The new Star Trek: The Compendium Blu-ray set was released today. And TrekMovie is giving away two copies. Find out how you can win one below.
Enter to win copy of Star Trek: The Compendium
Over the weekend TrekMovie reviewed Star Trek: The Compendium, which brings together both of JJ Abrams Star Trek movie in one Blu-ray set chock full of special features.
And now (courtesy of Paramount Home Entertainment) we are giving away two copies of the Star Trek: The Compendium Blu-ray set. To enter to win you just need to like our new Facebok page and click on the Giveways tab. Or you can use the embed below.
You must enter by midnight Thursday (Pacific). The two winners will be selected randomly and notified by email. Giveaway available to USA and Canada residents only.
Woot,,Im in to win,,
I win, right?!
Giveaway available to USA and Canada residents only.
This really moment ,was brought to you by
Reeeaaaalllllyyyyyyyy !!
Free? Well………………..ok.
“Giveaway available to USA and Canada residents only”
I went and liked their facebook page for nothing!
What does the loser get? 2 copies. :-)
d’oh! good thing i hate nu-trek =D (i don’t do facebook) =P
Bought it today. Can’t wait to check out the IMAX Into Darkness!
This would really good sitting next to my B-Ray player for all time.
Once again, someone disenfranchises those of us who choose not to have a Facebook page. If this were a brand, I’d stop buying. If this were a store, I’d stop shopping there.
There’s a myriad of ways to conduct a contest without shutting out people because they value their privacy. Figure it out.
6. Michael Hall – September 9, 2014
What does the loser get? 2 copies. :-)
if i win, i’ll give it away after i copy the disc with the deleted scenes/outtakes. that’s all i want.
Free? Really?
I want money for my copy!!!
I know I shouldn’t bitch too much about not being eligible to get something for nothing…. But as someone who does not have a Facebook account and has no intention of ever having one, “Like us on Facebook to enter!” contests always annoy the hell out of me.
I just wish there was an alternate way to enter for Facebook Luddites such as myself…
Entered. Though I’d have to buy a Blue-Ray….
OK I’m in damn it!
I so totally agree with you Yotsu! I hate Facefu…cra….book SO much it’s not even funny. But I do have an account though,just nothng there,no pics,no comments,no wall or whatever the heck they call it. And I don’t even have my real name there,only signed up ‘cos this kid wanted to stay in touch and show me pics and stuff. Hardly ever hear from him now so I should just go ahead and delete it,if that’s even possible.
I also hate Twitter,Instagram,and just about any other social media thing. And no,nothing to do with not being a social person,I love travelling around the US every summer and Christmas,meeting new people and having fun. Just don’t like the people in THIS country. And if people can’t just e-mail me,or txt or call,then it’s time to move on.
So of course,I can never enter these contests. Would be niice to win this though,but it’s cheap to buy so it’s ok,lol! I’d be grumbling more if it was some kinda exclusive promo stuff.
#10. ME!! – September 9, 2014
#14. Yotsuyasan – September 10, 2014
#17. JRT! – September 10, 2014
Currently debating with myself that if you haven’t already figured out the alternative, whether I should tell you and decrease the odds of winning?
To paraphrase Meyer: Game Theory, it is a difficult concept.
For those who don’t win, Fry’s Electronics has it on sale this week for $20 (and then add in the $5 rebate, so $15 total). Me? I shall await my winning entry. ;-)
While I saw the movie in 3D in the theater, I really would like to see the IMAX parts.
Sorry,I have a short attention span and have no idea what you’re talking about. LOL! But there are ALWAYS alternatives.
Is that why I love the last two movies? Short attention span? LOL!
What alternative is that, then? I had skimmed the terms and conditions, and didn’t see any mention of an alternative way to enter.
(Although the terms and conditions are very poorly written. “Open to legal residents of USA and Canada who are or older.” Older? Older then what? Are they saying only seniors can enter or something?)
ROFL! TOO funny! But hang on….don’t seniors have short attention spans? PERFECT!
#20. JRT! – September 10, 2014
I’m old enough that I could be the one misreading it but it seems to me:
“Or you can use the embed below.: – A P
Let’s you enter your email in the contest by just logging in?
#21. Yotsuyasan – September 10, 2014
See above
Well if I can do that,and they let me ship to a friend in the US if I win,then I would be all over this thing,lol!
Thanks for the link and info though. And if you enter,I hope you win.
I want to win! Trek movie rules?
And then when you log in, it says, “If you’re a fan on Facebook, you are entitled to a free entry.” And then it wants to know the name of your Facebook account. So, unless I am missing something, STILL no way to enter without having a Facebook account.
*Entered.* Hope I win. ^__^
#26. Yotsuyasan – September 10, 2014
So its official: I’m old. My apologies. Mea culpa.
I imagine Facebook then must be being used to determine contestants’ residency?
But in bigger news, there’s a FB page we can all go yell at each other at now.
Or, maybe not…
29. Phil – September 10, 2014
I thought the same thing.
Now, two venues in which to disagree about everything Trek!
Been on this site from almost the start. Easy for me to like it. Prise or no prise.
10, ME!!! Once again, someone disenfranchises those of us who choose not to have a Facebook page. If this were a brand, I’d stop buying. If this were a store, I’d stop shopping there.
WITH YOU THAR 100%. Thumbs down on FB.
I wish I could win by just registering on this site!
If FB is paying for this promotion, they could make 100+ copies available, could they not? But TWO?
To borrow from Yogi Berra, “Facebook? Nobody goes there anymore. It’s too crowded.”
There’s another contest at Trekcore, they aren’t asking for facebook.
This represents my entry. Simplest way to go. Roll 3d10s and pick that post.
For all those not on Facebook or not North American residents, it is time that we learned finally that the world begins and ends with Facebook and/or North America.
The rest of us must be, well, aliens. Do not the promoters have any idea just how this looks on the WORLDWIDE web?
My primordial reaction consists of two fists with second finger raised high above each fist…
Giving them away for free… seeing how it’s a shameless double dip anyway, I’d say free is a fair price.
Its my birthday so please pick me!
Funny, considering all the hate that Star Trek XI and XII get from the fanboys, I would have expected less entries. Especially around here.
FB does this kind of stuff all the time. THEY WANT YOU AND THEY WILL HAVE YOU, ONE WAY OR ANOTHER …
fight the power — just go buy the thing :-)
40. Marja – September 11, 2014
One of us…one of us…gooble gobble…we accept her…
#40. Marja – September 11, 2014
It might be futile but I join you in resisting the Face Borg.
Dear, bob orci.
Can we see great visuals in the warp speed fx this time around. The new Warp fx were nice in the previous two, but the darkness of the warp speed included too much dark matter for my tastes.
I suggest something more akin to the attached linky below…
I just think seeing the E at warp should include far more interesting 3D imagery.