We are all too familiar with the crewmember doomed to a certain fate who sports a red shirt. We have seen the terrible end for those brave crimson-clad crewmen time and time again. One man has taken this morose trope from the screen and turned it into a reality at the last Emerald City Comic Con (ECCC)!
Tim Adam decided to have some fun and dressed as an ill-fated red shirt at ECCC. He took it a step further by collecting pictures of cosplayers “sending him to his fate,” posing as they “extinguished” him! Great pictures were taken, and fun was had by all.
Like any cosplayer, there is a person behind the creativity and we took a moment to speak with Tim and find out about his fandom and love of Trek. “My parents raised me on Voyager and DS9…those two shows have a lot of nostalgia factor for me.”
But just how did Tim come up with the idea to meet his “death” in every picture? “I was at SakuraCon two weeks before ECCC as a redshirt, when a Zorro cosplayer wanted to get a picture…of him killing me…The idea was met with positive feedback from my group of friends so I decided to dedicate a whole day of ECCC to it.” And dedicate he did! You can find pictures of him being impaled by Star Wars’ nemesis, Count Dooku, uppercut punched by Batman’s evil enemy, Bain, or strangled by the Winter Soldier, and more!
So while Tim’s red shirt character may not survive any con, Tim himself most certainly will and has a lot to look forward to with Trek this year. Tim shared, “I’m planning on seeing Star Trek Beyond in IMAX with my other Trek cosplay friends; I’m really hyped for that. I’m also eager for more details on the new series.”
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See Tim’s full gallery on his facebook page.
Ironically, this illustrates how Star Trek is getting the crap kicked out of it by every other major sci-fi/fantasy/comic book franchise out there. Art imitates life.
The guy in the Batman outfit. How much did he spend putting that costume together, $2.50?
I’m just curious, did it only take “one punch”?
Probably, and it’s brilliant! That costume shows spirit and enthusiasm. I agree, it’s awesome!
Meh. I was hoping to see a red shirt killed in every way depicted in the series and movies …
…And thus your post illustrates why ‘Trek fandom is in the state that it is. We don’t celebrate it, and we take it WAY too seriously.
“cosplayer”? Is that even a word?
Serious or snark? Check out the whole cosplay community. There’s some amazing looks out there.
Nice article. Nice pics.
The Batman picture needs “POW!” in a big yellow spiky balloon.
And of course, he wouldn’t be dead, just knocked out.