Tomorrow Fox airs the season finale of Fringe, created by the Star Trek team of JJ Abrams, Roberto Orci and Alex Kurtzman. They have released a movie-style preview of the finale, which features Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy. Watch that below along with a behind the scenes chat with Nimoy and Fringe’s John Noble.
Watch: Fringe finale preview + Noble and Nimoy chat
As we reported over the weekend, Leonard Nimoy made a surprise guest appearance on Fringe last Friday. he is also coming back tomorrow for the season four finale. Here is a new movie trailer style preview for "Brave New World":
And here is a video with Nimoy and John Noble talking about working together again.
And in his interview with, Nimoy says that it is an "open question" on if he will return for the fifth and final season. So he might just come out of retirement one more time.
“As a matter of cosmic history, it has always been easier to destroy than to create.”
— Spock
Lenord is looking very James Cromwell – like in this pic….
Leonard is looking very James Cromwell – like in this pic….
“Can I cook, or can’t I?”
(Yes, I know that was Carol Marcus, not Spock, but it’d still be a fitting reference!)
Fringe- best show on TV right now-
Glad we have a season 5
“This preview is intended for… etc.” = awesome.
sorry, approved for.
LN looks fantastic!
Nimoy is having quite a retirement!
“According to myth, the Earth was created in six days. Now, watch out! Here comes Genesis! We’ll do it for you in six minutes!”
Fringe rules! As do roberto n alex n jj n noble n nimoy!
Nice. I’m glad they got a final season, no matter how it turns out. It may seem like I haven’t watched FRINGE from the beginning, but I have… I just don’t recall, did William Bell ever have an Alterverse version of himself? Or was he just from the “prime” (ha, ha!) universe?
It was said that in the alternate universe, William Bell died in a car accident when he was young. But with the change in timeline or just possible mis-direction who knows.
@13- Thanks Martin. :-)
It was a decent show. They used Nina as exposition device a bit too much (I love Blair Brown, but Nina never seems consistently drawn, she’s either diabolically suspect, or she’s loving, caring Auntie Nina [even with Boyles]… it doesn’t come across as different facets of one person…).
Wow Nimoy is looking fantastic! Love the hair!