing a warp coil, in order to save Earth.
Best KIRK scene has to got be Spock’s death and funeral.
PICARD defending Data in “Measure of a Man” and Guinan using reverse psychology over the status of androids as slaves.
Best SISKO scene from “Emissary”, when he admits “I exist here” to the Prophets and that he hasn’t moved on from Jennifer’s death.
JANEWAY maybe something from “Resistance”, where Joel Grey plays a broken man who mistakes her for his Daughter. Somebody already dead thanks to brutal regime.
Shatner’s memory is a bit faulty here.
He talked about Leonard Nimoy’s empathy with him having also lost his father.
This incident was during the filming of the episode ‘The devil in the dark’. Actually, It was many years after TOS had finished when Nimoy lost his dad.
Perhaps Leonard was just being a friend.
Gotta love the Shat. Hope he lives forever.
#18 Martin Short lost his wife not long ago so why not cut him a break.
#13 People who really wear hats outside usually wear a summer hat in the summer (which is a straw hat). BTW anyone notice he’s wearing it Ronald Reagan style.
#19 I think that Shatner’s weight probably goes up and down (happens to a lot of people) and the red face may just be the result of consuming some alcohol. I saw a picture of Chris Pine with a similar red face. He was holding a bottle of beer. Unfortunately, I only need a couple of sips of wine to look like that. I am also allergic to some wines – get asthma. UGH!!!!!!!
Best Sisko scene/episode is far and away “In The Pale Moonlight”, where he conspires with Garak to bring the Romulans in to the war against the Dominion. Sisko knew that everything he was doing was wrong, but at the same time served a greater good (as he perceived it). He was a man at war with himself, and Avery Brooks played it note perfect.
Any any episode where Garak was center stage was a plus!
@34. Mr. Gar rack, a Cobbler isn’t he?