Take A Stunning 3D Tour of the TOS Enterprise Sets With Star Trek Continues and Matterport Technology


Ever wanted to walk through the Enterprise NCC-1701 in all its glory, just as it was when William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy walked its halls in the 1960s? Well now, thanks to Matterport, an immersive 3D scanning technology, and Star Trek Continues, whose sets are near-perfect replicas (in design and layout) of the 1960s TOS DesiLu sets, you can!

Walk The Halls of The Enterprise (no bloody A, B, C, or D)
Matterport, a Silicon Valley based startup, is bringing the world a new way to engage with interior spaces online. Often described as “Google Street View for inside spaces”, Matterport lets you walk through, zoom in on, and pan around virtual inside worlds like homes, libraries, and now the Big E. The 3D scans are captured with a specially designed Matterport camera, which combines sweeps of still images with a virtual 3D model of the space created from infrared data captured along with the visual stills and processed by Matterport servers. The Matterport rig is surprisingly easy to use and produces a fantastic result with little effort from the end-user.

Rick Mann, Senior Engineer at Matterport and huge Star Trek fan recently teamed up with Vic Mignogna and the Star Trek Continues crew to deploy his company’s tech at their Georgia-based studio (also shared with the Starship Farragut team). You can tour the bridge, walk the corridors, and even play around in the brand new engineering section. The scans start you off in the “doll house” view, giving you an overhead shot of everything captured by the cameras. You can then zoom in, walk around, and get immersed!

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That’s just cool…

Love this stuff. If only this was around when I was a kid. Oh well better late than never!

I feel like the little kid from The Incredibles:


Engineering doesn’t look quite right. Can’t put my finger on it. But I’m assuming they are in the process of building it and it’s not completed. I miss the big pieces on the right. I hope they are going to build the 2nd floor control room that looks out on Engineering. Always loved that perspective.


Dream come true. “Chewie, We’re home!”

Great presentation – Can’t believe how good it looks!

That is just awesome! Created some TOS episodes as a teen in the late 70’s using miniatures. Could never afford to build full size sets like this. Outstanding! It would be great if tours could somehow be made available. Could raise some funds. But, I’m sure the risk of damage and liability make this next to impossible. To Vic and everyone involved with Star Trek Continues, thank you for keeping the dream alive. Great work!

I rather enjoyed that!

Want more! Want more!!

And oh yeah-

Great stuff Mr. Mann. Thank you. And thanks Mr. Mignoga and co.

And as always-

Thanks Kayla!

That is cool. I still have Captain’s Chair which I run on an old PowerMac G4 specifically for that one purpose.

Don’t forget the genius that went into the cinematography.

Whoa. This is cool.

There are currently four bridge sets extant in the United States. I’ve been on two of them–and as a lifelong fan the feeling was just incredible, being immersed in the primary environment where so many of those wonderful stories played out. Fifty years on, what a tribute this is to Roddenberry, Jeffries, and the countless others who did their best given the resources at hand (and network and studio indifference) to finally get SF on television done right.

Makes me miss the Enterprise build that Jack Marshall and I (and others) worked on several years ago in Second Life. We had to reason out a lot of the internal spaces, including Doug Drexler’s Jefferies tube areas that were featured in ‘In a Mirror, Darkly’. Nice to see the engineering set, such as it is, has the arched crossbeams over the ceiling. I always figured it was near the top of the engineering hull, so I liked having those arches to give that semblance. As a 3D modeler and Star Trek fan (especially TOS), I love how much attention to detail they paid.

Much better than what I built as a kid with my parent’s living room furniture.

That’s very cool. I especially like that it’s a walkthrough of the SET. For me, seeing the gaps and imperfections, the lights and scaffolding and all the rest only adds to the magic. That’s what film-making is all about in my mind!

OT – Not sure where to put this

Two scifi franchises lost one of their biggest fans on 30 November at 4.57am (NZ time). He was Dave/Koro. He was 85 years old and he was my father-in-law. The cause of death was a subdural haematoma. We are still coming to terms with it…

Dave, or *Koro as we often called him, was a great Dr Who and Star Trek fan from way, way back. Just as my family and I sat down to watch TOS on a Thursday at 8.00pm and then on Saturday at 8.00 pm (in the 1960s), he was doing the same his two sons in a different part of Auckland. Later one of those sons became my husband and father of my three children.

In those days, he worked full time and studied at nights. However, Star Trek was the only TV programme (apart from the News) he would make time to watch (with his family). That says a lot about how much he liked the series.

Koro spoke fluent Maori and French as well and had started learning a little Mandarin (Chinese). At one time, a free-to-air TV channel presented news programmes and other from places like France and Germany – good stuff too! Koro always watch the French newscasts, spoken in French, as a way of keeping up his French language knowledge and because he was interested in what was going on in France. However, the channel no longer operates (or is no longer free-to-air) so Koro decided to watch Star Trek episodes on DVD in French.

A lovely memory I have is walking into the house, hearing that all too familiar TOS music, except that everyone was speaking French. The episode was “Spock’s Brain” and Koro was sitting there, quietly chuckling away as he watched…:)!

It was only a couple of weeks ago that I sat with him watching, en francais, TNG’s Drumhead. I learned a little French when I was younger but I could not understand much at all, but he did. That was OK though. In fact, it was more than cool.

My sons and I managed to get on DVD all the Star Trek TV episodes ever made and Koro did indeed watch episodes from all the series, sometimes in English, sometimes in French.

On Friday (28/11/15) he walked to the Remuera Library and back, which is about a mile away. That was nothing unusual. He would walk to the Auckland Museum (about 5? miles away) and sometimes walk back or catch a bus. He went to the museum last Tuesday. He had various health problems that came with age, but they were being managed. He had been slowing down, but not certainly out, not by a long shot.

Son Luke, who has been living with him for the past four years, is a bit more devastated than the rest of us. *Luke adored his Koro*!

Anyway, I just wanted to share for anyone interested…
*Koro is the Maori word for grandfather or elder.

Very sorry for your loss, Rose, he sounds like a great Trek fan and, no doubt, an even greater father and father-in-law. May you and your family find peace and comfort in the difficult days ahead.

Outstanding. What a great way to show the splendor of those sets to those that may not get a chance to see them in person. This technology is incredible. Fairly soon I’m sure, we’ll have holodecks that will then generate interactive 3-D sets!

So, how exactly does this differ from Quicktime VR? Back in the 90s there was an interactive TNG encyclopedia that had these great walkthroughs of the TNG sets.

Serious question, not snark.

I can’t wait for a TNG era fan film production! :)

Cool. First thing I did was pull out my copy of The Making of Star Trek (well, one of them) and compare and contrast with the original stage 9 layout of the sets on pages 144-145. This is great!

Very nice way to show of the sets. The tech is not really new – QuicktimeVR is very similar, you just have more points as it seems and a fade between them.
A little disappointed with their Engineering set – I thought it was a full set and not just one side. Although we rarely see the other side.

I told the New Voyages guys to do this in 2004 and they said ‘yeah maybe someday’. Looks like they’ve been beaten yet again, is there really any way that STC hasn’t trumped them?

Gonna be using this imagery for bluescreening in my own fanfilm btw, no hard feelings Vic.

Very beautiful and touching remembrance of your “Koro” Keachick. You and Trek were lucky to be part of his life.


Does not work. My browser is 3D but all I get is Loading and nothing else. I couldn’t find any help at the website.

Star Trek Beyond trailer expected to debut with “The Force Awakens”


from the Hollywood Reporter

Nicely done.


What is the best way to get Captain’s Chair to run under Win7? Is there any way to download the videos above to your pc and view offline?

I love that you can actually climb up the Jeffries Tube!!

Good grief, if I see “no bloody A, B, C, or D” one more time I’m going to gouge my eyes out. That stopped being clever a long time ago. Let it rest.

I’m with Mr. Doohan. The Jeffrey’s tube (and Sickbay, lair of my favorite character) were highlights.

This was absolutely amazing. My childhood fantasy of visiting the TOS set has been fufilled! Wouldnt it be amazing if they could crop together the whole ship, like the coridors, engineering and bridge into one continuos tour, being able to ride the turbo lift and all…and filling in the gaps with CG….like CG ceilings and extra sets not yet constructed in real life…like the mess hall, arboretum and shuttle bay.

Star Trek Continues is about to do another crowd sourcing fundraiser. Help, if you can!

I got to visit these sets in person last year and the year before at the last two “Farragut Fests”. Of course, Engineering wasn’t even a twinkle in the eye then, but they had just completed Auxilliary Control ( as featured in “The Doomsday Machine” and “The Way To Eden” ). I was mostly drawn to the Bridge ( although probably unlike most fans, I didn’t spend a lot of my time in the Captain’s chair, but rather at the other Bridge stations ). It was a childhood dream come true just to sit there, face away from the missing sections and allow myself to dream that I was really on a Starship. Hope they will hold open houses again someday.

BTW, did anyone else notice that Captain Kirk ended up with Jeannie’s bottle next to his bed ( next to the Saurian Brandy decanter )? Guess he must have found her after Major Nelson passed away ( well, they are BOTH astronauts, after all ).