Today, Paramount Home Video announced details about a mail-in-rebate offer for their upcoming “Star Trek:The Compedium” Blu ray release. More after the jump.
Star Trek: The Compendium Rebate Offer
As was announced previously, the studio will release “Star Trek: The Compendium”, a 4-disc set that will include all the retailer exclusive content for Star Trek Into Darkness, the IMAX version of the film, and the special edition Blu-ray discs for the 2009 Star Trek film.
Last fall’s home video release of Star Trek Into Darkness was controversial amongst many fans due to the dizzying amount of retailer exclusives, which forced fans to buy multiple versions of the film in order get all the VAM (Value Added Material) created for the film. Fans complained, and Paramount Home Video has listened. Today the studio announced a $5 mail-in rebate program for those purchased either Star Trek or Star Trek Into Darkness during their initial release. The details, including the rebate form itself, can be found HERE.
Amazon has added a pre-order for the new Blu-ray set: Star Trek: The Compendium [Blu-ray], currently listed for $33.99.
TrekMovie will have a full review of the set closer to it’s release.
Any fan who buys this just approves of the way they piecemeal this item together. If you were upset about buying multiple copies of the same movie, and then buy the movie with all the special features in one; YOU are the idiot.
So, we can buy the same disappointing film plus more material? Good god… we were not born yesterday.
What’s that line from Animal House as the pledges are being paddled on the ass?
Already Bought Into Darkness 4 Times but thanks anyway Paramount!
$5 is hardly enough to make up for the money some of us already spent on these two films (although anyone dumb enough to pay for multiple copies of Into Darkness just to get the extras that they should have KNOWN would be compiled onto one set…well…you know who you are…and it looks like some of you have made your presence known already!). However, it’s a start & good enough for me as one who happens to own only ONE copy of the second film. I’m looking forward to those extras that I NEVER saw because I was intelligent enough not to be baited into buying more than one copy. We saw the film on sale at Amazon, so we didn’t pay much for it to begin with & figure it was good enough till they eventually made this inevitable set available. Also looking forward to see the all new extras added to this release exclusively. Have fun with your four other copies, people.
Kid behind the counter: “Yes, sir, one crap sandwich. Would you like to pay extra to super-size that?”
#3 Harry, LOL
Judging from what folks have spent, I’d say $25-$35 would be about right.
I never liked Into Darkness, so I won’t be purchasing a copy of it. I have the Special Edition 2009 blu-ray, I am happy with that! :D
Is this what Star Trek fans are nowadays? Whining and crying little babies who are getting so bent out of shape over a movie? You do kind of give the rest of us a bad name…
I will likely get a DVD copy of the third movie as I have done with the last two films.
Perhaps they will release a Compendium of all three movies with all the extra bits and that will do me. This would the case especially if a fourth movie does not get announced because BR contract to Paramount to make three movies is completed and no new negotiations have taken place with Bad Robot or any other production company to make another Star Trek film.
edit: trying to think of the right word. The more appropriate word is “fulfilled”, not “completed”, as in “…make three movies if FULFILLED…”
I bought one copy and was very angry at the splitting of special features. I already have a copy of Star Trek 2009 and they want me to buy another along with STID and the features, which should have been released in a special format? What a bunch of *********. Anyways, I’ll think about it. I saw the deleted scenes on you tube, so maybe not! Besides, I want to save my money for Batman 66 coming out on bluray in November. I have been waiting for that for years.
Also, paramount needs to put out Star Trek Special Collectors Edition on bluray. I’m not buying repackaged theatrical versions, Paramount! Until you release them, I am happy with my DVD’s.
Admittedly, I’m one of the idiots who will need to use this rebate… STID did, if nothing else, LOOK pretty darn good.
Those two movies are Star Trek in name only.
It hurts to watch them.
I’ve seen fan films with more soul, so I’ll pass…thanks.
Snagged the 2009 movie off eBay for less than $10 (bought the single-disc by accident :p), never bought STID cause I mean really?…oh yeah this set was made for me. ^_^
I am one of the very rare examples of people who absolutely love the JJ-verse Trek films. I have the special edition Steelbook BluRay of the 2009 film and have Into Darkness in many BluRay versions; 2 steelbooks, one of which is 3D, the other was an Amazon UK exclusive and then another from Sainsburys with an extra disc of special features (but still not ALL of them).
Now, I have to admit, I would buy this compendium in a heartbeat, but unfortunately, it’s only available in the USA. I even considered importing it here to Northern Ireland, but the discs themselves seem to be locked to Region A (North America only), and we can only use Region B. So I must wonder why they’re not releasing it in the UK.
At least, regardless of if this set should have been released last year or not, you are getting this and $5 in the US. Here in the UK we are getting nothing. We haven’t had any of the single TNG blu ray disc releases with extra features either apart from BOBW. So Paramount is only doing “the right thing” for some countries and not everywhere. We were as equally screwed in the UK with different retailers having exclusive extras too.
The rebate is to have a professional Wrestler of your choice, one of the big ones, to come to your home and give you one very good very hard punch in the face.
There’s your rebate!
And btw, I can honestly and happily say that I did not buy or own ANY version of In Darkness.
@16 Not rare. I loved it too. Complainers always have more of a ‘voice’ than those who liked something. It’s why protest parties often do well in local elections (in the UK) but then fall by the wayside in the real thing.
There was a poll on this website where the majority liked the film. Also, just check out the box-office haul and the overwhelmingly positive reviews on Rotten Tomatoes where is has a 90% fresh rating. It’s also done real well on home media despite the multiple releases of the film. It was the 3rd best selling film of last year for digital downloads.
I’m old enough to remember the poor reception that TNG was given back in the day. I’ll always remember people slagging off ‘Data’ as being a stupidly obvious name for an android, hating the kid and complaining about a bald and shouty captain. Not to mention that they ripped it for being derivative! Now that series is a beloved classic, in much the same way that these films will one day become.
Wait, you have to buy it again and you get $5 back? That’s utterly ridiculous, they should be giving this away free.
Also, if you live anywhere but the US you get squat, thanks a bunch Paramount!
I like both films a lot and it would have been nice to have all the Into Darkness bonus features and IMAX release, but there is no way I can justify buying these films again, especially with only a measly five dollar rebate. Obviously its more than most companies offer when asking fans to double dip, but still. This is too little, too late, Paramount. Should have just given us a quality release from the start.
So no Compendium for downunder either. Even if I managed to order this through, it would only play on region 1 blu-ray players or ones that are multi-regional. Australia/NZ is region 4, and even if I did get a blu-ray player, I would not be able to afford one that is multi-regional.
Come on, stop this bs, Paramount.
3D version is still separate! LAME!!!
My brother bought the STID (maybe I should just call it STD because it was kinda sexy but I later regretted it) blu-ray which came with a DVD version that he gave to me. That’s all I need.
“Already Bought Into Darkness 4 Times”
Then you are a big part of the problem.
“Those two movies are Star Trek in name only.”
Oh, cry me a river, melodrama-boy.
“It hurts to watch them.”
So don’t. Most people like them.
I would disagree with this phrase from the article: “…which forced fans to buy multiple versions of the film….”
No one forced anyone to buy anything. If you don’t want Paramount/CBS to keep putting out these multiple versions, leave them on the shelf. Don’t encourage the behavior you’re trying to change.
Paramount just banked on die hard fans buying multiple copies – they took advantage of fans’ enthusiasm which is not unlike George Lucas pumping out different versions of Star Wars DVDs. For shame!
@29 – I’d imagine that Trek fans make up quite a small proportion of those people buying the discs.
The studios do this not to bash the fans but to make their retailers happy. retailers want to offer their customers special product perks and incentives for being loyal. Steelbook packaging, an exclusive poster, booklet, prop replica, action figure, badge or statuette? No problem! That’s awesome. But when you take actual disc-based special edition content and scatter it to the winds – and what’s more make it difficult for Blu-ray consumers to even find out about it until they walk into the store on street date – that really, really pisses them off.
This is happening on almost every major title now: Star Trek Into Darkness, Iron Man 3, Pacific Rim, Man of Steel, World War Z, Pain & Gain, Monsters University and on and on.
That Paramount are actually offering a rebate at all is pretty amazing.
@ 3. Harry Ballz – August 19, 2014
“What’s that line from Animal House as the pledges are being paddled on the ass?
So if you paid $20+ for one of the other versions I get a $5 discount for being jerked around. No thanks Paramount. Hopefully this is a sign that the retailer exclusives are going away.
25. I’m Dead Jim – August 20, 2014 “….(maybe I should just call it STD because it was kinda sexy but I later regretted it)”
That was very funny.
No WAY I’m buying this. My STID dvd is on par with a beer coaster in my house. Sorry I even bought that, actually.
No thanks, Paramount, I’m fine. I have a copy of ST09, and I don’t want STID.
I’ll be going for this, and selling my Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness Blu-rays.
It’s not a perfect situation, but it costs Paramount money to do this, and I appreciate that they want to make things right.
@ 34. OneBuckFilms – August 20, 2014
“It’s not a perfect situation, but it costs Paramount money to do this, and I appreciate that they want to make things right.”
That’s the spirit!
Paramount is a company & we all know that corporations are people :-)
And suddenly I feel terribly smart for NOT having bought STID from ANY retailer yet… oh wait, that was cause I didn’t like the movie that much…
Not so ironically, I read that as Star Trek: The Conundrum.
# 34. OneBuckFilms – August 20, 2014
” I’ll be going for this, and selling my Star Trek and Star Trek Into Darkness Blu-rays.” — OneBuckFilms
This is, of course, your option but I am surprised given how acceptable these films supposedly made STAR TREK to the mass market that more aren’t just using the old ones for gifts to friends and relatives who haven’t seen them?
@ Dave Creek
What I wrote was: “which forced fans to buy multiple versions of the film in order get all the VAM (Value Added Material) created for the film.” What I wrote is completely correct. If you wanted all the additional content, you were, in effect, FORCED to buy multiple copies. I was not, in any way, advocating fans go out and do just that.
Garbage promotion to make up for a garbage release for a garbage film.
Who wouldn’t want this, I’ll take it.
I have to still have my original receipt. That 5 dollar rebate asks a lot. It is way to much to ask for 5 dollars. I will pic this up years from now when Amazon has a sale.
@20. I’m old enough to remember the poor reception that TNG was given back in the day. I’ll always remember people slagging off ‘Data’ as being a stupidly obvious name for an android, hating the kid and complaining about a bald and shouty captain. Not to mention that they ripped it for being derivative! Now that series is a beloved classic, in much the same way that these films will one day become.
Well said. I love the nu trek too. In fact, I still think the criticism for TNG is still valid.
Is this offer only valid in the US? What about international buyers?
5$ hahaha They’re really rude. Just sayin’ Postage to USA is $1.25 from Canada and, what, they want an original receipt? lol Good luck. Because I keep my receipts for movies I buy. Insane. This half-assed “listening” is worse than not trying at all.
I didn’t really care for STID but since I am a ridiculous Star Trek completist I would like to have it on DVD at the very least. But being one of those folks that likes the special features on discs I was completely turned off by the idea of having to buy different discs at different retailers.
This does nothing to make me want to go out and purchase STID. I think my own little form of protest will be to keep checking the pawn shops for a cheap used copy. In your face Paramount!
Who names these these…. “The Compendium”… really? It’s a box set of two movies with some special features for pity’s sake. Grr.
Also, don’t get me started on the idiocy of box sets of the first two movies of a planned trilogy (or more)…
these things*
Then they will come out with the Compendium with ST: 2009, STID and ST: 3.