Orci Joins Power Rangers Movie Creative Team


Roberto Orci is currently co-writing the script for the 2016 Star Trek movie, but he has other projects going like the new TV series Matador (premiering tonight). And he just added another project to his plate – helping bring The Power Rangers back to the big screen. Details below.

Orci joins Power Rangers movie

According to an exclusive report in The Hollywood Reporter, Roberto Orci has joined the creative team for the upcoming Lionsgate Power Rangers film. Orci will be executive producing the film and be developing the story with X-Men First Class writers Ashley Miller and Zack Stentz, Miller and Stenz will then pen the script on their own.

According to THR, the new movie will "completely re-envision the Rangers, a group of high school kids who are infused with unique and cool super powers but must harness and use those powers as a team if they have any hope of saving the world."

The Power Rangers franchise began in the 90s with a children’s TV series "Mighty Morphin Power Rangers," that mixed english-speaking footage and footage from an earlier Japanese TV series "Super Sentai." The series has spawned multiple TV shows since, including the currently running Power Rangers Megaforce. There were also two modest budget feature films: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997). That second film was a financial disappointment, grossing less than $10 M.

Trailer for 95’s Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie

The Power Rangers film is the first new feature film Orci has joined through his new Sneaky Shark production company – formed after he and his longtime writing and producing partner Alex Kurtzman went their separate ways for feature films (they still work together through their K/O Paper Products company on TV projects).

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I hope they don’t change a single thing from the 1995 movie.

Oh, for the love of………how about doing ONE thing at a time and doing it WELL?

#2 Mr. Ballz

Why do I get the feeling there are several barrels of money buried in the desert, a crushed RV, scores of corpses, and copious notes on chemistry… all trailing behind Orci.

Sir, PLEASE focus. Stop saying yes to the latest zeppelin full of dough until you have some of these projects completed.

Congratulations, Bob!

@2. Harry Ballz

Jack of all trades, master of none!

@4. CmdrR

“Sir, PLEASE focus. Stop saying yes to the latest zeppelin full of dough until you have some of these projects completed.”

To be fair, he did say no to ASM 3 & left the project last week.

…now THIS is more his speed! =D

I’m not a HUGE fan of Power Rangers, but hope he doesn’t screw it up… =(

GO, GO, POW-er RAN-gers!! =D

How underwhelming.

After ASM 2, Mr. Orci was very, very smart to move away from ASM 3.

Methinks G. Del Toro Disease is catching in Hollywood. How many projects are too many?

Like HB said above, “Oh, for the love of………how about doing ONE thing at a time and doing it WELL?”

I think Mr. Orci will do well with his Trek script. I have faith. As long as it’s not a John Logan “let’s be a fanboy about everything AND the kitchen sink” in this production…


Okay, Ahmed, I’ll bite. Is that comment directed at me or Orci?

@10. Harry Ballz

Orci. He is THE Jack of all trades in Hollywood, not that it a bad thing by itself but the amount of different projects that he works on at the same time is insane.

Sorry, I don’t have kids at home anymore. A darker, conspiracy driven MMPR movie is of no interest…..

The baddie will be a large robotic Khan.
Played by Sam Worthington.

Ugh…not again. That last movie was WRETCHED!!!!

Transformers, Gijoe trek and now Power Rangers, next year, He Man and his pals movie…ah, mr Copycat…and mindless action movies …a love story…
And this boy is the Supreme Courtr of ST…

Sorry, Gene, future is not what you wanted

No offence to any Orci fans, but this project is more defiantly his speed and level of competence.
The Power Puff Girls should be his next gig.

18. The Keeper – July 15, 2014

“Power Puff girls” thanks for the laugh but Orci is a guy and a Bronie so its M.L.P. for the next movie

Are we doing this again?

Gotta agree with Mr Ballz here (and I rarely do). Quality over Quantity, Mr Orci. Spreading himself around like he does, none of the projects he’s involved in, end up being of particularly high quality. Star Trek Into Darkness being a notable example, seeing as half the movie was a ripoff on Wrath of Khan.

I have but one tip to Mr Orci, for “Star Trek 3” (technically Star Trek 13, which does not bode well):


Hollywood’s capacity to turn anything with a recognizable brand name into a summer blockbuster never ceases to amaze me. I’m looking forward to “Snuggies: The Movie” or “The Revenge of Alf”. Maybe Orci can write those as well, I just hope he finds a franchise suited to his level of writing talent, which is none.

@22. Well, they will turn it into a movie. I doubt anyone is thinking this is blockbuster material….

But your OK with me calling bob orci one of these.http://www.theamericanconservative.com/articles/rise-of-the-bronies/

But legitimate criticism that reflects what is already being said is to much for you. So given an option you would rather see Bob as a Bronie doing things like this “Yeah, I’m a Bronie”Fist-bumps are exchanged and both say; “Bro-hoof”. Dressed up like this. http://www.google.com.au/imgres?imgurl=http://wac.450f.edgecastcdn.net/80450F/rock967online.com/files/2013/03/bronie.jpg&imgrefurl=http://rock967online.com/this-bronie-is-why-nobody-takes-your-hobby-seriously/&h=477&w=640&tbnid=e9UyXc95AsqFOM:&zoom=1&docid=0zDQ0aU-oakGdM&ei=mBbGU62QFcXLsASN0YH4DQ&tbm=isch&client=firefox-a

So my question is what are you moderating for? Iv never had a problem with bad language as being a reason I see it other posts. And being insulting of Bob Orci is Ok because you didn’t have a problem with the M.L.P. joke in post. (look at the picture again)

19. Son of Jello – July 15, 2014

18. The Keeper – July 15, 2014

“Power Puff girls” thanks for the laugh but Orci is a guy and a Bronie so its M.L.P. for the next movie

(look at the picture again)

Seeing that got thru and is Ok you need to allow my post about “Whats up Bob” Its funny topical and gets to the point. There is no reason not to post it.

How unimportant.

Great another franchise with decades of history that he can f__k up. Good luck with that bob.

Power Rangers

“completely re-envision the Rangers, a group of high school kids who are infused with unique and cool super powers but must harness and use those powers as a team if they have any hope of saving the world”

Star Trek

“completely re-envision the Enterprise crew, as group of high school kids who are infused with cool but must work as a team if they have any hope of saving the world”

You just don’t give a sh-t do you?

Power Ranger

The Power Rangers franchise began in the 90s with a children’s TV series “Mighty Morphin Power Rangers,” that mixed english-speaking footage and footage from an earlier Japanese TV series “Super Sentai.” The series has spawned multiple TV shows since, including the currently running Power Rangers Megaforce. There were also two modest budget feature films: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995) and Turbo: A Power Rangers Movie (1997). That second film was a financial disappointment, grossing less than $10 M

Star Trek

The Star Trek franchise began in the 60s with a children’s TV series “Star Trek TOS,” that mixed english-speaking aliens and people and ideas from an earlier American TV series “Wagon Train.” The series has spawned multiple TV shows since, including the currently canceled Enterprise . There were also six modest budget feature films: Star Trek: The Movie (1979) and Star trek the wrath of Khan (1982). That second film was a financial success, grossing more than $78 M.

See what I did there Bob? I did jack sh-t.

I actually think this guy has a list of things that I enjoy and is systematically setting out to ruin them one by one. Perhaps this is a paranoid delusion or perhaps it’s true but Star Trek, Spider-Man and now Power Rangers, what’s he going to tackle next?

Also, nice to see that he’s still signing up for every project going without giving any real care or attention to any of them. I can see why he keeps getting hired because for some reason his dreck makes money but they’re rarely critically acclaimed or really enjoyed by many who actually see them. He writes soulless, formulaic garbage that is easily forgettable. I wonder what “ideas” he’ll bring to the table on Power Rangers, I’m actually terrified of the prospect. He couldn’t even remember that Kirk was born in space on that movie that he wrote.

In short, I don’t like this guy and don’t want him working on anything. At least Spider-Man is now safe from him, there’s a small victory.

‘Creative team’

there’s a laugh. Have fun at the sausage factory.

He has not «ideas», he is not even a mediocre creator, he is a copypaster, an arrogant copycat…and intolerant, if you say his script is pure garbage, he insults you…fan buy ticket, he insults fans …( cheer leaders not included).

Sideshow Bob…

He, you know, he is only Sideshow Bob

#22. NCC-1701-LOLZ – July 15, 2014

Now you’ve done it. Haven’t you ever heard the old Hollywood dictum, “If you say it out loud, they will steal it.”?

Next, STAR TREK movie is going where they’ve never gone before: Melmac.

Wow, this might make a profit of a single dollar.

Whatever happened to the View-master movie?

@29. Boy, you must be patting yourself on the back, complementing yourself on how clever you are….

Tell you what, seeing how you seem to be marginalizing the work producers, writers, and directors do, why don’t you put your money where your mouth is and try it yourself? If, as you say, it’s all ‘cut and paste’, you should be a master at this. It’s time to put up or shut up.

You’ve already been warned for trolling, so go ahead, keep calling posters here who don’t quite agree with your view of current AND FUTURE Trek cheerleaders. Flaming other commentators isn’t looked kindly upon, either.

Hey, Orci is making hay for himself and his family while the sun shines. Can hardly blame a man for that. But we really need him to not fcuk the next Trek up. I don’t give a crap for Mighty Morphin Powered Spiders or whatever the hell other cartoon crap he wants to do as long as he gets Trek right.

There are a lot of people here that think they’re funny, but they are actually proving that they are pathetic losers. Yeah, you know who you are. How about getting back to us when you have something constructive to add to the conversation instead of repeating the same old, same old, blah blah blah, yada yada, etc.

@36. Mike Barnett

Why so angry ? You should listen to Master Yoda & relax!

Yoda: “Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering.”

Yoda: “Beware of the dark side. Anger, fear, aggression; the dark side of the Force are they. Easily they flow, quick to join you in a fight. If once you start down the dark path, forever will it dominate your destiny, consume you it will”

May the force be with you :-)

34. Copy that.

38 boborci

I’m glad you said that…

38. boborci

“Copy that”

No sh-t Bob, Can you do anything else?



40. Yes.

It’s funny how “copy that” rhymes with “copy cat”.

Just sayin’………………….

REMINDER: All TrekMovie commenters should show respect for each other. Be they famous or not

Also posting all the copy from articles from other sites is not allowed

Yep, but a good burn is a good burn. He kinda walked into that one.

45. True:)

34. Buzz Cagney – July 16, 2014

He may have meant that literally.

Bob goes to a studio and pitches this

Its about this guy who is kinda a teenage James Cagney. And he has these ideas for a movie and he uses the “internet” so he would have his own computer, lap top and at least 2-4 isomthings. And because he is some kind of tech kinda nerd they walk everywhere so lot of billboards. And hes got a bit of the Cpt Kirk about him when it comes to women http://ts1.mm.bing.net/th?&id=HN.608033581101351395&w=300&h=300&c=0&pid=1.9&rs=0&p=0 like in this scene.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VuIShM5kAQ&feature=kp “a little nod to my ST fans he thinks quietly to himself”.

Now he has established a relationship and has a girlfriend things start to happen. He makes contact with of all people a “Movie Producer” they begin talking on “the internet” and they both have the same ideas for a movie and they go on to make it and they become rich and famous and doted on by everyone. And its got robots that turn into aliens and f–king explode for no god damned reason randomly thru out the movie.

Studio. Can we ditch the plot and story and have him just control the robots with his computers and phones. Who did you say was playing the girlfriend.

Bob. F–k I dont care its not even my idea I just know where your office is.

Studio: here bob have some money

Is that what you were saying yes to.

Kurtzman is working on relaunching Universal monster movies, Orci is not involved anymore after the breakup with Kurtzman.

Here is the link according to the new rule :-)

Universal Taps Alex Kurtzman, Chris Morgan To Relaunch Classic Movie Monster Franchises


Here’s an article from last year, an interview with Damon Lindelof, that gives some insight in how blockbuster movies are written today. It contains such gems as this:

“It sounds sort of hacky and defensive to say, [but it’s] almost inescapable,” he continues. “It’s almost impossible to, for example, not have a final set piece where the fate of the free world is at stake. You basically work your way backward and say, ‘Well, the Avengers aren’t going to save Guam, they’ve got to save the world.’ Did Star Trek Into Darkness need to have a gigantic starship crashing into San ­Francisco? I’ll never know. But it sure felt like it did.”


#48. Ahmed – July 16, 2014

It’s not new. It has always been the rule not to copy the an ENTIRE whole copyrighted article and paste it up in comments. We have to follow the same excerpting rules as they do in this chain’s article and the blue boxed excerpts they use in others. Just follow their articles’ leads on this and you will do fine.

37. Ahmed

Sorry, I didn’t mean to come off angry. I just am tired of people taking the same cheap shots – – over and over again. It’s just a few bad actors that give Trekmovie a bad name, but I guess everyone has a right to their own opinion.

I feel better now after my meditation session!