Star Trek Ongoing #1 goes on sale this week from IDW Publishing. As previously detailed, Star Trek Ongoing is a new comic book series based on J.J. Abrams’ 2009 Star Trek. IDW describes it as a set of "re-imaginings"of the classic adventures of the 1960s Star Trek TV series. Ahead of tomorrow’s release (Wednesday, September 21) of issue #1, IDW has released a 7-page preview.
The first issue is written by Mike Johnson with illustrations by Stephen Molnar. The first issue, an adventure based on the episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before" will feature two covers from Tim Bradstreet and David Messina:
Here’s IDW’s description for the comic, followed by the 7-page preview [via Comics Alliance]:
Star Trek Ongoing #1
Mike Johnson (w) • Stephen Molnar (a) • Tim Bradstreet, David Messina (c)
The adventures of the Starship Enterprise continue in this new ongoing series that picks up where the blockbuster 2009 film left off! Featuring the new cast of the film, these missions re-imagine the stories from the original series in the alternate timeline created by the film, along with new threats and characters never seen before! With creative collaboration from STAR TREK writer/producer Roberto Orci, this new series begins the countdown to the much-anticipated movie sequel premiering in 2012. Join Kirk, Spock and the crew as they boldly go into a new future! Up first, a drastic new envisioning of "Where No Man Has Gone Before."2 regular covers will be shipped in a 4-to-1 ratio (4 Tim Bradstreet, 1 David Messina)
FC • 32 pages • $3.99
Variants: Four different free variant photo covers! The four covers will be distributed evenly, making each one a unique 1-in-40 variant!
Star Trek Ongoing #1, autographed by writer Mike Johnson, and STAR TREK writer/producer Roberto Orci!Bullet points:
– Fully sanctioned by J.J. Abrams, Bad Robot and Paramount pictures, with direct ties to the new movie in 2012!
– The new adventures start here! Classic Star Trek episodes updated in the new mythology!
– Each issue features a unique "Golden Ticket," a lottery with amazing prizes! Details coming soon!
Ah, new Trek material…….SUH-WEET!
I like it. A lot.
Cant wait to read it
I am so in. I hope they release it digitally also … All my new comics are on my iPad.
The art looks great! Darn, this will drag me back to the Comic Store.
Hurry up and release it so I can buy it, damnit!!!
Its a great issue, I wish that keenser wasnt brought over to this new series but thats a minor complaint.
I picked up my issue 1 of the new trek series tonight when i went to pick up my Rocketeer, Darkwing Duck, and Ducktales comics that i still hadnt picked up out of my box from a few weeks ago, they allready had Trek 1 ready to be picked up as well.
I normally don’t buy comics but I’m so hungry for new stories in this new universe I may just buy it! My dad and I are currently watching TOS Remastered on Blu Ray so it will be interesting to see how different this is from the original.
Nice artwork.
And the story was nice too… back in 1966.
New missions, please.
I haven’t been in this kind of fanboy mode since Star Trek Countdown!!! Can’t wait to read it!!!!!
Gee What an original story! Can’t wait to see what happens to them next!
The art looks fun and, in this case at least, they are using the new as well as pre-existing characters, which bodes well for at least some of the popular recurring characters like Reilly, Chapel, and Rand. The story looks well written and it’s nice to see that they are spending some time on character moments. My initial instinct is that without Shatner and Nimoy competing for screen time I hope they don’t keep stealing lines from the other characters. I want Uhura, not Spock, to work on communications problems to avoid her being relegated to saying little more than ‘Hailing frequencies open.’
We also see 10 male character and only 2 female characters both of whom are just in the background. If NuBSG can successfully convert one of the lead characters to a woman in order to update the sexual dynamic to the 21st century, I think NuTrek can convert some of the supporting characters. NuChekov is not the same person as the original (maybe he has a younger brother who is) so they wouldn’t need any kind of excuse to make Lee Kelso into Leigh Kelso to even up the numbers. If the Galileo 7 still consists of a bunch of male officers and a single enlisted female crewman it will give us a clear indication that writers have toally dropped the ball on the gender equality issue.
Would be nice for the new movie…
@14 , yea anything would be better then the engineering in the last movie
kinda hope they do something about the bridge too, its just too white and bright, the kelvin bridge was much better imo
wait a minute !!!!
Spock says ”an old STARFLEET vessel the ss valiant”
we all know Starfleet was around before the federation(see ENT)
but the valiant was launched in 2065 (only two years after
the Dr Cochrane warp flight).
so we’re to believe Starfleet was around this early ??
it would have made more sense to call it a
United Earth Space Probe Agency vessel as we know
that was around during that time (see VOY Friendship One)
call me a nitpicker but that just annoys me.
Will anything in the comic book give us a hint on any possible up coming sets or charecters in the next movie? Give us a new set of rules for the alternate timeline? With some of the people involved perhaps this is what direction an animated series would go. So many cool possible directions.
I dare them to do an alternate timeline TNG comic run, I’d be curious to see the changes. Of course we run the risk of creating something people hate. If there are no risks, then there will be nothing new.
Our first look at Gary and Kelso in the altered time-line and then they die….. or do they?
Windows in the rec hall. Nice.
This looks great! Can’t wait to buy it for my iPhone.
The one page shot of the Enterprise reminds me of the first poster for ST The Motion Picture.
Is the link to images of STMP and ST09 poster images for comparison to comic one page shot.
I feel I know where this story is heading…! ;)
Greedo shoots first in this version.
Yes, now this looks really good. I usually dont get geeked for comics but this has me excited. The art work looks really good. Lets hope IDW sticks to its guns and keeps this thing rolling!
Now where do I get my copy?:]
Welp, looks like I just became a comic book fan… :)
I’ve never read a comic book – unless the prequel to the prequel counts – so maybe one. Well, in lieu of a series or a movie, guess I’ll make a full turn toward nerd.
I look forward to this series!
The possible implications of Scottie’s use of the word RETROFIT has got me excited. Fingers crossed. :-)
Oh please, nuKirk would never sit down and play a game of chess. He doesn’t have the smarts OR the patience.
And the nuTurbolifts move too fast to have an old-fashioned conversation in them. If it takes three seconds to get from the Shuttlebay all the way to the Bridge, I imagine it takes 0.002 seconds to get from Rec Hall to the iBridge.
Looks like decent filler- i don’t mind characters from the prime universe showing up but in new stories please.
Could have been an interesting tv series lol
Can’t imagine the next film would have anything to do with Gary Mitchell, or WNMHGB, otherwise why would they be displaying it so blatantly in the comic book? I think the Court has something else up its sleeve.
I’m not crazy about either cover. The first has Uhura displayed more prominently than anyone else. Has she become the primary star of Star Trek? The second half-Kirk, half-Spock looks like some kind of burlesque show.
I’ve never been crazy about Trek artwork at all, including the animated series. I really prefer a more bold approach as in some of the graphic novels I’ve seen. Of course, that’s just me… what the hell do I know?
Will there be tpbs? I don’t have too much money for comics…but tpb make for good presents that my son or husband can buy me.
This looks good, I just hope that there is enough interest for it to go 79 issues to cover every episode of TOS. That would be neat.
But, I guess that could not happen before the next movie. If the new movie comes out late fall 2012, then the comic could run about 15 issues. Well, they should at least hit the top 15 episodes. Like maybe Trouble with Tribbles, Doomsday Machine, Amok Time, Arena, etc.
BTW: I think a good opening date for the next film to be Nov. 21, 2012. Not much competition in the same genre, has the Thanksgiving weekend, and the Hobbit would still be weeks away. IMHO.
yeah, brent spiner in big bang theory…….bring on nimoy
its already on the iphone
reading it now!!
I think it´s a bit hard to talk to Spock with “while we´re talking about the devil”.
This guy has lost his homeworld, all of his friends and family-members.
the good old Spock-bashing was funny in the 60s, but there he was a stiff vulcan and not the last member of an endagered species. I´m afraid that in the new movie he will be treated again as if nothing tragical has ever happened to him…
@39 – I think Spock will want to be treated as though nothing special happened to him. It’s his character. It won’t be ignored (hopefully) in the comic series, and hopefully they won’t gloss over it in the next movie, but it won’t be a huge plot point.
Looking at the 7-page preview, I see how it would be possible to update many of the old episodes to the new timeline (except for “Spock’s Brain” and “The Way to Eden” – seriously? Who’d want to see them again?). And not just a line-by-line rehash, either, but the same basic plot with the same basic characters and new character interaction. I can’t wait to see how Kirk reacts to Spock’s suggestion to leave Mitchell on Delta-Vega – or kill him. (Ooops, should I have issued a Spoiler Alert? :-) )
Granted, it’s six pages of preview, but the cronyism they seem to be setting up does not bode well for young Kirks ability to make decisions…seems like crap storytelling that Starfleet would not be reviewing appointments to the Enterprise.
@33 Attitudes like yours, in regards to Uhura’s position, substantiate the back of the bus treatment actors like Taraji P. Henson *still* get in Hollywood. She’s the only Oscar nominee and female lead among the three leads on JJ’s new show and yet she’s the only one who’s virtually absent from all CBS promotions, including a recent TV Guide cover.
Reading those panels, I think I know where this is going and I like the idea of Kirk bringing in his two older friends, Mitchell & Kelso who’ll probably die during the story as in the original. Lots interesting logical differences here and I really enjoy seeing the original story reworked.
Ok, so with this kind of thing and, of course, original stories, this would work best as a new television series which would be a combination of the original Star Trek stories and ideas and some completely new adventures.
Unfortunately this cast wouldn’t be a part of it for reasons we all know. Too bad, as an original fan of Star Trek I’d like to see stories reworked in this new universe and new ones in the spirit of the original show.
Anyway, let’s hope the ship is destroyed in the next movie and reworked into something closer to the original Enterprise.
I wonder how they will do Amok Time? There is no Vulcan in this universe. Yea Spock will still get the seven-year itch, but they can’t go back to the family grounds.
But it would be good to see how the nuUhura reacts to Spock’s fiance (if she survived).
This is awesome :):)
Looks like the same Engineering to me. Not that I mind.
@44 The ship could go through a “refit” and probably make the cover of “Nacelles’s Monthly”. Also could explain looking more like the original, if JJ decided it needed it.
I had a quick browse of the issue on the shelf as mine is on order. It looks good fun but I hope nobody will consider it a spoiler if I mention that I didn’t spot Dr Denher. I know I voiced concerns about them being sexist but her complete absence caught me by surprise. So the movie had no Rand, no Chapel (apart from name check), no T’Pau, and no Number One and the first retold story has gained two male characters (Keenser and Chekov) and one woman (I don’t think Uhura was in the original) and lost its principle female lead. Maybe they won’t bother with the female yeoman in the Galileo 7 at all.