To date the replica maker Quantum Mechanix has only been working on items related to the 2009 Star Trek movie, but that has changed with the announcement of their limited edition Artisan Replica of the USS Enterprise Refit from Star Trek: The Motion Picture. Pre-orders begin in September, see below for pictures and details.
QMx USS Enterprise Refit Artisan Replica
Just in time for San Diego Comic Con, Quantum Mechanix has revealed their latest Star Trek product: the Artisan Replica of the USS Enterprise Refit. The Enterprise as seen in the 1979 Star Trek: The Motion Picture is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful science fiction space ships ever designed and QMx say that the replica is their "most ambitious work to date."
New Artisan Replica USS Enterprise Refit coming this fall from QMx
The QMx replica is about 3 feet long and a bit more than a foot high (when mounted). It has over 130 LED lights and is hand-painted with a semi-transparent pearlescent paint "applied in overlapping layers using multiple masks to create an Aztec patterning." The replica even features interior details seen through the windows (like the botanical garden and an illuminated landing bay).
Each replica is hand-painted to match the original ships famous "Aztec" pattern
The USS Enterprise refit replicas will all be custom-made to order and hand-crafted in the USA. QMx is limiting the number of replicas made to 250 and each ship comes with an individually-numbered, brass dedication plaque on the mirrored base. All this attention to detail comes at a price, specifically $4,995.
QMx are limiting the run of USS Enterprise refits to 250
The attention to detail for the new refit is pretty impressive. These include:
- Blue LEDs for warp-engine illumination.
- Warm white LEDs for interiors.
- Blinking formation lights.
- Anti-collision lights that flash in a pulse-strobe pattern.
- An active deflector dish that ramps up to an amber glow and brightens to blue when warp engines are engaged.
- Firing photon torpedoes that flash red and white.
- Decorated VIP lounge complete with crew members.
- Botanical garden with foliage and people.
- Illuminated cargo/landing bay, including shuttles and work bees.
QMx refit includes interior details through the windows
QMX will be showing off the new USS Enterprise Artisan Replica Refit this week at their booth at San Diego Comic Con (#2994). Pre-orders for the ship begin in September and you can get more details and sign up for the waiting list at
Your USS Enterprise Refit even comes with landing bay and worker bee pods
2009 USS Enterprise Artisan Replica on sale soon
The USS Enterprise refit is the only item that QMx has licensed outside of the 2009 Star Trek movie. QMx are still in development of an Artisan Replica of the USS Enterprise from the 2009 Star Trek movie. They will be showing off the latest version at Comic Con this week. QMx tells TrekMovie that they will be announcing pricing and orders within the next 60 days.
Next up from QMx: Artisan Replica of 2009 Star Trek movie USS Enterprise
QMx also offers additional Star Trek 2009 movie items, including 2009 Star Trek phaser replica (see TrekMovie review), badge replicas and posters. They will also soon be offering animated maquette statues from the Star Trek movie (see TrekMovie preview). QMx also offer replicas, posters, shirts and more for Batlestar Galactica, Warehouse 13, Doctor Who, Firefly, and other franchises. Find out more at
I want one.
Wow, I would love this! By far my favorite of the Enterprises!
What I would do if I had 5K laying around……. beautiful work!!!!
Nice. But at that price I’ll continue working on my Polar Lights 1/350.
If I had a bigger house and an extra $5,000 laying around, I would get it. She is beautiful.
I would never in a Vulcan lifetime spend that kind of currency on a mere model… except on this. I just might have to mortgage the house to get this baby. Agree with #2, this was the finest incarnation of our beloved Enterprise.
looks cool
WOW. If only. That is one beautiful ship. If only.
So nice
Drooooooooooooooooooooool! Now that is one beautiful model.
The refit was always my favorite Enterprise incarnation and this would look really nice next to my Master Replicas NCC 1701……
Beautiful. Puts the POS Abramsprise to shame.
That’s one beautiful lady!
I’d have one if my wife wasn’t so practical. But that’s a good thing, I guess.
That’s a mighty fine replica of the nicest ship in SciFi. I still remember the awe and majesty of the Enterprise flyby sequence with Scotty and Kirk. Wow, was all I could think and say.
Ya know, I’m beginning to wonder if JJ or someone is putting the brakes on the 09 Enterpise models. First the model kit is cancelled and now Qmx is STILL working on theirs. So as far as I know, the toy and the Hallmark ornament are the only replicas released. What up?
Looks suspiciously similar to the Polar Lights model of the refit. That kit was fun as heck to build. It has everything the model above has and, if you have patience and knowledge of electronics, you can make it look just as good (And NOT spend 5000 dollars).
I do agree with the opinion that the Refit is the best looking version of the Enterprise. It’s proportions and lines were perfect.
I’m still hoping they do a slight revamp of the alternate universe Enterprise. It’s a little too Star War-zy for my taste.
Frankly for $5K I would want it to be the same scale as the studio model. Not that I’d have room for it. But I don’t have $5K either.
Definitely looks like the PL Enterprise, and it’s the same size. Is it the PL version?
Nothing beats model starships. It’s a lost art. She’s a thing of beauty.
3ft only? Bump it up to 8 and you have a deal!
#19 Now you’re talk’n!
Speaking of, check out this site out…..
Yeah, hate to say it, but I agree with #15, this looks IDENTICAL, down to the size, of the Polar Lights kit. The shuttlebay is the same too..IDENTICAL (which was slightly inaccurate in the Polar Light kit)! Look it up on any starship modeling websites…essentially this is a $5,000 professionally painted and lit version of the Polar Light kit. Not worth $5,000…but still a beautiful kit.
It’s beautiful
But who can waste $5,000 on a model?
They should have sent a poet…
“They gave her back to me, Scotty.”
— “Gave her back? I doubt it was that easy with Nogura.”
“Yer right! You’ve no idea what I had to do for that $5000!”
Uhm, can they also come out with the NX-01, 1701-A, B, C, D, E, DS9 and Voyager?? If they did this awesome of a job, then I would go for the whole fleet!
I’m gunna buy it and hold it outside my car window going 90 MPH and go “Wheeeeee!” Good times.
They are correct, it is “one of the most beautiful science fiction space ships ever designed”
Not for 5 grand. Not me anyhow.
I do miss my customized ERTL model though. Looks like I will have to build another one now that we have LED technology in good supply.
5 Grand? Seriously. LEDs are cheap these days and the details on that ship don’t look all that great.
Now I am off to EBAY to search for ERTL old E.
A 3-footer, you say? I must have been too awestruck to read the fine print. At that scale, I’ll put the sweat and elbow grease into my Polar Lights kit, thank you very much. Plunking down 5K will save me a lot of time and effort, but you can’t put a price on the pride in building it yourself.
…of course, I’ll probably be retired before I work up the nerve to build mine!
Bloody brilliant!
Ah, what a beautiful ship the TMP refit was!
I don’t think the Abrams’ ship would look that bad if they just pushed the neck forward and made the nacelles a little smaller. The detailing is nice, but proportionally it’s all over the place. Roddenberry instructed Jeffries to design something elegant, not a hotrod in space.
But if Abrams does continue with that design—c’mon man, at least add some fuzzy dice over the view screen/window and ghost flames painted down the sides. Some glass packs wouldn’t hurt either. ;)
As for the 09 E? I started finding things to like about it, but seeing it with the TMP Refit? No thank you!
Nicely crafted!
In My opinion STAR TREK THE MOTION PICTURE had the best version of the Enterprise out of all of franchise versions I dont think its ever been topped.
I was dissapointed with the new 2009 ship and the warp effect.
What a perfect economy to launch such a….(cough)….enterprise!
The total number of people willing to spend this kind of coin (on a model ship) can share a cab together when they go to pick up their orders!
Seriously, is QMX nuts? They are not very friendly to Star Trek fans. They think that there’s even less than 1% of Star Trek fans in this day and age, in this economy who can afford to plop $5000 down for a model, as detailed as it is. This is business sense fail. And if there IS a Star Trek fan out there dumb enough to plop the money down on this, shame on you, especially if you have a family, that money can be put towards something positive.
I could buy an entire entertainment center set – TV, PS3, Xbox 360, Wii, great sound system – and have money left over for that price!
It is, indeed, the most beautiful version of the Enterprise ever. Period. I remember being a freshman in HS seeing TMP for the first time. I was in awe of the ship. Though I rarely watch TMP now as an adult because it really is The Motionless Picture, I do sometimes, pop in the DVD just to see the beauty of the refit Enterprise. I sincerely wish that models were still made for movies. It’s a lost art. CG just can’t replicate the beauty and heft of a model. 2009 Enterprise–meh! It’s just weird looking. I hope they redesign for the sequel, should it ever be released.
That is the Polar Lights kit….straight down to the shuttle bay pieces and the uneven windows around the bridge deck.
#36, you’re crazy to think they won’t sell 250 of these. There are plenty of celebrities, executive’s and hardcore collectors that will easily scarf this up. If they were selling say 100,000 I’d agree with you completely, but 250… that won’t be hard for them to sell at all.
#38 I was just about to post the same thing. I have the polar lights kit myself… I haven’t finished it though as I don’t want to spoil it, so want to find someone else to finish it off for me. This QMX model looks to be the exactly the same thing, just professionally built, lit and painted… not sure that’s worth $5000?
#38: Identical. Kinda strange. I’ve seen many sites out there that will build one up and paint it and light it for a fraction of the dollar amount. The PL was a great kit, but it had some detail issues that are easy to pick out from pictures, and this kit looks identical to the PL kit.
It is the Polar Lights kit guys. It will probably be a nice build of it, but I think I’d rather do it myself.
Best Enterprise ever, TMP.
Love the most recent Star Trek movie, but my biggest disappointment was the seeming lack of love for the Enterprise.
The intro shot, exterior design, engineering and just overall “feel” was off.
They could have done so much better.
I wonder if anyone working on the movie feels it was lackluster?
I bet Geoff Mandel does.
As for the 5G model … why aren’t they showing the big lounge windows on the back rim? THAT is where you really need to do some work to create the feel that stuff is going on inside. A couple pieces of furniture and a transparency of the rec deck set would probably really sell it.
Price is absurd, but too many fans have disposable incomes, so, it will be, well, disposed of. Though if you figure the real DEFIANT went for something like 40 grand, it would almost pay to buy one of these things in partnership with people and then rotate it among households like a timeshare.
Polar Lights Model done right…. and for probably less than $5000 :)
This is really a nice build up, but there’s a 46″ kit by Deboer for people who want to make it themselves. That kit is under 2K. Not chicken feed either.
I was wondering how long it would take for someone to complain about the cost. Always wanting Ferrari quality with a Kia pricetag.
I think both ships look beautiful, you can really see the original movie Enterprise in the design of Abrams Enterprise – I personally prefer the look of the Abrams Enterprise over any Star Trek ship – it’s got fantastic sweeping lines and to be honest, the engines look better at that size – she looks powerful and ready to go where no man has gone before. Although the refit is a beautiful ship – It doesn’t look like it could spend any lengthy period exploring new worlds far from home.
As for these models, I’d love to have $5 and $4 for them but I just don’t, now if QMx did a version without the fancy electronics and knocked off $3 and $2 respectively, I’d buy them both.
I’m still hoping that Hasbro will come along and supply us with a Big Damn 3ft electronic lights and sound Enterprise from both The Wrath of Khan and Star Trek (2009/2012), that would be immense! Anthony, Make it so!
This is the Polar Lights model. Their asking price is nuts. I build these things on a commission basis, for a LOT less and include pretty much all the same details they have on theirs. If anyone is interested you can contact me at: or at:
I have a finished one sitting on my desk right now.
Also the strongback and deflector cowling colors on their model being shown is not correct for TMP version of the Enterprise. It is correct if your representing the NCC-1701-A. I pride myself on my knowledge of this particular ship.