Today is the 4th of July – celebrated as Independence Day in the USA. In the future history of Star Trek, the USA ceased to exist after World War III, but the principles that founded the nation lived on. And being that James T. Kirk was born in Iowa (he only works in outer space) he shows pride for the former nation in a patriotic speech from the episode “The Omega Glory.” Watch it below.
Kirk Gets Patriotic
In the 24th episode of the original Star Trek’s second season the crew once again found an example of Hodgkin’s Law of Parallel Planetary Development on Omega IV which evolved much like Earth except that two groups Yangs (or ‘Yankee’ Americans) and Kohms (for Communists) are at endless war with each other – a war that Earth avoided. Eventually Kirk ignored the prime directive (again) and decided to get them to all stop fighting – and he did this by explaining the true meaning of preamble to the Constitution of the United States (which they had turned into "holy words" only to be seen by chiefs). Kirk set them straight – in one of his most Shatnerian of speeches…
Happy Omega Glory Day From
The Omega Glory: The Poster
You can celebrate Omega Glory Day everyday with the retro “The Omega Glory” poster, part of the QMx retro poster series.
The above poster is part of Retro TOS Poster Set #8 which also includes posters for “Bread and Circuses,” “A Piece of the Action,” and “For the World Is Hollow and I Have Touched the Sky.” You can also pick up the designs on shot glasses. Both available at Entertainment Earth.
I love my country but this is has got to be the most ham-fisted “patriotic” speech in the history of TOS. Even as children back in the 60’s we laughed ourselves silly at its corniness. Still, I’d like to see a little of this “theatricality” seep over into the new Captain.
Yes, it was an amazing but very energetic silly speech but then, the ending of that entire episode was silly. And, Roddenberry wrote it! It should have been just two warring tribes on the planet, then Capt. Ron Tracy comes down believing he has found the fountain of youth, 2 Star Fleet captains clash (I like that aspect of this episode), and eventually after several concussions, Kirk wins out. Ah well–
I’ll tell you what I do stand up and salute Shatner for, as it turns out: For NOT agreeing to do either of the JJ films, whatever the specifics of that situation are/were.
I am sure Shatner had some less than noble reasons, too, for not doing them, and some accounts say JJ did not want him under any circumstances but, we humble fans don’t really know the truth so–
I hereby salute The Captain (bring out some kind of flag!) for staying out of nuTrek. That guy is brilliant!
There are two schools of thought about this episode concerning whether this episode promotes negative stereotypes as a result of the depiction of the villagers (“Kohms”), who seem vaguely Asian in appearance. The Wikipedia entry for this episode refers to one interpretation which states this thesis (see the “Analysis” section of that article).
I wish I was able to have pride in my country, but Northern Ireland isn’t exactly a place where that’s possible. Lol.
#3 Ciaran,
I lived in the south of Ireland (Kilkenny) for 5 years and became personally and otherwise, very aware and affected by “The Troubles.” I left a part of my heart in Ireland, what an incredible land she is!
Yeah if I came from the south, it wouldn’t be bad at all. But coming from the North is an embarrassment. Such a backwards place to live. We must be a joke to the rest of the world.
I was in Belfast in 1988, stayed there a few weeks, and thought I had fallen into a Dickens novel. But in fairness, I came from Southern California at the time (I am not from there), and the la-la land of plastic surgery, ego, and dieting to perfection (none of which I did) was even worse. The authenticity of Belfast was amazing to me.
However, would I want to be born there, live there? No.
But I don’t think the world considers the North of Ireland a joke–we stupid Americans hardly know it exists, but as for the rest of the world, I think they are lost in a Celtic green mist when they think of Ireland and truly do not realize–much of anything. Even in the 1990s, the tourists streamed into Kilkenny from other European nations and shopped and drank till they dropped.
I was astounded at the sheer volume of alcohol consumed all over Ireland. I didn’t/don’t visit bars in the States but of course the public houses over there, everyone goes. So maybe in American bars, more alcohol is consumed than I realize but–the bottles and glasses filled up the Irish pub tables because there was no more room, toppled onto the floor, and still more was consumed. I suppose that does show the Irish unhappiness and frustration.
In those days, guns were never pointed at my head in America; Belfast frightened and astounded me as the British Army did so more than once, but in 2014, military and Homeland Security guns are all over the place here too. Not to mention the U.S.’ people’s ignorant love affair with guns.
I live in a backward part of the U.S. which has many jokes told about it. Iowa grows corn and corny jokes. I do empathize, Ciaran. We also will grow Captain Kirk, of course.
Star Trek takes us away, to an enlightened world – or at least more enlightened than this one. We as a species can be better than we are.
This episode sucks.
Well having grown up here in west Belfast all my life, all I can see is the downside to the place. I was born in 1986, so I don’t have really any memories of the Troubles as it was all nearing the end by the time I was able to remember anything. This is a contentious time of the year in particular where the hatred and vitriol on both sides comes out and the attacks start, and that’s just the politicians in office. I was raised to not have any political opinions and make my own mind up. And I have, and Belfast is a joke. Northern Ireland is an embarrassing place to be from. And the only reason I haven’t left is because I am a homebird at heart. It’s a craphole, but it’s home.
At least by living in Iowa, you have JTK to look forward to! Lol. I’d love to see a Star Trek character from the north of Ireland, maybe I could call Bob Orci and work my way into the next movie! Lol.
July 4, the indepence day…
And the day of the Gettysburg battle..its last day
Quoting Joshua L Chamberlain, colonel, 20 th Maine infantry , USA, heroe of the litle round top, in Gettysburg:
« I Long to be in the field again, doing my part to keep the Old Flag up with all its stars»
«…that we here highly resolve that these dead shalll Not have died in vain, that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom and, that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth»
Gettysburg speech.
James Kirk is a good yankee, eh eh, his favourite song is «when Johnnie comes walking home»
I know this episode takes its knocks, but I really enjoy it. I LIKE the ending, even if it is utterly implausible, even if it’s the umpteenth time we’ve seen a parallel Earth. I like the pacing. The prologue is creepy as hell. I love Ron Tracy’s acting (or mis-acting.) I love a good Capt. vs. Bad Capt. story.
Happy E Plabnista, folks!!
ps — That poster is hilarious.
I know this episode takes its knocks, but I really enjoy it. I LIKE the ending, even if it is utterly implausible, even if it’s the umpteenth time we’ve seen a parallel Earth. I like the pacing. The prologue is creepy as hell. I love Ron Tracy’s acting (or mis-acting.) I love a good Capt. vs. Bad Capt. story.
Happy E Plabnista, folks!!
ps — That poster is hilarious.
I thought Kilkenny was destroyed by Cromwell , you know, he liked killing irishmen and catholics…
” In the future history of Star Trek, the USA ceased to exist after World War III”
Who said the USA ceased to exist after WWIII? As seen in Into Darkness Great Britain still exists in the 23rd century so why not the USA?
I thought these days Kirk was born in space… he’s about as American as Shatner is.
[ducks for cover]
“Captains Log, Stardate July 4, 2265….studied planet Omega IV….at a distance…which contains a pre-warp humanoid developing civilization. Uneventful.”LogicalLeopard
#7 Ciaran, There’s your answer! Get into the Trek films, make a small fortune, and return home in glory – and treasure home. Not the north of Ireland–but, as you said, HOME.
#11 Yes, Cromwell is apparently remembered with utter hatred across Kilkenny and Ireland. I am not Irish so I say “apparently.” As a human, of course, I hate his genocidal march too. But, hey, Oscar, Kilkenny is still there, ya know? Rural Kilkenny is magical. I swear, there are fairies and strange light-forms there, I have photos. :-)
#13 Chris, You can re-write Trek if you want but dammit, Kirk sprouted in the corn field. Yeah, I actually agree with you. Shatner is about as Iowan as I am. Frankly, I could get lynched here, I am slightly out of step.
But wait, I was born here, and came back here after many years. I bought 17 acres of beautiful land, cheap, and never looked back – like what TOS Pike dreamed of with his old horse. And for the most part, the frozen chosen citizens leave me alone.
Seriously, not every Iowan is what the stereotype tells you.
Yeah, I dont think the USA ceased to exist, nor did any other country. The only major differences is that the Soviet Union never broke apart (or got back together) and the African continent, or part of it, joined together as the African Confederation.
For those who think that Kirk speech is “corny”, I feel sorry for you for missing the message behind the words. Then again, with today’s political rhetoric, I’m not surprised that people can be this cynical about believing in the ideas behind the words liberty, fraternity and equality. Hopefully, some day, we can get over our own “tribal” politics, and truly become an egalitarian society.
And for those who believe that the US would cease to exist in the world of Star Trek: get over yourself. If anything, it would have merged with Canada and Mexico to form a new country called the North American Union, or something. Or maybe, Panem (as seen in the “Hunger Games”).
#17: Are you always this melodramatic? Get a grip.
Kirk’s message may have once had meaning. These days, unfortunately, the U.S. government has become corrupt and oppressive. The United States is a pretty vile place now, and those words have no real meaning since the government no longer practices the concepts behind them. It’s only a matter of time before the United States goes the way of EVERY empire throughout history. It’s inevitable. Americans are living on borrowed time at this point.
Beh, United States of America is not the roman empire, the spanish empire, or the british empire. United States is a great nation. A nation who likes liberty and hates tyranny. As the great patriot said (George the third): «Give us liberty or give us death»
The world needs a powerful America, because only America wants to defend liberty with the last full measure of sacrifice..American foes are living on borrowed time…
Ok, I’m a huge fan of Captain America, too.
#20: That rhetoric hasn’t described the United States in decades. The U.S. is a complete mess now, and most countries around the world view it with disdain since it constantly fails to live up to its enormous potential by a hundredfold. The American government is run by big businesses now, and all they care about is money. If that weren’t true, it would never have started an illegal war in Iraq.
There is no occasion — even July 4th — for watching any piece of this horrible episode.
Beh, anti American proganda. Sadam was a genocidal killer, and the war was made by a coalition of free countries. America is view with disdain by the foes of the liberty, oks, they are legion. No matter. They can not destroy the land of braves, we have our faith, liberty, constitution and civil rights…this great power will prevail because the human spirit wants to be free and hates jailers. USA is the key of the liberty, and around the world, who loves liberty loves America…and Star Trek.
#23: That was ridiculously un-self-aware. There has never been a time throughout the past two centuries when the rest of the world has looked upon the United States as badly as it does right now. Ever since the U.S. invaded Iraq without provocation–Hussein had NOTHING whatsoever to do with 9-11 and had no weapons of mass destruction–it’s been all downhill. Even many American allies see the U.S. through different eyes now. To say that whoever loves liberty loves America is wrong on several fronts. First, a lot of liberties have been infringed in the U.S. in recent years. Second, if you think the world loves the United States, you need to get out more–you’d be floored at how wrong that sentiment is if you traveled abroad. Third, there is no country called America. It’s called the United States. Fourth, people who have lived in EVERY empire to date have thought theirs would prevail. None ever has. The U.S. is a mere baby, in terms of how long it has existed compared to other empires historically–and, yet, it has already reached the point that many of the others reached near the end. There’s a huge amount of disharmony between the lower and upper classes. The middle class is disappearing. Civil rights are being trampled upon left and right. And the cracks in the system are becoming chasms, thanks to the actions taken by religious zealots, warmongers, bigots and big business. The end is near. It’s just a matter of time, and the rest of the world is waiting for it to happen.
@18 (BatlethInTheGroin): Well, I WAS in the drama club back in high school…
@18 (BatlethInTheGroin): And just like the US government in “The Omega Glory”, the Yangs and the Khoms lost their way, by ignoring the principles that made America an inspiration everywhere. But as Kirk infers, just because a people have lost their way, that doesn’t mean that the ideas are no good. It’s too bad your cynicism have blinded you to this, or to the opportunity to make right what went wrong. It’ll take work, but it is doable.
#25: I hear ya’, man. Sadly, though, the people are pretty powerless to fix the clusterfrack that the United States has become. The only people who ever run for high office are part of the same political machine that has been destroying the country for decades. That’s why things are no different under Obama than they were under Bush–because neither of them gives a crap about the American people, and because both of them are in the back pocket of big business. The same will be true of the next president, and the next, and the next. Congress, meanwhile, is FILLED with amoral a-holes who care only about lining their pockets, and that’s not going to change either. The Supreme Court, meanwhile, is a complete joke. So yeah, the system’s too broken to fix at this point. A tipping point has been passed, and the end is coming.
Without provocation? His dictatorship was the weapon of mass destruction. His dictatorship and imperialism was a provocation. He killed 2 millions, 2 millions, muslims, kurds …and He was protected by his friends in NU, China, a dictatorship, Russia, pure imperialism, Syria…oh, yes, and France and Germany with socialist goverments…NU defending dictatorships, as always.
United States hates tyranny.
I know ,around the world, good people loves America and the rabbel hates it.
Because they hate democracy, And America is the symbol, the paladin of the democracy. America and Israel. Thugs hate cops, honest men, do not. They know cops are to protect and serve them.
Maybe you hate your country, maybe your prefer Cuba, Venezuela or Iran.
Your choice, America is a free country.
We are the people, United States of America. And we have a power and a responsability. We say, no in our watch, tyrant, no in our watch. Remember: we have a Hulk.
NO! Watch this instead for some Star Trek Fourth of July action!
@27. Oscar
You have a simplistic view of the world & the role of the United States in it.
“He killed 2 millions, 2 millions, muslims, kurds …”
And that happened between 1986 and 1989, both Regan & Bush did nothing at that time.
“United States hates tyranny. ”
Get real, The United States supported tyranny from all over the world since the Cold War.
Augusto Pinochet, Idriss Déby, Manuel Noriega, Islam Karimov, Ferdinand Marcos, Mobutu Sese Seko, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, Saddam Hussein, Haile Selassie, Meles Zenawi, Hosni Mubarak, Anwar Sadat, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Yoweri Museveni & many others.
“I know ,around the world, good people loves America and the rabbel hates it. Because they hate democracy, And America is the symbol, the paladin of the democracy. America and Israel.”
You know, it is might be a good idea for you to take a trip to the Middle East or Latin America, see the real world. While you are in Israel, please pass by the West Bank & Gaza Strip to see the beauty of the Israeli democracy!
#29: I’ve just realized you’re trolling. No one could possibly be that naive about the world works. First of all, the United States isn’t even a democracy–it’s a republic. If you actually cared about the U.S. as much as you claim, you’d be aware of that. So it’s obvious, then, that you’re only pretending to be how you’re presenting yourself.
Dear friends, I recommend that we cool the political rhetoric before it gets out of hand. Politics can bring out the worst in many people and people say things in the heat of passion that they may not mean.
Let’s take Kirk’s speech in the way it was intended — as an idealistic statement that the audience is supposed to agree with at the time it was broadcast. We can all disagree with one another about various things, but let that not divide us. Now is not really the time nor is this the place for that.
Happy Independence Day!
I’m American, but I still found that speech silly and over the top. That whole episode didn’t make any sense. Why would their be Americans and Soviets on another planet? It made even less sense than the planet of modern ancient Romans (with its silly Jesus is awesome message at the end).
#33 Hat Rick, I nominate you as a Federation diplomat and I mean that as the highest praise not an insult like the diplomat in “A Taste of Armageddon.” And even then, that guy was right in his way. Kudos.
I am trying, my friend, maybe we need something like AA meetings for battling Trek fans.
“Hi, I’m IDIC Lives and I fell off the wagon…”
“But OTOH, I shall not bow to mediocrity…”
“But that makes me a real prick.”
I might have to start talking to myself around here. I salute Dr. McCoy!
United States is the people , a goverment is only a tool. People can change the tool. But the people , the Idea, is the Nation.
Middle East? The only democracy is Israel. And they are an ally. Yes, Obama, they are our ally…you should not forget it.
Latín America? Its worst enemy is the chavismo, the communism, the populism, Fidel Castro and friends.
I have a simplistic view because a tyranny is a very simplistic thing. You fight or you surrender.
America destroyed nazism, stalinism, fascism , America saved democracy, America saved Europe. America must be proud, Americans must be proud . Americans must not say «I’ m american, sorry, I’m guilty» They should say «Yes, I’m american, and I am proud». But anti american propanganda is a cancer . This cancer is killing America.
Our soldiers are freedom fighters, Not mercenaries. We are not the new Reich, we are good people, our soldiers are good people. We are not angels, because no one is an angel, or maybe man is a killer angel, we have our share of deadly sins, to be sure, but we are the only country defending liberty and democracy, yesterday, today, tomorrow, we Watch the Wall, because only we want watch the Wall, the prize is the blood of our boys…Our sins will be acquited, because our sacrifice is huge. America needs faith, neither sarcasm nor cynism, and of course no needs self flagellation.
@36. Oscar
Maybe you are trolling us as BatlethInTheGroin suggested, but dude, you put Goebbels to shame with your propaganda.
Because TOS was very much into the parallel Earth theory or whatever they called it. Really though, they used existing sets and costumes for budget reasons. This is why we got Roman world, gangster world, west world, etc.
2. IDIC Lives! – July 4, 2014
Do you remember during production of ST09 how Shatner was making some remark to the press every week about JJ not wanting him in the movie or not taking his calls or however he phrased it?
Shatner wanted in ST09 big time.
It killed him that Nimoy was in the movie and he wasn’t!
There weren’t Americans and Soviets on another planet. There were Yangs and Kohms.
I see this story as an allegory about what was happening at the time the episode was made, ie the cold war between the US and Soviet Union (and the US having troops in Vietnam fighting the North Vietcong). It was about the fact that the Yangs had forgotten, did not understand, the import of their “holy words” and this is what Kirk explained and reminded them about.
I think that Gene Roddenberry felt that the preamble (as well as the Constitution itself) were either being ignored or misrepresented and through the character of Kirk, sought to remind any US viewer watching of the preamble and how noble it was to aspire to. He saw that there was a lot of talk but not much in the way of genuine understanding and walking the way of the words.
I may have misunderstood this, but I do recall Chris Pine mentioning that he had only watched the first season of TOS all the way through (Abrams’ homework for Chris – if only the homework I got had been that cool!) and yet referred to this scene of Shatner reading part of the US Constitution as “*only the Shat could”…LOL!
(I had the impression that he was referring to Shatner offering a unique version of a way to say those words)
Dear, dear CP – The Omega Glory was an episode from the second season…LOL
* or words to that effect.
Trolling? I’m an american who loves his country, who loves democracy, civil rights and The constitution…and you say I’m a nazi…? American soldiers crashed nazism, American blood.. This is American in an american website can not defend his country? The independence day? Why? Because a couple of anti Americans think America is an evil empire? Maybe you should visit the american cementeries in NORMANDY…American soldiers and their last full measure of sacrifice, there are a lot of sacred cementeries full of american soldiers. Around the world…..You should respect their memory.
The independence day is a special day , americans remember our origins, our legacy ,our roots, and our heroes. Can you understand it?
oscar – “but we are the only country defending liberty and democracy, yesterday, today, tomorrow”
It is statements like this that get people from other countries pissed off and rightly so. Other countries also defend liberty and democracy (as you put it) and have done so wherever and to whatever extent they are able.
America did not alone save Europe. In fact, the only reason America entered WW2 was because the Japanese bombed their naval base at Pearl Harbour, Hawaii. Britain (along with its allies – Canada, Australia, NZ and others) were battling Nazism pretty much by themselves, whilst the US got rich on selling the much needed armaments and other supplies that Britain and her allies needed to stop Germany from actually being able to invade and occupy Britain, turning it into another Nazi state.
There were Americans who were asking that the US intervene and send troops to help Britain with its fight but they were ignored. Many of those able to fight left the US and joined the British military in order to fight what they could see was a terrible tyranny. The rest of the US just got rich, until Pearl Harbour…
Please, Oscar – you have said more than enough, about everything re your views on BR Star Trek and about the US being the only country interested in being and maintaining any kind of genuine liberty, democracy, human rights for the peoples of this earth.
I am offended as a New Zealander who hears stories about NZ servicemen who fought in those wars alongside other bigger nations in order to preserve a vestige of genuine humanity for themselves and for their children.
The sheer ignorance and arrogance…
@IDIC Lives!, 35, thanks for that! I could do a lot worse than be a Federation diplomat.
@41. Oscar
“Because a couple of anti Americans think America is an evil empire?”
The United States is not an evil empire, it is a superpower that care only about its own interests. There is nothing wrong with that, but please, don’t make it like American powers are used for the good of the people of Earth!
yeah such and bad episode,however happy 4 th of July to you Americans
@pilotfred, 45, thank you!
I referred to Phil Plait in another thread just now, and so I naturally Googled him to see what the Bad Astronomer was up to. Well, he’s still up to his old tricks of disspelling misconceptions about astronomy, which is awesome, of course. But very relevantly, Mr. Plait has posted an article about a patriotically colored comet! You can see his post (scroll down one article) at his new home on the Slate website. (He used to have his own website, and then migrated to Discover; now he’s with Slate.)
Beh, last speech.
The decisive power in WW I , WW 2 …was America.
Europe is not a nazi Garden thanks to America. And The Pacific is not a nippon lake thanks to America. British and Commonwealth nations fight was heroic…but not a decisive fight. And the communism, a totalitarian power, is not now Master and Commander thanks to America. South Korea is a democracy thanks to America, and North Korea is a hell because America could not save it…
Yes, americans powers are mainly used for good of the people of Earth.
47. Oscar – July 4, 2014
Yes, americans powers are mainly used for good of the people of Earth.
FDR saw that Hitler was a serious global threat and was pushing for the US to get into WWII in 1939 or 1940, particularly to help Britain in her fight against the Nazis, but the American people were strongly opposed. It wasn’t until after the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor 3 years into WWII that the American people were finally willing to enter the war.
You’re obviously also ignoring all of the self-serving meddling and evil that the US govt perpetrated in Central and South America (Guatemala, Chile…) in the 20th Century. We overthrew popularly elected leaders and installed evil tyrants in their stead, simply because American corporations could make more money with the evil tyrants in power. We did the same in the Middle East, propping up evil tyrants like Saddam Hussein and arming Al Qaida, in order to “triangulate” and play one country or faction against another—Iraq vs. Iran, Al Qaida vs. USSR. The US and UK orchestrated the overthrow of the popularly elected leader of Iran in service to our own interest in Iran’s oil. We propped up Noriega in Panama and Hussein in Iraq until they stopped doing what we told them to do.
At any rate, I trust the point has been made regarding the effect of US foreign policy upon the “people of Earth.”
Happy Independence Day! :-)
Here is a peace offering for all Star Trek fans. THIS is the magic!
I do know that there were many Americans (including senators and the president himself) who wanted their country to help fight the Nazis, but they were largely ignored, until… it is interesting that the US seemed more democratic then, as the president did not ignore the will of the majority at that time, which he could have done, as Commander-in-Chief…hmmm
The US, like many nations, is quite self-serving, only standing up for the rights of others, when it is in US interests to do so and not doing so, when there is little or no political or financial gain to be had by doing so.
Unfortunately, it is not only its genuine allies who see this facet, but also the enemies, many of whom do not even pay lip service to furthering human rights (esp. rights of the human female), freedom of speech, freedom of religious expression or the right not to adhere to any etc… It is not good.
Oscar – you stepped on a mine here. I suggest that you remain silent, lest you learn more truth than you can obviously handle.