On Thursday Star Trek Into Darkness has its world premiere in London – with a press event over the weekend. TrekMovie will be there. We also want to give fans a chance to ask JJ Abrams and his cast a question. Details below.
Ask JJ Abrams and the stars of Star Trek Into Darkness a question
TrekMovie is offering fans a chance to get their question asked at the Star Trek Into Darkness World Premiere and junket in London this weekend. TrekMovie will be conducting interviews with:
- JJ Abrams
- Chris Pine
- Zachary Quinto
- Benedict Cumberbatch
- Zoe Saldana
- Karl Urban
- Simon Pegg
- John Cho
- Alice Eve
TrekMovie will pick one fan-submitted question for each interview.
How to submit questions
You can type your questions into the comments below. You can suggest one question for each person listed above (so up to nine total questions for each fan submission). Format your questions thusly:
[Your Question]
– [Your First Name + City, State (or Country)]
Please focus your questions on things related to Star Trek and avoid any major spoilers.
Questions must be submitted by midnight Thursday at noon (Pacific Time).
Well, this should be interesting….
Q FOR Benedict Cumberbatch
Brent Spiner shared in an interview that you approached him and Patrick Stewart at a restuarant asking if taking the role in STID would affect your career positively or negatively. Do you feel like you have found an answer at this point?
– Cory Pelc, Sherman, IL
What sort of music did you listen to before doing a take as Harrison? (if that is something that you do..)
Silvia – Lisbon, Portugal
Benedict Cumberbatch
How does it feel to become part of such a huge franchise like Star Trek & is it a little daunting
Sarah Thurlow, London
(although i’ll be in Leicester Square somewhere)
remember each of you can suggest questions for each of the nine people above. You dont have to just chose your favorite
Q for Zachary Quinto
Who is ahead in your ongoing interview vocabulary battle- you or Chris?
Sunfell (Lorie Johnson), Little Rock, AR
Q for Benedict Cumberbatch
Was there a scene you found difficult filming?
May we expect you to take on further action roles? (Please.)
remember to add your first name and city
Now that you’re also going to be directing Star Wars, have you considered the possibility of taking things a step further and creating the very first Star Trek/Wars crossover?
Parker- Key West, FL (USA)
Q for Benedict Cumberbatch:
You did a lot of the VO work for most of the trailers and Viral video’s that went out. Did they approach you for this early on – and how do you feel about having played such an important part in the promo of the film?
J. De Winter
Antwerp – Belgium
For Simon Pegg:
How is your foot?
(Simon tweeted that he’d injured it messing around on a set last week, and Leonard Nimoy teased him about it on Twitter.)
Q FOR Benedict Cumberbatch
Which character have you enjoyed playing the most so fat in your career?
Nicola Hurden, Bracknell, Berkshire
Q FOR Chris Pine & Zachary Quinto
Do you foresee more movies for this current cast beyond a trilogy?
Jordan – Mount Sterling, MO (USA)
Q for Zoe Saldana
How physical did you have to get for your role as Uhura this time around? Did you have to learn any Alien languages??
Tina- Tampa, Fl
Q for Benedict Cumberbatch
Do you prefer playing the part of a goody, a baddy, or prefer to remain morally ambiguous?
Aislin, Leeds (West Yorkshire)
Q FOR Benedict Cumberbatch
Which character have you enjoyed playing the most so far in your career?
Nicola Hurden, Bracknell, Berkshire
And another friendly reminder. We will be picking questions that are related to Star Trek (past, present or future)
Q for Zach Quinto
Do you find it easy playing such an emotionless character? Or is it even more challenging finding subtle ways of showing that small sliver of emotion through your performance?
–Shawn, Lancaster, PA
Q for Chris Pine
Do you feel like you play Captain Kirk in the same way as you played him in the 2009 film, or has he changed since then?
– Sophie
Birmingham – UK
Q for Zachary Quinto
Since the other interviewer forgot you when asking the typical silly, “Who’s hotter?” question.
Who’s hotter, Matt Bomer or Cam Gigandet?
It seems to me that a trilogy or three is the magic number for many of the recent or most successful movie series such as Batman/The Dark Knight, Iron Man, Lord of the Rings, Toy Story, The Matrix, X-Men, Spider-Man, etc., with some minor exceptions to the rule.
And with the last of the trilogy made and their three-film contractual obligations are over, the actors who are now infused with their iconic characters appear to hang them up and walk away without looking back.
What can we do to make sure that Star Trek will not follow the same pattern?
Raphael – South Plainfield, NJ
Q for Zachary Quinto
Since the other interviewer forgot you when asking the typical silly, “Who’s hotter?” question.
Who’s hotter, Matt Bomer or Cam Gigandet?
Columbia, SC – US
Q for Zachary Quinto
In the few clips I’ve seen, I’ve noticed that Spock has an interesting edge to his usually smooth voice. Is this a reflection of the stress he is clearly under?
Sunfell (Lorie Johnson), Little Rock, AR
Q for Zoe Saldana
Why so gorgeous? What’s your secret? ;)
– Lua.
Paris, France
Q for Simon Pegg
As a Star Trek fan, did you suggest or throw anything into your performance as an homage to TOS? Maybe the way Scotty beamed people? Do you have moves like Doohan?
–Shawn, Lancaster, PA
You mentioned that a major reason you decided to read for the role of John Harrison is because you wanted to work with JJ Abrams. Assuming that you had a basic description of the Harrison character, what role did that information play in your decision to audition for the part?
How has Sulu’s role and function within the crew dynamic developed since the last film and where do you see it eventually going?
-Carole, Philadelphia, PA (USA)
Q for Simon Pegg:
Was the Scottish slang phrase “wee man” you use in the trailers and sneak clips your idea, your wifes or Tommy Gormley’s?
Allister Gourlay – Glasgow Scotland
Q FOR JJ Abrams
The music in your Star Trek films has had, at times, homages from the old scores (namely Alexander Courage’s theme from TOS). However the music is mainly new and noticeably has no hint of the fanfare from The Motion Picture (which, along with the TOS theme, has come to represent the franchise). Was it a conscious decision to exclude most all musical elements from previous franchise installments in your new movies to give it a unique feel? Did you ever consider including elements other than Courage’s TOS theme?
– William, Winston-Salem, NC
Q for Karl Urban
As a Trekkie, were you able to give your input or make suggestions for the cast and crew to give subtle nods to the fans or add accuracy?
-Maggie – Washington, DC
q for j.j. abrams
in the future would you ever be interested in rebooting the “tng” cast as you did with the “tos” cast?
van – ann arbor, michigan
Q for Benedict Cumberbatch
Which of John Harrison’s powers would you like to have in real life?
– Anne, Munich (Bavaria), Germany
Q for Benedict Cumberbatch
Do you think there should be a movie made only about John Harrison like a pre-quell to Star Trek:Into the Darkness?
– Dani Burker, Catasauqua, Pa – USA
Q for JJ Abrams
What was your favorite “cheap” effect you ever used in your Star Trek movies? (for example: having Tom Cruise hold the nose-gun himself)
–Shawn, Lancaster, PA
While there are many who appreciate JJ Abrams and his Supreme Court breathing new life into Star Trek for the big screen again (such as myself), there have always been those die-hard yesteryear fans of TOS/TMP and TNG that screamed blasphemy from blog sites such as TrekMovie.com and from their various social networks. They’ve been critical of everything from the starships to the storylines to the casting.
What is your most memorable insult or critique (of yourself, if possible, or of the “new” Star Trek), and how do you react or respond to it?
Raphael – South Plainfield, NJ
Can you push to have your character say “nuclear wessels” in the next film/game?
– Josh, Columbus
You once said you enjoyed working out to play John Harrison. How different was the work out routine, in preparation for the character, from your own? (if you find the time in your schedule to do any work out at all, I mean)
Adélia Braga – Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Q for Karl Urban
You played “Cranky” McCoy very well, any chance we will see more of the “Southern Gentleman” McCoy? Are there any TOS Bones-isms you hope to include in the future?
Shawn, Lancaster, PA
Q FOR JJ Abrams
Has Michael Giacchino’s music played an important role in the movie? What do you think about his music in STID?
– Ivan, Samara, Russia
Q for Chris Pine
Did you do any training with Naval officers in preparation to play Captain Kirk? How did you prepare for the role?
–Shawn, Lancaster, PA
Q for Jeffrey Jacob Abrams
I was at your master class in Paris but I have not had the chance to ask this question:
Are you happy that young people like me (I’m 14) become fans of Star Trek thanks to you and the actors ?
PS: It’s thanks to you that I want to become an assistant director ^^
-Maëlle, Maubeuge,Northern France
Q for Alice Eve
No question, I just think you’re stunningly beautiful. And you seem to be genuinely enjoying your time promoting this Star Trek movie and going through the publicity tour like a real professional. I hope you continue to find more success, Hollywood could use more sincere and passionate actresses like you.
–Shawn – Lancaster, PA
Q for JJ —
What goes through your mind when you read posts from fans on websites whining about your take on Star Trek?
Sorry it’s Morand not Morans^^
Q for Zoe Saldana
If you don’t mind sharing, what was Nichelle Nichols most helpful tip when it came to playing Uhura?
-Maggie, Washington DC
Q for Zoe Saldana
You starred in several high profile sci-fi movies, and continue to do so with Avater 2 and Guardians of the Galaxy. What is it about the genre that draws you to these roles? How do you feel about your status as a geek pin-up girl?
–Shawn – Lancaster, PA
Q for Benedict Cumberbatch
Did you like Hooter’s?
–Shawn – Lancaster, PA
Q for JJ —
What goes through your mind when you read posts from fans on websites whining about your take on Star Trek?
Toby — Clear Lake City, TX
Q for John Cho
Is the parking brake on?
–Shawn, Lancaster, PA
Q for Alice Eve
How did you approach the character of Dr. Marcus? Did you watch Bibi Besch’s portrayal, or did you make her all your own, and how?
Q FOR Simon Pegg
What bits of homage to James Doohan did you do and get into this film, that you think we will enjoy?
– [Jape + Sammamish, Washington
Q for JJ Abrams
I remember the really practical and cool mirror effect that you used in Star Trek (2009) for the space-jump and the unique “shaky-cam” effect.
Was there anything memorably practical that you did this time, that regardless of the larger budget, you would have done anyway, even with a smaller budget?
Maggie- Washington, DC
Q for Chris Pine:
How much of Kirk’s personality in Star Trek 2009 & Into Darkness is based on you personally?
Q for Simon Pegg:
What’s was it like sharing the transporter room with James Doohan’s son?
Jason; Niantic, Connecticut