Watch William Shatner Throw The First Pitch For Dodgers Star Trek Night

Over the weekend the LA Dodgers held a "Star Trek Night" and part of the festivities included William Shatner throwing out the first pitch. Watch video of the original Captain Kirk’s time on the mound below, along with video of the fireworks show set to Star Trek music.


Shatner pitches on Dodgers Star Trek Night

William Shatner gets one over the plate for the LA Dodgers Star Trek night last Friday, accompanied by the theme to Star Trek via the ballpark’s organ.

Here is a shot of Bill throwing his pitch

And here is video of the fireworks show featuring Star Trek music and some Star Trek scenes played on the Jumbotron.


Thanks to Sparx and SadiumBound for the videos

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Shatner Rules! :-)

Congrats to Shat for throwing a legit strike. Many celebrities miss the plate completely…no kidding!

BTW, does anyone remember the last year that Shatner tucked in his shirt? I am thinking 1989 perhaps? :-)

Hilarious hearing the ST theme played by that ball park organ!

Shattastic pitch, Bill!

As for the shirt issue… the only time I can think ever seeing Shatner tuck in his shirt was in “City on the Edge of Forever,” although his shirt was also tucked in in “Patterns of Force,” which was filmed later (second season). That’s the only time I can remember seeing Shatner with his shirt tucked in, lol.

I wanted to go so much to this, just living on the other coast!

Yeah, Shatner has a good arm. Most celebrities miss the plate by twenty feet!

I can imagine Shatner trying to teach Obama how to pitch.

“Like a poor marksman, you keep missing the target!”

#6 LMAO… yeah mom jeans throws like a girl

Filmed using the Toaster Mk.1 with advanced potato technology.

@ 2

MJ, a couple years ago, the mayor of Cincionnati. Mark Mallory, threw the opening day first pitch. He missed it completely. Former Reds great and Los Angeles native Eric Davis was the catcher. Mayor Mallory’s throw was so off that Davis looked really annoyed. Can’t blame him.

Time Magazine lists Mallory’s pitch as one of the worst ever. Link with video.,28804,1889502_1889506_1889494,00.html.

First thanks to TrekMovie and Trekkers for this story. I’m so jealous. You got the Shat. And to make it even cooler, the organ was playing the theme from Star Trek. Over the weekend at the Cincinnati Reds game we got Charlie Sheen. Yeah, he’s got someting that the Shat doesn’t. Tiger’s blood. Oh, well he did pledge $50,000 to the Reds Community Fund. .

Hey, the Reds are a whopping twenty two games over five hundred and in first place in the NL Central. And get this. Premeire player Joey Votto’s been out for the last couple of weeks. They won ten straight with him. World Series here we come. :-)

Great stuff, and at 81 years young. I can imagine no less from the captain of the Enterprise.

Too bad it was for the Dodgers :-/

Cool! I forgot about that. Would have loved to have seen that live.

@12 Agreed.

Nice pitch for an old guy! I held my breath, this sort of thing can make anyone look bad.
I’ve seen it 3 hop to the plate and seen it thrown into the dugouts….

You know, in that still shot – – – that’s pretty good form there.

WOW… the great Mr. Shatner… ;-) :-)

Shatner tucked in his shirt every week on BOSTON LEGAL…

“Star Trek scenes played on the Jumbotron”

They projected video onto Shatner’s gut while he was on the mound?

That seems cruel…



I see what you did there!

He threw the ball better than I’d have expected for Shatner, but worse than I’d have expected for Kirk.

What a champ! Go Bill!

Decent pitch.
And not bad for an 81 year old, too! Way to go, Shatner…. ;-)

I pray I can walk when Im 81 much less throw a baseball…Funny..I wa watching the Deadly Years episode and I guess he was around 80 years old and in that makeup he looked so old and sounded like the sterotypical little old man..etc…He has faired much better in real life!

Shatner > my hatred of Dodgers!

Love the kids giving him hugs at the end. Most likely Grandkids. :)

Great to see!

Go Giants!

As a pitcher and pitching coach I can say his form’s not bad given his age and lack of experience. Nice sinking action at the plate, too. But really, as long as they don’t bounce it that’s about all you can ask for. Go Shat!

Thinking that this man is EIGHTY-ONE makes me forget any fear of old age.

Wow! I love it! Great to see Shatner as always.

(Almost made me forget about the Red Sox for a moment!)

Well done, Trek Movie for posting this.
Whoever would have thought Star Trek and MLB together?
Way to go, Bill Shatner

It is pretty impressive that at his age he’s everywhere!

Well except in the new Star Trek movies ;)

The Shat is awesome. I hope I can still throw it over the plate in my 80s!!

Only thing that would have made that any better was in Vin Scully had called that pitch. :)

Damn! That was an inspiration for an old timer like me.


Chuck Norris hopes that he’s like William Shatner when he grows up.

# 23 CK

I was thinking the exact same thing, earlier; the “Deadly Years” version of a seventy-ish to eighty-something Kirk was a lot worse than the more vigorous real life version.

If I even live to be 80, I hope I’m even 1/4 the man Shatner is… ;-D

Great fireworks display. Music from all tv shows, and the fireworks went well with the music. Beautiful!! Don’t know why they showed that video before them though???

Shat has found the fountain of youth, going strong at 81!

24.. How about those Giants tonight! 15-0 over the Cards

That was a good idea you guys of not putting Shatner in the new ST films despite the fact that 98% of the general population would have liked to see the face of ST involved somehow (the scene that was written would have worked quite well)….Maybe part III?

81 freakin’ years old. Amazing. We have Rangers pitchers that have more trouble getting it over the plate than Shatner did.

Let’s face it, the Shat could run for President tomorrow and win in a landslide. The man is just so beloved by the American public it’s insane – despite all of his detractors and h8ers. Mention the name and everybody knows his most famous character. Never mind he can’t really do the job, since he was born in Canada.

And I wonder how many drug-related shootings were masked by the fireworks display? Dodger Stadium is in a pretty rough neighborhood, according to my daughter who recently attended her cousin’s wedding at the LAPD Academy, which is essentially right up the street.

Of course he threw a strike! He’s James T Kirk, damnit!

Can anyone tell me what that TNG video is at the start of the film? It seems like an alternate promo from 1987 which I have never seen….

Eight times larger?

We need him on the Red Sox. There us no pitching there this year.

is not us

OK. Is it that hard to pitch, as in throw the ball directly to the guy who is catching it? I don’t know much about baseball and it was hard to see from the angle he was filmed, just how far William Shatner had to throw the ball. I guess, the further the distance, the less accurate the aim. Certainly everyone is impressed with what William Shatner did…Good on him!

I think that the woman with the longish red hair wearing mostly black may be his daughter, Lisabeth and the three little girls would most likely be his grandchildren. After the smallest girl gave/got a hug, she ran up to this woman. Funny thing is, if this scene had been part of a movie, instead of real life, there would no doubt some people moaning about its “cheesiness”. Just an observation.

Better form than the President, just saying…

44 – The mound is 60 feet 6 inches from the plate. Yes, it takes some skill to hit the target!

This would have been about a 50 foot toss. Good job Bill!

Obviously, Avery Brooks would have been the better “Captain” to get for throwing the first pitch at a baseball game on “Star Trek night.” :)

Wow. Thanks for that information, rm10019. That was really good going on William Shatner’s part. Good one, Bill!

48. Except people would be wondering who he was. (I know, Holodeck reference and nicely done… But I’m an unapologetic Kirk fan :) )