Watch Brent Spiner’s Seance In Latest Episode Of Fresh Hell

The fifth episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Brent Spiner’s comedy webseries Fresh Hell has been released and ‘Brent’ is excited about his upcoming TV appearance and chance to redeem himself, but to make sure the curse has been lifted he decides to have a séance. 


Season 2, Episode 5 of Brent Spiner’s ‘Fresh Hell’

Watch the fifth episode of season two.

If you missed it, you can catch up the rest on the FreshHellSeries page on YouTube.

And don’t forget to read with Brent about "Fresh Hell" and more (Part 1 and Part 2).


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Not too bad


The best show not on TV.

I may actually buy a Fresh Hell poster and hang it in my garage.

I think it’s enjoyable enough. It beats most of the sitcoms offered up these days. And that Kat Steel is super cute!

Better than recent ones — some new jokes this time.

Great!… ;-) :-)

I’m enjoying it.

Stan would have loved this.

birthday party?

Great stuff! Those who don’t like it are the type who need a laughtrack to tell them what’s ‘funny’.

This episode was VERY funny. Well-staged, edited, and performed!

Also like the moose skull on the seance table.

@Pony Horton: Any review that includes the phrase “Also like the moose skull on the seance table” strikes me as must see TV lol :D …

that eppisode wasnt as good as the last but i do love the series :)