On Tuesday the Star Trek Into Darkness world tour arrived in Mexico City. TrekMovie was on the red carpet and had quick moments to chat with JJ Abrams, Alice Eve and Zoe Saldana. Watch the video below, plus see pictures from the Mexico premiere.
En La Oscuridad Premieres In Mexico
TrekMovie was on the red carpet in Mexico City for the Mexico premiere of Star Trek Into Darkness (or as it is known in Latin America "En La Oscuridad"). Director JJ Abrams was there to show off the movie, joined by actors Alice Eve, Chris Pine and Zoe Saldana. TrekMovie had quick moments to chat with Abrams, Eve and Saldana (in Spanish), but unfortunately Chris didn’t have time to stop. Here is our red carpet video.
And here are some excerpts.
JJ Abrams on how directing Star Trek and Into Darkness was different
I am always learning from my mistakes and I make enough of them so I learn a lot. I feel like the fun of doing this movie was not only getting to work with this cast again and making a deeper, bigger, better movie, but also even in four years what we could do technically expanded. So I knew we had to do some real cool stuff visually.
Zoe Saldana on the most challenging thing playing Uhura (translated from Spanish)
Learning to move in the tiny, tight dress. It presented a real dilemma for me.
Alice Eve on if she is a Trek fan
When I was younger I watched it with my grandfather so I knew it then, but now I am a real fan
Photos from Mexico
Here are some of the official Paramount photos from the Mexico premiere. As with all the premieres, the stars took time to take photos with fans and sign autographs.
Here is the group posing and on stage addressing the audience.
And here are some images from a photocall from earlier in the day.
Alice Eve
Chris Pine
Finally after JJ Abrams finished with his interview with us he stepped away but then returned to autograph the the Mexico Star Club sign.
Alfredo Ruanova is the president of the Star Trek Fan Club in Mexico: Aztlan: Earth-Station (startrek.org.mx). Video camera operation by Ian Phillips Garcia Wiel.
I am always surprised at the amount of people that show up to premieres. It’s amazing.
I would go if they would hold one in Atlanta, I would take the day off from work to make it happen!
Zoe’s Spanish is impecable. Bien echo.
The court *really* needs to find a great Jim Kirk/Carol Marcus storyline for the threequel. Alice is so very photogenic. Plus, they could remake Bob & Carol & Ted & Alice as Jim & Carol & Spock & Nyota??
Alice Eve, this is NOT your grandfather’s Star Trek! : D BTW, I’m not liking your new bangs. C’mon, girl, grow them out!
Does Chris Pine not like trekmovie and am I going to piss him off (more?) by asking this? I am not sure I get where he is coming from sometimes. It seems that others don’t either.
What are “bangs” (re hair)?
My hair looks like that, except that it is now auburn with natural blond highlights.
#7. Keachick – rose pinenut
I was watching the live stream, the environment on the red carpet was very confused … Chris was the last to get there and spent most of the time with the fans, I saw many photos … and it rained a lot and from what I could tell he was going with the flow … lol … to tell the truth was a mess … but fans loved it!
look at here:
As a matter of fact, Chris was being pulled every which way between media and fans. It was just the luck of the draw that we weren’t able to talk with him…
Well… we’ll try harder next time!!! Star Trek fans are nothing if not persistent
Thanks Anthony for all your assistance and help !!!
Everybody in the club is thrilled and we’ll be going to the movie on Saturday.
Lens flares.
I like Alice Eve’s hair. ^_^ But I think she’d look gorgeous no matter what hairstyle she has.
Chris loves TrekMovie. Red carpets are a mess and hard to get anyone to stop. I am amazed Alfredo got 3 out of 4 in Mexico.
Dont worry i talked to Zach and Chris in London, video soon.
Thank you, people, for that.
I guess my own silly insecurities… start to show at times…oh dear.
well its good to known that alot of people are openly enjoying trek like this, as I dont remember any kind of this press for the earlier films atleast this much.
Although I think Chris Pine needs to shave his beard, he looks too much like Paul Walker.
Yes, I agree. Chris Pine looks better without the beard. I like to see all of his good looking face.
@8. Keachick – rose pinenut
‘bangs’ in this context is American for a fringe. Hence the use of the word in the turbolift scene between Kirk & Uhura in relation to Spock.
Only regret : That Bob Orci didn’t make to Mexico City. Would have loved to chat with him… not only is he of mexican origin, but also a screenwriter in many interesting projects.
Also I have a personal interest: my dad was a screenwrite too, so I was looking forward to it.
Oh well, maybe next time !!!
P.S. Anthony : Next time will try to get 4 out of 4 :-)
#18 – I have never personally been to a premier or seen anyone walk a red carpet. From what I have seen though, things can seem a little crazy at times. I have no doubt that everyone is doing their best!
Thank you for bringing us lovely pictures and interviews of the three you did manage to get.
Chris Pine has a sweet beard.
Chris may have been tight for time but it cuts both ways. Benedict barely got a few minutes on Today. Too bad considering its a 4 hour format with all those hosts. At least Letterman was a solid segment.
Espero que en Chile estrenen STAR TREK en Mayo y no en AGOSTO !!! :(
Yo salgo en una Foto : ) con Chris Pine