Since appearing in the 2009 Star Trek movie, Leonard Nimoy has supposedly re-retired from acting. However, while appearing at the landing of the Shuttle Enterprise in New York it appears the actor may have hinted another possible appearance in the 2013 sequel. [UPDATE 2 w/ video]
UPDATE: Video of Nimoy from CNN
Original story
Is Nimoy hinting at a return to Star Trek?
As reported earlier, Leonard Nimoy was on hand in New York today to welcome the Space Shuttle Enterprise to its new home. And in a brief chat with a couple of CNN reporters (via Airlock Alpha), Nimoy dropped a hint that he might appear in the Star Trek sequel.
CAROL COSTELLO: Could I just say that I admire you? And in the new Star Trek movie [the 2009 version] you had a very prominent role, Leonard Nimoy, and I enjoyed it very much. You’re fantastic.
JASON CARROLL: In fact, Carol, we were talking about that … [to Nimoy] Carol, Carol Costello, the anchor … remember we were talking about the new Star Trek movie. It was great, you did a great job in it. And we were just about talking about that just before … will you be in another Star Trek movie?
NIMOY: Uhh, we’re talking. We’re talking.
This is a different perspective given by the actor who has said in the past that he has moved on and felt good that he had handed the role to Zachary Quinto.
Leonard Nimoy as Spock Prime in "Star Trek"
There is no video of this CNN/Nimoy exchange available online, but here is CNN’s coverage of the shuttle event with Nimoy’s brief speech.
First last more news please!
As much as I love the TOS crew, if Nimoy keeps popping up it seems somewhat disrespectful to Quinto since it won’y allow him to “comeof age” in the Spock role.
Last week, he had a “cameo” on Fringe’s episode “Letters of Transit.” a wild and emotional episode. He was frozen in amber. So he’s retired? I think our favorite Vulcan wants to keep up with William Shatner.
As far as a role, let’s face it. The subplot of bringing back Vulcan race is interesting since I’m guessing that man now is the big race in the Federation. Also, he could give advice on how to defeat Khan. Yeah, it’s Khan folks. ;-)
The evidence. They wanted a Hispanic actor. That’s sounds like they wanted to match Ricardo Montalban. The leaked footage showed Cumberbatch beat the daylights out of Spock. Choked him with one hand. Remember that Vulcans are stronger than humans and this human was stronger than Spock. Cumberbatch had to bulk up for the role and had his hair dyed black.
I’m guessing that Spock Prime will give his wisdom and end up saying, “Parallel universe (better term than alternate reality), Jim. What worked in my universe may not work in this one.” Of course, Khan could give up his day job of trying to conquer the world by becoming a male stripper. Parallel universe, Trekkers.
I cant wait to see you eat your words number 3 when its not Khan.
well, maybe he will appear in another SERIES – in a pilot? i cannot imagine her really WANTS to appear again in a movie.
@ 4
I’ll just say, “I was wrong.” Hey, I’m not perfect. There is evidence to indicate that it’s not Khan. Cumberbatch had pointed sideburns. He seems to have wore a Starfleet undershirt. Could he be a member of Starfleet?
I wanna see him throw one last knockout punch
See him lately? He shed a bunch of weight, Someone gotta show Pine how to throw a punch
Haha. Shatner does indeed look great, and nobody throws a roundhouse-style punch like he does. We do need him back for a REAL finale :)
yes for gods name bring them back for a proper end of their saga…last movie was not ok as most of you say..pass the torch with respect ..
i want to see kirk teach how leadership is done …punch, flying kicks, proper sitting o captains chair..
NIMOY: Uhh, we’re talking. We’re talking.
Aurore : Uhh, I’m waiting. I’m waiting…
I would still like a voice cameo from Shat and Nimoy, but… seriously… any sizeable presence in the film would totally rip me out of the alternate timeline (and dis-suspend my disbelief.)
I do not think he would get as much screen time as he did in the last movie.
After all , filming is to “wrap up” soon, and, Mr. Nimoy says they are merely… talking.
I think it’s clear that Cumberbatch is NOT Khan.
He’s Joachim.
In this timeline, Khan died in stasis.
Same face!
Cumberbatch is Gary Mitchell.
It all makes sense now, everything is becoming clear.
Me not trusting Airlock Alpha as any kind of a source aside, it would be nice if he had a nice cameo in the movie. Something related to building the Vulcan colony as a follow up to his Spock being in 2 places at once line. It’d be nice to see him have some kind of a brief interaction with his younger self. I’d imagine that young Spock would be interested in his older self and the knowledge he’d acquired through his experiences, and I’d think that Spock prime would be fascinated by his younger, alternate self.
If it happens – great, if not – come on DVD extras! I’d still like to see original/alternate cast interviews hosted by a certain someone. Yeah, I’m looking at you JJ. ;-)
Oh no, they sent the wrong Spock!
I guess this means the Shat might be back too!
Interesting…and why not, if Leonard is up to it and he feels the role, as written is worthy. It’s no surprise both Spocks now exist in the same alternate universe…if a good scene can some from it and it flows with the film I’m all for it.
I’m a huge fan of Nimoy’s and meeting him at Comic Con 09 was a great thrill for me, but I have an issue with his appearance in the next movie (if it even happens, of course).
It’d be OK his making a walk-on or quick, two-minute something, but honestly? The training wheels for the new cast came off in the last movie. It’s THEIR movie now; the ‘space; the final frontier’ speech now needs to be read by Chris Pine and not Nimoy. The powers-that-be really need to be careful with using any more TOS cast crutches….
But of course I continue to wish Nimoy all the best, and I think he’s great.
or a little cameo, like kate´s admiral janeway in nemesis :-)
@20 – it’ll never be ‘THEIR’ movie..or ‘THEIR’ star trek like TNG as they are portraying the original characters. impersonating them if you will (like Routh did with Reeve in Superman Returns)
if the FX tech was available to make old or dead actors seamlessly young again for an entire movie (like it will be in years to come) theyd have made ST09 with the original actors…
e.g – a young ‘Twilight Zone’ era Shatner trying to chat up a smokin hot Nichelle Nicolls at the bar before ‘Cage’ era Jeff Hunter breaks up the fight…a ‘Cage’ era Nimoy in front of the Vulcan high council …a ‘Gunfight at OK Corral’ De Kelley talking to a young Shat in the shuttle etc
maybe in a few years someone on utube will do that
@16 Me not trusting Airlock Alpha as any kind of a source aside, it would be nice if he had a nice cameo in the movie. Something related to building the Vulcan colony as a follow up to his Spock being in 2 places at once line. It’d be nice to see him have some kind of a brief interaction with his younger self. I’d imagine that young Spock would be interested in his older self and the knowledge he’d acquired through his experiences, and I’d think that Spock prime would be fascinated by his younger, alternate self.
I so agree. I do hope their is a brief interaction.
More location shooting news:
I have heard Leonard say “We’re talking, we’re talking” a few times over the years to blunt the disappointment engendered by outright denial. I vividly recall him responding to the question of whether he would direct another Star Trek movie after IV this way.
Perhaps we should not read too much into this until something more substantive is heard.
Nimoy and Shatner will close out Abrams trilogy with at least cameos…Mark it down!
I for one would love to see the Shat and Nimoy on the big screen as Kirk and Spock one more time.
22. Khan
Thanks for making my point.
In your post, you said Brandon Routh was just filling in for Chris Reeve as Superman? Well, older generations tend to say that Reeve was just filling in for THEIR Superman, George Reeves (from the 1950s series). And fans of the ’40s serials say Reeves was just filling in for Kirk Alyn….
You gave a textbook perfect example of what I was trying to say; each generation of ST fans (and more open-minded older fans) will come to embrace each new interpretation of the characters; provided they’re done well and with respect. Star Trek, James Bond, Sherlock Holmes, Superman, whatever.
I think the TOS cast did it their way, and the ST09 cast did it theirs. And I (for one) really enjoyed what the new crew did in the last movie and can’t wait to see more…
#12,Aurore,hi how are you?! :) I would love to see Mr.Nimoy in another Trek,maybe their talking about him being in the next one. Which is like,1,000 years from now,but still. :)
Bob? LOL Bob-O? Come out, come out, wherever you arrrre :) I suspect Bob Orci will not have any comments in this particular post :)
#22 Khan 2.0 – Now that is what I’d like to see & it will happen eventually!
“I have heard Leonard say “We’re talking, we’re talking” a few times over the years to blunt the disappointment engendered by outright denial.”
I was not aware of that.
In any case, in this instance, I personally believe that Mr. Nimoy could have answered that he would not be in the sequel. If, indeed, there was no chance of him being in it.
For, for months, after the sequel was released, he did not hesitate to state that he was more than ready to stop playing Spock. Going so far as to say “I want to get off stage. I do not think it [ playing Spock] would be fair to Zachary Quinto…”, or some such statement.
You are right though; we should not read too much into this recent statement. For now.
29. Olivia.
How do you do, Olivia?
“I would love to see Mr.Nimoy in another Trek,maybe their talking about him being in the next one. Which is like,1,000 years from now,but still. :)”
We’ll see, my dear…We’ll see…
maybe he already filmed a scene during the ’09 shoot that could be used as a cameo in the future. just in case his health would not permit him to film it in say 2015, or whenever the 3rd installment might be filmed. for that matter, maybe shatner has as well. wouldn’t that make for an emotional close to the j.j. trek trilogy. that would certainly lend “logic” to the comment that he might appear again but technically still be retired.
Correction. 31.
after the sequel was released = after Star Trek 2009 was released
What apparently the ONLY TOS Trek actor they give a crap about is Nimoy???
#30. Bob Orci is in Hiding. Something about a Conspiricy here at Trekmovie.
“maybe he already filmed a scene during the ‘09 shoot that could be used as a cameo in the future.”
As Roberto Orci would say…”Maybe”.
It should be noted that Nimoy did not say that he would be in the film that is close to wrapping shooting. If he is in it, it would only be a cameo at this point or perhaps the coda of the film/after the credits as is common these days.
I wouldn’t be shocked if they are arleady looking at the third Abrams (and possibly last Abrams/ST film.
Notice how Mr. Nimoy has let his hair grow longer than the crew cut he’s been wearing lately- prep for a role?
As Spock would say, ‘There are always…possibilities’. And if Star Trek 2009 from lifelessness…I must return here..again.
Alec- I’m sure your a great guy, but that ^ sounds really dorky : )
en serio regresa Nimoy, eh Orci ? no hagas enojar al guerrero klingon que llevo dentro :)
“We’re talking” could mean a live chat via subspace, a pre-taped message, etc. (I’d LOVE to hear a list of things Spock Prime tells his other self to avoid, STARTING WITH THE S.S. BOTANY BAY!!!
IMHO,,, he’s IN.
just had a terrible thought. what if spock “young” has to watch spock “prime” die or be killed. maybe mr nimoy is, or has, filmed his death scene (again). the idea of 2 spocks living in the same timeline seems a bit convoluted. it would seem that they either need to “cut bait” with spock prime and not really speak of his existence or have him die or be killed to potentially heal the timeline.
So LN Spock could be back somehow. I get that. Fine.
But WS Kirk would still not be back for the same reason as ST 11!
Unless they go to the Nexus or its the Emperor Tiberious alt Univs K.
LN could do a new ST cartoon voice or ST comic in motion scene from in-between the movies.
2. El Chup – April 28, 2012:
“As much as I love the TOS crew, if Nimoy keeps popping up it seems somewhat disrespectful to Quinto since it won’y allow him to “comeof age” in the Spock role.”
I agree that Nimoy’s role should remain minimal, as I’m sure it would, but with Trek 2009, we have two Spock’s in one universe. To completely ignore the existence of he who ‘landed’ in the current timeline, and reshaped its future, at least in terms of the Federation/Romulans, etc…, would be odd.
Though I don’t expect the new movie to go into the details, it’s interesting to ponder what role elder Spock would play in the new U. Would he attempt to minimize his effect on this U, and be as tight lipped as a….? Would the Federation want to keep his existence secret–could they do so? What will the Fed. share with aligned governments, the Romulans, etc…, re: details of Vulcan’s destruction and the threat to Earth? Consider the concern to non-Fed. planets, knowing of such a scientist aligning with, possibly arming the Federation with advanced tech-know-how. Well, all of that’s for the books that I HOPE will follow.
Honestly, I can’t believe there’s talk of another Leonard Nimoy appearance. Don’t get me wrong, but I was expecting the sequel to feature the new cast only. It’s time for Chris Pine to be Kirk, and the rest of the new actors to transform into the classic characters. The new cast should be carrying the load now.
My fear is, should another Nimoy appearance happen, that the writers are using Spock Prime as a crutch because they have read some of the posters’ comments on this site bemoaning the new cast/supposed lack of respect for TOS, and are trying to placate those few disgruntled fans. Another reason could be that we’ve become so accustomed to cameos and passings-of-the-torch over the years that nobody can’t or won’t step up and say “it’s time to move forward”. One of the problems with Trek fandom is that we like to live in the past. Some people still want more TNG with the TNG actors, others still hope for a TOS reunion movie, even in light of the fact two of the main actors had passed on years ago.
Now, I still don’t think Nimoy is going to be in the movie. But if he is, its a little disappointing. The last movie was the perfect send-off.
# 47 Disrespectful? Give me a break. Anytime the legendary Leonard Nimoy is involved in a Star Trek project it’s a good thing.
I think Quinto and the entire cast did an amazing job and I look forward to further films with them…That said Leonard Nimoy is always going to be Spock and Wiliiam Shatner is always going to be Kirk. Their participation should always be welcomed