After weeks of speculation and rumor, today it was announced that the first trailer for the next installment of the Star Trek franchise will bow on December 18.
The speculation that something was brewing started last month, when STB‘s director Justin Lin intimated that he was burning the midnight oil working on something Trek-related:
Pulling an all-nighter at the cutting room and hooked on Bruce Tea!
— Justin Lin (@trailingjohnson) November 17, 2015
Placing the trailer in front of a film as eagerly anticipated as Star Wars: The Force Awakens is a major coup for Paramount. After keeping unusually quiet about the film, the studio is now making a big a splash as they can as they begin a publicity campaign that will culminate with the film’s release in July.
There’s no word on when the trailer will make it’s web debut, but it’s probably safe to assume it will be on the same day as the theatrical premiere.
Star Trek Beyond hits theaters on July 22, 2016.
Great! I have tickets for Dec 17thj
More likely a short teaser, but anything goes :-)
I bet Idris Elba pops up in the clip.
Amazing. Force Awakens is going to be seen by billions of people.
It’s about the biggest exposure you could give the movie.
Amazing decision.
Should give the film a huge amount of buzz.
! ! ! ! !
…would not be at all surprised if their had been an informal handshake agreement when JJ went to SW for this…
Star Wars box office is the least of my concerns.. Now the Trek trailer is another issue..of a beast!
Excellent move by Paramount.
Makes sense.
I remember buying tickets for the awful Hobbit just for the STID preview.
I already have tickets for Star Wars on the 18th. Hopefully my theater here keeps STB attached.
Isn’t he in a hurry?
he’s a generous man.
Maybe now those who keep complaining about the film’s marketing efforts will take a Valium and relax.
I can already hear the audience booing.
I want to see you discussing Frame by Frame. kkkkkk
@ Prodigal Son. Excellent point! JJ must have made some concessions to Paramount for them to let him go to do SW without too much of a fight.
My birthday is on 17 December. I wonder if there might be some astrological/celestial significance about this…:)
Just saying
Hopefully it’ll be seen in all the different versions of SW:TFA (IMAX, minIMAX, regular, 3-D, non-3-D). T’would be nice to see this trailer on a minIMAX screen instead of my computer or phone screens.
I wish it would be like the first teaser for Star Trek 09 (Enterprise construction) With the Enterprise in orbit over an alien planet with Shatner voice over (To boldly go…..)
Can’t wait to see it!
Klingons were right… revenge is a dish best served cold and its very cold in the Star Trek/Star Wars space. Well played Paramount to capture the largest audience!
But after seeing a trailer for Star Trek, why would anybody want to waste their time sticking around to watch Star Wars?
Beam me up, Obi-Wan, you’re my only hope.
Use the warp, Luke!
OK, I got nothing beyond that.
…I’ll be deployed when STB comes to theatres
Not sure which I’m less interested in: The new Star Wars movie or the new Star Trek movie.
I never cared about Star Wars. But JJ Trek has pretty much soured me. If I wanted a mindless action film, I’d watch Star Wars.
One of Star Trek’s best qualities is that it was a thinking-person’s franchise, with plenty of action and humor. Stargate and Babylon 5 found this excellent balance, too. As much as these shows asked us to suspend belief about the Heisenberg Principle and “other science facts,” they actually got a lot of science right.
More importantly, (prime) Star Trek, Stargate, and Babylon 5 never asked us to suspend belief in humanity.
None of these shows asked us to believe that a crew of career line officers would follow a third-year cadet as captain just because he…did whatever he did with the Nero situation. As portrayed by JJ, Kirk doesn’t have the command experience to qualify as an ensign. Prime Kirk earned his command — JJ Kirk didn’t, and no one would follow him.
Likewise, a third-year cadet wouldn’t be promoted to chief medical officer. And what about Uhura? She was already in the Academy before Kirk started — why hadn’t she graduated before Nero arrived? Isn’t she senior to Kirk? And then there’s 17-year-old Chekov, who appears to be fully commissioned and senior to Kirk, Uhura, and McCoy.
(No one ever explained how Nero’s emergence changed Chekov’s birthdate from 2245 to 2241. But it’s JJ Trek, so who cares? Fire a torpedo through the plot! WHEE!)
The only redeeming quality of JJ Trek is the fantastic music by Michael Giacchino.
So, I guess I’ll buy the Star Trek Beyond soundtrack.
Is this pre-Star Wars trailer a global thing, or just in America?
@Newman – Do you get access to movies over there? I lived on a military base as a kid (obviously not a war zone) and the Army got us the latest films – albeit delayed. Will you get that chance or will you have to wait until you get back?
@EnsignRedshirt – preach on man!
The Kirk thing drove me insane. They just took the military structure out and it was basically whomever wants to be in command gets to be in command. I know not everyone likes “military”, but Meyer gave the formula some much needed structure.
It was so dumbed down in Bad Robot. Just silly.
Why is there a cadet stop over in Iowa? Why were some seemingly active cadets there hanging out and drinking?
And ofcourse, Chekov really bugged me because it was so unnecessary. He should not have been included at all and then by the third film, they could cast him and it would have been a nice little thing to look forward to.
I’m kinda torn.
I want to see the trailer, but I also want to be surprised in July.
I hope it’s more of a TVH type of story. Save the starship battles for Axanar.
This is cool news! :D
Called it!
I may go and see ‘Star Bores’ after all!
# 13. Toonloon – December 7, 2015
” @ Prodigal Son. Excellent point! JJ must have made some concessions to Paramount for them to let him go to do SW without too much of a fight.” — Toonloon
First Look deals do not involve the exclusivity that you as$ume.
#26. TUP – December 7, 2015
” Why is there a cadet stop over in Iowa? Why were some seemingly active cadets there hanging out and drinking?” -TUP
When you have a global society moving things and themselves via transporter around said globe, why wouldn’t cadets go wherever they feel is the coolest watering hole, for whatever reason, on the planet? Maybe the legal drinking age there is 15, or maybe the synthahol movement has made significant encroachment everywhere else? A more interesting question for me was why the MPs, who I assumed were there as part of Captain Pike’s security detail, were apparently drinking [where people were obvioulsy imbibing something that was getting them drunk] on the job?
# 13. Toonloon – December 7, 2015
” @ Prodigal Son. Excellent point! JJ must have made some concessions to Paramount for them to let him go to do SW without too much of a fight.” — Toonloon
First Look deals do not involve the exclusivity that you as$ume.
#26. TUP – December 7, 2015
” Why is there a cadet stop over in Iowa? Why were some seemingly active cadets there hanging out and drinking?” -TUP
When you have a global society moving things and themselves via transporter around said globe, why wouldn’t cadets go wherever they feel is the coolest watering hole, for whatever reason, on the planet? Maybe the legal drinking age there is 15, or maybe the synthahol movement has made significant encroachment everywhere else? A more interesting question for me was why the MPs, who I as$umed were there as part of Captain Pike’s security detail, were apparently drinking [where people were obviously imbibing something that was getting them drunk] on the job?
won’t they release it a little sooner so it can have some water cooler time to itself before star wars.
I figured the MPs were just folks off for the day from protecting the shipyard from Kirk’s unseen bunch of hooligans, who probably just came in from Hoshi station to get some power convertors, and then would grafffitti up the hull of whatever starship was getting .built … on … the.. ground (hard even to type it, let alone thinkit.)
Finally, a reason to see Star Wars;)
Hey Bob, hope all is great with you.
thanks, you, too:)
Thanks and your welcome.
You’re…. (I keep doing that ;^)
# 35. boborci – December 7, 2015
” Finally, a reason to see Star Wars;)” – boborci.
LOL, thanks for that.
I hope you have your pr shields up, with many of the reviewers saying their SW screening will be this next Monday, many are liable to take that as your pre-prescreened mini-review, and JJ has admitted on a few interviews that he has shown it to a select few.
I have not seen the movie or read the script. I know as much as anybody.
Not seeing SW for a few weeks. But I am guessing the trailer (teaser?) will be online within a day or two of opening night.
#41. boborci – December 7, 2015
Good to know, now let’s hope entertainment press and the internet gets that.
Hey Bob,do you know what’s going to be shown in the trailer? Not asking for details, just your thoughts. Hoping it’s worthy!
44. Why spoil a trailer with a berbal trailer of a trailer?;)
Nice move. Bringing ST and SW fans together for Christmas aww!
Hey Bob sorry didn’t want a description. Just got excited about the news hoping you did also!
Disivinted — did you bother to read what I said? I did not say “a First Look deal. I specifically said, “an informal handshake agreement .” An informal understanding.
Sheesh, please don’t misrepresent what I say here.
32. Disinvited – December 7, 2015
# 13. Toonloon – December 7, 2015
” @ Prodigal Son. Excellent point! JJ must have made some concessions to Paramount for them to let him go to do SW without too much of a fight.” — Toonloon
First Look deals do not involve the exclusivity that you as$ume.
@ boborci
You and Alex should do a fifth anniversary (approximately) of you Stars Wars Planking field trip on December 17th — that would be cool!