May 2015

New Documentary Short “Our Star Trek: The Fifty Year Mission” Focuses on Fan Series Star Trek Continues

“Star Trek – it’s iconic, but many misunderstand its meaning,” quoth the creators of a documentary short released today entitled Our Star Trek: The Fifty Year Mission. What does Star Trek and the vision of creator Gene Roddenberry mean to fans that watch the series’ (old and new) in the modern era? That’s the question fueling the 10 minute film, which follows the cast and crew of the fan series Star Trek Continues. Hit the jump to watch the film.

Trekkies Ready their Costumes for Phoenix Comicon

Phoenix Comicon (PhxCC) is just around the corner, and Trekkies are deep into preparing their costumes for the big event. TrekMovie’s costuming expert Michael Nguyen talked with cosplayers from all over the Grand Canyon State to find out how they get Trekked out for the con. Whether they’re making costumes, commissioning them, or buying parts for them, one thing is clear: Trekkies from all over Arizona are busy gearing up for one of the biggest conventions in the Southwest.

Honor Your Favorite Redshirt On Memorial Day With These Classics

Marking the unofficial start of summer, Memorial Day is a holiday in the United States for honoring those who died serving in the Armed Forces. We don’t know if Starfleet has any such celebration, but it probably needs one – Memory Alpha exhaustively details the many, many Starfleet crew who died in the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th Centuries. But until we have an official Starfleet Memorial Day, we’d like to recommend the following five episodes to watch this weekend to honor the fallen Redshirts among us.

Wil Wheaton Beams Into Mission Log

Our friends at Mission Log are doing a wonderful job chronicling the development of the Star Trek philosophy, providing a detailed of each episode sequentially week after week. This week, however, they’ve added a “supplemental” with an exclusive almost two-hour interview with Wil Wheaton. The candid discussion focuses more on the young actor’s experience on the show in the 80s rather than some of the Wesley-bashing that came afterward, nerd-friendly ruminations about levelling up as a human, and Wheaton’s reactions to watching episodes nowadays.

Reflections On 10 Years of Trek-less TV

Once a franchise has been around as long as Star Trek – and seen so many highlights – the opportunity for milestones multiply like Tribbles on their honeymoon. 2012 was the 25th anniversary of TNG. 2013 was the 20th anniversary of DS9. This year is the 20th anniversary of VOY. Next year is the 50th anniversary of TOS. BUT TODAY is actually a milestone of a low-light: the 10th anniversary since a new episode of Star Trek aired on TV.