Turns out Karl Urban was not lying when he said that some "exclusive" footage from the Star Trek sequel would be released this weekend. In fact he is the one releasing it on YouTube, but it’s not exactly what people had in mind. Mostly it is Urban having some fun. Check it out below.
Karl Urban’s ‘exclusive’ Star Trek Sequel Sneak Peak
True to his word, Karl Urban put the following video up on his YouTube channel, just in time for Comic Con weekend.
So Karl Urban seems to be having some fun with all the buzz about the Star Trek sequel.
Primarily it is a video of Karl surfing, but if you wait to the end there is some ‘real’ footage which appears to be from the last day of shooting of the Star Trek sequel. It’s likely Karl shot this footage with his phone, making it technically an “exclusive.” It features director JJ Abrams and first AD Tommy Gormley and cinematographer Dan Mindel standing next to a green screen. I believe they are holding various camera testing objects which are used after every live-action shot to help with the 3D.
JJ Abrams (center) with cinematographer Dan Mindel (L) first asst. director Tommy Gormley (R) wrap the Star Trek sequel
Well, I guess he’s redeemed himself a bit.
However, video doesn’t work for me …
Cool. Sort of.
Well, I don’t really get what the point of the video was really. Neat to see a little bit of footage from behind the scenes though.
Urban’s clever. He’s drawing attention with these Trek “leaks” to help him promote his Dredd movie as well as Star Trek.
And he looks like he is having fun too.
Eh lol
LMAO!!!!! Why that cunning little doctor!
Video not working
Very cool video. It would have been funnier if his wet suit looked like his McCoy uniform. That would have blew al ot of fans minds trying to figure out if this was a scene from the movie or not.
OK!!!!……….BONES!!!…….;-) <33333333333
……………………….I'm waiting for Star Trek 2013!!!!
;-) :-)
Not available via mobile.
That kills the Gary Mitchell idea.
so here’s what we’ve learned lately:
1) cumberbatch’s villian is an existing character from s.t. history.
2) karl urban can surf.
hmmmm. i guess 1 out of 2 isn’t bad.
Can someone enhance the reflection on the mirrored ball JJ is holding?
“Unfortunately, this video is not available in Germany because it may contain music for which GEMA has not granted the respective music rights.”
Buzzkill, but quite funny.
Was that filmed with a GoPro camera?
Hey, did I not say it was Karl Urban’s home movies? Gather ’round the Android, boys…..
Dr McCoy surfing on the holodeck gotta luv it!
After a really crappy week, I was looking forward to this, something to raise my spirits.
Oh well :(
they are surfing in the new movie!
3) Urban rides regular stance (left foot forward). He should bend his knees more as well.
I’m a goofy footer myself.
I’m from Germany and can’t see it!!!! Anyone an idea!?
Hmmmm interesting. so the next movie is all at sea!! There be whales here captain.
@14: Reflective balls like the one JJ is holding are used on sets to collect lighting reference for the special effects team.
@14: Sorry, misread your comment. Apologies for the unrequested explanation. I was just so glad to know what that ball was I wanted to post.
Karl Urban just trolled us all. Touche good doctor, touche.
Anybody else notice the 2013 Trek game has the cover story on the new issue of Xbox magazine? Just bought it today and the jockish-looking dude at the register stopped and said “they’re making a star trek game? thats awesome!” THAT put a huge smile on my face.
Wish I could read the movie’s working title form the DigiSlate that JJ Abrams is holding. That would be something. With the last movie, we all knew from more or less week one that the working title for it was “Corporate Headquarters”. Come to think of it, in the first week of production of the first movie, we already knew more about the film than we know about this new film and it’s even completed principal photography! And did knowing something about the previous film detract from people’s enjoyment from the film or it’s box office gross? Absolutely not.
@ 29
The working title was “HH Project”, from reports around where they were filming.
Karl, you troll!…:)
I am trying to work out where the surf footage was taken and when. When, if in Auckland, could be anytime – just need a sunny day. We have had those. Indigenous NZ plants are evergreen (ie do not shed leaves in the winter). He could have been surfing on any of the more isolated East coast Auckland beaches (not West – sand is black – iron sand).
Karl just got off a plane recently and ran into that reporter and let slip the name Gary Mitchell. Kids here have just finished having two weeks off school, however Karl returned to LA half way through the school holidays. Oh dear, oh well…hopefully he got to do some school runs…
Behold. The lens flares will return in Star Trek 2.
LOL. I can just see him sitting there going “you mad, bros?” with that troll face. ;)
Good job Karl. Come to Western Australia and have a surf ;)
we just got trolled =)
Well, at least I am no longer mad at him after seeing his lame attempt at humor here. :-)
It is good to know that some of us are more funny than some to the Trek gods we worship. LOL
That was funny.
36. Why were you mad at him? Dude was just kidding around. I still can’t believe that the Gary Mitchell thing was reported as real news on here — when the odds were in favour of a joke. This site takes itself way too seriously.
JJ has reflective balls? Isn’t that special.
Come on, someone was going to say it…..
Yea for Karl Urban. That was really nice, and how cute!!! :-)
I love the little bit of JJ footage. “Not for 99 cents,” you say? Well, how about $1.29? That’s what the top songs go for anyway. ;-)
Blessings and good will to all. :-)
@38. To me, under JJ’s envelope of complete secrecy, he was F’ing with the fans with the Gary Mitchell remark. I get that he thinks it is funny, and I forgive him for it now that I see that he was just clowning around, but I still am not laughing, nor do I appreciate it.
@38 I don’t think “this site” takes itself too seriously. People who post here take themselves too seriously.
@ MJ Lighten up, Frances.
Everyone has different senses of humour … one thing is for sure we are getting pretty desperate for something, anything … thank you to Bob Orci for helping out on that point!
Karl, does nuetron cream stop face melting? Hmmmmm …
@43. Actually, the Orci interview did provide some info – these guys are planning the media campaign in about a six month window prior to the opening. So early 4th quarter information will start to be reveled. That’s only about 90 days away now, give or take a few….
How do we know this is not Star Trek 2 footage? Maybe Bones has to surf his way out of danger!
What? Only you can post ridiculous theories?
@43 “Everyone has different senses of humour … one thing is for sure we are getting pretty desperate for something, anything.”
Thanks Nick…exactly. If there were some little bit of set photos or minor ComicCon clip being released this week I would likely find Urban more funny.
Funny… :D I just *LOVE* Karl’s sense of humour.
(I’m from Germany, too – but there are some certain ways to watch the video though. Google is your best friend to find these ways. ;)
@47. I hear you all love David Hasselhoff over there in Germany, right?
Nah, I hear the Germans find the “Hoff” to be too much of a “Hassel” now!
On a similar note, I hear a credit card company has unveiled a new “No Hasselhoff” credit card!
Ha! Well played, Karl. I found the whole thing pretty entertaining. Yes, I’d love to see some real footage, but I’m cool with waiting.